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  Wednesday, 13 May 2020
  1 Replies
  768 Visits
Can you tell us a bit about Ali ibn Abi Talib from a Gnostic perspective?
4 years ago
Accepted Answer
As the son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad, Ali ibn Abi Talib became the fourth Caliph and is considered by Shia Muslims as the rightful successor of the Prophet within the Islamic world.

A caliph is a Calif, Calaf, a prince of noble blood amongst the initiates.

"Be thou faithful unto [Divine Mother] death, and I will give thee a crown [כ Kaf] of life [the Rune Laf, the power of sexuality: כ Kaf—​לפ Laf, ​כלפ Calaf].” —​Revelation 2:10

The Hebrew letters כל Kol signify "totality," the All, the wisdom of solar consciousness manifested through the Verb, פ Peh, speech.

Transmute your life energies, לפ Laf, to your head, כ Caf, so as to become a כלפ Caliph, a master of the middle east: Tiphereth.

However, very soon after the dis-incarnation of the Prophet, the Muslims divided and warred amongst themselves.

This is symbolized by the splitting of the Moon, a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad that many interpret literally, yet which constitutes a Kabbalistic and Alchemical mystery.

The splitting of the moon represents the lunar, Islamic religion becoming divided and degenerated. It is terrible and sad that the Muslim initiates degenerated as Hasnamussen, destroying themselves and each other because they could not annihilate mystical pride.

As a result, many of these rebellious bodhisattvas fell and ended up at the end of the sword, both physically and in the hell realms.

Study the course below to understand the symbolism of a Caliph within the opera Turandot.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

4 years ago
Accepted Answer
As the son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad, Ali ibn Abi Talib became the fourth Caliph and is considered by Shia Muslims as the rightful successor of the Prophet within the Islamic world.

A caliph is a Calif, Calaf, a prince of noble blood amongst the initiates.

"Be thou faithful unto [Divine Mother] death, and I will give thee a crown [כ Kaf] of life [the Rune Laf, the power of sexuality: כ Kaf—​לפ Laf, ​כלפ Calaf].” —​Revelation 2:10

The Hebrew letters כל Kol signify "totality," the All, the wisdom of solar consciousness manifested through the Verb, פ Peh, speech.

Transmute your life energies, לפ Laf, to your head, כ Caf, so as to become a כלפ Caliph, a master of the middle east: Tiphereth.

However, very soon after the dis-incarnation of the Prophet, the Muslims divided and warred amongst themselves.

This is symbolized by the splitting of the Moon, a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad that many interpret literally, yet which constitutes a Kabbalistic and Alchemical mystery.

The splitting of the moon represents the lunar, Islamic religion becoming divided and degenerated. It is terrible and sad that the Muslim initiates degenerated as Hasnamussen, destroying themselves and each other because they could not annihilate mystical pride.

As a result, many of these rebellious bodhisattvas fell and ended up at the end of the sword, both physically and in the hell realms.

Study the course below to understand the symbolism of a Caliph within the opera Turandot.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

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