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  Saturday, 18 April 2020
  1 Replies
  553 Visits
A few weeks ago i purchased some black mustard seeds and placed them in the four corners of my bedroom.

A couple of days after that i went to bed and there was a large black spider on the wall above the head of my bed.
This seemed very odd to me as i have had a fear of spiders since i was a child and would dread September as this is when you commonly would see them making themselves visible on walls etc.

I can never remember ever seeing this in springtime which is why it seemed so odd to me.

A few days ago i was reading in Samael Aun Weor's "Esoteric Medicine and Practical Magic" a story about a man who visited his dying Grandmother and when she touched him a large black spider entered into his hand and this told Samael Aun Weor that the guy was a black magician.

Of course this reminded me of the experience i had a few weeks before with the black spider above my bed and i wondered is there any significance to this or was it purely coincidental ?

Also is arachnophobia an irrational fear or an intuitive fear ?
4 years ago
Accepted Answer
Intuition has nothing to do with fear. It is knowing without having to rationalize.

Caution and prudence are virtues of the consciousness, but this has nothing to do with paranoia, anxiety, and fear.

If you have many internal experiences that you are being attacked, then by all means take precautions by conjuring and protecting your home. But in many cases, a spider is just a spider. :)

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

4 years ago
Accepted Answer
Intuition has nothing to do with fear. It is knowing without having to rationalize.

Caution and prudence are virtues of the consciousness, but this has nothing to do with paranoia, anxiety, and fear.

If you have many internal experiences that you are being attacked, then by all means take precautions by conjuring and protecting your home. But in many cases, a spider is just a spider. :)

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

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