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  Tuesday, 17 March 2020
  6 Replies
  1.3K Visits
I know an old baptist man who is very flamboyant, he's clearly homosexual you can here it in his voice and see it in his personality, he loves talking about flamboyant topics like madonna. However his Christian baptist views make him not partake in any homosexual relationships, instead he remains lonely, he doesn't lie to himself and marry a woman that he will not feel right with, he just keeps to himself, goes to church and has an abstinent life. I can see that his suppression of homosexual tendencies is only making him lonely, he's trying best to satisfy god, but he's not being true to himself. I don't believe there's anything wrong with homosexuality, but it makes me sad that they get torn apart by religions/ spiritualist, Samuel definitely made it clear that this was spiritual descension but these people from my perspective seem to be authentic to themselves, not demonically controlled by some evil gay ego.

Babies are born demon free, they are pure without personality and we gain demons/ I's through our life, however often we can detect homosexuality in children at very young ages, do you teachers claim that these children are taking on demonic egos/ personalities or could these children just be genetically born this way. Also this could be an imbalance in feminine/ masculine energy, or it could be wired into them through their environments, but from my perspective it's mostly genetic.
4 years ago
Accepted Answer
Due to many past lives copulating with the same sex, people are born into bodies that are distinctly homosexual, effeminate, lesbian, etc.

Such lustful, homosexual egos always reincorporate in children who have sufficiently developed a new personality.

People are free to believe what they want about homosexuality, lesbianism, gender fluidity, etc. However, no prophet ever taught that such behavior leads out of suffering. In fact, they all indicate that it perpetuates suffering incredibly.

Sadly, humanity mistakes compassion with complacency, that in loving others, we must agree with and condone all of the negative behaviors that make people sick, physically and spiritually.

In Gnosis, we do not hate anyone, yet we do not applaud those actions that go against conscience or the development of the soul.

I have colleagues who are gender fluid, homosexual, lesbian, etc. I respect them and their right to live as they wish, yet I have seen how such sexual behaviors lead to pain. Therefore, it is never something I can condone.
Say, "O disbelievers,

I do not worship what you worship.

Nor are you worshippers of what I worship.

Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship.

Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship.

For you is your religion, and for me is my religion. —Qur’an: Al-Kafirin “The Unbelievers”
As the Prophet taught, “There is no coercion in religion.”

Students become confused how individuals can possess such nobility of character and yet be sexually degenerate, gender fluid, etc. Remember that there is virtue in all beings, including demons like Beelzebub.

Such cases do not validate or vindicate negative sexual behaviors, but rather illustrate how individuals who engage in them still have part of the essence left, which will become totally eclipsed if neglected and ignored.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

4 years ago
Accepted Answer
Due to many past lives copulating with the same sex, people are born into bodies that are distinctly homosexual, effeminate, lesbian, etc.

Such lustful, homosexual egos always reincorporate in children who have sufficiently developed a new personality.

People are free to believe what they want about homosexuality, lesbianism, gender fluidity, etc. However, no prophet ever taught that such behavior leads out of suffering. In fact, they all indicate that it perpetuates suffering incredibly.

Sadly, humanity mistakes compassion with complacency, that in loving others, we must agree with and condone all of the negative behaviors that make people sick, physically and spiritually.

In Gnosis, we do not hate anyone, yet we do not applaud those actions that go against conscience or the development of the soul.

I have colleagues who are gender fluid, homosexual, lesbian, etc. I respect them and their right to live as they wish, yet I have seen how such sexual behaviors lead to pain. Therefore, it is never something I can condone.
Say, "O disbelievers,

I do not worship what you worship.

Nor are you worshippers of what I worship.

Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship.

Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship.

For you is your religion, and for me is my religion. —Qur’an: Al-Kafirin “The Unbelievers”
As the Prophet taught, “There is no coercion in religion.”

Students become confused how individuals can possess such nobility of character and yet be sexually degenerate, gender fluid, etc. Remember that there is virtue in all beings, including demons like Beelzebub.

Such cases do not validate or vindicate negative sexual behaviors, but rather illustrate how individuals who engage in them still have part of the essence left, which will become totally eclipsed if neglected and ignored.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

4 years ago
Greetings. It is timely to see this topic posted, since I was about to inquire about a similar situation.

I just made the acquaintance of a homosexual man. Unlike the man mentioned in Elliott's question, this individual did not see any reason to refrain from having sex with men. To the contrary, he claimed that to do otherwise would go against his nature. What's more, this person, after referring to his many spiritual credentials, claimed that even his guru would not advise against homosexuality, since to do so would be to go against his nature. He also claimed that he chose to be homosexual in this incarnation because this allows him to see the problems of both men and women more clearly, and thus be in a better position to be of service.

I agree with the instructor that people are free to do what they want. And in fact, I liked this person and had no inclination to condemn him. But he sensed that I did not "approve" of his behavior. I simply said that in my tradition, we understand that sexual degeneration - the misuse of the essential creative energy, has led to all of the societal and psychological problems that we observe today. I think I can verify this from my own personal experience, although I wonder how I could do so for the sociological level. I can observe the simultaneity of increasing acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism with the decline of virtue in public culture, but of course this is an association, not patently a causal relationship. And we can observe this correlation in other societies in history, such as Rome. I wonder though, how might we "gnostically" come to the conclusion - and by extension offer as an argument to anyone who cared to hear, that homosexuality and the like is the cause of societal degeneration?
4 years ago
Discussions and polemics have ruined many spiritual schools. When two individuals argue, what they have is pride and arrogance in their mind; both want to demonstrate their boasted superiority to one another, both have Satan enthroned in their mind. We must always respectfully express our concept and allow our listener the freedom to accept or reject our concept. Everybody is free to think as they please and we cannot exercise power over our neighbor’s mind, because that would be black magic. Intellectual discussion is luciferic and demonic.

"If thou canst not make thine own self what thou desireth, how shalt thou be able to fashion another to thine own liking. We are ready to see others made perfect, and yet we do not amend our own shortcomings."
—Thomas à Kempis

4 years ago
Thanks, Jang Mi, for your reply.

To clarify my question, on the individual level, I can confirm - abundantly! - from my own life experience how the misuse of my sexual, creative energy has led me astray. On the scales of society and this root race as a whole though, how might I confirm that sexual degeneration is the cause of destruction? Of course, we can look to history and episodes in the Bible, such as the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, but this would not seem to be a "Gnostic" process, but rather an intellectual and logical one.

I reckon you might simply advise, "Meditate on it," which would be a fine answer. But perhaps Master Samael or some other source has written on this issue?
4 years ago
Society is the extension of the individual. If the individual is covetous, cruel, pitiless, egotistical, etc., then the society will be likewise. It is necessary to be sincere with oneself. Each one of us is a degenerate; therefore, our society inevitably has to be degenerated.

When we deeply understand how lust, perversion, and ego disrupt our lives and cause unhappiness for ourselves and those around us, then we can comprehend how sexual degeneration affects society as a whole. When we have been consumed by lust, we have acted in harmful, selfish ways and hurt others. Whether this lust is for the same sex or the opposite sex, the stronger it is, the more destructive. When a large group of people act on their identification with lust and desire, this will create large-scale detriment in society. As lust is fed, it leads to greater abuses: more egotism, cruelty, even acts of rape or pedophilia. Obviously, this creates more trauma and suffering in the affected individuals, who then express the disharmonious effects of that pain.

"If thou canst not make thine own self what thou desireth, how shalt thou be able to fashion another to thine own liking. We are ready to see others made perfect, and yet we do not amend our own shortcomings."
—Thomas à Kempis

4 years ago
Thank you.
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