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  Monday, 27 August 2012
  1 Replies
  2.4K Visits

I fasted for the Holy Month of Ramadaan. and I learend a lot about my self in the process. For instance, while fasting I discovered how much time I use to eat on a daily basis when I'm not fasting. I spend to much time eating. Fasting allowed me to really taste the food and appreciate it more. I could taste the flavors in the food. I thought about A number of my faults came to the suface and there was no way to escape facing them. Being too lazy to read the scriptures, too sleepy to meditate, and becoming more conscious of the junk food that I ate.. By fasting I became more sensitive and aware towards others who do not have much food to eat on a daily basis. I also learned that it takes about 20-30 days to formulate a new habit and possibly beak a old habit. Now, sticking to a good habit that you have formulated, is the hard part.:p

Fasting cleared up my complexion and I lost a couple of pounds.:o At the same time, it's amazing how the stomach begins to shrink after a while so it adjust to the situation. It was challenging to say the least I had to wake up in the middle of the night to drink water and so i spent half of the night going to the bathroom. I was tired when I had to go to work the next day and my brain was not always clear. There were so many times that "I" felt I could not make it.. I wanted to find an excuse from somewhere, .... but i couldn't fake it, I couldn't pretend... or admit that I was simply lacking will power.... so I persevered .. I also questioned myself and wondered if that too was my ego working...;) in progress..... Seriously... I was challenged in evey way possible.

When you start to think about eating or smell something delicious to eat, the brain also sends signals to the stomach letting you know that something is on the way... before you know it, your mouth starts to salivate... :pI never payed too much attention to all these details before... I also meditated, and recited mantras a little more... not eating cleared up more time for me.

All in all, I think I should develop the habit of fasting at least twice a week. I have a long way to go and my fight is not over yet by a long shot. I did feel good about the small accomplishments that I made along the way. Exercising charity, my own discipline, and facing up to my lack of will-power.
So I continue to work as long as I am blessed with a chance to work on myself and change.

I am grateful for all the challenges that I have and continue to face as they contain several lessons for me in my life at this moment.

~May all beings be joyful
11 years ago
Accepted Answer
We are glad to hear of your progress and discipline in maintaining your temple. We will state, however, that fasting regularly might not be healthy due to the necessity of fulfilling one's obligations throughout a given week, since one needs the appropriate amount of energy in order to subsist with a job and a busy life. It is good, however, to fast periodically in order to cleanse the body and give your physical body a break, but only when you do not have jobs or strenuous work to fulfill. If you have a month off of work and time to dedicate to meditation, fasting is the way to go! :)

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

11 years ago
Accepted Answer
We are glad to hear of your progress and discipline in maintaining your temple. We will state, however, that fasting regularly might not be healthy due to the necessity of fulfilling one's obligations throughout a given week, since one needs the appropriate amount of energy in order to subsist with a job and a busy life. It is good, however, to fast periodically in order to cleanse the body and give your physical body a break, but only when you do not have jobs or strenuous work to fulfill. If you have a month off of work and time to dedicate to meditation, fasting is the way to go! :)

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

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