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  Saturday, 11 May 2019
  4 Replies
  738 Visits
I hope someone can clarify these few questions:
1. Fallen Bodhisattva, who comes back to path, re-conquers 5 Major Mysteries, can choose afterwards Spiral Path or not? If so he stops being Bodhisattva?
2. Regarding new dawn of upcomming root race, those who are on Spiral Path will be granted permission to have bodies (to live) in that new race?
3. Soul being on Spiral Path has less chance of falling or not?
4. Sould that entered Spiral Path can later on change it's "mind" and re-enter into Direct Path?
That should be all.
Thank you in advance.
5 years ago
Accepted Answer
From my understanding, bodhisattvas cannot walk the spiral path in the long term. They might try to deny their birthright and take the spiral path if they've risen again, but the reality is that, due to their prior commitment, they must inevitably return to the direct path and will be called to account for it.

Samael Aun Weor was also being tested. Any bodhisattva who rises again is given this choice again, to really see whether or not they are serious about returning back to the Father.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

5 years ago
You speak words of truth.
Indeed I would not see myself in any other position.
Thank you for clearing my doubts.
It is indeed a test. A test like many other tests.
5 years ago
Accepted Answer
From my understanding, bodhisattvas cannot walk the spiral path in the long term. They might try to deny their birthright and take the spiral path if they've risen again, but the reality is that, due to their prior commitment, they must inevitably return to the direct path and will be called to account for it.

Samael Aun Weor was also being tested. Any bodhisattva who rises again is given this choice again, to really see whether or not they are serious about returning back to the Father.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

5 years ago
Thank you for your answers.
There is one more question regarding No. 1 answer. If I remember correctly Master Samael after 5th initiation was provided with a choice between Spiral and Direct path. Although he chose Direct path, but he could choose Spiral Path nonetheless. Master Samael was fallen bodhisattva and yet after reconquaring initiations he could choose path. Or was it just an illusion for him to check his determination?
5 years ago
1. The incarnation of Christ is a serious and eternal commitment. Fallen bodhisattvas are always given opportunities to return to divinity, since due to their previous union with Christ, they are submitted to the superior law of Katancia. Such individuals can never go to the spiral path, because Christ is far beyond the happiness of gods in Nirvana.

2. The only beings who will be allowed to participate in the Koradi root race are those who have no ego.

3. Nirvani buddhas enter into periods of activity and repose. In many cases, such initiates return to a new body and fall easily, because they still have a lot of ego. Many repeat this cycle of falling, re-entering initiation, and returning to the spiral path.

4. Nirvanis can always enter the direct path if it is the will of the Father. But Bodhisattvas cannot take the spiral path, since they already committed themselves to Christ.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

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