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  Monday, 09 July 2018
  1 Replies
  558 Visits
Greetings Instructors. I have a relatively simple question that's been on my mind for a while now. Is turkey meat inherently degenerative? In The Aquarian Message, Master Samael states that Jezebel is symbolized by the turkey and the pig. Coincidental correlation?

Thank you for the help.
5 years ago
Accepted Answer
I have never known anyone in this movement who had a nocturnal pollution after eating turkey. But pig, absolutely.

Generally speaking, devolving animals have their faces towards the ground. Like the pig. However, there are exceptions.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

5 years ago
Accepted Answer
I have never known anyone in this movement who had a nocturnal pollution after eating turkey. But pig, absolutely.

Generally speaking, devolving animals have their faces towards the ground. Like the pig. However, there are exceptions.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

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