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  Sunday, 15 July 2012
  1 Replies
  2.4K Visits
What is a female equivalent of "orgasm without ejaculation"? What techniques are known in gnosis for female?

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12 years ago
Accepted Answer
We do not teach such things, since the orgasm is harmful to the body, mind, and spirit. We teach upright sexuality, which dedicates the totality of the sexual forces towards regeneration.

Unfortunately, women, like men, lose the divine forces when they commit the error of reaching that which is called "orgasm" or "spasm" in organic biology. Furthermore, if in these instants the woman teaches the man the necessity of being "continent," if instead of reaching the final consummation of immense passion she has the valor to restrain the animal impulse, to avoid that which in organic physiology, or biology, is termed "orgasm" or "spasm,” he could retain those mystical forces of the Third Logos, of Mahachoan, of the Hindustani Shiva. With such subtle forces, she will be able to create within herself something different. She will be able to convert herself into a victor. She will pass to an extraordinary level of Being. She will never again have misery or pain, for her there will be no suffering. Many faculties will emerge in all of her organism; she will be completely different. A woman thus transformed by her own creative energies would be able to transform man and transform the world, because woman has a unique power: to form beings in her own womb.

The feminine seminal fluid is crystalline; we are able to designate it also "vitreous liquid, flexible, malleable." It does not carry, naturally, millions of zoosperms, as in the definite case in the man, but it carries vital principles: hormones, forces, and extraordinary substances. There is no doubt that the woman, with the orgasm, loses incalculable riches: calories, Prana, Sexual Hydrogen SI-12, with which it is possible to create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

12 years ago
Accepted Answer
We do not teach such things, since the orgasm is harmful to the body, mind, and spirit. We teach upright sexuality, which dedicates the totality of the sexual forces towards regeneration.

Unfortunately, women, like men, lose the divine forces when they commit the error of reaching that which is called "orgasm" or "spasm" in organic biology. Furthermore, if in these instants the woman teaches the man the necessity of being "continent," if instead of reaching the final consummation of immense passion she has the valor to restrain the animal impulse, to avoid that which in organic physiology, or biology, is termed "orgasm" or "spasm,” he could retain those mystical forces of the Third Logos, of Mahachoan, of the Hindustani Shiva. With such subtle forces, she will be able to create within herself something different. She will be able to convert herself into a victor. She will pass to an extraordinary level of Being. She will never again have misery or pain, for her there will be no suffering. Many faculties will emerge in all of her organism; she will be completely different. A woman thus transformed by her own creative energies would be able to transform man and transform the world, because woman has a unique power: to form beings in her own womb.

The feminine seminal fluid is crystalline; we are able to designate it also "vitreous liquid, flexible, malleable." It does not carry, naturally, millions of zoosperms, as in the definite case in the man, but it carries vital principles: hormones, forces, and extraordinary substances. There is no doubt that the woman, with the orgasm, loses incalculable riches: calories, Prana, Sexual Hydrogen SI-12, with which it is possible to create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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