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  Friday, 06 July 2012
  2 Replies
  3.8K Visits
The illuminati are evil people who practice black tantra from what I've heard. I read that they have made a machine that is a pineal gland. This means they now can go into the Astral and travel through time. I would like to know the instructors view on this, what do you guys think can happen? Is it maybe part of what has to happen in this era of Aquarious? By the way to all you students reading this I highly recommend Tarot and Kabbalah by Samael Aun Weor. Really really, REALLY good book that explains throughly the arcanum A.Z.F. Viva el Christo!

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12 years ago
Accepted Answer
That popular theory about "the Illuminati" is garbage that ignorant people are inventing and adding to, because they are fearful and asleep. This bunch of putrid ideas is being supported and spread by those whom it benefits: the "real" so-called Illuminati, who want humanity to be afraid, angry, etc. These people have many powers, including easily travelling in the astral plane, and do not need machines to do it. They acquire this power through black tantra (indulgence in lust) and by manipulating ignorant people who easily become fascinated by fear, lust, anger, etc.

That theory about "Illuminati" was designed to hide the real conspiracy, which is far more deceptive and painful.

The fact is that humanity—even the conspiracy theorists—love and worship the actual Illuminati, and will defend them to the death. Humanity will never accept that the objects of their affection are manipulating them.

Read The Revolution of Beelzebub.

"We must be careful of the nourishment that the mind receives, careful with newspapers, television, and movies. We must verbally and mentally transmute the seed with sepulchral offerings. In other words, we must not nourish ourselves with refuse, because this is worthless. Bad literature, bad movies, bad television, bad words, are rotten for the mind." - Samael Aun Weor, Tarot & Kabbalah

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

12 years ago
Accepted Answer
That popular theory about "the Illuminati" is garbage that ignorant people are inventing and adding to, because they are fearful and asleep. This bunch of putrid ideas is being supported and spread by those whom it benefits: the "real" so-called Illuminati, who want humanity to be afraid, angry, etc. These people have many powers, including easily travelling in the astral plane, and do not need machines to do it. They acquire this power through black tantra (indulgence in lust) and by manipulating ignorant people who easily become fascinated by fear, lust, anger, etc.

That theory about "Illuminati" was designed to hide the real conspiracy, which is far more deceptive and painful.

The fact is that humanity—even the conspiracy theorists—love and worship the actual Illuminati, and will defend them to the death. Humanity will never accept that the objects of their affection are manipulating them.

Read The Revolution of Beelzebub.

"We must be careful of the nourishment that the mind receives, careful with newspapers, television, and movies. We must verbally and mentally transmute the seed with sepulchral offerings. In other words, we must not nourish ourselves with refuse, because this is worthless. Bad literature, bad movies, bad television, bad words, are rotten for the mind." - Samael Aun Weor, Tarot & Kabbalah

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

12 years ago
Will do master Mathew Thomas, it will be my next book after Tarot & Kabbalah. Thank you for your answer.

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