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  Thursday, 10 May 2018
  2 Replies
  699 Visits
Dear Instructor,
Please I have a question about friendship. The friends that I have and communicate from time to time are comfortable with being asleep, I even have one colleague that have studied the gnostic teachings for an year, and she doens't want to stop fornication, so she left. My question is, is that selfish of me, to walk away from this kind of friends from my past? I really don't feel comfortable and don't want to hang out with some of us that are not willing to change this condition of suffering. For ex this friend of mine, always come to the conversation that why she doen't want to keep the way and why she thinks is not real. I have a very strong will, and all my life I have searched and as being ignorante, I have found that I was being teach by the black magicians, so I always left the studies and continued the search. But now is different, it is like a veil has being taken form my eyes, and I understand very clearly what gnostic teachings are all about, and that is the path I am taking with consciously. I am willing to work with the hard rock in myself. So, is it to cold, or selfish of me to cut out this past relationship that may damage this seed of Light that is growing inside me?
Thank you very much.
Accepted Answer
“Gregarious conduct is a tendency that the human machine allows. This tendency is to ally itself with other human machines without distinction or control of any type. […]

“When one opens the doors to negative impressions, one not only alters the order of the emotional center which is in the heart, but moreover one makes this center negative. For example, if somebody we know is filled with anger because another person hurt him, we open our doors to those impressions and end up taking the side of our friend and feeling animosity towards the one who hurt him. We too become filled with anger, without even having played a part in the matter.

“Let us suppose that one opens the doors to a negative impression of a drunkard; one then ends up accepting a drink, then another, and another, and so forth. In conclusion, one ends up being a drunkard too.

“Let us suppose that one opens the doors to the negative impressions of a person of the opposite sex; most likely, one ends up fornicating and committing all types of transgressions.

“If we open the doors to the negative impressions of a drug addict, then maybe we will end up smoking marijuana or consuming some type of intoxicants. As a conclusion, failure will come.

“Thus, this is the way that human beings infect each other within their negative atmospheres. Thieves alter other people into becoming thieves. Murderers infect someone else. Drug addicts infect other people. This is how drug addicts, thieves, usurers, murderers, etc., multiply. Why? Because we commit the error of always opening our doors to negative emotions and this is never right. Therefore, let us select our emotions.

“If someone brings us positive emotions of light, beauty, harmony, happiness, love, and perfection, then let us open the doors of our heart to him. But if someone brings us negative emotions of hate, violence, jealousy, drugs, alcohol, Fornication and Adultery, why should we open the doors of our heart to him? Let us close them! Close the doors to all negative emotions.

“When one reflects on gregarious conduct, one can modify it perfectly and make something better out of life.” - Samael Aun Weor, The Revolution of the Dialectic

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Accepted Answer
“Gregarious conduct is a tendency that the human machine allows. This tendency is to ally itself with other human machines without distinction or control of any type. […]

“When one opens the doors to negative impressions, one not only alters the order of the emotional center which is in the heart, but moreover one makes this center negative. For example, if somebody we know is filled with anger because another person hurt him, we open our doors to those impressions and end up taking the side of our friend and feeling animosity towards the one who hurt him. We too become filled with anger, without even having played a part in the matter.

“Let us suppose that one opens the doors to a negative impression of a drunkard; one then ends up accepting a drink, then another, and another, and so forth. In conclusion, one ends up being a drunkard too.

“Let us suppose that one opens the doors to the negative impressions of a person of the opposite sex; most likely, one ends up fornicating and committing all types of transgressions.

“If we open the doors to the negative impressions of a drug addict, then maybe we will end up smoking marijuana or consuming some type of intoxicants. As a conclusion, failure will come.

“Thus, this is the way that human beings infect each other within their negative atmospheres. Thieves alter other people into becoming thieves. Murderers infect someone else. Drug addicts infect other people. This is how drug addicts, thieves, usurers, murderers, etc., multiply. Why? Because we commit the error of always opening our doors to negative emotions and this is never right. Therefore, let us select our emotions.

“If someone brings us positive emotions of light, beauty, harmony, happiness, love, and perfection, then let us open the doors of our heart to him. But if someone brings us negative emotions of hate, violence, jealousy, drugs, alcohol, Fornication and Adultery, why should we open the doors of our heart to him? Let us close them! Close the doors to all negative emotions.

“When one reflects on gregarious conduct, one can modify it perfectly and make something better out of life.” - Samael Aun Weor, The Revolution of the Dialectic

If you find our resources useful and want others to benefit as well, make a donation to Glorian Publishing. Every donation makes a difference.

6 years ago
Thank you.
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