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  Wednesday, 14 March 2018
  1 Replies
  576 Visits
What is the main purpose behind Astral Projection, and why is it so hard to do, i have heard that some can do it as if a person turns off and on a light switch. Is it through the Astral realm that we find our divine self, or is it somthing that just happens.....where is the starting point in your teachings ..... Where to start with your teachings.....i feel like i have been lied to for a long time.....i have so many questions.....
6 years ago
Accepted Answer
The starting point is 'here and now'. Become conscious of your experience. The basis of our doctrine is the consciousness.

Astral Projection happens every night, to everyone. We are simply too unconscious to remember it happening. We just need to wake up - we need to awaken our consciousness.

The point is, we are already existing in that dimension but we do not have cognizance of it. Because of this, we suffer. It is better to not suffer, so, we should awaken our consciousness to know all the dimensions of our Being.
6 years ago
Accepted Answer
The starting point is 'here and now'. Become conscious of your experience. The basis of our doctrine is the consciousness.

Astral Projection happens every night, to everyone. We are simply too unconscious to remember it happening. We just need to wake up - we need to awaken our consciousness.

The point is, we are already existing in that dimension but we do not have cognizance of it. Because of this, we suffer. It is better to not suffer, so, we should awaken our consciousness to know all the dimensions of our Being.
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