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  Friday, 23 December 2011
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We are truly grateful that the Gnostic Teachings and Traditions have been made openly public by the Supreme efforts of Samael Aun Weor and carried on by his students to this potentially wonderful humanity that we may experience, know Truth.

We have all been given such a beautiful precious gift. To receive such a gift as this we know that we are all so very much loved. We are a cosmic family and family is always there for one another helping, sacrificing, providing, giving and sharing. We all give what we actually possess and these teachings teach us how to obtain that which we may not yet possess and to strengthen that which we do possess. We can never give what we don’t possess, whether it be love, gratitude, charity, selflessness, faith, diligence, honesty, patience, forgiveness etc., but we all possess the potential for these attributes. The Gnostic Teachings and Traditions show us the way for their development. Through our patience and faith in He who is in Secret we possess everything and lack nothing. For His mystery is forever being weaved by our choices. We ask knowing that we have already received.

Through these teachings of self realization, death, birth, sacrifice we realize, know that we are composed of many. We are our own army, congregation, humanity, world, solar system, universe. We are all composed of the same <a href="/faqs/psychology/1720-what-is-consciousness.html" title="Consciousness is the basis of perception" target="_parent" >consciousness</a>, energy, matter. Everywhere we look, everything is composed of the same substance of the many, just in different stages and degrees of development, but with the same potential. We have the power to turn our potentiality into any creation we so choose by consciously awakening. Through our scientific <a href="/faqs/sex/1664-what-is-chastity.html" title="Chastity means "sexual purity" not avoidance or repression." target="_parent" >chastity</a> and our superior words, thoughts filled with right superior emotion we can turn that potential into something so beautiful and grand, angelic. Through <a href="/faqs/sex/1666-what-is-fornication.html" title="Read a detailed definition of fornication" target="_parent" >fornication</a> and inferior words, thoughts filled with inferior emotions we condemn ourselves becoming demonic. But even a demonic atom created through <a href="/faqs/sex/1666-what-is-fornication.html" title="Read a detailed definition of fornication" target="_parent" >fornication</a> can be transformed into an atom of beauty, an angel by practicing the gift that Samael Aun Weor has presented to us and that Gnostic Teachings is continuing to keep alive to the whole. It is by our words, thoughts, imagination backed by our emotions and actions that we are either condemned or blessed. The word lives in each of us awaiting our awakening of it. This Truth sets us free.

Through our harmony of love and good will we are divinely protected and find peace.

Love God Above All and Thy Neighbor as Thyself.
12 years ago
Things appear when we are ready to see them.
Every cell is it’s own person.
Water crystallizes according to the vibration of the word.
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