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  Sunday, 24 June 2012
  1 Replies
  2.5K Visits
Certainly and obviously there are a lot of foundations for this work. Ethics being a huge one. This ain't happening without ethics.

But more specifically, we need something constant to keep us on the path. As for remembering death, I've been inconsistent with it. "I am going to die", and I contemplate that for a while. But there is nothing consistent about it.

I guess the whole glue that holds the entire work together is mantras, is it not? If one is self observing, they are going to get distracted, then everything is going to be forgotten.

At least with a specific mantra, you remember you have to be saying the words and clinging to that like a piece of driftwood in the stormy sea of your mind.

So at least to me, this is essential. But what else do you find, to you, is really essential?

For me, another thing would be something like Viparita Karani Mudra meditation. It is that important to me. I need to get fuel for my consciousness immediately or I'll be off.

Is there anything else that can be said about this? My mind is constantly hypnotizing me and confusing me, it is very dangerous, but with the little room to move I've considered that transmuting and mantralization are the big ways to cling onto the path. At least when I stick with that, there is more room to move.
11 years ago
Accepted Answer
Yesod in Hebrew literally means "Foundation." The symbol of this Sephirah on the Kabbbalistic Tree of Life is a pair of slippers. This is why Dorothy in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz treds the narrow path of the razor's edge, the golden brick road of knowledge, with the silver slippers of Hermes (which are ruby red in the film adaptation and bear the same significance).

Without transmutation we do not walk the path. Once we have laid the foundation through protecting and conserving our sexual energy, we then have to utilize it in the right way. This shares the same roots as ethics, since without ethics, we cannot achieve progress.

This is why in the sacraments of the Gnostic Church, Baptism comes first. Without baptism through the waters of life, our seminal energy, we cannot move forward.

Next comes Penance, or work on the ego. We cannot work to kill the beast if we have no spiritual fuel.

All these factors go hand in hand. Without energy, you cannot work. Without work, you will have no energy, since it will be squandered through malicious use. Mantras are particularly effective for controlling the mind, but only if you live an upright life, meaning that you do not fornicate and waste your energies in stupid ways.

Do not be discouraged. Recognition of your mental state is how you will progress. Most people never realize that their are hypnotized. Now that you know, you are doing better, since without recognition of your internal state, you cannot change where you are at. Small steps. :)

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

11 years ago
Accepted Answer
Yesod in Hebrew literally means "Foundation." The symbol of this Sephirah on the Kabbbalistic Tree of Life is a pair of slippers. This is why Dorothy in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz treds the narrow path of the razor's edge, the golden brick road of knowledge, with the silver slippers of Hermes (which are ruby red in the film adaptation and bear the same significance).

Without transmutation we do not walk the path. Once we have laid the foundation through protecting and conserving our sexual energy, we then have to utilize it in the right way. This shares the same roots as ethics, since without ethics, we cannot achieve progress.

This is why in the sacraments of the Gnostic Church, Baptism comes first. Without baptism through the waters of life, our seminal energy, we cannot move forward.

Next comes Penance, or work on the ego. We cannot work to kill the beast if we have no spiritual fuel.

All these factors go hand in hand. Without energy, you cannot work. Without work, you will have no energy, since it will be squandered through malicious use. Mantras are particularly effective for controlling the mind, but only if you live an upright life, meaning that you do not fornicate and waste your energies in stupid ways.

Do not be discouraged. Recognition of your mental state is how you will progress. Most people never realize that their are hypnotized. Now that you know, you are doing better, since without recognition of your internal state, you cannot change where you are at. Small steps. :)

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

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