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  Thursday, 23 March 2017
  2 Replies
  1.2K Visits
(Sorry for my poor english speaking)
For years I've been suffering from heavy headaches and insomnia when I try to abandon fornication completely.
It is like my body complains hardly against celibacy, and everytime I really pushed it to the maximum, not fornicating, i experienced a total absence of sleep, reaching to the absurd of not sleeping for 2 days, losing weight and, at the same time, experiencing totally 'mind-blowing' lucid dreams, hearing and seeing very unusual things (stuff I still don't understand completely). Experiences that can be interpreted as jinas or kundalini-related experiences or simply schizophrenic states - I'm not sure.

And I KNOW what Samael Aun Weor says about celibacy, the difference between scientific chastity and mere celibacy, etc
In fact, i think I already read almost ALL the books, over and over, during the last 10 years.

Since I've started to study gnosticism, I've pushed it to this limit (only) 2 times, and on both cases, I guess, I experienced lapses of kundalini awakening (since i was a single celibate) when I wasn't even close from being ready, psychologically, to face it the proper way. I can't describe it in other terms: I've went to the limits of my sanity. I ended up being diagnosed with schizophrenia - on that time -, and suffering a lot for not being able to control myself, my mind, my impulses. I still have some sequels, the headaches are one of them. On the other hand, i think i learned a lo. It is really really sad how I made so many BIG mistakes, hurting myself and those around me at the same time thinking I was being 'revolutionary' and 'living the doctrine of our Lord'.

The thing is. I'm asking you for further instructions on HOW can I remain single, chaste, and not suffer from these health problems, Is there an alternative medicine, exercise, practice or info i could know and prevent it of happening again? I already tried many exercises of sublimation, and they are indispensable but when I start seeing/hearing or just feeling too many things, I do not wish to fall into an abyss of confusion and despair.
I'm sorry, I know it is all EGO's fault and maybe I'm making too much noise about it, I will continue exploring myself consciously, understanding my psychological processes, etc... But any 'feedback' I receive here will be really helpful and meaningful to me, since it is so rare to find someone to talk about this. I'm seeking for some sincere words now. If you people had some words from your own, not from the books, i would appreciate too.

Thank you so much!
Inverential Peace.
7 years ago
Accepted Answer
Since you mentioned that you are schizophrenic, are you currently taking medication? For people with severe mental illness, medication is a tremendous necessity, since the disease has crystallized within the physical brain from the mental plane, the mental body. When the karma of schizophrenia is intense due to the abuse of the mind (Netzach), it manifests in the physical brain, and in most cases requires medication to counteract psychotic symptoms. If you've taken medication and are now off it, schizophrenic symptoms will only be exacerbated and increased, because your bodily and mental chemistry (within the ultra-physiology of the mental body) are affected by the drug and have developed a chemical dependency.

It's important to find medication from a psychologist to address the physical ailment, the material crystallization of the disease. In combination with this, work on the psychological problems in the mind through meditation. You cannot enter the deeper recesses of the mind (Netzach) when you are distracted by psychotic symptoms manifesting in your physical brain (Malkuth). It is impossible. A person overwhelmed by hallucinations in his physical body cannot control the mind in its more subtle levels. To aid you in controlling hallucinations and psychosis, find a medication from a doctor that will give you some balance.

In combination with medical treatment, practice self-observation, transmutation, and meditation. Your practice of introspection can only be empowered through transmutation (the work of Yesod), the mantra S M HON to heal the mental body, runes, sacred rites of rejuvenation, etc. This will help to elevate your mood (Hod), deepen serenity, and allow you to clearly see the contents of your mind. Your mental health and psychological balance can only be ensured through a combination / regimen of effective medication and a lot of transmutation / meditation and death of the ego. Otherwise, you will just get sick again!

Many schizophrenics begin to perceive more of their own egotistical nature after beginning transmutation. This does not signify that transmutation causes schizophrenic symptoms. It indicates that the schizophrenic is becoming more aware of his or her degenerated condition.

Schizophrenic hallucinations are easily controlled through medication, transmuted sexual energy, and meditative discipline. Schizophrenics who lack one or more of these three factors will remain imbalanced.

Let us be clear that Kundalini awakening is not dangerous. Fornication is. Fornication engenders mental health issues. Schizophrenia is infraconsciousness born from the orgasm, not supraconsciousness born from Kundalini. Schizophrenics are hyper-sensitive or hyper-psychic; their faculties of imagination are intense. The problem is that such qualities and capacities for perception are conditioned, inverted, channeled through the ego, constituting subsconsious, unconscious, and infraconscious clairvoyance. Fornication will only strengthen negative clairvoyance (fantasy and schizophrenic perceptions). Therefore people with schizophrenia who continue to fornicate are sure candidates for a mental ward and the cemetery.

Transmutation and an hour of pronouncing the mantra S M HON produces mental stability. Sacred rites of rejuvenation are also powerful for countering mental illness. However, in almost every case, these practices are only effective for schizophrenics in combination with an effective antipsychotic medication. In many cases the damage caused by this illness is too severe; it has materialized in the physical brain. The karma is very intense and painful. Therefore a drug is in most cases very necessary to counteract, as we said, the physical symptoms of the illness.

However, schizophrenic students must work intensely in transmutation and by engaging in creative activities. Healthy, creative activities, such as writing, painting, walking in nature, sculpting, drawing, playing chess, etc., can help to occupy the mind and disempower negative psychological states that oppress one when alone. Regular, moderate exercise is important as well, whether it be swimming, running, weight-lifting, jogging on the treadmill, etc. This will help the physical body to relax more deeply for meditation and can counteract some of the nervous symptoms of schizophrenia.

You can also consider the component of selfless service for people in your condition. When you are healthier, teach others how to become healthy too. In this way you cancel karmic debts and learn to deepen your own health, receiving healing from the masters of medicine. For as Samael Aun Weor wrote in Tarot and Kabbalah regarding Arcanum 5: "A superior law washes away an inferior law." The karma of mental illness is paid when we die to the ego, to fornication, and learn to perform superior actions on behalf of Christ and humanity.

Samael Aun Weor also wrote: "If you want to be healed, heal others." But first you must gain some stability before attempting to guide others.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

7 years ago
Accepted Answer
Since you mentioned that you are schizophrenic, are you currently taking medication? For people with severe mental illness, medication is a tremendous necessity, since the disease has crystallized within the physical brain from the mental plane, the mental body. When the karma of schizophrenia is intense due to the abuse of the mind (Netzach), it manifests in the physical brain, and in most cases requires medication to counteract psychotic symptoms. If you've taken medication and are now off it, schizophrenic symptoms will only be exacerbated and increased, because your bodily and mental chemistry (within the ultra-physiology of the mental body) are affected by the drug and have developed a chemical dependency.

It's important to find medication from a psychologist to address the physical ailment, the material crystallization of the disease. In combination with this, work on the psychological problems in the mind through meditation. You cannot enter the deeper recesses of the mind (Netzach) when you are distracted by psychotic symptoms manifesting in your physical brain (Malkuth). It is impossible. A person overwhelmed by hallucinations in his physical body cannot control the mind in its more subtle levels. To aid you in controlling hallucinations and psychosis, find a medication from a doctor that will give you some balance.

In combination with medical treatment, practice self-observation, transmutation, and meditation. Your practice of introspection can only be empowered through transmutation (the work of Yesod), the mantra S M HON to heal the mental body, runes, sacred rites of rejuvenation, etc. This will help to elevate your mood (Hod), deepen serenity, and allow you to clearly see the contents of your mind. Your mental health and psychological balance can only be ensured through a combination / regimen of effective medication and a lot of transmutation / meditation and death of the ego. Otherwise, you will just get sick again!

Many schizophrenics begin to perceive more of their own egotistical nature after beginning transmutation. This does not signify that transmutation causes schizophrenic symptoms. It indicates that the schizophrenic is becoming more aware of his or her degenerated condition.

Schizophrenic hallucinations are easily controlled through medication, transmuted sexual energy, and meditative discipline. Schizophrenics who lack one or more of these three factors will remain imbalanced.

Let us be clear that Kundalini awakening is not dangerous. Fornication is. Fornication engenders mental health issues. Schizophrenia is infraconsciousness born from the orgasm, not supraconsciousness born from Kundalini. Schizophrenics are hyper-sensitive or hyper-psychic; their faculties of imagination are intense. The problem is that such qualities and capacities for perception are conditioned, inverted, channeled through the ego, constituting subsconsious, unconscious, and infraconscious clairvoyance. Fornication will only strengthen negative clairvoyance (fantasy and schizophrenic perceptions). Therefore people with schizophrenia who continue to fornicate are sure candidates for a mental ward and the cemetery.

Transmutation and an hour of pronouncing the mantra S M HON produces mental stability. Sacred rites of rejuvenation are also powerful for countering mental illness. However, in almost every case, these practices are only effective for schizophrenics in combination with an effective antipsychotic medication. In many cases the damage caused by this illness is too severe; it has materialized in the physical brain. The karma is very intense and painful. Therefore a drug is in most cases very necessary to counteract, as we said, the physical symptoms of the illness.

However, schizophrenic students must work intensely in transmutation and by engaging in creative activities. Healthy, creative activities, such as writing, painting, walking in nature, sculpting, drawing, playing chess, etc., can help to occupy the mind and disempower negative psychological states that oppress one when alone. Regular, moderate exercise is important as well, whether it be swimming, running, weight-lifting, jogging on the treadmill, etc. This will help the physical body to relax more deeply for meditation and can counteract some of the nervous symptoms of schizophrenia.

You can also consider the component of selfless service for people in your condition. When you are healthier, teach others how to become healthy too. In this way you cancel karmic debts and learn to deepen your own health, receiving healing from the masters of medicine. For as Samael Aun Weor wrote in Tarot and Kabbalah regarding Arcanum 5: "A superior law washes away an inferior law." The karma of mental illness is paid when we die to the ego, to fornication, and learn to perform superior actions on behalf of Christ and humanity.

Samael Aun Weor also wrote: "If you want to be healed, heal others." But first you must gain some stability before attempting to guide others.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

7 years ago
Thank you very much for this answer!
I'm not on meds anymore, only got a few symptoms like headache and sometimes hearing voices, but I'll work properly on these practices and activities,
I believe it will fix my problem.
;) Thank you again.
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