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  Tuesday, 28 February 2017
  2 Replies
  538 Visits

when reading the first lecture of this course we read that one much defeat this guardian. Quote:
" When you are going to face the Guardian of the Threshold, the Masters of the Light call unto you, “My brother or my sister, it is the time now. You have to decide. Do you want to follow us? Then you have to defeat the Guardian who is your own ego. We will INVOKE that Guardian – who is your own ego – and you will have to confront him.”
this student has been studying and practicing for 3-5 years....and made the decision in the physical upon reading several texts from the offered lectures that the Gnostic work was a path of great importance, one that had been sought for thru out our life. so now the question ....can this monumental moment of squaring off with one's own particular guardian happen without one being able to recall such an incident ?

thank you
7 years ago
Accepted Answer
When the candidate becomes successful in all the introductory ordeals to the Path, he has the absolute right to enter into the Minor Mysteries. Each of the nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries are attained within the Innermost Consciousness. Thus, if the student has a good memory, he then can bring into his physical brain the memory of those initiations. However, when the candidate’s memory is not good, then the poor neophyte is unaware in the physical world of all that which he learns and receives in the Superior Worlds. Therefore, those who wish to be aware in the physical world of all that happens to them during initiation have to develop their memory. It is urgent that the candidate develop his memory. It is urgent for the candidate to learn how to consciously depart within the Astral Body. It is urgent for the candidate to awake his Consciousness.

Sometimes we do remember but do not realize what the memory is related to. For example, the encounter with the guardian can be like any other nightmare where we face a terrifying monster. Since such dreams are common, we may remember the dream but not realize it was the trial.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

7 years ago
Accepted Answer
When the candidate becomes successful in all the introductory ordeals to the Path, he has the absolute right to enter into the Minor Mysteries. Each of the nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries are attained within the Innermost Consciousness. Thus, if the student has a good memory, he then can bring into his physical brain the memory of those initiations. However, when the candidate’s memory is not good, then the poor neophyte is unaware in the physical world of all that which he learns and receives in the Superior Worlds. Therefore, those who wish to be aware in the physical world of all that happens to them during initiation have to develop their memory. It is urgent that the candidate develop his memory. It is urgent for the candidate to learn how to consciously depart within the Astral Body. It is urgent for the candidate to awake his Consciousness.

Sometimes we do remember but do not realize what the memory is related to. For example, the encounter with the guardian can be like any other nightmare where we face a terrifying monster. Since such dreams are common, we may remember the dream but not realize it was the trial.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

7 years ago
thank you,
one particular nitemare is presenting itself .........there is much to DO!
kind regards.....
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