I am sure everyone has heard a lot of hype surrounding December 21, 2012.
What do the Gnostics have to say about this?
What do the Gnostics have to say about this?
From Alcyone and Negative Emotions:
Great Selection of Souls:
Read all of the links below...
Men and women from other planets are always visiting but they only make themselves seen to those who they wish. They may meet you physically, or in the internal worlds. They help in various ways but they are all spiritually advanced. If, by the "Gnostics" you mean the real Gnostics, the real Initiates, then yes, of course they are in contact with them.
Some people might say that Alcyone is very far, that it is related to the Pleiades and that it has nothing to do with our solar system. It is very appealing to speak in this ignorant manner.
The reality is that the Sun that shines over us forms part of Alcyone; it is the seventh one. It is a sun related to a system of suns which rotate around Alcyone.
Physical matter will become more radioactive, more fluorescent, and this will in some way be helpful for our spiritual work.
It is clear that we must review our daily conduct. We must become more reflective, more careful with our critical judgements, and especially very careful with our negative emotions.
When we are in the very field of psychology, we find many disorders within people.
Everyone is being dragged down by negative emotions, and this is very grave.
There is nothing more harmful for profound internal development than negative emotions.
When you are assaulted by a negative emotion, you must express the best that is possible within you during that event. If a negative emotion has arrived, for instance, a negative emotion of envy that is eating you up, down to the very marrow of your bones, then try and display a very harmonious behavior, not in favor of envy, of course, but in favor of your neighbor’s good.
If an emotion of anger is shaking us up, then speak with an extraordinary sweetness, and instead of being upset with the one that has hurt us, speak well of this one who has offended us. Thus, we will not be hurt internally.
It is not an easy task to express good when one is feeling a negative emotion. But it is only this way that it must be.
If we have an emotion of resentment because someone has been bothering us, then let us speak with love and in favor of the one who has bothered us.
It is clear that we must not remain on the surface. We must eliminate those undesirable psychological elements that from moment to moment produce within us negative emotions of anger, envy, hatred, lust, pride, etc., etc. At the very least, we must eliminate the psychological aggregates that have produced these negative emotions. Thus, we will not be hurt.
Unquestionably, this physical world of forty-eight laws is in the momentum of entering into the rings of Alcyone. So, everyone is being shaken up by negative emotions and nothing could be more contagious than these emotions.
Great Selection of Souls:
We are in this very moment experiencing great events not only in this physical world that we can sense through our five senses but also in the superior worlds. It is very important to understand that the selection of psyches-a work that we are performing and that we have to perform-is something always related with the Consciousness.
In many traditions they talk about the selection of souls that eventually will happen in order to initiate the Golden Age, or the new system of things that will come after catastrophes and many events that will happen in the physical world. So many theories, beliefs, dogmas exist around this topic related with the selection of individuals that will come to inhabit a new Earth, a new planet.
We call that future time "the Golden Age" so we are going to be very specific in order to explain in detail about this selection that is going to happen worldwide. To begin we have to emphasize that this selection that is written in many books, religious books, and that many traditions, philosophies, schools are preaching and waiting for has nothing to do with beliefs.
Yes - this is precisely the main point here: everybody thinks that if we believe in certain doctrines or philosophies then we are going to be participants of the great selection. Sorry to disappoint you, but we, the Gnostics, always base our investigations in our psyche, our soul, our own experiences. We don't like to talk about beliefs; we prefer to experience what we discuss, and since we are talking about the great selection, it is because we want to be selected - but we have to explain in which way this great selection is going to occur and in order to comprehend this we always point at the Tree of Life.
Read all of the links below...
Men and women from other planets are always visiting but they only make themselves seen to those who they wish. They may meet you physically, or in the internal worlds. They help in various ways but they are all spiritually advanced. If, by the "Gnostics" you mean the real Gnostics, the real Initiates, then yes, of course they are in contact with them.
All humanities are born, have their day in the sun, and then die. This humanity is at its twilight. All of the systems, the governments, the world powers, the environment, will continue to collapse. We will reap what has been sown. Years such as 2012, 1999, 2500 are point towards the present time, but the end will not come in one day or year.
The Secret Doctrine of Anahuac by Samael Aun Weor:
Audience: What would you say to someone that says some of this sounds like scare tactics in terms of the catastrophe that we always talk about, like the external catastrophes. What differentiates us from any other group that traps souls by catastrophes?
Instructor: If you go to the doctor and the doctor tells you that you have cancer and you have two weeks to live, would you accuse him of scare tactics or would you be glad that he told you the truth? A lot of people would get mad at the doctor and leave, “I’m going to go get another opinion.” The same happens here. We do not want the truth. We want to be comforted.
The doctor may not know exactly how long you have to live, but the doctor is skilled and educated to know that you have cancer and that it is killing you. Yet, most people do not want to hear it.
We teach that humanity is facing the end of a cycle. This race will die and that everything that exists on this planet will cease to be. This is a fact and anyone who awakens Consciousness can confirm it. There are other groups that teach similar things. You always hear prophecies like “the world is going to end in 2012,” in relation to the Mayan calendar and all these different theories that you hear about. But the difference is that through the Gnostic Church you can learn how to come out the other side, to not just be a victim, but to conquer. That is the difference: we teach how to survive the end.
Part of what we teach in Gnosis is that in the midst of the greatest adversity is the greatest potential for change. This is a key in Buddhism as well. This is why the higher teachings, those that really grasp the depths of the knowledge, teach you that the peaceful moments in life are poison for the Consciousness. To escape from reality, to go hide in the woods, is actually bad for you. How are you going to see your ego if you are isolated from that which stimulates it? If you do not see your ego, you cannot free yourself from it.
Right now, there is a proliferation of knowledge, such that has never been seen. There is more knowledge available publicly and for free than there ever has been… ever. We now have access to the root texts of every tradition. The secret doctrine in every tradition is reveled. This is because the Gnostic Church is performing extreme unction for this humanity. The spiritual knowledge is the balm that we need in order to save the soul before the body dies.
The Secret Doctrine of Anahuac by Samael Aun Weor:
However, the scholars cannot in any way ignore that in the Bible there is an extended narration of the journey that every great cyclic generation makes.
Humanity is completely ripe for the supreme punishment. The end of this shameful humanity is near.
The Kabbalistic analysis demonstrates that in the numbers two (2), five (5), zero (0), and zero (0), the secret of the great catastrophe is enclosed. Whosoever has understanding, let him understand for there is wisdom therein.
Unfortunately, people do not know how to comprehend the profound meaning of certain Kabbalistic numbers. Lamentably, they interpret everything literally.
We must wait in cold blood for the supreme hour of punishment for many and of martyrdom for others.
Do you know of the Pleiadians? The first time I ever heard of "2012" and the changes that are associated around this time was from a man who said he was from Pleiades. I never met anyone like him in my life and I truly believe he was the "real deal".
In my early twenties, I was very confused, depressed, and alone. I remember driving in my car one day to return some books to the library. I was very upset and crying. I prayed for God to please send me some guidance.
As I was walking to the library, an acquaintance that I hardly knew was walking the other direction towards me and as we met she introduced me to a man who was already sitting in front of the library (like he was waiting for me there). She told me that she had been wanting me to meet this man and coincidentally we all arrived there at precisely the right time (it was very odd). Anyway, she went on with her business and I sat down with this man outside of the library.
He could tell that I was upset even though I told him I was fine. He put his hands on my shoulders and I immediately started feeling calm. This was all very strange for me... A man I just met had his hands on me in just under a minute...but it felt right for some reason...I guess because of the timing of everything, I trusted him.
He then asked me what I was doing here (talking abut the library). I told him I was returning books of course (books on different types of religions)... which he flipped through quickly and then said, "what you are looking for is not in the library". I thought this was kind of funny since he was sitting on the window ledge of the library when we first met.
So I returned my books and he asked me if I would like to have a cup of tea. We did so, then as I gained more trust in him, I invited him to my home in order to meet my roommates. When we arrived to my house, he refused to stay there until we cleaned everything up. The house I lived in at this time, was a bit of a madhouse; full of all kinds of characters that came and went...so it was difficult to keep clean. He helped me to clean the house and then we prepared dinner together.
By that time my roommates had arrived. One of my roommates was very shocked when he saw this man because he had already met him before in the park. I then remembered that my roommate was telling me earlier that week that he met this "very interesting man" and that he wanted us to meet...and this same man now stood in our living room (another bizarre coincidence).
At first this man just seemed very kind and generous...but after the third time we were all together, he slowly began revealing his true nature. He talked about 2012, the Family of Light, and what is to become of this planet and it's inhabitants. He talked about how we must awaken ourselves if we want to make the planetary transition. He said that for every child of the darkness, is born a child of the light and to overcome the darkness, we must fill ourselves with love and light constantly. He never once spoke of any religious doctrine.
He said that he looks into the sun every morning and that we must always picture a bright light in side of our entire being without being distracted by the darkness. He proceeded to show us these energy mounds on the palms of his hands, the bottom of his feet, the crown of his head, and his solar plexus. He said it was the light that created these places on his body. He later told me that he was from Pleiades and that he was on a mission to help spread these messages all over the world in order to prepare us for what is to come.
All this took place in a couple of weeks time and then we never saw him again. I always imagine that we will meet again at some random place at the right time.
Anyway, what can you tell me us of the Pleiadians? And furthermore, are the Gnostics in constant communication with aliens?...and if so, can you help me to be so as well?
In my early twenties, I was very confused, depressed, and alone. I remember driving in my car one day to return some books to the library. I was very upset and crying. I prayed for God to please send me some guidance.
As I was walking to the library, an acquaintance that I hardly knew was walking the other direction towards me and as we met she introduced me to a man who was already sitting in front of the library (like he was waiting for me there). She told me that she had been wanting me to meet this man and coincidentally we all arrived there at precisely the right time (it was very odd). Anyway, she went on with her business and I sat down with this man outside of the library.
He could tell that I was upset even though I told him I was fine. He put his hands on my shoulders and I immediately started feeling calm. This was all very strange for me... A man I just met had his hands on me in just under a minute...but it felt right for some reason...I guess because of the timing of everything, I trusted him.
He then asked me what I was doing here (talking abut the library). I told him I was returning books of course (books on different types of religions)... which he flipped through quickly and then said, "what you are looking for is not in the library". I thought this was kind of funny since he was sitting on the window ledge of the library when we first met.
So I returned my books and he asked me if I would like to have a cup of tea. We did so, then as I gained more trust in him, I invited him to my home in order to meet my roommates. When we arrived to my house, he refused to stay there until we cleaned everything up. The house I lived in at this time, was a bit of a madhouse; full of all kinds of characters that came and went...so it was difficult to keep clean. He helped me to clean the house and then we prepared dinner together.
By that time my roommates had arrived. One of my roommates was very shocked when he saw this man because he had already met him before in the park. I then remembered that my roommate was telling me earlier that week that he met this "very interesting man" and that he wanted us to meet...and this same man now stood in our living room (another bizarre coincidence).
At first this man just seemed very kind and generous...but after the third time we were all together, he slowly began revealing his true nature. He talked about 2012, the Family of Light, and what is to become of this planet and it's inhabitants. He talked about how we must awaken ourselves if we want to make the planetary transition. He said that for every child of the darkness, is born a child of the light and to overcome the darkness, we must fill ourselves with love and light constantly. He never once spoke of any religious doctrine.
He said that he looks into the sun every morning and that we must always picture a bright light in side of our entire being without being distracted by the darkness. He proceeded to show us these energy mounds on the palms of his hands, the bottom of his feet, the crown of his head, and his solar plexus. He said it was the light that created these places on his body. He later told me that he was from Pleiades and that he was on a mission to help spread these messages all over the world in order to prepare us for what is to come.
All this took place in a couple of weeks time and then we never saw him again. I always imagine that we will meet again at some random place at the right time.
Anyway, what can you tell me us of the Pleiadians? And furthermore, are the Gnostics in constant communication with aliens?...and if so, can you help me to be so as well?
From Alcyone and Negative Emotions:
Great Selection of Souls:
Read all of the links below...
Men and women from other planets are always visiting but they only make themselves seen to those who they wish. They may meet you physically, or in the internal worlds. They help in various ways but they are all spiritually advanced. If, by the "Gnostics" you mean the real Gnostics, the real Initiates, then yes, of course they are in contact with them.
Some people might say that Alcyone is very far, that it is related to the Pleiades and that it has nothing to do with our solar system. It is very appealing to speak in this ignorant manner.
The reality is that the Sun that shines over us forms part of Alcyone; it is the seventh one. It is a sun related to a system of suns which rotate around Alcyone.
Physical matter will become more radioactive, more fluorescent, and this will in some way be helpful for our spiritual work.
It is clear that we must review our daily conduct. We must become more reflective, more careful with our critical judgements, and especially very careful with our negative emotions.
When we are in the very field of psychology, we find many disorders within people.
Everyone is being dragged down by negative emotions, and this is very grave.
There is nothing more harmful for profound internal development than negative emotions.
When you are assaulted by a negative emotion, you must express the best that is possible within you during that event. If a negative emotion has arrived, for instance, a negative emotion of envy that is eating you up, down to the very marrow of your bones, then try and display a very harmonious behavior, not in favor of envy, of course, but in favor of your neighbor’s good.
If an emotion of anger is shaking us up, then speak with an extraordinary sweetness, and instead of being upset with the one that has hurt us, speak well of this one who has offended us. Thus, we will not be hurt internally.
It is not an easy task to express good when one is feeling a negative emotion. But it is only this way that it must be.
If we have an emotion of resentment because someone has been bothering us, then let us speak with love and in favor of the one who has bothered us.
It is clear that we must not remain on the surface. We must eliminate those undesirable psychological elements that from moment to moment produce within us negative emotions of anger, envy, hatred, lust, pride, etc., etc. At the very least, we must eliminate the psychological aggregates that have produced these negative emotions. Thus, we will not be hurt.
Unquestionably, this physical world of forty-eight laws is in the momentum of entering into the rings of Alcyone. So, everyone is being shaken up by negative emotions and nothing could be more contagious than these emotions.
Great Selection of Souls:
We are in this very moment experiencing great events not only in this physical world that we can sense through our five senses but also in the superior worlds. It is very important to understand that the selection of psyches-a work that we are performing and that we have to perform-is something always related with the Consciousness.
In many traditions they talk about the selection of souls that eventually will happen in order to initiate the Golden Age, or the new system of things that will come after catastrophes and many events that will happen in the physical world. So many theories, beliefs, dogmas exist around this topic related with the selection of individuals that will come to inhabit a new Earth, a new planet.
We call that future time "the Golden Age" so we are going to be very specific in order to explain in detail about this selection that is going to happen worldwide. To begin we have to emphasize that this selection that is written in many books, religious books, and that many traditions, philosophies, schools are preaching and waiting for has nothing to do with beliefs.
Yes - this is precisely the main point here: everybody thinks that if we believe in certain doctrines or philosophies then we are going to be participants of the great selection. Sorry to disappoint you, but we, the Gnostics, always base our investigations in our psyche, our soul, our own experiences. We don't like to talk about beliefs; we prefer to experience what we discuss, and since we are talking about the great selection, it is because we want to be selected - but we have to explain in which way this great selection is going to occur and in order to comprehend this we always point at the Tree of Life.
Read all of the links below...
Men and women from other planets are always visiting but they only make themselves seen to those who they wish. They may meet you physically, or in the internal worlds. They help in various ways but they are all spiritually advanced. If, by the "Gnostics" you mean the real Gnostics, the real Initiates, then yes, of course they are in contact with them.
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