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  Monday, 09 January 2017
  3 Replies
  566 Visits
Dear Teacher,

I read in one lecture, that Beethoven Symphonies are describing each sphere of The Tree of Life. Is it describing by sequence? Like, Symphony no.1 describing the sphere of Malkuth, Symphony no.2 – Yesod, and so on?

I am listening to the symphonies often, but some sequences are jumbled up, at least to my feeling. For example, Symphony no.6 – Pastoral, this feels like describing the no.5 sphere from bottom, that is Beauty or Tiferet. Where as Symphony no.5 – this feels like describing the no.4 sphere, Victory or Netzach. But Symphony no.9 – Choral, really does feel like describing the highest sphere, Crown or Kether.

So, my question, is the symphony actually describing the sphere in sequence? Or it depends on our own feeling?

Kindly enlighten, thanks.
- Noni
7 years ago
Accepted Answer
There is a sequence, albeit it plays out in a conscious and intuitive manner. Symphony No. 1 initiates: it relays the work of the Magician, especially in Yesod-Malkuth. And yet Symphony No. 9 describes Kether, but also Yesod, the path of the Ninth Sphere that leads to the Magician. Likewise, Symphomy No. 6 can relate to Tiphrereth and Gebruah as well, since they are the sixth sephirah from the top and bottom, respectively, of the Tree of Life. Symphony No. 7 definitely is the Chariot of War, Netzach, the conquest of the mind, but also the Spirit, Chesed, who accomplishes this feat, being th seventh Sephirah from the bottom up the Tree of Life. It is always best to consult the Tarot as well when interpreting the great symphonies, since the Tarot are the basis upon which every master composes and works.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

7 years ago
Accepted Answer
There is a sequence, albeit it plays out in a conscious and intuitive manner. Symphony No. 1 initiates: it relays the work of the Magician, especially in Yesod-Malkuth. And yet Symphony No. 9 describes Kether, but also Yesod, the path of the Ninth Sphere that leads to the Magician. Likewise, Symphomy No. 6 can relate to Tiphrereth and Gebruah as well, since they are the sixth sephirah from the top and bottom, respectively, of the Tree of Life. Symphony No. 7 definitely is the Chariot of War, Netzach, the conquest of the mind, but also the Spirit, Chesed, who accomplishes this feat, being th seventh Sephirah from the bottom up the Tree of Life. It is always best to consult the Tarot as well when interpreting the great symphonies, since the Tarot are the basis upon which every master composes and works.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

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