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  Monday, 07 May 2012
  6 Replies
  3.8K Visits
Why are both Iod and Aleph related to Kether? My mind is trying to define each letter, but I get the feeling that the letters themselves can be used in more than one way.. this is where my confusion seems to be birthing from, because you might as well say all the letters are associated with Kether because all the letters are composed of Iods.
12 years ago
Accepted Answer
אהיה Eheieh, the eternal breath profoundly unknowable to itself is Aleph and Hei together, the tetragrammaton; this tetragrammaton become the duality in Binah, namely, Iod, the Father, Hei the Mother who as Elohim say: Let יהי Yehi be light in the missing Iod, which is in your pineal gland.

אור ו יהי־אור יהי ויאמר אלהים
And Elohim said let Yehi be light and Yehi became light!

So, charge your pineal gland by means of Pranayama; this way you will see the missing Iod! ;)

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

12 years ago
א Aleph = represents: Kether, Chokmah, Binah, the Logoic triangle in Atziluth.

ה Hei = is the Ain Soph, the uncreated light (Aur), the first breath from the absolute that through Yod (Kether, the First Logos, First Word) becomes הא Hah (Kether, Chokmah, Binah, the Logoic triangle in Atziluth), the breath before all uttered letters.

י the isolated Iod is therefore Kether, and א Aleph is Kether, Chokmah, Binah, the Logoic triangle in Atziluth, and ה Hei is the Ain Soph, the breath that manifest in the infinite through Kether.

יה Jah is also Kether, the Divine Androgynism, that manifests through Binah, the Holy Spirit (י Iod Abba and ה Hei Aima Elohim). Hallelujah.

Thus shalt thou say unto (all the letters, namely,) the children (or Archetypes) of Israel, I Become (אהיה Eheieh Kether) hath sent me unto you. – Exodus 3: 14

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

12 years ago
So when you said "י the isolated Iod is therefore Kether" are you are referring to the isolated Iod that is seen in the letter Hei ה, when combined with א Aleph הא? Is there a difference between the Kether of the Iod and the Kether of the Aleph?

My brain is working hard to understand all this, thank you for the workout!
12 years ago
יהי Yehi

Wherever in the Scripture the word יהי Yehi (becoming) is used, it addresses the Divine Light (אהיה) - Eheieh-Kether-the Ancient of Days, the Logos of the world of becoming (Atziluth), Kether is the Iod that is in all letthers, the light that is everywhere).

So יהי Yehi the divine light and splendor, though refracted and reflected by the Sephiroth, is only one and the same. - Zohar

אהיה אשר אהיה Iod become who becomes

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

12 years ago
But in the Hebrew אהיה Eheieh we only see part of Yehi, יה, is this the part that you are referring to as being the Divine light in that word?
12 years ago
Accepted Answer
אהיה Eheieh, the eternal breath profoundly unknowable to itself is Aleph and Hei together, the tetragrammaton; this tetragrammaton become the duality in Binah, namely, Iod, the Father, Hei the Mother who as Elohim say: Let יהי Yehi be light in the missing Iod, which is in your pineal gland.

אור ו יהי־אור יהי ויאמר אלהים
And Elohim said let Yehi be light and Yehi became light!

So, charge your pineal gland by means of Pranayama; this way you will see the missing Iod! ;)

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

12 years ago
Oh, so the missing Iod is the Father (Kether) who is in secret, the one we don't see because of our psychological obscurations.

Okay this is making more sense now. Thank you for helping me understand that.
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