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  Saturday, 20 February 2016
  3 Replies
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Are the Seven Truths synthesized into the Four Noble Truths?
8 years ago
Accepted Answer
The Four Noble Truths synthesize the truths that had been revealed up to the Piscean era.

The remaining truths are latent within the Four Noble Truths, in the same way that the human being is latent in the sexual seed. That is, the potential for the remaining truths lies within them, awaiting their expression, which occurs macrocosmically in the future eras, or microcosmically in the self-realization of the Being.

This can be understood by comparing with language. Is the knowledge you learn in college synthesized in the knowledge you learn in grade school? It is not, but it is latent within it: in grade school, you are growing the "seeds" that can grow into the knowledge you acquire later. Yet, if one does not grow those seeds, one will remain only at the level of a beginner. Just so with the Four Noble Truths: they are powerful knowledge, but cannot be compared with the power of the higher truths.

Simply stated, the knowledge of an earlier era of development is not as powerful as the knowledge of a higher era of development, yet both are necessary.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

8 years ago
Accepted Answer
The Four Noble Truths synthesize the truths that had been revealed up to the Piscean era.

The remaining truths are latent within the Four Noble Truths, in the same way that the human being is latent in the sexual seed. That is, the potential for the remaining truths lies within them, awaiting their expression, which occurs macrocosmically in the future eras, or microcosmically in the self-realization of the Being.

This can be understood by comparing with language. Is the knowledge you learn in college synthesized in the knowledge you learn in grade school? It is not, but it is latent within it: in grade school, you are growing the "seeds" that can grow into the knowledge you acquire later. Yet, if one does not grow those seeds, one will remain only at the level of a beginner. Just so with the Four Noble Truths: they are powerful knowledge, but cannot be compared with the power of the higher truths.

Simply stated, the knowledge of an earlier era of development is not as powerful as the knowledge of a higher era of development, yet both are necessary.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

8 years ago
Thank You. I need help understanding the difference between Fourth Truth and the Fifth Truth, they appear to be the same thing according the resources distributed by Glorian Publishing.

"Fourth Truth: We can only decapitate and dissolve the prince of this world, the “I,” with the Arcanum A.Z.F.(White Tantra)." - Glossary

"The Fifth Truth teaches the doctrine of the many egos and their Buddhist Decapitation in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan; its motto is Thelema - Willpower." - Gnostic Instructor, Klipoth 5: Mars, Kabbalah 1: The World of Klipoth
8 years ago
Firstly, the Four Noble Truths are not the first four Seven Truths. They are different.

These are the Seven Truths:

1. Knowledge of the pains and miseries of this world
2. Knowledge of human fragility
3. Knowledge of desire and sin
4. Knowledge of the human mind
5. The Tree of Knowledge
6. Human consciousness
7. The Tree of Life

The Seven Truths are taught one per root race. We are in the fifth root race, so we have been learning the fifth truth. The fourth truth was taught in the Atlantean era, and so on back in time.

The Four Noble Truths were taught by Buddha Shakyamuni in the Piscean era of the fifth root race, so it was the preamble to the unveiling of the fifth truth.

The fourth truth you quoted above is in reference to the Four Noble Truths.

The fifth truth you quoted above is from the Seven Truths.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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