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  Friday, 18 December 2015
  5 Replies
  1.4K Visits
Hello. I am confused about my goal of 100% consciousness instead of 3%.

I should never get overly enamored & identified with what I am experiencing, as I am experiencing it. Be it water-skiing, watching a movie, reading a book. I should be observing myself.

Is the sensation at all like commentary driving, Driving4Tomorrow? Video examples?
Maybe not aloud, but like this?

With creative endeavors, an idea is that I am channeling something from somewhere. A normal person is either creating based on the ego or inspired by less positive channels, but higher consciousness allows for inspiration from beyond in a positive way.

Not that I know Mozart’s full state, but the way he claimed he dictated his works, not really created them.

Would one be open to hearing symphonies, getting stories, ideas, etc. at various times, like washing dishes, showering, or would a fully conscious individual need to be in position to request these? Like a special meditation session for this purpose?

Yet they would be some sort of truth dictated to, the person is able to ascertain instead of the ego needing to create?

I am confused about sleep. Brainwave-wise, most of what I have heard is that you are predominately in a specific brain state. However, I have heard that ideally there should be a mixture of these patterns.

So for a conscious one, would the brainwaves be basically the same whether they were driving, washing dishes, sleeping?

Even though a normal person is asleep at all times, their brainwaves would be in a supposedly highly alert state when awake, low when asleep.

A fully awake conscious one would have a more integrated brainwave state at all times.

A normal asleep person at sleep rests his body, his mind, his ego fabricates its own experiences, repeats what it experienced in the physical plane.

A conscious one at rest is using this time to rest the body, but also gain the extra hours of experience within the astral & mental planes. Has a true 24-hour day.

To a conscious one, sleep is like a child going to school in the morning.

Suppose a child wakes up at 0630, must be at school at 0800, school ends at 1500, goes to bed at 2030.

The life of a conscious one is sort of like this day, take out the 2030 to 0630. His day is 1500 to 2030 & 0630 to 0800, rest body in bed, go to school in the astral planes instead of Central Elementary School from 0800 to 1500, live in physical plane from 1500 to 2030 & 0630 to 0800, repeat.

Physical plane, astral / mental plane, physical plane, astral / mental plane, repeat.

His life is the day of a school kid minus sleep.

I just wanted to see how accurate this is.

Thank you so much for any help you can give me. Have a wonderful day!

8 years ago
Accepted Answer
The video you provided is a good example of labeling phenomena, which is the domain of the intellect.

Cognizance, consciousness, is perception and knowing without the need to label phenomena.

Study Concept and Reality!

Regarding master-musicians, there is a lot of propaganda being spread about them by the black lodge, such as that Mozart was vulgar, Tchaikovsky was gay, Beethoven was angry, and Wagner was antisemitic. None of their works reflect these qualities, a truth obvious for those who develop their spiritual senses, unlike the subconscious projections of sleeping critics who only see through their desires.

Conscious persons are awake as a psyche all the time, and are aware of both the physical and internal worlds, constantly. This is continuous consciousness, which is established in us according to the death of the ego.

We must obtain continuous consciousness in order to be conscious citizens of the cosmos and participants of the mysteries of life and death.

Brainwaves reflect relative states of mind, whether the body is in the so-called "vigil" or sleeping states. A person who achieves regeneration obviously will reflect a greater capacity and usage of their physical brain, accomplished through runes, sacred rites, sexual magic, meditation, etc.

Sleep is darkness, ignorance. Awakening is light, knowledge!

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

8 years ago
Accepted Answer
The video you provided is a good example of labeling phenomena, which is the domain of the intellect.

Cognizance, consciousness, is perception and knowing without the need to label phenomena.

Study Concept and Reality!

Regarding master-musicians, there is a lot of propaganda being spread about them by the black lodge, such as that Mozart was vulgar, Tchaikovsky was gay, Beethoven was angry, and Wagner was antisemitic. None of their works reflect these qualities, a truth obvious for those who develop their spiritual senses, unlike the subconscious projections of sleeping critics who only see through their desires.

Conscious persons are awake as a psyche all the time, and are aware of both the physical and internal worlds, constantly. This is continuous consciousness, which is established in us according to the death of the ego.

We must obtain continuous consciousness in order to be conscious citizens of the cosmos and participants of the mysteries of life and death.

Brainwaves reflect relative states of mind, whether the body is in the so-called "vigil" or sleeping states. A person who achieves regeneration obviously will reflect a greater capacity and usage of their physical brain, accomplished through runes, sacred rites, sexual magic, meditation, etc.

Sleep is darkness, ignorance. Awakening is light, knowledge!

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

8 years ago
Thank you for your helpful reply. I really appreciate it.

I suppose your statements about these great musicians mean that ideally, there is no separation between man & the art he creates. Not the separation as the world sees it.

I was referring to a quote I have heard by Mozart in which he claimed he heard his entire works at once, like he was sometimes writing what already existed. Dictating in a sense. (Still extremely difficult.)

"Conscious persons are awake as a psyche all the time, and are aware of both the physical and internal worlds, constantly. This is continuous consciousness, which is established in us according to the death of the ego."

Related to creative works, creating music, art, writing, etc. This is an aspect I have an extremely difficult time grasping.

An asleep person creates within the ego. Any channeling would be inferior, lower being. A dream is copying what he did asleep whilst awake with a lot of extraneous drivel created by the ego.

He is doing his tasks unconsciously & inner noise is idle chatter.

A conscious, awake person is open to the internal worlds at all times. He is totally aware of the tasks he is doing. Even things like driving which have skills which must be learned before being automatized, there is an awakeness but not an over breaking up into minute movements as to make the task un-doable?

But since he is open to the internal worlds, he is in a state of dual awareness. Washing dishes might be a better example.

If a person were conscious, might he still have Eureka! moments of inspiration, or does there need to be a structure in which his "working" hours, composing, drawing, sculpting, writing, etc. were open to this, but he would not receive a flash idea whilst in the shower?

I am really confused about this.

I am not that familiar with commentary driving. I do tend to think that most people sleeping behind the wheel would be better off driving this way than the way they currently drive.

But related to awakening. Not as in required, but would a commentary on what one is doing, silently or aloud, be any sort of partial, baby, first-steps towards the goal of awakening? Not the 100% goal, but more than 3%?

Making us notice things the 3% are generally unaware of? Removing our blinders?

Is my segment on sleep for an awakened individual at all accurate?

I apologize for my confusion about this. I really appreciate your help.
8 years ago
Consciousness is very dynamic, not static, possessing many qualities, depths and heights. To understand this subject better, study this course, especially regarding the subject of the four states of consciousness!

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

8 years ago
Thank you for your help. I will do this.
8 years ago

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

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