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  Sunday, 22 April 2012
  2 Replies
  3K Visits
Greetings, I come with a question that's been of particular concern for me, over the course of years, and it comes with a story that I'll keep brief. My girlfriend and I have been in a relationship for roughly five and a half years now, and we've grown together in a beautiful way. It feels like my life started the moment I came to Gnosis, and she miraculously appeared in my life soon after discovering the teachings. Through joy and pain, trial and error, success and failure, we are already 23 years old, but we are stagnating terribly, and this is a mutual feeling.

I'll ask the question, then tell the story, then return to the question once more. Is legal marriage, or the physical act of a wedding necessary before developing a sexual relationship with someone? I had an understanding, perhaps misled, that the sexual act itself is marriage, forming that karmic bond that unites two people. If we practice alchemy with someone we know and love without being married in society, is that a crime?

I'm a Taurus, but share Hitler's birthday, April 20th. Samael says that Aries ends the 19th of April, but writes about Hitler as an example of Aries' warlike nature in the Zodiacal Course, so I went to a retreat on the zodiacal course, and we drew from the Tarot to see which chapter was of esoteric significance to us. I drew 1, the Magician, and the chapter on Aries. I stress this fact only because she is an Aquarius, an incredible an revolutionary girl in her own right, but the master strongly suggests caution when engaging in a relationship between a Taurus and an Aquarius.

We attended a gnostic school for roughly two years and our instructors gave us a private talk after first chamber about sex. They told us not to worry if we have had sex in the past (though we haven't), but informed us that it was necessary to be married before doing so. It did not bother me, but it did upset her deeply that day, and it is unfortunate that it took me years to take this into full consideration.

I asked her to marry me on our 4th anniversary, and she was not ready for the societal demands that ensued, and it has bothered her ever since. I only wish to do the correct thing, to make her happy and not to chain her down - but I wish to face the truth, and perhaps I just need to awaken and find this answer within. She has been depressed for quite some time and it feels as though she's growing cold towards me. She tries to be sweet to me and blame it on her vegetarianism, or her parents stressing her out, or financial issues, but I'm positive it stems much deeper.

So to clarify - Is sex before marriage a crime? I trust my instructors, but I would like to see if it is written in scripture, or by the Master that we should wait for marriage. It is common practice in society, but definitely more rare these days. Should we wait and hone our patience for horizontal events to occur, such as income and buying our own apartment? I confess to a lack of study recently, and have been meaning to ask this question for a long time but have been too embarrassed and barricaded by years of senseless guilt and shame. On my birthday yesterday, we were fortunate to talk for several hours over coffee about our situation in life, in a serious and loving manner. We are plagued by repression, and that is something we can work on immediately.

Thank you sincerely for your consideration in reading this. We will work in our own way and hopefully achieve an answer from within.

Inverencial Peace,
12 years ago
Accepted Answer
"It should not be surprising that because of the excessive limitations imposed by the Catholic Church on the moral life of the people through multiple prohibitions during the bygone Age of Pisces, that Satan [the EGO], as the living incarnation of the most bestial appetites, occupied in a peculiar manner the fantasies of those people who were restrained from free relationships with other human beings, believing that they were obliged to live a virtuous life as indicated [by the Catholic Church].

"Therefore and in accordance with the law of opposites, the instinctive or impulsive energies that were suppressed within the everyday mind eventually emerged from the subconscious to a greater or lesser degree depending on their intensity." - The Mystery of the Golden Blossom by Samael Aun Weor

Suppressed sexual energy results in depression, dissatisfaction, anger, sexual fantasies, the decay of relationships, etc.

Many religious groups affirm that only through their approval [i.e. "an official marriage'] can couples unite sexually. This is contrary to the Gnostic philosophy, which states that we should follow the guidance of our Innermost.

Samael Aun Weor rejected the moral and social codes imposed by tradition and politics, and emphasized that one should follow the Innermost. He demonstrated this in many ways, often offending even his so-called students. Yet, he was the one who achieved liberation.

A couple has to determine for themselves how to guide their sexual life. That is, they should rely on prayer, meditation, and study of scripture. They should contemplate chapter one of The Perfect Matrimony.

Sexual union is a big responsibility, but it is also necessary for our spiritual and psychological health. To persist in a sexual purgatory, repressing the energy, will result in pain and illness.

Regarding marriage, let us understand something important:

"Sexual Magic is only possible to practice between husband and wife in legitimately constituted homes." - Samael Aun Weor

What law do we follow? We follow the Innermost. It is the Innermost who determines what is lawful, legitimate.

"Bachelors and bachelorettes must find a spouse if they want to Christify themselves, because the Gnostic Esotericists can only perform sexual contact when they are married. The fires cannot be awakened without sexual magic: yes, without chastity, nothing is achieved in these studies. Kill desire, kill the “I,” and its thoughts: this is how you will become a liberated one.

"Remember, true marriage has nothing to do with the social or religious formulas of this barbaric humanity. The authentic marriage is performed when a couple unites in spirit, soul, and sex; the true marriage must be pure like a lotus flower." - The Major Mysteries, Samael Aun Weor

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

12 years ago
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto (penetrate) his wife: thus, they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. – Genesis 2: 24, 25


Ens Veneri (Entity of Venus - Veneri - genitive of Venus)
“If a woman leaves her husband, then she is not free from him, neither is he free from her, since when a marital union (from Latin Unus, one, becoming one flesh) is already established, this remains for the whole of eternity.” - Homunculis, Paracelsus

Indeed, the human personality is contained within the semen, because the semen is the astral liquid of the human being. For this motive, every sexual union is indissoluble. – Samael Aun Weor

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

12 years ago
Accepted Answer
"It should not be surprising that because of the excessive limitations imposed by the Catholic Church on the moral life of the people through multiple prohibitions during the bygone Age of Pisces, that Satan [the EGO], as the living incarnation of the most bestial appetites, occupied in a peculiar manner the fantasies of those people who were restrained from free relationships with other human beings, believing that they were obliged to live a virtuous life as indicated [by the Catholic Church].

"Therefore and in accordance with the law of opposites, the instinctive or impulsive energies that were suppressed within the everyday mind eventually emerged from the subconscious to a greater or lesser degree depending on their intensity." - The Mystery of the Golden Blossom by Samael Aun Weor

Suppressed sexual energy results in depression, dissatisfaction, anger, sexual fantasies, the decay of relationships, etc.

Many religious groups affirm that only through their approval [i.e. "an official marriage'] can couples unite sexually. This is contrary to the Gnostic philosophy, which states that we should follow the guidance of our Innermost.

Samael Aun Weor rejected the moral and social codes imposed by tradition and politics, and emphasized that one should follow the Innermost. He demonstrated this in many ways, often offending even his so-called students. Yet, he was the one who achieved liberation.

A couple has to determine for themselves how to guide their sexual life. That is, they should rely on prayer, meditation, and study of scripture. They should contemplate chapter one of The Perfect Matrimony.

Sexual union is a big responsibility, but it is also necessary for our spiritual and psychological health. To persist in a sexual purgatory, repressing the energy, will result in pain and illness.

Regarding marriage, let us understand something important:

"Sexual Magic is only possible to practice between husband and wife in legitimately constituted homes." - Samael Aun Weor

What law do we follow? We follow the Innermost. It is the Innermost who determines what is lawful, legitimate.

"Bachelors and bachelorettes must find a spouse if they want to Christify themselves, because the Gnostic Esotericists can only perform sexual contact when they are married. The fires cannot be awakened without sexual magic: yes, without chastity, nothing is achieved in these studies. Kill desire, kill the “I,” and its thoughts: this is how you will become a liberated one.

"Remember, true marriage has nothing to do with the social or religious formulas of this barbaric humanity. The authentic marriage is performed when a couple unites in spirit, soul, and sex; the true marriage must be pure like a lotus flower." - The Major Mysteries, Samael Aun Weor

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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