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  Sunday, 22 November 2015
  2 Replies
  1.3K Visits
Greetings to all!

I come today seeking guidance on stabilizing my concerns of experiences in the Astral Plane. In meditation and dreams, I am given experiences (or taken to worlds) that are very different from Earth. I experience them as if I am living there; on several occasions, I was told what to do to gain entry on my own. When I come back to Earth, the experiences are so very real to me that I have developed a phobia (although the experiences are never frightening) and am very hesitant to activate the entry "keys" or "tools" that I have been given. I am very concerned that I may not come back from one of these "worlds" if I enter voluntarily. They are beautiful places: some are communities infused with love; others are places of learning; others are vivid, vibrant places of natural beauty and loving beings.

Earlier this morning in meditation I heard that I should meditate on Lamed (ל) Hey (ה) Heth (ח). I did some research after meditation and saw that it is one of the Kabbalistic 72 Names of God (ל ח ה).

I feel like I am standing on the edge of a ledge; I know that it stretches before me but it is obscured by mist. I am paralyzed by my fear to take a step forward.

Thank you for your help and service!
8 years ago
Accepted Answer
There is nothing to fear in one's bodily processes of consuming food and breathing air. These are necessary for life. Likewise, there is nothing to fear from the voluntary or involuntary projection of the lunar astral body during the night, since everyone projects into the astral plane during the normal hours of sleep, when the physical body must take rest and be recharged by the vital body.

This process can only be accomplished when the soul and ego enter into the fifth dimension. People who don't astral project are insomniacs, since they can't leave their physical body as more "normal" people do.

All of humanity projects into the astral plane every night when going to sleep. People rise from bed in the morning and go to sleep in the evening, to rise again in the morning (unless they are suffering from a terminal illness and lose their body as appointed by karma). Therefore, what is there to fear? Astral projection is like eating and breathing, or marrying one's beloved. These are necessities in life.

Why be afraid of one's bodily or psychic processes? People who say astral projection is dangerous are lying, consciously or not, since there is no danger in astral projection, just as there is no danger in eating or breathing every day. It is really ludicrous and amusing to hear people say astral projection is dangerous, when people do it every night. If astral projection was dangerous, then humanity would not exist, because everyone astral projects. But since people astral project every night and return to their bodies every morning, what then of the aforementioned proposition?

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

8 years ago
Accepted Answer
There is nothing to fear in one's bodily processes of consuming food and breathing air. These are necessary for life. Likewise, there is nothing to fear from the voluntary or involuntary projection of the lunar astral body during the night, since everyone projects into the astral plane during the normal hours of sleep, when the physical body must take rest and be recharged by the vital body.

This process can only be accomplished when the soul and ego enter into the fifth dimension. People who don't astral project are insomniacs, since they can't leave their physical body as more "normal" people do.

All of humanity projects into the astral plane every night when going to sleep. People rise from bed in the morning and go to sleep in the evening, to rise again in the morning (unless they are suffering from a terminal illness and lose their body as appointed by karma). Therefore, what is there to fear? Astral projection is like eating and breathing, or marrying one's beloved. These are necessities in life.

Why be afraid of one's bodily or psychic processes? People who say astral projection is dangerous are lying, consciously or not, since there is no danger in astral projection, just as there is no danger in eating or breathing every day. It is really ludicrous and amusing to hear people say astral projection is dangerous, when people do it every night. If astral projection was dangerous, then humanity would not exist, because everyone astral projects. But since people astral project every night and return to their bodies every morning, what then of the aforementioned proposition?

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

8 years ago
Thank you very much. Your response is extremely helpful.
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