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  Tuesday, 17 April 2012
  6 Replies
  3.5K Visits

I need to know if my thinking is correct. To me, it seems that there must be some sort of stimulation in order for energy to be created. This means to remain somewhere between zero stimulation and over stimulation (orgasm).

If sex without fornication is the path to awakening, to be born again, then that would require an erection. Stimulation is required for an erection.

Am I being totally carnal in this way of thought?

12 years ago
Accepted Answer
These are all very delicate matters. In a sense you must discover that line, that razor's edge, for yourself. Anything I say will disfigure that process. It is clear that Samael Aun Weor kept the explanation of the practice simple and this is not an oversight. He did not summon large lists of what should and should not be done. We must keep chastity physically, emotionally, intellectually. The details of what that means, for each person, in each moment, requires that we self-discover and self-realize our self. Your questioning and your struggle is not in the way of your practice, it is the very essence of the practice itself. This is how I understand it.

If you have not done so already I recommend reading The Mystery of the Golden Blossom and The Perfect Matrimony.
In other words, we emphasize transcendental reality by saying that sexual enjoyment is terribly divine.

Saint Albert said that the spiritual human being must direct carnal intercourse towards a moral objective and that a sexual function based only on the pleasure of the senses pertains to the most infamous of vices.

At this time, it is appropriate to remember that the tablets of Law, wherein Moses inscribed by order of Iod-Heve the brilliant precepts of the Decalogue, are nothing but a double spear of Runes, the phallic significance of which we must meditate upon profoundly.

Love is the fiat lux of the book of Moses, the great cosmic sexual desideratum, the divine law for all continents, seas, worlds and spaces.

The Sahaja Maithuna, Sexual Yoga, is the glittering, eternal foundation of the luminous and spermatic fiat of the first moment. - Mystery of the Golden Blossom
The sexual act with one’s beloved has its indisputable delights. Sexual enjoyment is a legitimate right of humans. Enjoy love’s blessing but do not spill the semen. Do not commit this sacrilege. Be not a fornicator. chastity turns us into Gods. Fornication turns us into demons. - The Perfect Matrimony
With sexual transmutation, we regenerate ourselves absolutely. The period of sexual ecstasy is always preceded by the period of sexual enjoyment. Thus, the same energy that produces sexual enjoyment, when transmuted, produces ecstasy. - The Perfect Matrimony
12 years ago
Yes, obviously both the male and female sexual organs must be in their proper state in order to perform the sexual act.

But, there is a difference between sensual love, and lust. Of course, this is always an issue because that mixture (love and lust) is always there, until the end. This is why we need willpower. Lust is our temptation, our resistance. When we overcome resistance we generate light.

When the student couple is behaving well, it feels as if they are engaging in the act without lust. However, after meditation and comprehension, it is realized how lust is still there. Thus, the couple continuously refines their practice.

We must start upon the level which we are at. We need to become sexually aroused, but down fall into lustful pleasures. What is necessary to be ready to sexually unite becomes less a matter of stimulation and more a matter of WILLPOWER.
12 years ago
Do you mean that upon further development, one produces arousal through willpower, and will no longer become aroused due to lust?

In other words, when I have dissolved that particular aggregate, my body will no longer answer to the call of external sources of stimulation, but I will merely tell my body to prepare for the act and it will comply.
12 years ago
What I mean is that as you work upon your lust, you have more willpower over sexual arousal. However, it is not one aggregate. The Initiate works with lust until the day he Resurrects.

Just as any other component of work memory, as we progress, little by little, the aspirant realizes that what was necessary at one point to prepare for the sexual act may not be necessary now. Just as we must learn how to have control over your intellect, over our emotions, we will slowly be able to have control over instinctual and sexual impulses.
12 years ago
I'm feeling quite foolish. I know that what you're saying is probably more than sufficient. However, I don't think my understanding is. I'm sorry that I am such a slow study.

It's possible also that I did a poor job of stating my original question. If it is okay, I would like to try again.

Preparing for the act is not a problem for me. Once we are in full embrace and begin to meditate, my faculties whither. Thus, I produce movement for stimulation. Only what it takes to become slightly aroused. Once there is some arousal, we can feel an electricity-like sensation, even without movement. This is what I am perceiving as the sexual energy in which to transmute. In the beginning, very little movement was required. Now it seems more is required to produce the electricity-type feeling that I perceive to be sexual energy.

The increased movement raises red flags because it seems like the beginning of a slow decline back into carnality. I have managed to sustain the willpower to avoid spilling. However, I find myself pushing it to the edge. As time progresses, I am able to sustain control under heavier amounts of arousal. I am experiencing a form of pleasure through sensation and stopping it short of losing control. I don't want to fool myself into believing I am doing the right thing when in reality, I may be yet identified with a sensation.

Since I have begun a daily meditation practice. I have become hyper-aware of different energetic forces both inside and outside of my body. I can feel high frequency vibrations in my neck and head, my heart produces flutter-like waves which sometimes connect with my brain, and I frequently have a form of what I would describe as sexual energy eminating from my root chakra area. Also, I have some gem stones which I can also feel an energy eminate from when I keep them in my left hand, especially near my waste, and often for no reason I experience emotional changes that I can feel are coming from another person. At one point the vibration in my head became so intense that my eyes went fuzzy and I thought I may pass out. Another time I had an intense wave of what I would percieve as sexual energy spontaneously occur throughout my body accompanied by an almost violant chattering of my jaw. As if something was taking posession over my physical faculties.

In essence, I have become accustomed to different energetic forces being perceivable to me and as such, tend to use them as a sort of a way to gauge my practice. Several of these energies are pleasureable to experience and thus tend to generate an appetite of sorts, including in our tantric practice. This is where my concern is. However, I have a rather hearty appetite for spiritual growth, as we all do here. This is of course, my main concern and in fact the very thing that led me to begin experiencing all of these phenomena. This is my dilemma. Is the sexual arousal another perceived biproduct of the process of reaching enlightenment or is it Satan tempting me to turn stone into bread? Or am I just over thinking it and wasting the Christic energy?

Thank you for being available to those of us who make a habit of complicating matters. You are truly a blessing!
12 years ago
Accepted Answer
These are all very delicate matters. In a sense you must discover that line, that razor's edge, for yourself. Anything I say will disfigure that process. It is clear that Samael Aun Weor kept the explanation of the practice simple and this is not an oversight. He did not summon large lists of what should and should not be done. We must keep chastity physically, emotionally, intellectually. The details of what that means, for each person, in each moment, requires that we self-discover and self-realize our self. Your questioning and your struggle is not in the way of your practice, it is the very essence of the practice itself. This is how I understand it.

If you have not done so already I recommend reading The Mystery of the Golden Blossom and The Perfect Matrimony.
In other words, we emphasize transcendental reality by saying that sexual enjoyment is terribly divine.

Saint Albert said that the spiritual human being must direct carnal intercourse towards a moral objective and that a sexual function based only on the pleasure of the senses pertains to the most infamous of vices.

At this time, it is appropriate to remember that the tablets of Law, wherein Moses inscribed by order of Iod-Heve the brilliant precepts of the Decalogue, are nothing but a double spear of Runes, the phallic significance of which we must meditate upon profoundly.

Love is the fiat lux of the book of Moses, the great cosmic sexual desideratum, the divine law for all continents, seas, worlds and spaces.

The Sahaja Maithuna, Sexual Yoga, is the glittering, eternal foundation of the luminous and spermatic fiat of the first moment. - Mystery of the Golden Blossom
The sexual act with one’s beloved has its indisputable delights. Sexual enjoyment is a legitimate right of humans. Enjoy love’s blessing but do not spill the semen. Do not commit this sacrilege. Be not a fornicator. chastity turns us into Gods. Fornication turns us into demons. - The Perfect Matrimony
With sexual transmutation, we regenerate ourselves absolutely. The period of sexual ecstasy is always preceded by the period of sexual enjoyment. Thus, the same energy that produces sexual enjoyment, when transmuted, produces ecstasy. - The Perfect Matrimony
12 years ago
We just finished The Perfect Matrimony, clearly I did not retain much of it. This of course to be expected. I was wondering which of the books to read next. Golden Blossom it is. Thank you so much for your council and lack of council where appropriate. To forsake the displaying of ones own understanding in order for another to reach understanding is quite obviously a sign of wisdom. Blessings.
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