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  Wednesday, 14 October 2015
  7 Replies
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I'll keep this private.
8 years ago
Accepted Answer
To help yourself with the emotional and spiritual pain, I recommend that you use the medicine of the rose:

When we make mistakes, it is hard to retain faith in ourselves, and find hope when we are in pain. Nevertheless, those painful times are critical moments in which we can truly change. Let the pain and remorse guide you to find what you need to change in yourself. Reflect on how you created those painful circumstances: find the behaviors, desires, patterns, etc in yourself that caused the results you are experiencing, and then resolve to change them. This is the essence of Gnosis. For this, you must meditate every day, and appeal to your Innermost for aid. Moreover, you must truly understand that the pain you feel is a consequence of actions you performed. By comprehending that, you then come to truly understand how to not repeat those mistakes. It is easy to avoid pain, or try to cover it up, but that only means that we also avoid what caused it, and by avoiding what caused it, we do not change the cause. This means that it is inevitable that we will repeat the mistake: it is only a matter of time. So: do not fall into that trap.

All of us instructors know people who have committed truly unimaginable, terrible mistakes and have suffered terrible consequences, yet in spite of all that manage to resolve to change and become better people. And they do it. If they can do it, if we can do it, so can you.

Remember, no matter how terrible our crimes and mistakes, at least one door always remains open to us: repentance.

Finally, do not be afraid of the number 13. That number is very powerful, since it always brings very significant change. Read this:

Without the 13, no one can become Self-realized.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

8 years ago
Accepted Answer
To help yourself with the emotional and spiritual pain, I recommend that you use the medicine of the rose:

When we make mistakes, it is hard to retain faith in ourselves, and find hope when we are in pain. Nevertheless, those painful times are critical moments in which we can truly change. Let the pain and remorse guide you to find what you need to change in yourself. Reflect on how you created those painful circumstances: find the behaviors, desires, patterns, etc in yourself that caused the results you are experiencing, and then resolve to change them. This is the essence of Gnosis. For this, you must meditate every day, and appeal to your Innermost for aid. Moreover, you must truly understand that the pain you feel is a consequence of actions you performed. By comprehending that, you then come to truly understand how to not repeat those mistakes. It is easy to avoid pain, or try to cover it up, but that only means that we also avoid what caused it, and by avoiding what caused it, we do not change the cause. This means that it is inevitable that we will repeat the mistake: it is only a matter of time. So: do not fall into that trap.

All of us instructors know people who have committed truly unimaginable, terrible mistakes and have suffered terrible consequences, yet in spite of all that manage to resolve to change and become better people. And they do it. If they can do it, if we can do it, so can you.

Remember, no matter how terrible our crimes and mistakes, at least one door always remains open to us: repentance.

Finally, do not be afraid of the number 13. That number is very powerful, since it always brings very significant change. Read this:

Without the 13, no one can become Self-realized.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

8 years ago
I'll keep this private. Thanks.
8 years ago
Repentance is something that can only happen once we comprehend a defect. When you truly understand that a behavior causes suffering, that is when you become really cognizant of that defect, it becomes impossible for you to commit that action ever again. This is what repentance is. It is not just feeling bad, or praying for forgiveness, or promising things to God.

What has to die is that defect. That Judas that is inside of you has to die, but it will not if you keep feeding it and letting it rule over your life.

You feel alone and like you have to die because you are identified. Your consciousness is totally hypnotized by your suffering. You can break free of it, but to do that you have to renounce your own suffering. You have to let go of your attachment to your suffering. You have to stop thinking about it, and stop indulging in the emotions. In other words, you have to stop singing your psychological song. Read The Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology:

The best way to overcome these sorts of negative states is to replace them with positive ones. Instead of always looking at negative impressions, turn away from them, and find positive impressions. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, turn your attention to helping others. Find people who are suffering, and help them.

Also, use that Rose medicine. It will help you.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

8 years ago
I'll keep this private. Thanks.
8 years ago
Both Judas and Lucifer have dual significance, meaning the names can apply in two ways.

Judas is an archetype of a part of our Being, which is why the initiate named Judas played that part in the drama of Aberamentho (Jesus Christ). In that role he had to play the part of the traitor who must die. So, those are the two parts of Judas: the archetype that is the most loyal to Christ (so loyal he sacrifices his life), and also the inferior aspect, which is the traitor.

Lucifer is similar: there is the "light bearer" or angel most close to divinity, and also Lucifer in its fallen aspect, which is Prometheus chained to the rock of pain.

We here are not against Judas the archetype, but we are clear about the need to disintegrate Judas the traitor to Christ that hides inside of each one of us.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

8 years ago
Now it is clear.
Well, what I managed to do in this life is make that sacrifice.
I am a traitor 'cause I have been brought to it, as a necessity in my life.

Can it be the beginning of my process of redemption?
Thank you.


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