The Dragon of Darkness
Friends of mine, we meet here tonight after Christmas 1972 in order to talk a little bit about the dragon of darkness. Remember that these teachings will constitute the Christmas message for the years 1973-1974.
It is necessary to clarify, to specify, to indicate with precision, the crude satanic reality, since, indubitably, in this day and age the subject of the Devil disturbs the public opinion abundantly. Frankly, I do not acknowledge the Devil of dogmatic religions whatsoever, and I think that you cannot acknowledge that fetish of the profane clergy either.
It is obvious that in Atlantis before the second transapalnian devastation, and in the land of Mu, existed a Neptunian type of flying reptile whose skin was covered with scutes or scales. That famous Atlantean amphibian was always utilized by the Chaldeans in order to symbolize the darkness of the night, which is the reflection of the Logos within the universe and within each one of us.
H.P. Blavatsky understood that such a flying reptile is Makara, the tenth sign of the Zodiac. Nonetheless, in regard to this concept we go a little bit further, because specifically I am firmly convinced that such a mysterious creature is completely Neptunian.
In any case, this scaly-skinned creature, this flying reptile of the Chaldeans, was later adopted as a symbol by the Hebrews and afterwards robbed by the Christians… What is regrettable about this subject is that this symbolic or allegorical creature has been converted by the Christians into that frightening and horrifying orthodox, maleficent, devil-fetish figure.
Now it is convenient to remember the Gnostic sect called the Naasenians or serpent worshippers. The adepts of this order [knowing that the Dragon has a septenary meaning] symbolized the dragon or reflection of the Logos by the brilliant constellation of seven stars. I am emphatically addressing in a clear and precise manner the constellation of the dragon. Some people suppose that the allegory of the dragon originated with St. John, the seer of the Apocalypse (Revelation), yet in fact such a supposition is mistaken because the dragon relates to Neptune, the symbol of Atlantean magic…
Notwithstanding, (in Revelation) the seven stars of the constellation of the dragon appear held in the right hand of the Alpha and Omega, the Logos of the Apocalypse that revealed himself to John, to show therefore that the Dragon, Lucifer, Prometheus, Satan, or the Devil, in its superior aspect is the same Logos, the “Self-born,” the Hindu Aja, which in its inferior aspect is the authentic and legitimate dragon or esoteric devil, and not that fetish from that dogmatic orthodoxy, since every Hierophant, every true, self-realized Master is a dragon of wisdom.
Therefore, my friends, I want you to comprehend what that dogmatic fetish or fantastic orthodox devil is, since due to the false education and mistaken concepts that up until now all of you have received about the Devil, I sense that deep down within some of you, within your own subconsciousness, there is a resistance to acknowledge what the reflection of the Logos, the shadow of God, the true Devil or Lucifer or sacred Prometheus within each one of us is. Indeed, this prejudice that conditions your intellect does not surprise me at all, given that you were taught to believe in a terrible Devil seated on a throne of ignominy, holding a steel trident in his hand and dominating the entire world. Therefore, it is clear that now, when hearing my words, that is, when I tell you that the Devil of dogmatic sects is a mere fantasy, that such a devil does not exist, but what truly exists is the devil of the good law, the shadow of the Spiritual Sun within each one of us, the shadow of the night as an opposition to the day, the shadow of the trees on the side of the roads, etc., it is obvious that this deeply affects you and even surprises you, yet without leaving behind that distrust, which is based on a false belief that was instilled within you from the first years of your childhood.
Listen, how could the shadow of the eternal living God be wicked? Please, reflect on this a little...
Now, a specimen of dragons, “winged and scaled,” may be seen in the British Museum, which is certainly very interesting. Likewise, within the mentioned museum, there is a very ancient, archaic image representing the tree of the science of good and evil, the apple tree of Eden… What is very intriguing is to see close to this apple tree the depiction of two figures, a man and a woman, Adam and Eve, sitting on each side of the tree and holding out their hands to the apples with the purpose of devouring them, while at the back of the “tree” is the dragon-serpent, and up above in the clouds appear some beings who curse the tree; they are a living representation of every exoteric profane clergy who is uneducated about the sexual mysteries. Consequently, it is doubtless that the two human beings, man and woman, are before the tree of the science of good and evil, ready for initiation. The serpent-dragon is the initiator, and this is necessary to know how to profoundly understand it. Thus, I will frankly explain it to you, I will clarify what all of this about the serpent-dragon signifies, so that you can understand and march with firmness on the narrow and difficult path that leads the initiate to the final liberation.
Unquestionably, the serpent is the sexual fire that must ascend degree by degree through the spinal medullar canal to the brain. Naturally, this igneous element possesses extraordinary powers, thus when this serpentine fire ascends through the dorsal spine, it transforms us radically.
Now, regarding the dragon, this indubitably is the most extraordinary psychological trainer that each one of us carries within. This is the divine Daimon, mentioned many times by Socrates. The dragon is the very shadow of our individual spirit that leads us into temptations with the purpose of training or educating us, since only in this manner can the precious gems of virtues spring forth from within our psyche.
Consequently, I ask myself and I ask you now: Where is the wickedness of Lucifer? The results speak for themselves, since if there are no temptations, there are no virtues. The stronger the temptations, the greater the virtues. Nonetheless, what is important is to not fall into temptation. Therefore, after this manner we must pray to the Father:
Lead us not into temptation… - Matthew 6:13
Therefore, after having unveiled these two aspects that are hidden behind the tree of the science of good and evil, we arrive at the logical conclusion that the dragon and the serpent or rather—when speaking in synthesis—the serpent-dragon, is undoubtedly the great practical initiator.
We have given the clue of initiation many times and we will not tire of repeating it to satiety: the connection of the phallus and the uterus without ejaculating the semen. So, only in this manner is the sacred fire of sex put in motion. Thus, when this fire is elevated degree by degree, from vertebra to vertebra, throughout the spinal medullar canal, it radically transforms us in the end.
Why does the dragon tempt us during the work? Because it is his duty; because he must make us strong; because he must educate us in the sexual gymnasium; because he must convert us into athletes of sexual magic.
Thereafter, the igneous serpent of our magical powers must swallow us, so that we will be transformed into serpents... Nonetheless, before this extraordinary event, before this banquet of the serpentine fire, we must defeat the dragon. This means that we must victoriously pass all temptations…
In the end, the scaly-skinned dragon, Lucifer, the shadow of the Eternal One, the inner reflection of our true divine Being, will return to Him, will fuse with Him, will shine within Him. Thus, when reaching this level we will be able to exclaim as the ancient initiates: “I am a Dragon, I am He, He, He.”
Question: Master, does the divine Daemon only tempts us in the work with sex or does it also do it in the work of the dissolution of the ego?
Samael Aun Weor: Respectable lady, it is urgent for you to understand that the roots of the ego are found within abuse of sex, within lust, within fornication, within adultery... Now, if we take away the roots from any tree, it is clear that it will eventually die; likewise, something similar will occur to the ego... Yet, unfortunately, Lucifer must educate us in sex. There, in sex, is where we must be submitted to a rigorous training by means of the most severe temptations. Thus, it is clear that if, there, in sex, we victoriously pass all temptations, the disintegration of the ego is inevitably precipitated.
Understand that in my former statement I am not affirming that we must not work on all the psychological defects with the purpose of reducing them to ashes. What I am solely doing is putting certain emphasis on the sexual aspect, given that it is in fornication where we find the original sin.
Question: Venerable Master, we have read in the gospels that the great Kabir Jesus said: “If God were your Father, ye would love me… [but] ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.” [John 8:42, 43] Can you explain this to us?
Samael Aun Weor: Respectable gentleman, I will gladly answer your question at once. Obviously, all of us are children of the dragon, children of Satan, the Devil, children of the darkness. Yet, when some one wants to become a son of God, he must then defeat the dragon, the tempter, the scaly-skin dragon. If we do it, then we will be transformed into children of God and into Dragons of Wisdom.
Nevertheless, the great Kabir Jesus never cast a curse against his own shadow. In none of the four gospels is it written that Jesus extended his right hand in order to curse his own shadow. It is written that when Jesus, the great Gnostic Priest, was tempted by Satan, he only exclaimed:
Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. – Luke 4:8
Thus, it is clear in the gospels that Satan, Lucifer-Prometheus, must serve God. His duty is to tempt the Initiate. It would be absurd that the shadow of the Eternal One tempt the Eternal One, or in other words, that the Devil tempt God. The words of the great Kabir Jesus clearly show us that Lucifer is the minister of the Highest One, the Guardian of the Seven Mansions, the Servant of Divinity. Therefore, those who anathematize the shadow of the eternal living God are obviously anathematizing the same God, because God and his shadow are one. Understood?
Question: Master, it might be that the Devil from dogmatic orthodoxy with his horns, tail, and trident, exists in reality as a representation of the psychic aggregates that constitute the ego.
Samael Aun Weor: Respectable gentleman, I have already stated in past lectures that we must make a clear differentiation between the essential nature of the divine Daemon and the essential nature of the ego. Undoubtedly, the ego in itself with all its psychic aggregates is perverted Astral Light, malignant mind that has nothing to do with the essential nature of Lucifer. The ego is rather the antithesis of Lucifer, his fatal opposite.
Question: Master, I understand that the essential nature of the divine Daemon and the essential nature of the ego are totally different. However, since the ego is formed by the red devils of Seth, I therefore believe that the devil with the trident that we all know could well represent the ego. Don’t you think so?
Samael Aun Weor: Respectable gentleman, the basis of your question is mistaken because it is founded on an error, on a prejudice. Ladies and gentlemen, I do not see the logic in wanting to convert a flying reptile of ancient Atlantis into a malignant fetish. Therefore, I think that it is incorrect to use such incongruity as the basis for a question; thus, I do not agree that a wretched innocent amphibian has to forcibly represent the perversity of the ego. I agree to symbolize the shadow of the Eternal One with such a reptile, but frankly to allegorize our psychological defects with such a reptile seems to me incongruent. We could allegorize the ego very well in any other figure; let us remember the three classic furies, or the Medusa, etc. So, we can symbolize the ego and its psychic aggregates with such classic figures.
Question: Master, the Catholic religion, for example, does not put the dragon as a devil but represents him as a man with horns, tail, hooves, and trident. What can you tell us about this?
Samael Aun Weor: I will clearly answer this very interesting question that a lady from the audience has elaborated. Ladies and gentlemen, the Devil from the Catholic religion is nothing more than a deviation designed from the same pictorial dragon of the Chaldeans, which in its turn was inspired by a wretched flying reptile from the Atlantean continent. I invite you to comprehend that this innocent animal was later painted in the form of a dragon, and finally, in the most recent figure as that fetish with hooves, horns, and black wings that greatly terrifies ignorant people. So, it is necessary to get rid of ignorance: to inquire, to research, to study.
Question: Venerable Master, when we talk about the science of good and evil, what does evil really mean and what does good mean?
Samael Aun Weor: I am very glad to answer this very interesting question from the audience. Friends, I want you to know that good in the most objective sense of the word is all of that which we consciously do in accordance with the great law. Evil is all of that which after it is done causes remorse within us.
Question: Master, there are many people who do evil, but do not feel any remorse at all. Can you tell us why?
Samael Aun Weor: Respectable lady, your question deserves to be examine in detail. First of all what is remorse? If the transcendental aspects of our Inner Being are confronted with our own Logos or with the Sacred Absolute Sun, then we can verify for ourselves the psychological errors from the inferior parts of our psyche, and this causes remorse within us. Normally, this process is performed within all normal beings; in other words, what I have just stated is that normal beings feel remorse after any wrong action, even if in the physical world they radically ignore it. Nevertheless, the fate of the decidedly perverse is very different, since they have already become too distant from the Sacred Absolute Sun due to their wickedness. Thus, it is clear that these processes are no longer performed within their consciousness, therefore remorse is impossible within them.
Question: Master, you have explained to us that the dragon of the darkness is in synthesis the great trainer in the gymnasium of life, and that we have to defeat him in order to create virtues. Now, when we are defeating the dragon what we are doing is decapitating the ego, and since in this process of decapitation, to work with the igneous serpent of our magical powers—who is undoubtedly our Divine Mother—has a primary importance, I cannot avoid relating the dragon of darkness with our Divine Mother, in other words, with Devi Kundalini. Is this incongruent?
Samael Aun Weor: I understood the question and I will gladly answer it. Ladies and gentlemen, again in these moments I bring forward the Chaldean painting from the British Museum, where the dragon-serpent, which is the effective and practical great Initiator, appears behind the tree of the science of good and evil. Obviously, the dragon only respects the serpent, and this is unquestionable. It is stated that we have to defeat the dragon or kill the dragon; this symbolical affirmation means to triumph over temptation. As we become trained and educated, as the precious gems of virtues are resplendently glowing within the depths of our soul, the ego is becoming dissolved. This is unarguable, irrefutable. In any case, we have to defeat the dragon in order to be devoured by the serpent; blissful is the one who is transformed into a serpent.
Question: Master, can the internal dragon perform a miracle drastically, for example, to perform something spectacular with the purpose of correcting someone?
Samael Aun Weor: My friends, a story from a Gnostic brother from Costa Rica comes into my mind in these moments. His narration is indeed quite interesting. He told us that in a town of his country an unusual and unsuspected event occurred to a prostitute. She used to incessantly get drunk on all types of alcoholic beverages, and in the midst of her drunkenness she used to exclaim, “I do ten or fifteen men a day. Every man who crosses my way, I will do him, and if the Devil crosses my way, I will do him, too...” So, it happened that on a certain occasion a handsome sailor arrived at her door. Thus, as usual, the woman did not have any inconvenience in wallowing with him on her Procrustean bed. After their fornication, the woman sat at the door of the whorehouse, gazing towards the street. Suddenly, the young lad, called her from within the bedroom, saying, “You do not know me. Turn around and look at me so that you can get to know me.”
The wretched woman, obeying the instructions of her lover, got up in order to approach once more the interior of her abominable bedroom. Thus, when staring at the one who shortly had been her instrument of pleasure, she saw something horrifyingly terrible and tenebrous. Her scaly-skinned dragon—fashionably disguised in the manner that the orthodox Roman Catholicism represents him—was fixedly staring at her, while a strong smell of sulfur filled the environment...
The woman could not resist the shock, thus while wailing sharply she fell unconscious on the floor.
When the neighbors heard that sharp wailing they came to help her, but the smell of sulfur made them run away terrified.
Three days later, the unhappy woman died in the hospital after narrating what happened to her… The Devil took her away.
The narrator told us that the smell of sulfur persisted for some time within that whorehouse, and because of that smell, people avoided walking on the street where that whorehouse was located.
By judiciously analyzing this narration, we practically discover an operation of moral asepsis, a method of urgency taken by that woman’s own interior Lucifer for her sake. Undoubtedly, her inner God commanded his shadow, his Lucifer, his particular interior Dragon, to materialize in such a shape before the wretched woman. So, her inner God commanded his Lucifer to become visible and tangible before her and even to copulate with her… Obviously, her Divine Inner Sun could not have made such an apparition in order to perform that copulation, but his particular shadow could, since it is polarized negatively with respect to the positive light. Thus, it is evident and manifested that Lucifer could do all of this.
Later, the outcome of all of this will be marvelous, given that the wretched female died filled with terror, thus when she once again incorporates, when she is reborn again in this world, when she gets a new physical body, it will be very difficult for her to return to prostitution, since that terror, that psychic shock will remain within her consciousness. So, it is more than likely that in her future existence she will resolve to walk on the straight path, on the path of chastity.
Thus, this is how—in any given moment—the Dragon can work and operate drastically.