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Mahanirvana Tantra: Kali Yuga

I am telling Thee the truth, O Devi! Lay it to the heart and ponder over it. There is no doctrine superior to the Kaulika doctrine, the most excellent of all (44). This is the most excellent path kept hidden by reason of the crowd of Pashus, but when the Kali Age advances this pathway will be revealed (45).

Verily and verily I say unto you that when the Kali Age reaches the fullness of its strength there will be no Pashus, and all men on earth will be followers of the Kaulika doctrine (46). O Vararohe! know that when Vedic and Puranic initiations cease then the Kali Age has become strong (47). O Shive! 0 Peaceful One! when virtue and vice are no longer judged by the Vedic rules, then know that the Kali Age has become strong (48).

O Sovereign Mistress of Kaula doctrine! when the Heavenly Stream is at some places broken, and at others diverted from its course, then know that the Kali Age has become strong (49). O Wise One! when kings of the Mlechchha race become excessively covetous, then know that the Kali Age has become strong (50).

When women become difficult of control, heartless and quarrelsome, and calumniators of their husbands, then know that the Kali Age has become strong (51). When men become subject to women and slaves of lust, oppressors of their friends and Gurus, then know that the Kali Age has become strong (52). When the fertility of the earth has gone and yields a poor harvest, when the clouds yield scanty rain, and trees give meagre fruit, then know that the Kali Age has become strong (53). When brothers, kinsmen, and companions, prompted by the desire for some trifle, will strike one another, then know that the Kali Age has become strong (54). When the open partaking of flesh and liquor will pass without condemnation and punishment, when secret drinking will prevail, then know that the Kali Age has become strong (55).

As in the Satya, Treta, and Dvapara Ages wine and the like could be taken, so they may be taken in the Kali Age in accordance with the Kaulika Dharmma (56). The Kali Age cannot harm those who are purified by truth, who have conquered their passions and senses, who are open in their ways, without deceit, are compassionate and follow the Kaula doctrine (57). The Kali Age cannot harm those who are devoted to the services of their Guru, to the lotus of their mothers’ feet, and to their own wives (58). The Kali Age cannot harm those who are vowed to and grounded in truth, adherents of the true Dharma, and faithful to the performance of Kaulika rites and duties (59). The Kali Age cannot harm those who give to the truthful KaulikaYogi the elements of worship, which have been previously purified by Kaulika rites (60).

The Kali Age cannot harm those who are free of malice, envy, arrogance, and hatred, and who are firm in the faith of Kaulika dharma (61). The Kali Age cannot harm those who keep the company of Kaulikas, or live with Kaulika Sages, or serve the Kaulikas (62). The Kali Age cannot harm those Kaulikas who, whatever they may appear outwardly to be, yet remain firm in their Kaulika Dharma, worshipping Thee according to its doctrine (63). The Kali Age cannot harm those who perform their ablutions, charities, penances, pilgrimages, devotions, and offerings of water according to the Kaulika ritual (64).

The Kali Age cannot harm those who perform the ten purificatory ceremonies, such as the blessing of the womb, obsequial ceremonies of their fathers, and other rites according to Kaulika ritual (65). The Kali Age cannot harm those who respect the Kaula-tattva, Kaula-dravya, and Kaula-yogi (66).

The Kali Age is but the slave of those who are free of all crookedness and falsehood, men of candour, devoted to the good of others, who follow Kaulika ways (67). In spite of its many blemishes, the Kali Age possesses one great merit, that from the mere intention of a Kaulika of firm resolution desired result ensues (68). In the other Ages, O Devi! effort of will produced both religious merit and demerit, but in the Kali Age men by intention merely acquire merit only, and not demerit (68). The slaves of the Kali Age, on the other hand, are those who know not Kulachara, and who are ever untruthful and the persecutors of others (70). They too are the slaves of the Kali Age who have no faith in Kulacharas, who lust after others’ wives, and hate them who are faithful to Kaulika doctrine (71).

Quoted from Mahanirvana Tantra, Tantra of the Great Liberation Translated by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe) [1913]