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Simon Magus

(Gnostic) A very powerful Gnostic teacher who unfortunately fell into black magic.

"Simon Magus, the magician of New Testament fame, is often supposed to have been the founder of Gnosticism. If this be true, the sect was formed during the century after Christ and is probably the first of the many branches which have sprung from the main trunk of Christianity. Everything with which the enthusiasts of the early Christian Church might not agree they declared to be inspired by the Devil. That Simon Magus had mysterious and supernatural powers is conceded even by his enemies, but they maintained that these powers were lent to him by the infernal spirits and furies which they asserted were his ever present companions. Undoubtedly the most interesting legend concerning Simon is that which tells of his theosophic contests with the Apostle Peter while the two were promulgating their differing doctrines in Rome [See: The Acts of Peter and Paul]." - Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1928)

"Evilness is so fine and delicate that even the Master H. P. Blavatsky firmly believed that Simon the Magician was a Master of the White Lodge. Master Huiracocha [Arnold Krumm-Heller] also believed that Simon the Magician was a great Gnostic Master, and he told us that everything that ‘Papus’ and other authors have taught in the past years about magic was taken from Simon the Magician. The only one who was not mistaken with respect to Simon the Magician was Dante Alighieri in his Divine Comedy. [...] Simon the Magician profoundly knew about Sexual Alchemy and the Great Arcanum. However, he fell into black magic because he continued to look into the past and he did not want to accept Christ." - Samael Aun Weor, Treatise of Sexual Alchemy