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Seven Paths

"Then lo! on the Day of Resurrection ye are raised (again). And We have created above you seven paths, and We are never unmindful of creation." —Qu'ran, al-Mu'minun: The Believers

"This verse in the Veda (X. 5-6), 'The seven wise ones (rays of wisdom, Dhyanis) fashion seven paths (or lines as also Races in another sense). To one of these may the distressed mortal come' -- which is interpreted solely from the astronomical and cosmic aspect -- is one of the most pregnant in occult meaning. The "paths" may mean lines (maryadah), but they are primarily beams of light falling on the paths leading to wisdom. (See Rig Veda IV. 5-13.) It means "ways" or paths. They are, in short, the seven Rays which fall free from the macrocosmic centre, the seven principles in the metaphysical, the seven Races in the physical sense. All depends upon the key used." —H.P.Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

"When the master reaches the Fourth Initiation of Major Mysteries, seven paths are opened before him: First: To enter Nirvana. Second: To do superior works in Nirvana. Third: To form part of the major government of the Logos of the solar system.
Fourth: To remain as a Nirmanakaya, working in the astral plane for humanity. Fifth: To work in the future Jupiterian period of our earth. Sixth: To reincarnate in order to work for humanity. Seventh: To enter the devic or angelic evolution in order to work in this great laboratory of nature under the direct orders of the Lord Jehovah." —Samael Aun Weor, Igneous Rose