(or Samnyasin; Sanskrit संन्यासिन्, literally "who has cast aside, one who abandons or resigns worldly affairs, devotee") A renunciate. Plural: sannyasis or sannyasins.
"He who has no Raga [desire] but possesses Titiksha (power of endurance) can do anything. He can move about wherever he likes. He is as free as the atmospheric air. His happiness, freedom and peace are unbounded. Their extent can hardly be imagined. The freedom and joy of such Sannyasins cannot be imagined by the poor, petty-minded worldlings. It is Raga and luxury that have enfeebled the householders." - Swami Sivananda. Mind - Its Mysteries and Control
"The great ascetics of meditation are the great sannyasis of the cosmic mind, whose flames glow within the igneous rose of the universe. It is urgent to acquire absolute chastity, tenacity, serenity and patience in order to be a sannyasin of the mind." - Samael Aun Weor, Igneous Rose