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(Hebrew סםאל) A great Archangel who has been assisting humanity for ages. He has been known by many names throughout our history, but he is perhaps best known as Ares, Mars, the God of War. His war is always a spiritual one, the war against the corruption of the human mind. Knowing this helps the reader understand why the writings and teachings of Samael Aun Weor are so direct and so potent.

Samael (Ares) is the great cosmic Intelligence which is responsible for the spiritual development of this current humanity, which has long been known as the “Aryan” (from Ares) race. (Unfortunately, this term “Aryan Race” has been corrupted by many ignorant people.) Therefore, he needed his terrestrial part to work here in the physical world on behalf of humanity.

His son, the bodhisattva Samael Aun Weor, fell into disgrace for many centuries, and committed many mistakes. Due to this, the esotericists of past ages knew him as a great demon. Subsequently, the bodhisattva was brought to realize his mistakes, and he worked very hard to rectify them. Now, Samael, the inner Being, has his son standing upright once more, and he was able to deliver his teachings to humanity.

"I ended up transforming myself into a fallen angel. Many egos resurged within my mind and I became transformed into a true devil. Now, in this present existence, I comprehend the necessity of eliminating my egos, the necessity of performing the Great Work of the Father. Therefore, this is why today I am here speaking to you all, with my hand placed on my heart. Samael Aun Weor is my true name as a Bodhisattva. Samael is the name of my Monad! - Samael Aun Weor