In spirituality, locusts symbolize the fiery sparkling life-force power of the Logos Samael which descend from Geburah into the waters of Yesod (Scorpio) and which through transmutation can return upwardly to our Geburah, our consciousness. This is the esoteric meaning of the verse: “And Iod-Chavah said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand (Iod, phallus) over the land of Egypt (our physicality) for the locusts (the fiery sparkling life-force powers of Samael Geburah), that they may come up (through the spine) upon the land of Egypt (our physicality), and eat every herb (spiritual force) of the land, even all that the hail hath left." (Ex. 10:12), Here, locusts symbolize the ascending fiery sparking life-force principles of Geburah by means of sexual transmutation.