(Hebrew הוד means glory, majesty, splendor) The eighth sephirah of the Tree of Life. The Astral World or Astral Body.
"Hod is the Astral World, the Astral Body. The Astral World is governed by the Moon. This is why astral projections become easier during the crescent moon and a little bit more arduous during the waning moon." - Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah
- Gnostic: The 3rd Aeon
- Represents: The heart or emotional body.
- Body / World: Astral Dimension:
- Fifth Heaven of: The Moon
- Level of Consciousness: Beni Elohim (Kabbalah), Angels (Christian)
Learn more: The Sephirah Hod, Tarot and Kabbalah