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The feminine, receptive force through which creation occurs, symbolized in many religions by figures such as Isis, Mary, Maya, Tara, Isobertha, Rhea, Cybele, Gaea, etc. The formless-force-matter symbolizing Nature, whose conception and childbirth reveals the fertility of Nature. In Hebrew, Eloah, the feminine counterpart of El, whose union produces Elohim.

"Eloah [The Goddess’] generations of the heavens and of the earth when in her [the letter 'Hei'] were created, in the day that Iod-Hei Vav-Hei Elohim made the earth and the heavens." - Genesis / Bereshit 2:4

"By the breath (or, soul) of Eloha they perish..." - Job / Iyov 4:9

"...I would behold the goddess (Eloah) while still in my flesh." - Job / Iyov 19:26