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The following text was utilized as the basis for discussion in a lecture of the free online course about The Twenty-Two Arcana. The lecture transcription is below.

The Hebrew Letter Nun


The Hebrew Letter Nun

Verses 105 to 112 from Psalm 119 begin with Nun:

נר־לרגלי דברך ואור לנתיבתי׃

נשבעתי ואקימה לשמר משפטי צדקך׃

נעניתי עד־מאד יהוה חיני כדברך׃

נדבות פי רצה־נא יהוה ומשפטיך למדני׃

נפשי בכפי תמיד ותורתך לא שכחתי׃

נתנו רשעים פח לי ומפקודיך לא תעיתי׃

נחלתי עדותיך לעולם כי־ששון לבי המה׃

נטיתי לבי לעשות חקיך לעולם עקב׃

105. Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

106. I have sworn and I confirm it, to keep your righteous judgments.

107. I am greatly afflicted: Oh יהוה Iod-Havah, give me life according to your Word.

108. Please, oh יהוה Iod-Havah, accept the free offering of my mouth and teach me your judgments.

109. My life is in my hand continually, yet I do not forget your Law.

110. The wicked have laid a snare for me; yet I do not wander from your precepts.

111. I have inherited your testimonies forever; for they are the rejoicing of my heart.

112. I have bowed my heart always to do your statutes to the end.

Arcanum 14

From Alchemy and Kabbalah in the Tarot by Samael Aun Weor

Tarot 14

Beloved disciples, let us now study the Fourteenth Arcanum of the Tarot.

It is convenient to state that the profound wisdom of this Arcanum is classically divided into three parts:

  1. Transmutation,
  2. Transformation
  3. Transubstantiation.

Let us study each of these separately.

1. Transmutation

In the fourteenth Arcanum, there appears an angel with the sun on his forehead. If we observe the angel will see that he has the square and the triangle of Gnostic esotericism on his vesture. The Angel has a cup in each hand and mixes the substances of both cups together. One cup has the white elixir and the other the red elixir. The Elixir of Long Life is the outcome of the intelligent mixture of these two substances.

When the septenary man is sexually united with the septenary woman, the sum is the fourteenth Arcanum of the Tarot. Moreover, it is important to state that both the man and the woman have seven principles and that the most important and the fastest center of the human being is the sexual center.

seven bodies

Image description: Seven bodies appear within the hearth; this represents that the bodies are within both alchemists (man and woman, the sun and the moon) because these are engendered when we combine the red elixir (the Sun) and the white elixir (the Moon) in the Ninth Sphere (represented by the well of Jacob, the sexual center). In the center of the Garden of Eden we find a Cherub (an Androgynous Being) located between the man and the woman. He holds the Star of David in his right hand, indicating to us that he is the outcome of the union of the two triangles, the two elixirs (Sun and Moon, Man and Woman). They combine the substances of their seven bodies (Above and Below) by sexual crossing the four elements (fire, air, water and earth), which are represented in each corner of the square.

The process of creating a new being (the true human being) is performed within the laws of the musical octaves. The seven notes of the musical scale are the foundation of all creation. If we transmute the creative energy, we initiate a new octave in the Ethereal World, whose outcome is the birth of To-Soma-Puchicon (the wedding garment of the soul). We can consciously penetrate all of the departments of the Kingdom with this vehicle.

A third octave will permit us to engender the true Astral Body, the Astral Christ (the Christic Astral Body). When reaching these heights, the old astral, the phantom, is left reduced to an empty shell, which, little by little, will be disintegrated.

A fourth octave permits us to engender the Christ Mind. This vehicle gives us true wisdom and unity of thought. Only the one who engenders the Christ Mind has the right to say, "I have a Mental Body." The present Mental Body is only a phantom-like-shaped body. This phantom-like-shaped mind really converts itself into an empty shell when the true Mind is born. Then, the old mental carcass is disintegrated and reduced to cosmic dust.

In the fifth musical octave, the true Causal Body is engendered. When reaching this height, we incarnate the Soul, then, we have a real existence. Before this moment, we do not have a real existence.


Work with the Prostatic/Uterine Chakra

Immediately after finishing the daily work with the Arcanum A.Z.F., the Alchemist should lie down in the dorsal decubitus position (facing up); he/she must work with his/her Prostatic/Uterine Chakra. This is a very important Chakra in high magic.

The Alchemist must inhale the vital air, then retain the breath and in those moments direct the nervous currents towards the Prostate/Uterus with the intension of closing the sphincters that exits between the seminal vessels and the urethra.

The effort of sending the electro-magnetic currents must be similar to the supreme effort that a woman does when giving birth. The woman moans in those moments, in other words, her larynx emits the moaning sound of the letter “M.” Krumm Heller stated that initiation must start with the letter “M” and “S”. If we want to be born in the internal worlds, then we must also utter the sound of the letter “M” (as when one moans). It is about being born and we must be born.

Thereafter we slowly exhale, we wait for the breath to naturally return to us and we inhale, we mentally pump the creative energy and make it rise through the two canals Ida and Pingala to the Chalice (the Brain). We continue repeating the exercise.


Imagination and Willpower

Imagination is feminine and willpower is masculine. When we work with the Prostatic/Uterine chakra we must unite these two powers in an Alchemical Wedding in order to promote the ascension of the creative energy. We do this first through the sympathetic chords of the physical body; second through the sympathetic chords of the ethereal body; third through the sympathetic chords of the body of desires; fourth through the sympathetic chords of the mental body; fifth through the sympathetic chords of the causal body. Advanced students must carry the creative energy even to the Ain Soph.

heart anahata


After a certain time of practice, students must learn how to direct their creative energy from their brain to their heart; the Fourteenth Arcanum is the Arcanum of Temperance.


2. Transformation (shapeshifting)

In Jinn State, a body can shapeshift easily. Circe shapeshifted men into pigs; legend states that Apuleyus shapeshifted himself into an Ass. To manage shapeshifting the following Latin Mantras are used: “EST SIT, ESTO, FIAT.” Only while in a Jinn State can we adopt any type of shapeshifting.

Clue for Jinn State

The devotee must sit at a table and cross his arms, placing them on the table; while resting his head on his arms, he must willingly fall asleep. The student must relax his mind by emptying it from any type of thoughts until it is blank. Thereafter, imagine the slumber state (that precedes the dreaming state); identify with it and fall asleep. When the student feels that he is slumbering, he should get up from his chair (but keep the slumber state as if he was a somnambulist) and attempt a long jump, as far as possible, with the intention of submerging himself within Hyperspace (with his physical body). Thereafter with a pencil, he must mark the exact spot on the floor where his foot landed.


As the student practices this exercise, he will notice that each time the length of the jump is longer and longer. Finally, the day will arrive in which he will perform a jump that is beyond average. This will give the student joy because it will indicate that his physical body is now penetrating into Hyperspace. Finally, constancy, patience, willpower and tenacity will grant triumph to the student; thus, on any given day the student will definitively sustain himself with his physical body in Hyperspace. With his physical body he will penetrate into the internal worlds; he will be in “Jinn State.” Then within a few moments, he will be able to transport himself to any place on earth. He will become an investigator of the superior worlds.


Genii of Jinn Science

Before initiating the former Jinn practice, the student must invoke the Genii of Jinn Science. The devotee will invoke the Master Oguara many times, as follows:

“I believe in God, I believe in Oguara and in all the Genii of the Jinn Science, take me with my physical body to all the Temples of Jinn Science. Oguara! Oguara! Oguara! Carry me.” This invocation must be repeated thousands of times before falling asleep.

last supper

3. Transubstantiation

The Last Supper of the Adorable Savior of the World comes from archaic epochs. The Great Lord of Atlantis also practiced this Ceremony, as Jesus Christ did.

This is a Blood Ceremony, a Blood Pact. Each one of the Apostles put their blood into a cup and then they mixed their blood with the Royal Blood of the Adorable One within the Chalice of the Last Supper (The Holy Grail). Thus, this is how the astral bodies of the Apostles joined the Astral Body of Christ, by means of this Blood Pact. The Apostles drank the blood contained within the Chalice and Jesus likewise drank from it.

The Holy Gnostic Unction is united to the Last Supper through this Blood Pact. When the Christic atoms (Solar Astral Atoms) descend into the bread and the wine, they are in fact converted into the flesh and blood of (the Cosmic) Christ. This is the mystery of the Transubstantiation.

The Hebrew Letter Nun

Written by a Gnostic Instructor

The Hebrew Letter Nun

In Kabbalah, Nun means fish (Aramaic)

Nun is written with the following letters: (נ Nun, ו Vav, ן Nun Sophit), which means: the Light above, the Shechinah of the three primary forces hidden within the “Nun,” “the N” descending through ו “Vav” (spinal medulla) even through the final Nun in order to expand the Infinite Light below in the Ninth Sphere, the center of the Earth. In Yesod, the solar forces of Kether, Chokmah and Binah (their Messiah or Solar-Light-Force), the Heir to the Throne (the spinal medulla) are hidden within Nun, the Sperm and the Ovum (the fish) that swims within the מ Mem, the waters of Yesod, the Ens Seminis.

The Nun moves within the מ Mem, the fish that swims protected by  שמים Schamayim (the living waters of life) from the Ain Soph Aur, the unknowable divine.

Within all Monads from the Ain Soph, Nun symbolizes every non-active element that lacks self-cognizance, but by means of the self-realization of the Being, in other words, by means of the transmutation of the waters of Yesod, in the Ninth Sphere, sex; these elements develop and become active. Thereafter, these Nun elements appear as fiery self-cognizant active elements (by means of the Iod and Havah) of all Self-realized Beings or Elohim, at the dawning of any universe.

Matsya Avatar

“And יהוה Iod-Havah Elohim said, Let the ( שמיםSchamayim) waters (of Mem in Yesod) bring forth abundantly the (Nun, the sperm) moving creature that has life, and fowl (souls) that may fly (or hover) above the earth (as the Ruach of the Elohim, the Chaioth Ha Kadosh, the Holy Creatures) in the open firmament of heaven (or the Schamayim above in Daath) - Genesis 1: 20

By means of Nun, the Elohim give onto the Monad (through the Venustic initiation) the necessary elements in order to build a Diamond Soul which is where the activity of the higher faculties and powers of Objective Reasoning are placed; this is how the Monad through Nun expands its consciousness and acquires the knowledge of the Elohim. Only the Monads of the straight path acquire the different levels of knowledge or levels of Objective Reasoning and their related powers when their souls pass through the successive Eight Great Initiations of Major Mysteries. These levels states and powers are not developed by those Monads of the spiral path in general. The vast majority of Monads eventually throughout the millions of Mahamanvantaras choose to acquire through the spiral path a basic type of cosmic understanding.

And יהוה אלוהים Iod-Havah Elohim [through  שמיםSchamayim in Yesod released abundantly the Hashim, the children of fire (Igneous Souls within the Nuns) of ha-shem “the Word” and] created great creatures (in all the Kingdoms of Nature), and every living creature that moves, which the waters (of Schamayim in Yesod) brought forth abundantly, after their kind (sexual potency), and every winged fowl (of cosmic understanding in Schamayim above) after his kind (sexual potency):

Monadic unconscious psychic elements or non-active Monadic elements evolve within Malkuth (the Earth, the world of matter); these are divided into three general categories, symbolized by fish (מ Mem), fowl (אלוהים Aleph) and land animals (ש Shin). The three prototypes of these categories are the leviathan (sexual potency און AUN from the waters of Yesod) the behemoth (sexual appetites of the blood-fire) and the fowl of the air (collective mind or understanding). These three categories of souls rotate; they evolve and devolve trapped in Malkuth, the wheel of Ezekiel, the wheel of Samsara. Presently, these three categories manifest in the humanoid through the three brains as three innate tendencies and attractions towards the animal soul-behavior that obscure the secrets of Daath to the consciousness. So, in the humanoid evolving level, these three categories can mutate through the mysteries of Daath, or devolve into Klipoth.

These three animal categories of souls are what prevail in the present level of the souls of all the people on earth. If these animal souls are not transformed into human souls, the consciousness will fall and will be disintegrated in Klipoth in order to be integrated again by means of the Second Death into a totally new mechanical, yet higher level of evolving processes of consciousness.

But…(when in the human kingdom the man and woman uttered the word, the name ‘IAO’ in Daath) Elohim saw that it was good.

And Elohim blessed them, saying, be (spiritually) fruitful, and multiply (through the transmutation of the waters of Schamayim in Yesod), and fill the waters in the seas (of Yesod with the fires of Nous), and let fowl (of understanding) multiply in the earth (Malkuth). And the evening and the morning were the fifth day (or Fifth Initiation).

And Iod-Havah Elohim said, Let the (blood of the) earth (Malkuth) bring forth the living creature (Nephesh) after his kind (sexual potency), cattle (Behemoth), and creeping things (serpentine nervous energies), and beast (fire, Aryeh) of the earth after his kind (sexual potency) and it was so.

And Iod-Havah Elohim made the (fire, Aryeh, the) beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle (Behemoth) after their kind, and every (serpentine, nervous) thing that creeps upon the earth after his kind: and (when in the human kingdom the man and woman uttered the word, the name ‘IAO’ in Daath) Elohim saw that it was good.

creation of man

And Iod-Havah Elohim said, Let us (now) make (the) human in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish (Nun) of the sea (sexual potency in Yesod), and over the fowl (cosmic understanding) of the air (in the mind), and over the cattle (Behemoth in the blood), and over all the earth (physical body), and over every (serpentine nervous) creeping thing that creeps upon the (flesh, muscles, and nerves of the) earth (Physical body).

In a true twice born initiate these three prototypes of animal wills, leviathan (animal sexual behavior) behemoth (poisonous sulfur, venom blood) and unclean fowls (thoughts of Subjective Reasoning), unite in battle against the Nous or fires of the heart, superior will. Brain against sex, sex against brain and what is the most painful, heart against heart. Yet, by skillfully transmuting each of these animal forces we kill the animal ego within us. This is how we liberate the souls of Israel from their slavery in Egypt (Malkuth) and blend them together through the self-realization of the Being. The consciousness that is trapped within these sinful protoplasmic bestial bodies is then liberated through sexual alchemy and becomes the nourishing-knowledge for the Objective Reasoning of Resurrected Masters in the Promised Land (fourth dimension). The Diamond Soul of Resurrected Masters in fact transmutes even the very root of these animal consciousnesses.

So God created humans in his own (Nun) image, in the image (Nun) of God created he him (Adam); male (soul) and female (soul) created he them.

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be (spiritually) fruitful, and multiply (your cosmic knowledge) and replenish the earth (physical body), and subdue it (with Objective Reasoning): and have dominion over the fish of the sea (Yesod), and over the fowl of the air (Netzach), and over every living (fiery) thing (Hod) that moves upon the (blood of the) earth (physical body). - Genesis 1: 20-28

This is how human beings were generated in Eden, the fourth dimension, the times of Lemuria. The waters - Schamayim – are the dwellings of the solar fires. The sexual solar fires of Nun sleep within the pure waters of life. In Schamayim fire and water are united in an eternal love trance that gives origin to any universe. The fires of Nun are the fires of love that breathes within our seminal waters. The fires of Nun make the waters of life fertile.

The sexual act also exists in Eden, because plants and flowers, trees and Gods, birds and reptiles, animals and humans, everything comes from sex. All creation is impossible without sex; yet, in Eden the sexual act is performed with chastity, sexuality in Eden is as pure as the Light of Iod-Havah Elohim.


But of (the waters of Mem, which are Schamayim in Yesod, within which swims Nun, the Ruach of the Elohim, which is the fruit of Daath or) the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it (like the beasts or Behemoth of Malkuth): for in the day that you eat thereof (as a beast or Behemoth of Malkuth) you shall surely die. - Genesis 2:17

This is how human beings in Lemuria lost their human abilities when falling into animal generation. They ejaculated the waters - Schamayim – and lost the solar fires of Shechinah. Now, the sexual solar fires of Nun sleep within the pure waters of life.


And Iod Havah said unto (אשה Isha) the woman (in Yesod), what is this (bestial fornication) that you have done? And (Isha) the woman (in Yesod) said, the serpent (Ob, related with procreation) beguiled me (through physical conception), and I (reached the orgasm or) did eat (the fruit of desire through the physical sexual spasm).

And Iod Havah Elohim said unto (Ob) the serpent (of procreation), because you has done this, you are cursed above all (behemoth or animal appetites of the physical body), and above every beast (Chaia or soul-force of nature) of (all organs of) the field (physical body); upon your belly (sexual appetites of the lower abdomen) shall you go, and (devolving atomic) dust (from Klipoth) you shall eat (absorb) all the days of your (fornicating) life. - Genesis 3:13-15


Behold now behemoth, which I made with you; he eats grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength is in his loins (lower abdomen, its reproductive organs), and his force is in the navel of his belly (solar plexus, the seat of desires). - Job: 40: 15, 16

The three brains are now polluted with Klipothic elements; therefore, those who want to return to the Promised Land must pass, by means of Sexual Alchemy, through a psychosomatic transformation. Therefore:

Every creeping thing (psychological Klipothic element of Anger, Lust, Greed, Pride, Envy, Gluttony and Laziness) that creeps upon the earth (psyche of the physical body) shall be an abomination; it shall not be eaten (by the consciousness, rather it must be eliminated from our psyche).

Whatsoever goes upon the belly (any type of animal appetite, desire in our lower abdomen), and whatsoever goes upon all four (bodies of sin), or whatsoever has more feet (in Klipoth) among all creeping things that creep (Egos from Klipoth) upon the (psyche of the) earth (physical body), them you shall not eat (absorb in your psyche); for they are an abomination (onto the Monad, the spirit).

You shall not make yourselves (egotistically) abominable with any creeping (psychological) thing that creeps (from Klipoth); neither shall you make yourselves (psychologically) unclean with them, that you should be (subconsciously) defiled thereby (with the Klipothic passional fires of them).

For I am Iod-Havah Elohim (in Daath): you shall therefore sanctify yourselves (through the annihilation of your egos), and you shall be holy; for I am holy: neither shall you defile yourselves with any manner (mental, emotional or instinctual fornication) of creeping thing that creeps (from Klipoth) upon the earth (physical body).

For I am Iod-Havah that (through chastity) brought you up out of (Limbo) the land of Egypt, to be your Elohim: you shall therefore be holy, for I am holy (annihilate your animal appetites within).

This is the (psychological) law of the beasts (Behemoth in your venom blood) and of the (filthy) fowl (or demons of your mind), and of every living (Klipothic) creature that moves in the (filthy passional) waters (of fornication), and of every (depraved passional) creature that creeps upon (the nervous system of) the earth (physical body):

To make a difference between the unclean (Klipothic elements of the lower abdomen) and the clean (elements that come from above through Nous in the heart) and between the beast (energies of Chaioth ha Kadosh) that may be eaten (absorbed through Alchemy) and the beast (animal appetites of Behemoth in the lower abdomen) that may not be eaten (absorbed by your Monad). - Leviticus 11: 41- 47


Behemoth through our venom blood fortifies the Leviathan that symbolizes the sexual strength in Malkuth (the Physical Kingdom); whereas in Kabbalah, Meleck and Malka in the Schamayim of Daath represent Malkuth, the Kingdom in the world of Atziluth.

The tides of Schamayim in Daath reached Yesod and are controlled by the moon. In Yesod are the Waters of life that give life to the King (Meleck) when the solar forces of the Messiah within Nun are liberated in sexual alchemy. Then the energies of the Messiah rise through Vav from the Iod in Yesod and reach the Brain, the Kaph or the Crown of the King. This is how the tides of the new moon, the Mother Aima Elohim (through her Shechinah that vibrates in Nun) bring through sexual transmutation the life of a new king. Eventually this Shechinah gives birth a new king, the savior, the Messiah, of Israel or liberator of the conscious particles of our Monad that are trapped in Malkuth and that are slaves of the forces of the Leviathan, the Behemoth and the unclean Ofa of the mind.

Nun Sophit

Nun Sophit or the final Nun at the end of the word symbolizes the descension of the solar forces of the Messiah (through the Venustic Initiation) into Malkuth and even into Klipoth. It is Moses (Mem and Shin) descending into (“Hei” – Malkuth, the Kingdom) as a faithful servant in order to liberate the souls of Israel from the infernal worlds, (souls who are trapped in Klipoth, the entrails of the Earth).

Thus, Nun is the leviathan; the symbol of the Divine Christic Solar Force trapped within the waters of Malkuth (sex or Yesod in the Physical body, the Kingdom). This is why it is stated that Nun is the “heir to the throne,” in other words, by means of transmutation, the solar fire becomes the heir to throne (spinal medulla) of the “Kingdom,” Malkuth or physical body.

The letter Nun is therefore the progenitor of the King in the eternal cognizant Kingdom of Israel, the consciousness of any Self-realized Master.

David and GoliathThe Star of David represents a Self-realized Master, a King (Meleck), “Lamed” that rises from Nun in the waters of Mem, a heir to the throne of David (represented by the star of Bethlehem, or six pointed star, symbol of the sexual union of two triangles one feminine, the Meleck and the other masculine, the Malka); this is how the Messiah son of the star of David comes to life.

As long as the solar fires of the Ain Soph Aur shine or are reflected in the Moon in Yesod, kings or Malachim will rule in the fourth dimension, Yesod, the Promised Land.

The messiah is that solar force that descends from the Ain Soph Aur through Kether and is placed by the force of gravity in the center (of the Stone of Yesod, the Ninth Sphere, Sex) of the earth Malkuth; a stone-force that is miscarriage of the fornicating Behemoth-Goliath-Indwellers of the earth, but that is wisely chiseled by the Malachim from the Kingdom of God.

When the Solar force within Nun, the Sperm and the Ovum is not sexually and psychologically transmuted by the force of Iod, Kether in Yesod, it is then altered by fornication and sinks into the Klipothic shadows of Lilith, yet finally liberated from these lustful-demonic ego-vessels (demons of Dagon) through the second death. However, when sexually transmuted, the essence of the Ain Soph Aur, the solar Energy, the Messiah experiences a continuous fall from the higher heavens and suffers a continuous mutation in the body of initiates.


“And Elohim said, let (the solar light of) the (dry) earth (astral solar body) bring forth grass (astral auric force), the herb yielding (Christonic) seed (from Hod), and the fruit tree (astral senses of the soul in Malkuth) yielding fruit (through Nun in Yesod) after his kind (sexual potency), whose (Christonic) seed (from Hod) is in itself, upon the earth (Physical body): and it was so. - Genesis 1: 11

The solar consciousness within the Nun is in a state of potentiality as the sperm or the ovum is in its natural habitat, the Ens Seminis (Schamayim in Yesod). When through sexual transmutation this Nun is forced to reveal its creative power out of the waters of Yesod, it does it on dry land, meaning on a body that is released after nine months from the waters of the womb. This is how the creation of the dry land, which is the astral body, mental body and causal body, is achieved through sexual transmutation; then the divine force of the Glorian, through Kether above reveals itself through his Iod for the good of the body, the soul, and the Spirit.

demon possessed

Then was brought unto him one (fornicating man) possessed with a (lustful) devil, (that make him) blind, and dumb: and he (the Atom Nous) healed him (with solar light by means of sexual transmutation), insomuch that the blind and dumb both spoke and saw.

And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this (a Meleck) the son of David?

But when the Pharisees (who preach what they do not practice) heard it, they said, this fellow does not cast out devils (egos), but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils (in Klipoth).

And Jesus (the Nous Atom) knew their thoughts, and said unto them, every kingdom (Malkuth) divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand (without the Nous, the Astral Light):

And if Satan (the Kundabuffer) cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom (in Malkuth) stand?

And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils (from Klipoth), by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges.

But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God (the Ruach Elohim that descends from the Ain Soph Aur into the Schamayim of Daath, whose tides reach Yesod and whose effluvia rises in your spinal medulla from the Nun in your sex), then the Kingdom of God (the Malkuth in Atziluth) is come unto you. - Matthew 12: 22- 28

Then certain of the scribes (intellectuals with subjective reasoning) and of the Pharisees (who preach what they do not practice) said, Master (Rabbi), we would see a sign from you.


But he answered and said unto them, an evil (fornicating) and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but (if they transmute their sexual libido, then) the sign of the prophet Jonah (will be given through initiation onto them):

For as Jonah (Iod, Vav and Nun) was three days and three nights in the Leviathan's belly (the letter “He”, Malkuth); so shall the Son of Man (the fires of the Atom Nous) be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

The (fires of the Nun in the Iod and the fires of the Nun in the Vav that shine in the “He” of the) men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and, behold, a greater than Jonah is here.

Letter-Nun-SophitThe queen (the Shechinah, the Malka) of the south (of Malkuth) shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from (Yesod, the Ninth Sphere) the uttermost parts of the earth (Malkuth) to hear the Wisdom (Chokmah) of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here (in the Nun of Malkuth – Physical Body).

When the unclean (fornicating) spirit is gone out of a man (who transmute his sexual force), he walks through dry places (in Limbo), seeking rest, and finds none.

Then he says, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he finds it empty, swept, and garnished (with solar light).

Then goes he, and takes with himself (from the atomic infernos of Klipoth) seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation (that do not comprehend and annihilate their animal ego through meditation).

While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him.

Then one said unto him, Behold, your mother and your brethren stand without, desiring to speak with you.

But he answered and said unto him that told him, who is my mother? And who are my brethren?

And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples (those who deny their animal elements in the 49 levels of their mind and annihilate them with the power of Shechinah), and said, behold my mother and my brethren!

For whosoever shall do the will of my Father (Kether), which is in heaven (of Atziluth), the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. - Matthew 12: 38- 50

So, Can you draw out (Nun, the) leviathan with a (Vav) hook? Can you put a (Nun Sophit) hook into his nose? - Job 41: 1, 2


Tarot 14 

This is a beautiful Arcanum that shows us three different aspects in relation to the work that all of us should do if we want to obtain the Self-realization of the Being.

This Arcanum is related with three aspects: Transmutation, Transformation, and Transubstantiation.

As you see in the tarot card, there appears an Angel that because of the solar light is very sun-tanned. Obviously this is how we have to become: filled with Solar light.

The Angel is mixing two elixirs; he is holding two cups or two jars in his hand which are two substances, related with the Sun and the Moon. The Sun is always a representation of the man, and the Moon is a representation of the woman.

Here we have to go deeply into the explanation, because it is the Angel who is doing this mixture. And above the Angel you find the Sun with seven Rays, which has an esoteric meaning that implies a lot that we will try to explain in simple terms, thus, concentrate very deeply in order to comprehend.

To begin, what is an Angel? You know that the word Angel comes from the Greek word angelos (plural angeloi), which means “messenger.” This name messenger is found in many places, in different scriptures, for instance in Sanskrit, the word for messenger or Angel is ‘Avatar.’

So there are different types of messengers or avatars, and different levels as well, and  when we find here seven Rays of the Sun, we are directly related to the law of the Heptaparaparshinokh: the law that organizes creation.

When we investigate the Angels Kabbalistically, we find that according to Kabbalah they exist in the world of Yetzirah, which is the world of Angels and formation. And they are related with the third triangle of the tree of life: Hod, Netzach, and Yesod.

Yetzirah (the world of formation) and the Angels are directly related with the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is Eden, that lost paradise of Milton.

In other lectures we explain that this planet Earth, the whole planet, is the outcome of the three previous manifestations of life, but in other dimensions.

The three previous epochs are called in Sanskrit “Mahamanvantaras,” which translates as “Great Cosmic Days.” So the Great Cosmic Day previous to this one was related with the moon, when all the moons were planets. These are the moons that are now orbiting around the different planets in our solar system.

In the ‘Cosmic Yesterday,’ there appeared a Greater or the Highest Initiate, because in every Cosmic Day there are different monads that struggle, that fight for their Self-realization. Some of them achieve Self-realization while others do not, but among those that achieve Self-realization, there is always one that reaches the highest, the summit, and becomes we will say the “King” or the ruler of that particular Cosmic Day.

So related to the past Cosmic Day, the highest initiate is the Lord that we know with the name Jehovah. JA-HO-VAH – is the highest initiate of that period.

But before that Cosmic Day happened, there was another Cosmic Day and that is called the Solar Epoch, in which there were also highest initiates and different monads that did not achieved Self-realization. But the highest of that Epoch is the Master Aberamentho. The Master Aberamentho receives the title of Christ in this epoch; he achieved Self-realization and placed himself at the summit of his time.

So the Beings who were Self-realized in the Solar Epoch are those who in this time, in this Cosmic Day, are called Archangels, and they are related with the fire, they are related with the astral body and with the body of desires; while the beings that in this day and age we call Angels are related with the Lunar Epoch and are the beings related with the elements, with the chemical, physical forces of the planet.

Before that Solar Epoch was the Saturnian Epoch, which is in relation with the mind. As you see for instance the involution of the forces, or the Ain Soph Aur are coming first; Mind, Astral and Vital or Ethereal forces, and finally this is the fourth which is the physical, the very physical matter which in Kabbalah we call Assiah.

So that’s why in the tree of life you find first here, the first triangle related with that epoch we call the Saturnian Epoch. (The mind relates to Saturn, because such a planet vibrates with Binah – understanding - the Saturnian Hierarchies influence Netzach - the mental body, which is the Sephirah related with the head in the third triangle governed by Binah – the Holy Spirit).

So, the Saturnian Epoch is in relation with the mind, and then the Solar Epoch, related with the second triangle, which is the Solar Epoch related with emotional forces, or forces of desire. And then we find the third triangle related with the ethereal forces and finally here we find at the very bottom the planet Earth, Assiah. That is why in Kabbalah we study the Four Worlds: Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, and Assiah.

So we will repeat and repeat it in different aspects in order for us to understand about creation and about the creatures, that in this day and age we call Angels, Archangels, Principalities, powers of the air, etc.

The Book of Genesis explains all of this very deeply, but unfortunately it is has been mutilated many times and that is why we have to explain more about it.

As you see, Yesod is the Sephirah immediately above Malkuth, which is a world of Assiah and in which in Genesis in the book of the Bible is referred as Matzarim or Egypt. Egypt itself is a world of matter, and the “Promised Land” that we always find written is Yesod, which is immediately above Malkuth.

But Malkuth is the outcome of Yesod. We always talk about Yesod in many lectures, if you realize, we always emphasize in the sexual forces, because Yesod really is the foundation, and related directly with the Sephirah Daath, which is knowledge.

The mystery of Daath is a sexual mystery, or the mystery of creation, the sexual forces. And here we are arriving at the letter ‘nun’ which means “fish” in Aramaic, because in Hebrew, fish is “dag.” So that is referring to the sperm and the ovum and different aspects of nature, as you will recall if you read the Arcanum on the website, which is synthesized and very well explained.

So, the ruler of the world of Yesod is directly related with the past Cosmic Day, the Cosmic Day of the moon, or the ancient Earth Moon, whose highest initiate is Jehovah. And that is why Jehovah is named in many parts in the Bible, and as well is named in other scriptures, but with other names, because really Jehovah is the one that is at the top of the pyramid of the Angels and Archangels. For the simple reason that in order for the forces of the tree of life to work, they have to pass through Yesod, because Malkuth is at the very bottom.

So Yesod is the fourth dimension, ruled by the Moon, and even Hod (which is the astral world) is ruled by the Moon. In other words, all the energies that come from above come through Yesod, and the ruler of Yesod is Jehovah.

But Jehovah rules not only the Moon of the planet Earth, he rules all the Moons of the solar system, because if we want to talk directly about our own particular Moon, or Logos, or we can say the Angel related with that Moon is Gabriel. So that is why we find that Gabriel always appears announcing the birth of a great initiate in the world of Malkuth. You find for instance Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus, and if you read the Koran, you see how Mohammed was taught by the Angel Gabriel.  Really, Gabriel commands many legions of Angels of the Moon, which are related with procreation.

No Angel performs anything in this planet physically or in the Ethereal World without the permission of Jehovah, because he is in charge of the ethereal forces. Those ethereal forces are related with the forces of the Holy Spirit, as Binah the Holy Spirit controls the third triangle.

Of course there are many Angels related with Yesod, which work with Yesod, with ethereal forces. And related with the Moon, in the mineral kingdom, the forces of Jehovah, the Angels of Jehovah, work with the evolution of the Monads in that kingdom, because they are directly related with the physical-chemical aspect of that planet which is directed by the ethereal forces, and also the plant kingdom.

In many books of the Master Samael Aun Weor (and many other books of other Masters), every single tree or herb is related with a particular Angel or force which is an intelligence that manages the forces of the ethereal world in order for evolution to happen in the physical world. When you awaken the power of clairvoyance, you can see these Angels working in the atmosphere of the Earth.

Above the Angels are the Archangels that also perform duties and works in nature, but everything goes through Jehovah because he is the ruler of the fourth dimension. That is why the Archangels are directly related with body of desire; before building an Astral Solar Body we have the body of desire, which is related with animals. Plants and minerals do not have the body of desire, but animals have that body of desire. We need to transform our body of desire.

That is why in many lectures we state that the astral body, which is a body that we have to create, is directly related with the astral forces that enter into the ethereal world and that are controlled by the Archangels. The Astral energy is placed in Hod which is ruled by the Moon and directly related with Yesod; from Hod the astral light goes directly into the world of Yesod and then finally appears in the Earth.

This is how we have to comprehend and understand the relationship of Archangels and Angels with our own particular psychosomatic nature. So if you follow, little by little, you will find how it is related.

Archangels are related with Hod and they manage the forces, the laws of the Superior Worlds. The superior laws are related with Karma and Dharma and act in the planet according to the karma of the planet; this is how it is adjusted.

When in the beginning the evolution of this planet started in relation with the Human Kingdom, you will find that the Archangels became the rulers of races through the lord Jehovah. So you will find there are many religions in the world that are ruled by the Moon, which means related to races and those religions are ruled by Jehovah. Many esotericists think that Jehovah is only the ruler, or the one that implanted in the Earth the religion of Judaism. But in reality, Jehovah is related to all the lunar religions; we will call it “lunar” to mean related with races.

When entering into the physical body, the forces of Yesod enter through the spleen, and the spleen transforms those forces into red cells which circulate in the blood.  The blood is the vehicle of the spirit, the vehicle of those forces that come from nature.  The forces of the Elohim (which are the same Archangels or Angels) enter through the nose when we breathe; that is what we call the Ruach Elohim or that breath of life that is implanted into every creature according to its own level. So everyone in his own level breathes according to the forces of nature and implants that in the blood. Remember in other lectures we explain that the blood receives the oxygen in order to purify the ‘venom’ blood, so that oxygen of course enters through the nose and the Ruach Elohim enter in there in order to act in the blood.

The Vital Body which is the superior part of our physical body receives the ethereal force through the spleen, transforming it into red cells.  That is why we will say that the blood that circulates in the physical body, not only in the human kingdom but in the animal kingdom, is the liquid that carries the Soul, the Ruach Elohim, the force of God.

These Elohim are related with the course of Karma. There is a word in Greek that relates to them: ‘demiurgos’ and this word in English is ‘demiurge’ which means “skilful worker.”  Many scholars have misapprehended or have wrong interpretations about the Demiurgos or skilful workers who are of course all the Angels and Archangels of this huge creation of this planet Earth. This is why when you investigate in many religions you find them in their different pantheons. Angels and Archangels are in relation with the forces of nature, because they are many.

In Kabbalah we study them in relation with the Worlds of Yetzirah and Briah, because the World of Briah (the World of Creation) is in relation with Archangels, and the World of Yetzirah is in relation with formation and of Angels.

But all of them in order to enter into nature and to work on this Planet Earth do so though Yesod, and the governor of Yesod is Jehovah; in this way we understand how Jehovah made the Earth or the physical kingdom or planet, because it is written in the Bible that Iod-Havah or “Jehovah Elohim made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for Jehovah Elohim had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.” Genesis 2:4, 5 In other words, the Demiurgos or Demiurge are the many skilful workers or Angels and Archangels, or better said, the Elohim under the command of Jehovah.

The Archangels manage the World of Hod and the Angels manage the World of Yesod, or those energies related with those Sephiroth, and above we find Netzach, the mind, those principalities or as Paul of Tarsus called ‘the powers of the air’.

So then you find all of these forces working in the Earth, but in the wheel of Samsara; in the wheel or evolution and devolution, which is completely mechanical.

This is how you have to understand, because according to the wheel of Samsara (which is the world of Malkuth, which is Matzarim or the wheel of Ezekiel) all of the four elements that work in the physical plane have a limit, for the evolution has a summit. When evolution reaches the summit or the peak, it descends on the wheel of Ezekiel, which is a mechanical wheel. This is why it is written symbolically in many scriptures in Gnosticism that the Demiurgos or demiurge is a “creator of evil,” but not evil in the sense of bad, it is just involution or as we have said devolution of forces in the mechanistic way of nature.

Some organizations think that evolution will take us eventually to the Self-realization of the Being, but evolution has a limit, and it is called ‘the Intellectual Animal.’ Animal comes from the Latin anima which means “soul,” and the soul of course is very complex. 

We have studied that in Kabbalah, and we know that there is a soul called Neshamah, Ruach, and Nephesh. Neshamah is the spiritual force of God. Ruach is the force of the wind of the air - they call it ‘thinking soul.’ Nephesh is the very animal soul. These three aspects are related with the wheel of Samsara; they evolve and devolve, and the peak of the evolutionary (ascending) development is the intellectual anima, or intellectual soul. We are intellectual souls because we have the intellect.

So the Demiurgos, the demiurge, only takes us to this limit; beyond that is not possible. Mechanicity does not take us to the Absolute as many organizations think, that eventually we will reach the level of Angels and Archangels and we will go into the Ain illuminated just by doing nothing.

Here is precisely the first mystery of the first step of this Arcanum, Transmutation: to mutate, to take another form, another shape, whether psychologically or physiologically speaking.

The creation of any creature on this planet Earth is done through the Hebrew letter nun, the sexual intelligent forces of the sperm and the ovum, or better said, the intelligence of the sexual forces that express in different levels in the mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, animal kingdom and human kingdom.

The Archangels and Angels through Jehovah Elohim give their Nun in order for us to understand and comprehend and to do the transformation that we have to perform when we follow their laws or the commandments written in many books by the great Masters that incarnated, and that were prophets of Jehovah.

This is why you find in the Bible that all the prophets are prophets of Jehovah. In reality, all the prophets in different levels are prophets of Jehovah, because they accomplish the law of Yesod in Malkuth through Jehovah Elohim. We are talking here about a particular Elohim which is Jehovah, but in other lectures we explain that each one of us has his own individual Jehovah. The figure of Jehovah also represents our own individual particular Jehovah.

The Master Aberamentho (Jesus of Nazareth, called Christ) represents the solar force of the Sun, the Cosmic Christ. But we have to understand that each one of us has to incarnate their own Christ, in other words, must create his own particular individual Jesus Christ.

Buddha Gautama Shakyamuni, who is also a great Master, came and taught us the wisdom related with our Inner Buddha and the enlightenment of the mind. Yet each one of us also has his own individual particular Buddha, since everything that is outside, that is, the forces that are in the cosmos, are also inside of us. That is why the human being is called the micro-cosmos of the macro-cosmos.

So all the Aeons (or “Masters of the day,” because this is how they are called in Gnosticism; they are Aeons) Self-realized and became channels of energy, of forces of the cosmos, and incarnate on the Earth to express their wisdom. But that force, that energy that they channel, is also inside of everybody. And this is what we have to understand.

Notwithstanding, those Aeons or Angels or Archangels or Principalities that express those forces have those forces in activity. We have them in potentiality, and only if we work with them and put them in activity is how we become Self-realized and become like them.

But nature, mechanically, will not do that for us. Even if we believe in all of the religions of the world, even if we memorize all the sacred books written in the world, even if we put our heart 100% in one belief, we will not achieve that.

The work of transmutation that the Angel is showing us on this card is practical. The Angel is telling us symbolically: “What we the Angels and Archangels do in nature in order to give life in the wheel of Samsara, in the wheel of evolution; you have to do individually with all of the forces that we place in nature, because we are Aeons.” That is what the Angel is symbolically saying.

An Aeon places all of the forces in nature; it channels forces. How many Angels, how many Archangels are there? Millions! Because they are in charge of this huge nature and each one of them pours in the world of Malkuth their Essence, through Jehovah.

That is why we always arrive at the conclusion that everything goes through Jehovah, and Jehovah rules ether the ethereal world, which is ruled by Yesod, and Yesod is in relation to sex, and the synthesis of the ethereal forces is in the sexual organs: the sperm and the ovum. The ovum and the sperm are the synthesis of everything that comes from above; this is what we have in our sexual forces, and what is called ‘Nun’ (fish).

But of course when we reach the level of humanoid, this ‘Nun’ (fish) becomes the Leviathan. The Leviathan carries all the forces of nature there in sex; that is the symbol of the Leviathan.

But above as you know (in the solar plexus), the Archangels rule the sexual “heat,” the solar force in the blood of animals, because the heat or solar force in animals works through their blood, and this is how, through their blood, desire works in animals.

When we reach this level in which we are right now, the intellectual level, we are still animals even though our body has the shape of a human being, because we have the inheritance of the animal kingdom in us. And this is what the Bible calls “behemoth” - the force of the animals, the lure of the animals. So that force circulates in the blood; it comes from the liver.

BehemothThis is why in Gnostic psychology we are taught that there are three types of psyches:

  • infraconsciousness
  • subconsciousness
  • unconsciousness

Thus, the behemoth or bestial force that everybody has in their blood is related with the infraconsciousness: our animal past that we have inherited in our blood.

In the time of Lemuria and Atlantis, the bodies that came through evolution and finally became humans inherited that desire-force. That is why you find that according to evolution in Lemuria the forces of desire were implanted in the human nature by the Archangels, by the lords of fire, with one purpose: for the evolution to continue and for the human being to control the behemoth, to control the heat, the animal force.

If you do not control that animal force you are not a Malachim; and behold, understand the word Malachim. Malachim is related with the world of Tiphereth, which is completely above the inferior triangle (Netzach, Hod, and Yesod); here (in Tiphereth) is where you will find the Malachim.

Sometimes esotericists call the Angels “Malachim” because a real Angel is a Malachim which controls the four animals that Ezekiel shows, which are the four winds, the four creatures in the wheel, they are Malachim; the Meleck (singular of Malachim) is the one who controls it.

This is why the Star of David is placed in Tiphereth. This is showing us that, if we want to become a Meleck, then let us use the Star of David, which is completely a sexual symbol, in order to control nature.   

This is how you control as the Bible says “the behemoth of the earth,” but that is within us. People think that that is related with the poor beasts that are there in the field, but those beasts of the field will eventually become intellectual.

Behemoth is inside of us; through it the forces of the Archangels work, as we stated at the beginning of this lecture, through the races.

In the beginning of the evolution of this humanity, several Archangels took possession of different groups in order to guide them internally with their forces, and through them, what appeared was the law. And the law is what comes through the blood. And the Archangels developed internally (through the blood) certain elements that humanity needed in order to acquire individuality, because that is the objective of Self-realization; to become individual, meaning to control all the forces of the Tree of Life as a person, as an individual; yet, before becoming an individual you have to show that you are capable of living in a group. This is why many religions of the moon (lunar) were instituted in the world, in which at that time of course, in past times, they were prohibited to marry or to cross their blood with other tribes, with other religions, as symbolically it is explained in their Bibles.

The Lord Jehovah explained to Judaism, “You shall not have other Gods before Me,” since those forces act through their blood, meaning if you mix your blood with other races, then through the blood you are mixing other forces from other Archangels; in this way you are following other Gods (Elohim).

But you can, of course, go out from the law of your blood according with the control of the sexual forces that you are showing, as many great initiates showed them precisely through their work of transmutation; you see, to transmute is to achieve different levels of mutation.

So the forces of the Archangels work in groups and that is why you find that not only in Judaism, but among these blood-forces are the Scottish people and other races that are jealous of their blood, because through their blood they inherit certain elements that are related with the evolution of their own races, yet this is something mechanical that eventually we have to overcome by going out of that blood lineage in order to command that.

Archangels are also related with the process of races. When one race is degenerated, then the Archangels act through Yesod, through Jehovah, in order to form a certain elite or group that will be the seed for the future Root Race.  This is precisely what happened in Atlantis; when Atlantis was degenerated, then a group of Archangels of that epoch made through Jehovah a selected group, who were the Shemites. The Shemites were commanded not to cross their blood or to cross sexually.

We have to state that the final outcome of the blood is the semen. We call it semen whether in the woman or in man. This is in Gnosticism, because in the outside world, they call it semen only in the sexual organs of the men, but for us semen is when it is in a woman or a man, the ovum or the sperm, that is Nun (fish).

And of course that is why the Shemites were prohibited to cross sexually their blood with other races, because those races were degenerated. However, after the flood happened, the Shemites emigrated and thus they started crossing themselves in order to form the different groups that we call now the Aryan race.

So this entire Aryan race comes originally from the Shemites, but some Shemites did not cross themselves and remained in the same law of the past; these are the ones we call the Jews, who do not cross their blood. They still remain attached to these laws from the past, which is related with the development of cunning. Reasoning is the faculty related with this Aryan race; reason is a faculty which is above cunning. Cunning was a faculty developed in the epoch of Atlantis in accordance with the evolution of the races.

The point here is to understand and comprehend that always, at any time, the Archangels through the Lord Jehovah made a selection of groups in order to form another root race. Now in this day and age, this great nature is doing that selection once more, and of course is doing it through Jehovah, through Yesod, through the Archangels and all the groups of Angels, forces of nature that are preparing a new seed for the future root race which is approaching after the great cataclysm that will destroy this present Aryan race.

The future seed, according to the instructions that we have received, is going to be a mixture of the Nun or the forces of the sex of the Aryan people with “extraterrestrials,” or better said, with humans of other planets. The seed, the of this present root race, the Aryan race, is completely polluted, degenerated. And if we select a group of only earthlings, then the future root race will be really not good. Observe how the sperm and the ovum is indeed degenerated; it is very alarming. Children that are newborns are receiving implants of livers and kidneys and hearts and whatever organ, because really, the physical body’s seed is not good.

Presently, to select good bodies’ seed in this Aryan race now is very difficult, even though the great White Lodge is making a selection of people by delivering this knowledge in order to form the future root race.

And this is precisely the world of Temperance within which you have to be: if you want to be selected, you have to transmute, you have to mutate, and that mutation comes from the Nun, from the sexual force.

Nobody will mutate just because he/she believes in something or because he/she has a lot of knowledge, theories in their heads; it is not possible that because of theories or ideas they will become mutants. In this day and age there are many theories about mutants, and even Hollywood is making movies about mutants, which will appear here, there and everywhere. Yes, mutants will appear; but it is not through the mechanicity or automatism of nature that the mutants will appear here, there and everywhere, no! Mostly, the mutants that they refer to are monsters, degenerating devolving forces; their present kind of psychosomatic mutation is degeneration.

The type of mutation that we are talking about, here and now, is something superior which we have to create, and for this we have to use the two jars (which are in the hands of the Angel), symbols of man and woman, in order to create the seven bodies according to the law of the Heptaparaparshinokh (seven Rays of the Sun as shown on the 14th card). 

And this is why at the very bottom of this Angel you find Nachash, the serpent, standing, because that mutation comes from the forces of the Divine Mother and that serpent is standing between three flowers. Behold here the holy Triamazikamno, the Law of Three, which in Christianity is called “the Holy Trinity.”

That Holy Trinity, the three primary forces, are related with Nun, the sexual force, because as you see on the tree of life, Yesod receives all the forces of the upper Sephiroth. The first triangle of the Tree of Life is ruled by Kether the Father, the second triangle is ruled by the Son; Chokmah, and the third by Binah the Holy Spirit.  So this is why we call the Holy Spirit “Jehovah,” and we call Christ “the Son,” and we call Kether “the Father,” which is that Principality of the forces of the Ruach Elohim that rules the head from above the Tree of Life; altogether these three are synthesized in the physical body in the three nervous systems that we have.

  • The Central Nervous System
  • The Sympathetic Nervous System
  • The Parasympathetic Nervous System or Vagus Nervous System

So, all of the forces, the energies from above, are channeled through these nervous systems and finally reach the sex (Yesod).

Through these nervous systems the Angels, the Archangels from other dimensions, send energy into the physical body, which is also called Malkuth. Remember that we have stated that Malkuth is also the physical Earth. Yet, we have our own particular Malkuth which is the physical body; our own particular Egypt, Matzarim, which is precisely our physical body; this is also called the ‘Philosophical Earth.’

All of this is synthesized in three beautiful flowers at the bottom of the 14th card; however these flowers become flowers in us only if the serpent is standing. If we do not transmute the sexual energy, if we do not transform that Nun inside of us, then there are no flowers. If we spill the sexual energy like a behemoth, like the beast of the earth, the three primary forces of the universe (Kether, Chokmah, Binah) cannot work inside of us.

Jehovah (who represents the world of Yesod) told the original couple (a symbol of those that enter into the human kingdom): ‘You shall not eat of the fruit from the Tree of Good and Evil’ as behemoth, as the beasts of the earth, because if you observe the beasts of the earth they ejaculate the seed, since that is normal in the animal kingdom.

So when we enter into this intellectual level, we are still animals; we have the shape of the human being, but we carry in our blood the behemoth’s inheritance. Nonetheless, in our blood is not only the inheritance of that infra kingdom of nature: we evolved from the infra kingdoms; everything (all kingdoms) are inherited in the blood. Therefore, we have elements also from the mineral level, plant level, and animal level.

Thus, in the human kingdom we created through the Archangels (Elohim) the different organizations, the different groups of religions that we follow, that we are attached to. In the intellectual level we are organized as intellectual animals with those castes. And this how the law of evolution organizes intellectual animals, but we know that we have to go out of the animal kingdom, out of our race, out of our traditions, and that is precisely the great fight that we have to have within.

If you recall the Mahabharata when Arjuna is with Krishna, when Arjuna has to fight against his own family, he says:

arjuna"Krishna, I see my own kinfolk desiring to fight approaching. Through sorrow my limbs now fail me; my mouth is parched with grief and woe. My body now is shivering; my hair is standing up on end.My bow is slipping from my hand; my skin is burning as with fire.Nor can I even stand upright, my mind is reeling and confused. Inauspicious omens I mark, and not good fortune do I see, O Keshava, if I destroy my own kinsmen in this battle." – Chapter 1

And he continues: “Yes, nor do I desire victory,” etc. If you read the Bhagavad-Gita you will see how beautifully it is explained.

But of course this is not a physical killing; this is precisely the problem with us: when we read the knowledge of esotericism, we translate everything as being physical and we think that we have to go and kill the unfaithful ones; all religions misinterpret such things. Understand that those unfaithful elements are within; they are circulating in our blood, like beasts, like behemoths.

Do you remember Goliath, the one that David killed? People think, “Oh yeah that is a story of the past, it is beautiful, David did that.”  Yet, they do not understand that they have to do that very act inside of themselves if they want to become a Meleck (king). To become a Malachim you have to kill your own behemoth, your own Goliath, you have to cut off his head.

In mythology and also in Gnosticism you find these behemoth creatures, like in Greek mythology you find Perseus who cut the head off of Medusa.  Medusa symbolizes precisely the same thing: the beast, the behemoth that we have within, the beast that wants to be satisfied through desire, and this is why Jesus Christ stated:

"He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." – Matthew 10: 37-39

If you read the scriptures literally, you might say, “How come Krishna advises me to kill my relatives, and Jesus tells me to despise my mother, my father, to hate everybody?”

Jesus is referring to the blood, because you carry that inside your body, through our blood is how we inherit the behemoth, how we are attached to too many psychosomatic things. If you investigate all of the races of the Earth you will see that really it is very strong.

This is the same thing that Krishna was teaching to Arjuna: he has to kill his relatives. This is a great Mahabharata, a great war. You have to perform the same war within.

When Jesus Christ said, “If you love your mother, your father, your brother more than me, you are not worthy of me.” This does not mean that you have to hate your physical family, no! This is something psychological within the individual. You must be kind with your relatives; you must be kind with your friends, with your root race, remember you have to “love thy neighbor as thyself.”

This is precisely related with a psychological work; being in the multitude, you have to separate from them through the psychological work that begins with sexual transmutation, because sex is at the very root of it.

So, when you are transmuting, you are mutating, thus this how you recognize and discover within your blood the inheritance of your animal past of your family, which we will call the subconsciousness.

If you study your subconsciousness in the intellectual level, it is written that we return 108 times as a human intellectual. And through those 108 times we of course return through different families, but there are certain souls that are so attached to their blood, their family, that they return in the same family 108 times.

Others go in different races, we will say for instance in Brahmanism there are certain Brahmans that are so attached to their blood, that they return 108 times in that blood. In Judaism you will also find this, the Jews are all attached to their blood and 108 times they return to that blood.  Other souls go and return in different races, because through their seed (sperm and ovum) they mix their blood with other bloods and thus they obtain different forces. Anyhow, whether you return 108 times in the same blood or in different bloods, the fact is that you have to renounce that animal inheritance, because if you do not renounce to that, then you are not worthy to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; the Kingdom of Heaven has nothing to do with Malkuth (the fallen Sephirah).

Remember Israel going out of Egypt and abandoning everything, taking only the gold, the good things (meaning psychic values, the consciousness), into the Promised Land, which is Yesod.  This Promised Land is something psychological; some people think they are going to enter into the Promised Land (Yesod) just by believing or just by certain things of the sort.

Listen: we have to overcome the law, the law of Malkuth, which is related with Karma, evolution and devolution; this is what we have to do. And the only one that can help us is the one that is above this mechanicity, which is precisely Christ, which is not a person but an energy. We always repeat this: Christ is not a person, it is an energy that we have to manage, it is the Solar Force; the Solar Force is what creates here (through the 14th Arcanum); this is why you see the Angel managing the Solar Forces.

But unfortunately that Solar Force which is in our blood (because it circulates in our blood, called the venom blood) has inherited the animal forces, the forces of our race.

This is why it is stated that you have to fight against your physical father and mother; yes, the genes of your father are in your blood, in your sex. Your father fornicated, your grandfather fornicated, and if he was an adulterer, then you have those genes. And you have to fight against those genes in order to go out of Egypt, in order to enter into the Promised Land.

That is behemoth circulating there in the blood with a lot of force; you feel that animal there. This is precisely Goliath, who you have to kill; but instead of killing their Goliath people commit adultery and thus they bring more filthiness into their blood. In the end of course they have to fight with a lot of animals, i.e. remember Samson and Delilah.

So do you follow me, do you understand the mutation that we have to do? It is a psychosomatic fight, and it begins with sexual transmutation, it begins with being a rebel against your animal inheritance, which is in your blood. Your animal inheritance tells you “fornicate, spill” because this is what the beasts do in the animal kingdom.

Through meditation you renounce behemoth, and through meditation you continue renouncing the inheritance of your family within you. This psychological work is difficult; this is what the great battle is. It is difficult, because in this physical world every one of us is related with a family, and that family is always behind you in everything you do.

Thus, by doing that alchemical and psychological work you can create the internal bodies, you can create a real human being made into the image of the Elohim; the Elohim are the Angels, the Archangels. “In the image of the Elohim” means individuality as an Elohim; because when you are in the world of Malkuth you are related to families, where there is collective will. Will of the family of cats, will of the family of horses, will of the family of lizards, and every single animal has his own will-force, his own blood by which an Angel, Archangel controls it. This is why we stated that certain Archangels are controlling certain races, but this is in a mechanical way.

It is written for instance that the ruler of the race of the Jews is the Archangel Michael, who rules them but through their blood (through the moon), and likewise is the inheritance of our family of our ancestors, blood traditions. 

This is why when Jesus of Nazareth came and taught (in Matthew 10:37-39) to Judaism this was a very strong teaching because they were so attached to their blood, and he told them that they have to renounce that. 

And here comes Judas Iscariot representing all that blood tradition. Judah, the lion or “aryeh,” to say it in Hebrew, because ‘Aryeh’ is lion in Hebrew; so the lion is associated with Judah, Judah is the constellation of Leo, the house of the Sun or of the forces of the Archangels that work through Michael because the ruler of the Sun or the Logos the Sun is Michael.

Michael is among the seven Archangels that rule the Heptaparaparshinokh in the solar system. Gabriel is the moon, Uriel is Venus, Raphael is Mercury, the Sun is Michael, Mars is Samael the God of War, six is Zachariel – Jupiter and Oriphiel is Saturn. Those are the seven Archangels that rule the different races.

This Aryan Root Race is ruled by Samael. This is why it is written in the beginning that Samael was involved in the creation of Adam and Eve and all that which is written in the Kabbalah, which is very esoteric. People who misunderstand the kabbalistic writings ended qualifying the Master Samael as a demon, since they do not know that he is a ruler and that he is still ruling this race; this is why this knowledge is his knowledge, because he is leading the Aryan race. If we will take advantage of his doctrine, then we will be in the Sixth Root Race. But he is still ruling us now, because this is the doctrine of Samael.

So understand that you have to fight against those demiurgic mechanical forces, because all Archangels work in the mechanicity of nature in the four kingdoms, since they control that.

But if you want to become as them, meaning, to become an image of the Elohim, then you have to mutate. This means that you will not be related to any family in Malkuth, because if your will is ruled by a group, if a group tells you “do not do this, do that” you are not an individual, you are following a group. Groups of religions that are in Malkuth, are groups that say “do this and do that” and they follow in groups like in the animal kingdom, in this case religious kingdom (Malkuth); these groups are good up to a certain level. However, if you want to become a human being, you have to become an individual, you have to withdraw from them; as Jesus said:

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. Nor I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law; and a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” - Matthew 10: 34-37

If you are not capable to be at variance, in other words, to abhor we would say that which is inside of your blood, your inheritance, your father, your mother, all those genes that you have, your behemoth, your animal, then how are you going to control the Leviathan? The Leviathan is the sexual force that receives that energy of Behemoth. All that energy from the animal kingdom, that is in your sub-consciousness, infra-consciousness, and unconsciousness goes through the blood and into the seed and this is why the animal is very strong in us.

But if you mutate, you transform that and you create the Astral body. The Astral body is our own particular individual Jesus Christ. The one that creates that Astral body begins his independence from the animal kingdom.

But for this, it is necessary to create another body that will not be collective but individual, if you want to start thinking individually, for that you have to create a Solar Mind, which we can call the ‘Christ Mind’ and this is the Mental Solar Body: with it you reach the world of Netzach.

Thereafter, you enter into the world of Tiphereth, the world of the Malachim, where you start building your own individual particular will, and then you become a Malachim, who controls the inferior kingdoms. Because it is written that Adam was a King (Meleck or Malachim) of Nature, who controlled the kingdoms of nature, this is what it means to be made into the image of the Elohim: it means an Angel, another Angel in this Tiphereth level, to which we are referring right now.

So this is something that you have to grasp and to understand because it is related to the Great Work that we have to comprehend.

Additionally, we have the great help given unto this humanity by the Master Aberamentho; he is the highest initiate of the Solar Epoch. He is beyond Michael because he entered into the Absolute, the Ain, and became a Paramarthasatya. He descended from the Ain in order to help this humanity, to guide not only Men but Gods; to guide Elohim into the Ain. This is why Master Aberamentho (who we call Jesus of Nazareth) came to this planet, in order to guide all beings.

But in order to do that he became one with this planet and this is the great sacrifice that he performed 2000 years ago. His astral force, his astral body - that does not belong to this universe but belongs to the Ain - became one with the planet in order to transform the body of desire, that was very strongly attached to families, to this, to that, to the animal kingdom, because of the karma of this planet, and this is precisely related to the mystery of the Transubstantiation.


It is written that 2000 years ago Jesus performed the mystery of the transubstantiation at the Last Supper. He poured his blood into a cup - some drops, we would say, not a glassful, but some drops of his blood - and the Apostles also poured some drops of their blood.

Behold here we are talking again about the blood; obviously the blood of Jesus of Nazareth and all of the Apostles at that time did not have any behemoth inheritance, any animal force of desire. That blood is Solar Force that can guide us, since it has the spiritual elements that we need.

Certain religions state to not consume the blood of animals, because in the blood is the soul, the psychic force of the animal, as we are studying here, and that is why in ancient times we were prohibited to drink the blood of animals, since if you cannot control that force, the force of the animal will control you.

But we are talking here about Royal Blood - not that blood that is being talked about all over the place, on the internet, radio, and television due to “The Da Vinci Code” which mentions the Royal Blood of Jesus. The true Royal Blood of Jesus is the Solar Light, because He indeed is the bodhisattva of the Solar Logos and in His blood is circulating that Solar Force that makes kings, or that makes Malachim.

And this is precisely the mistake of certain interpreters of the word “Malachim” - they think physically, thus they are talking about the kings of Europe. Many of the kings of Europe were degenerated fornicators, like Louis XIV who was a famous fornicator, he had many women. Are those the kings that have the inheritance of the blood of Jesus? Of course they are not.

The inheritors of the blood of Jesus are precisely the Malachim, which we are talking about here, these are the Kings of Nature, from Tiphereth, those are the Malachim that Jesus wants to create and through the inheritance of his blood are created.

At that time 2000 years ago when they pierced his body the astral energy of the Lord was mixed with the planet, because when they pierced his body when they nailed him to the cross, the blood poured out of his body, so the Solar Energy was spread into the atmosphere, and when he physically died, his astral force descended into the centre of the Earth and mixed his energy, his Solar Fire, with the fires of the planet in order to help.

For this cause have I said unto you:  "I am come to cast fire on the earth,' -- that is:  I am come to purify the sins of the world with fire.

And for this cause have I said to the Samaritan woman:  'If thou knewest of the gift of God, and who it is who saith unto thee:  Give me to drink, -- thou wouldst ask, and he would give thee living water, and there would be in thee a spring which welleth up for everlasting life.'

And for this cause I took also a cup of wine, blessed it and give it unto you and said:  'This is the blood of the covenant which will be poured out for you for the forgiveness of your sins.

And for this cause they have also thrust the spear into my side, and there came forth water and blood.  "And these are the mysteries of the Light which forgive sins; that is to say, these are the namings and the names of the Light." - Pistis Sophia

But it is not by believing in Him that we are going to transform ourselves: it is by transmuting the sexual force. All of that blood goes into all of the kingdoms, especially in the human kingdom, and becomes what we call Nun and that is why Nun is called “the inheritor,” the heir to the throne of God.  And we have to understand that the throne of God is the spinal column.

So there in the spinal column, we have the Hebrew letter Vav (Vau), which is the Throne of God into which the Nun has to release all the effluvia, the Solar Light, which when it rises is the Nachash, the serpent that heals the Israelites in the wilderness; this is the Kundalini that makes Malachim. This is precisely the help.  In order to do that, since we have in our blood, in our system, too much garbage, theories, beliefs, we need guidance.

Who is the best guide? It is the light; the Ain Soph Aur is the one that can guide us: the Solar Light can guide us from the bottom to the top.

But that Solar Light needs to enter into us and to guide us from the very bottom, and that is why the transubstantiation was established by Jesus 2000 years ago.

The transubstantiation was not established in order just “to believe in Jesus” and drink his blood and we are saved, no. The blood of transubstantiation is necessary because when Jesus performed that rite with his disciples, his twelve apostles, the astral forces of the Earth that are controlled by the Archangels were mixed with it because Jesus is at the top of the pyramid of the Solar Force.

So therefore, since that time, any ritual within which appear the wine and the bread is related with that Last Supper.

In the transubstantiation, the Solar Logos or the Ain Soph Aur descends from the seventh dimension directly into the rite that is being performed and then the bread and the wine are charged with the blood of Christ; that blood is fire, and that bread is that substance that we call Nun, within the transubstantiated matter.

So when we eat that bread and drink that wine, the Ain Soph Aur, the Christ, the intelligence of Master Aberamentho, enters there and starts working, guiding you inside, but that rite of transubstantiation must be performed by a priest and a priestess, and this is something that we have to understand.

Here is where Mary Magdalene enters into action, and what many religions (sects of Christianity) do not like; this is why they castrate Jesus.  We the Gnostics do not castrate Jesus of Nazareth, we show him as a true man: perfect, with his wife Mary Magdalene, performing the rite of the transubstantiation in order to have in the wine and in the bread the substances that we need in order to transform, to perform that mutation.

This is how the Solar Light works through the transubstantiation; it is a great work, a great miracle.

But I repeat, it has to be performed by a priest and a priestess. In Sanskrit, priest comes from the word “mag,” the root of “magician.” It is a word that scandalizes and scares many people because that word as used in this day and age is vulgarized. Now people think that to be a magician is to be an illusionist who makes tricks.

A real magician is one who controls, like Moses, the forces of nature, and of course that is the work of the transubstantiation, a work of magic, of priesthood.

But that priest has to be in chastity, meaning, practicing sexual magic; the priest has to be a mutant. No fornicator, an abuser of sex, can transform the substance of the wine; they may perform the rite of transubstantiation, but there will be no solar force there. Because in order for the Lord to descend, he uses the priest and the priestess as channels, and that priest and priestess have to activate the Kundalini in their spinal column. If the Kundalini is not awakened, how is he going to channel that force, his Solar Light? And if the priest and the priestess are fornicating, that is to say, in darkness, how is that energy going to descend?

If there is only a priest and not a priestess, how is that energy going to descend? Many groups celebrate the Eucharist, but performed only by a priest, and instead of women there are children helping the priest; that really does not work, not at all. That is why Christianity failed, or that so-called “Christianity” because genuine Christianity will appear in the future, real as we Gnostics understand it.

Now we have millions and millions of so-called “Christians,” but they do not know anything about this. The ancient Christians in the beginning called Master Jesus “the Christ, the Sun,” and when they said this, they were pointing at the Sun because they understood about the Solar Light, about the transubstantiation, about the transmutation.

This is precisely the mystery of the transubstantiation, and this is why you find the Angel there on the 14th Arcanum doing it. Those are the superior forces that are going to work through you; the Elohim work through you, if you know how to perform the rite. If you do not know how to perform the rite, the force of the Elohim does not come.

I repeat: it is an Angel who is doing the mixture, not the ego. That is why when you go into sexual alchemy, you have to put your mind in God, in your own particular inner God, in order for your God to be in contact with the Elohim, and thus they say: “Here is another Monad that wants to become like us, let us help him. His physical vehicle is married and knows about alchemy; let us help him to transmute the forces in order to make another Elohim like us.” But he has to be in chastity.

And that Monad must have informed his soul (which is in the physical plane) that he has to renounce behemoth, that he has to kill Goliath, that he has to control the Leviathan which is the sexual force. He has to control the Opha or thoughts of his filthy mind, the creatures that fly there in heaven, because we always have the creatures that fly, or thoughts that are chirping and chirping in your mind. You have to control those birds, all those thoughts. Yes, you have to control your Heaven, your Head, your Heart, which is the blood, and your sex, which is Leviathan.

Thus, by doing this is how you enter into the kingdom of the Elohim and you make of yourself, thanks to God and the Elohim, an Angel.

This is why you see in the 14th card two jars: one jar is the woman and the other jar is the man, because we are divided into sexes; we have to handle the two forces.

A single person cannot perform that. A single person can only reach a certain level according to the nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries, but after that he or she needs the opposite sex, because this is what the Angel is showing us here, in order for us to acquire the elixir of longevity, of long life.

Do you know why is that the elixir of long life, of longevity, is not given to demons? Imagine a Goliath with the elixir of long life: he will be immortal, and remain killing and doing terrible things to humanity.

Imagine a Nero, or a Caligula with the elixir of long life? Thank goodness the elixir of long life is only given unto those that destroy behemoth and who control Leviathan; only those can receive the elixir of long life, which is the eternal life that Jesus promised.

He received the elixir of long life after his resurrection. But people here want to resurrect with their ego alive with that beast very alive; no, in the Kingdom of Malkuth there is a mechanicity of nature; Evolution and Devolution, this is it. Beyond that, no beast can enter. Do you want immortality? Do you want to go beyond Malkuth? then control the Opha, Behemoth, and Leviathan and enter into the World of the Promised Land, Yesod, which is where you find the immortal humanity.

In the fourth dimension, you will find the immortal humanity, the Promised Land, the land of Avalon. There are many people who talk about the land of Avalon of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere; where is this land? It is the fourth dimension! This is a symbol of the fourth dimension, of the forces of the Being; do you want to visit them? Do you want to know if really the fourth dimension exists? Well there is another aspect of this Arcanum, which is called transformation.


By taking advantage of the astral forces you can enter into the astral world or into the fourth dimension, where you find those lands that are written about in many books.

It is written that even with the body that we have here, if we achieve to enter into that land, you can change your physical appearance; this is what is called shape-shifting. The only shape-shifting that people know is what they see in famous TV programs and those that appear in movies, people who shape-shift their bodies; this is possible, but only if we enter into the fourth dimension.

If you enter into the fourth dimension, you can change your shape, you can transform yourself into an eagle or into a jaguar.

It comes into my mind that when the catholic priests came into America to evangelize the Aztecs and to teach them the doctrine of Jesus Christ, it happens that Aztecs and the Mayans knew about it already, not in theory, but in practice. But the catholic priests did not know that, thus, they qualified the religion of the Aztecs and the Mayans as “idolatry” because they were killing humans. Of course that is bestiality; they were killing humans in the name of their God or their Gods. That was wrong, that was the decay of that religion.

Nevertheless, if we want to accuse the Aztecs and the Mayans of sacrificing humans, we can also accuse the Catholic church of doing the same thing in the Middle Ages. The “catholic holy inquisition” was killing people not with a knife but with fire: tying people to the pole and burning them alive “in the name of God.” That was more sordid than to kill with a knife. Because one strike in the heart and the victim is dead. But more painful was the death of people who were burned alive in the Middle Ages by the “catholic holy inquisition.”  What was that? That was not a holy sacrifice, but bestiality; that was behemoth taking control of religion.

Human sacrifice is not the true doctrine of the Aztecs and Mayans. If you investigate the very depths of their doctrine you find, indeed, the Solar Religion, that was degenerated by the time of Christopher Columbus.

So the Aztecs and Mayans priests knew how to travel in the air, things that we are studying here. We are studying here that in order for us to fly with the physical body, we need to enter into the fourth dimension; well, the Aztecs and the Mayans did that very often, it was something simple for them, because they knew how to do it, how to take advantage of the astral forces.

The Master Samael Aun Weor teaches in his books the doctrine and techniques for everybody that wants to achieve that, that wants to experience that, and to have at least, faith; this does not mean that if you enter into the fourth dimension you are done, that you are Self-realized; no. There are many witches, many sorcerers that enter and transform themselves into “birds of evil omen,” and do so in the fourth dimension, in the lower levels; we know that they do that.

Witches exist, sorcerers exist, and they transform themselves in the fourth dimension, but Gnostics do not want that: we want a higher force. When Jesus of Nazareth was physically walking on the Sea of Galilee, His body was in the fourth dimension. Anybody can walk on the waters, physically speaking, with his physical body, by putting his body into the fourth dimension, but for that of course we have to work a lot.

Remember that your own particular Judas Iscariot rules the sexual force, the sexual organs that receive all the strength of behemoth.

When the Master Jesus told Judas Iscariot (the Master, the Great Being that came 2000 years ago) that he was going to betray him, that was the role that he had to perform, he said “No, I want the role of Peter,” which is related with the pineal gland, the faith, the door of Heaven; he said, “I want to perform that.”

Jesus said, “No, you are the one who is most prepared for that role of the sexual force of Judah,” which is in the sexual energy.

“Yes,” Judas said, “but that role is mingled not only with your energy, but with our inheritance,” the animal inheritance of the races and all that which is related with the ego and, “that means to betray you.” 

“Yes, that means to betray me, and somebody has to do it.”

So Judas did it, and Jesus taught him how to do it because somebody has to represent that transformation, that mutation that we have to do, and the killing that we have to do. So Judas hanged himself: likewise we have to hang ourselves, not physically, but psychologically!

Judah represents the inheritance that is strength, tradition, forces of the animal kingdom that we have in the blood. To fight against that, to die in that, is to give our life for our interior individual Jesus Christ in order for the Human Being to appear within us.

And that is why you see how Judas appears in the Last Supper. Judas comes to the Last Supper and goes and betrays the Lord. Why? Because the Lord was doing the whole alchemical work there; right? Which is precisely the transubstantiation in order to help, in order for the rite to be repeated, that is why he said in the Last Supper (Luke 22:19): “This do in remembrance of me.” Meaning, repeat this rite as I am teaching you.

“Through the wine and the bread of the Eucharist you will receive my strength my help and I will help each one of you in the level in which you are,” because outside of the physical world nobody can help you but only the Christ, because he knows in which level you are, and he enters and helps you.


“This is my body (this bread is my substance) which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying; this cup (this wine) is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you (to save you, if you perform what you have to perform). But, behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table." - Luke 22:19,22

So, Judas went out and betrayed him, and he always does it; we do not want to do it, but unfortunately our behemoth, our Goliath inside of us, our inheritance, our traditions and all of that within, betray our own particular individual work. So here is the traitor of Christ; if we examine this plainly, the traitor of Christ was not Judas Iscariot, the traitor of Christ is inside of each one of us, that is the antichrist; it is within, it is not outside. There are as many antichrists as human beings on the earth. Those who fornicate, those who commit adultery, those who do not follow their own God, are antichrists.

We need to stand again our own particular Judas, not against the Master Judas that came 2000 years ago and taught with his life what we have to do, since he is a great Master. After Jesus is Judas, as it is written there in the Gospel of Judas, that he was the only one that could see Jesus face to face:

Jesus said: “Let any one of you who is strong enough among human beings bring out the perfect human and stand before my face.”

They (the Apostles) all said, “We have the strength.”

But their spirits did not dare to stand before [him], except for Judas Iscariot. He was able to stand before him (Jesus)” Why?

Because Judas (that represents the sexual force of Judah) nourished the Lord (the Atom Nous, the Son of God) with the transmutation of the sexual force, that’s why. Thus, when the energy rises then Judas can see The Lord eye to eye,

“But he (Jesus) could not look him (Judas) in the eyes, and he turned his face away.

Judas [said] to him, “I know who you are and where you have come from. You are from the immortal realm of Barbelo. And I am not worthy to utter the name of the one who has sent you.”

Why could not Jesus look at Judas in the eye? Maybe because Jesus was afraid of Judas?

No, Jesus is turning his face away as if saying: “I am seeing Judas that you can see me face to face but I am turning my eyes from you because I see inside of you your behemoth, your lust and all of that which comes from your sex. You are transmuting your sexual force, yes, but also I see that in your blood is all that lust, fornication, and adultery from your ancestors and I am against that. That is why I am turning my eye away from you.’ This is the alchemical meaning of it.

And in the end of it, Judas understood, he said “Yes, that is my inheritance and I have to kill that within, I have to annihilate that within because it is inside of me; well, I have to kill myself.”

Of course he did it physically in order to teach us psychologically, this is what you have to understand. Your Judas, your traitor, is inside of you, inside of me, inside of everybody. So do not look for the traitor outside: it is inside.

Even if you love Jesus with all of your heart, beware, because Judas loved Jesus of Nazareth with all of his heart, but in the end he betrayed him. This is the same thing that we do: we enter into the path, we love the path, we love our own God, we want to follow the path, but we betray the Lord. Within our blood circulates desire and it has the heat of the animal, the lure of the animal, and in the moment of the cross (of man and woman) is when we ejaculate the seed, so we are traitors.

So, all the Christians in the world are traitors, all the Jews are traitors, all Muslims are traitors, and all Buddhists are traitors. Only those who have no ego are not traitors, and those are the ones who die and resurrect.

For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.
If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.
Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin (the Ego) that dwells in me.
For I know that in me (that is, in [the genes of] my flesh,) dwells no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwells in me (in my blood). I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my (protoplasmic) members. O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh (and blood) the law of sin (Behemoth). - Romans 7: 14-25

Q. So the Archangels like you said control all of us, are they animals also? Or are they Superior Beings?

A. They are Superior Beings that belong to the World of Briah and their essence helps the soul of animals and the souls of the plants in their evolution to the level in which we are, but that evolution is mechanical. So in other words, the Elohim work in this way in the World of Malkuth, which is the World of the Demiurgos, the demiurge.

But in order for us to go out of that, we have to take advantage of the same force which acts above Malkuth, so we are talking here about the effluvia, the forces of the Angels and Archangels. It is not that the Angels and Archangels are within the animals or within the plants, no.

It is like a conductor and an orchestra: he is conducting and music is coming out of the violin, of the trumpet and all the instruments of music of the great symphony. That music that comes out is that sound, is that force that goes into the ears of people. In the same way, nature has many music players, Archangels, Angels, and that music goes into your ears, into your blood, into your nervous system, not only in the human kingdom, but in the animal kingdom, plant kingdom, and mineral kingdom in order for the evolution to go up.

Q. How did you get the animal blood out of their veins, the animal blood that fornicates and says all this stuff which was … …?

A. Through our genes, precisely in our genes we have the inheritance of our parents; the genes are precisely the vehicle.

In the genes you see, for instance, the physical cell has 48 chromosomes in the nucleus; each chromosome has about a hundred or so genes, and within the genes you find the inheritance, the animal inheritance that we have in the astral plane, which is desire, Kamarupa. Through those genes is how the body is built in the womb of our mother according to those inheritances that we have from Hod, which is the animal ego, whose effluvia goes of course in the blood.  In order for that ego to reincarnate, better said, to reincorporate in that physical body, it needs the same vibration, and those vibrations are in the genes of the mother and the father which are, according to the law of music, with the same vibration.

That is why you find on the symbol of alchemy in which beneath the Earth is Apollo with a lyre showing that through a musical note is how we return, but we have to control that.

And to create the seven bodies, to mutate, means to transform one lower level into a higher level, and that is a work of will, and with the help of God anybody can do it.

Q. If the Master Aberamentho was the highest initiate in the Solar Cosmic Day and Jehovah was the Lunar does this mean that the Master Jehovah was the Chief of the White Lodge during the lunar period and not the Master Aberamentho?

A. Yes, the Lord Jehovah was the Chief of the White Lodge in the lunar epoch. And in the Solar Epoch, the Master Aberamentho was the highest.

Q. Why is the name of the card “Temperance”?

A. Because you have to be temperate, you have to manage, you know. Temperance is also related with those people that drink alcohol, when you stop drinking alcohol you become temperate. And that is in relation of course with the assimilation of liquids of the inebriating things that inebriate the soul. To be temperate is to eliminate all those vibrations, energies that inebriate the soul and that make it hypnotized related with the animal kingdom.  And of course that temperance comes from the control of the liquid, and that liquid in our body is the blood and the sexual matter.

Q. Did you say the Astral Body is our own individual Jesus Christ?

A. Yes, if we create him within. When we transmute Nun, the fish, then we create the Astral Body; this is the first creation. This is the “dry land” that is mentioned in the book of Genesis; that dry land is the Astral Body. And that Astral body of course is the body that gives us individuality in the Astral World.

This is how we start going out of Malkuth, going out of Assiah, out of Egypt, and to become individual; it is a process.

So that is the Astral, Internal Christ that we have to build. According to the book of Genesis, it is called “Benjamin” - Benjamin and the famous “mystery of the cup” hidden within the seed.

Q. Are we talking about lunar religions being religions of certain races? Are all of the religions of history more or less lunar religions?

A. Well, Jehovah is the ruler of all the lunar religions, in other words the Moon. Jesus came in order to establish a Solar one, in order to make a big brotherhood. One, only one religion, and that is why the word “Catholic” was introduced; it means “universal.” Now, in this day and age, the so-called “Catholic” religion only has the name, because really if we look into that religion, we see that they no longer have this knowledge, they forgot about it. The real Catholic Gnostic Church existed at the time of Jesus and his Apostles and after that it was lost, because now all Christians are fornicators and adulterers.

Q. What happened to that inheritance?

A. It is here; there is inheritance here in this knowledge, in this doctrine. It was not lost: it was kept in secrecy.

Many individuals were jealous and they wanted to control the doctrine, so they were burning Gnostics alive in the Middle Ages. Many Kabbalists and Alchemists were burned alive because Rome wanted to control the doctrine, and that is why humanity was betrayed.

Humanity was taught that just by “believing in Jesus” they are saved. Master Jesus is there and is a beautiful Master, but if I believe in Him, that belief does not save me. He can come personally and take me in my physical body to the Ain and I will not understand anything, because I have to work on myself in order to be there.

Q. So you have to purify your blood, is that what you are saying?

A. You have to purify your blood by transmuting your sexual energy – that is the only way, and by meditating, because in your blood you have the inheritance of the past and that is precisely a work that we have to perform of alchemy; it is a process, step by step. It is not a process of one week, or one month: sometimes it takes lifetimes. It depends on the intensity of the work: those that have the will to do it in one life, they do it.

Q. If a person is a virgin, never fornicated, never does any of the things that their parents had who had been there … but stayed a virgin and keeps chastity until the days she dies, does she reach that higher level that you say up there?

A. In Gnosis, we are talking about scientific chastity, which is sexual transmutation. People think that chastity is just “sexual abstinence” - that is not chastity: that is wrong.

To “be in chastity” means if you are single and still are not married, then you have to transmute your sexual energy with Pranayama: that is chastity.

When you are married, then you have to transmute your sexual energy while in sexual contact. You do not spill the sexual force.

If you reach the orgasm or the spasm, then you eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil like the beasts, and that is not transmutation: that is what any beast does. The behemoth of the Earth does that: they fornicate, that is why we state that this humanity is still animal. Human Beings are very rare to find, because Human Beings know the mystery of transmutation, of transubstantiation, and they do it.

But if you do not know this, if you think that just by sexual abstinence you are going to reach heaven, it is impossible, because you have to create inside of you the elements that belong to heaven.

Heaven is not something you conquer after death, physical death. Heaven is something that you conquer after “psychological death.” And for that you need meditation; for that you need to know alchemy; for that you need to be married and to do the work: to mix the two jars.

Q. Who then is our intimate Christ?

A. Our intimate Christ is the Astral body, but while we do not have that Astral body, we have an atom of that intimate Christ in the left ventricle of the heart, which is the atom ‘Nous’ - it is the atom that purifies the blood. And that atom is in direct contact with the Elohim, with the Christs which are outside - because there are many Christs, not only one, many. Meaning, they are one with the Solar Light. The highest of all them is the Master Aberamentho, Jesus of Nazareth.

Our Monad is our own particular Christ, but if we do not have the Astral Body, if we still have behemoth very strong in us, our particular individual Christ is a baby. Remember Christ does not come fully developed: He is born as a baby. So we will say that the particular individual Christ is a baby inside of us, but remember that many children were killed at that time, it is written. And that is precisely when you fornicate. When you fornicate, you kill your child, your Inner Being.

Q. What happens in blood transfusions, in organ transplants?

A. Well obviously the blood is a vehicle of the soul, when you have blood transfusion you are taking the elements of the others into your blood; that is unquestionable. In a case of life or death, then take the blood. But obviously in the blood you take the inheritance of the others because the blood is the vehicle of the spirit.

Q. What of a couple that has been transmuting for years and years and somehow they need to get a transfusion?

A. Why do they need a transfusion all of a sudden?

Q. If they have an accident?

A. Oh well if they have an accident and they want to die, then “Please don’t give me any blood and let me die, I’m happy.”

I am not afraid of death, because I know what is there. I have experienced many times what is there on the other side, so that if I die I will be very happy.

What comes into my mind is St Francis of Assisi; he is a Christ, if you want to say a Christ in a physical body. When he went to evangelize, he went to the Muslims and was talking about Christianity and the Muslims were angry against him and said, “We are going to kill you right now,”’ and one of them was describing how he was going to torture him and then finally he would die. And St Francis of Assisi was smiling and happy. The Muslim says “Why are you smiling? Why is this? Is it because you are going to die?”

Francis said, “Really, if you are going to do that, I am happy, because it is the best to die for my Lord.” And then that warrior said, “Ok, now I do not want to kill you, I do not want to make you happy.”

And of course if you read that, you will find the beautiful similitude between St Francis of Assisi and many other great Masters.

Q. So it is not a good idea to have on my license where it is checked to say organ donor?

A. Whatever you donate in this physical plane is going to remain in this physical plane. Nobody is going to enter into the Promised Land with a transplant believe me. So that many things are being done in this physical world, so what? So many people are vegetarians or are this or that, so what? It is Ok, you can be whatever you want to be, but remember you have to be a mutant if you want to enter there.

Q. So by transplanting organs, like somebody gives a kidney to somebody, you know to give an organ to keep alive another person, is there a karmic bond now created between those people, by sharing the blood?

A. Obviously, there is. But let me tell you those people are not in the path of Self-realization so it does not matter. Somebody received the organ of a pig in his body, because now the scientists or the doctors are transplanting organs of pigs into human beings, or into intellectual animals we will say, because no Human Being will receive that.  So what? Animal into animal is Ok, it does not matter. But if you are on the path of Self-realization, well, you have to be strict. If somebody says my kidneys are sick, you have to help me heal my kidneys in the natural way. No operations, no transplants, nothing, because that will ruin my transformation, my mutation.

But if somebody is not a mutant, he only believes in Jesus or in Buddha or Krishna, if he wants to have a transplant, let him have it. So what, it does not change anything. He is just rotating in the wheel of Samsara anyway.

Q. So, excuse me, if he, lets say if we are talking about this organ transplant, you said it does not change anything, but does it slow down the mutation, if you accept it? Because before you were saying if he is in the path of mutation that he cannot because he understands he accepts that organ he is willing to die because he has in his mind is feeling that his mutation is going to be spiritually, psychologically to the path of God, so in that case it means something? Because if you take an organ you are slowing the process of mutation? 

A. Yes of course, that is what I said. If you take the organ, you are taking all the psychological elements as well that you have to fight against.

You see that is precisely what the Bible says: “You shall not commit adultery.” But adultery is not only the sexual act with another man, or the husband with another woman. That is not only adultery: adultery comes from adulteration; to adulterate.

If you accept other organs into your body that are not of your body, but from another body, then you are adulterating your physical nature. For adultery is very common in this day and age, everybody is doing it, but if you enter into the path, then you have to be strict; as I said, you are learning how to be careful.

And if you enter and you already have a transplant, well it does not matter, you have to fight anyhow, because the work is internal.

I know a man for instance that entered into the Work, but previously he had a vasectomy. I said to him, “Well, do whatever you have to do now. In the next life the great White Lodge will give you a new body because you will work now; you committed that mistake without knowing. Now you know well what you need to do. If you have a reverse operation, well if you want to have it, go ahead.”

That is why if you enter having been circumcised, then work on yourself; if you enter not being circumcised, then work on yourself; either way, just go ahead: the work is inside.