The Two Greatest Commandments
The gospels of Jesus Christ are based on the science of Alchemy, which is the Tree of Knowledge, and Kabbalah, which is the Tree of Life.
The glyph Tree of Life has three pillars, where the ten sephiroth are distributed as follows:
Three Sephiroth of form are the pillar of the left (Binah, Geburah, and Hod).
Three Sephiroth of energy are the pillar of the right (Chokmah, Chesed, and Netzach).
Between these two pillars is the central pillar, the pillar of equilibrium, where all the distinct levels of consciousness are found (Malkuth, Yesod, Tiphereth and Kether). In the central pillar between Kether and Tiphereth is the hidden sephirah Daath, the Tree of Knowledge, whose roots are in יסוד Yesod the foundation, where שדי Shaddai is found.
“Daath, the Sephirah of Hebrew mystery, is produced by the esoteric conjunction of (Adam-Chavah) Shiva-Shakti, Osiris-Isis, perpetually united by (the shakti power of the י Iod of יסוד) Yesod, the Foundation, the Ninth Sephirah, the Ninth Sphere, sex, but hidden by the mysteries of Daath which has the Tantric knowledge, which is processed with the Sahaja Maithuna, or Sexual Magic, that when correctly utilized permits the intimate realization of the Being.” - Samael Aun Weor
As an example of these two trees, let us read the Gospel of Mark:
“And one of the scribes (חכם, a Chakam) came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that Jesus had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?
And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments begins like this:
“Listen, Israel; יהוה Iod-Chavah our Elohim is one יהוה Iod-Chavah.”
The word listen is שמע shema in Hebrew, and is kabbalistically associated with the capability to understand (השם HaShem) the name יהוה Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei of Elohim. In regards to this understanding, the book of Revelation states:
“Whosoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says unto the churches.”
The spirit referred to here is Mi מי, the creative energy of יהוה Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei (the Holy Spirit, the sephirah Binah) that circulates within the endocrine system. The prophet Hosea stated:
“Who, חכם Chokmah and he (Tiphereth-Israel) will understand these. The wise he shall know them. For the ways of יהוה “Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei are right, and (the ישרים Ishrim) the upright ones shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein.” - Hosea 14: 9
Regarding שמע shema, inner hearing or comprehension and understanding of השם HaShem, the name יהוה Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei of Elohim, by Israel ישראל the upright ones of God or the ישרים Ishrim the upright ones of Mi מי, the Holy spirit, it is written:
“All of the multiple self-cognizant and independent parts (the ישרים Ishrim) of our own individual Being constitute the people of ישראל Israel.” - The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled by Samael Aun Weor
The sound “EH” develops the Vishuddha chakra and the powers of the mind. This sound makes the thyroid gland vibrate and grants us the power of שמע Shema, the inner hearing or comprehension and understanding of השם HaShem, “the name.”
“The chakra of the larynx is the door that allows us to enter into the great cathedral of Sardis. The development of the chakra of the larynx (church of Sardis) grants us conceptual synthetism. The great masters of Nirvana do not rationalize. Conceptual synthetism and intuition replace reasoning.
“Indeed, Satan שטן is the one who rationalizes. Desire and reasoning belong to the ego, the “I.”
“We comprehend the esotericism of the sacred books with the development of the chakra of the larynx.
“The Tattva Akash is the Tattva of the laryngeal chakra. We become aware of the past, present, and future, of all that exists in the universe, with the development of the chakra of the larynx. Likewise, with the development of the chakra of the larynx, we awake the sacred ear, and then we can hear (and understand) the words of paradise and the ineffable symphonies of the temples.
“The power of comprehension is granted to us when we develop this chakra. Comprehension and intuition will replace reasoning.” - The Aquarian Message by Samael Aun Weor
Now, about יהוה Jehovah, our Elohim is one יהוה Jehovah. Ehad אחד in Hebrew means “one,” and the sum value of the letters of Ehad is 1+8+4 = 13 = 4, the tetragrammaton. Thus, Ehad אחד is יהוה Jehovah. The Zohar states:
“'And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.' (Genesis 3: 2, 3) 'The fruit of the tree' denotes the woman. Thou shalt not eat thereof, because as scripture states: 'Her feet go down to death and her steps lead into Hades' (Proverbs 5: 5). There is fruit that is salutary when gathered from one tree (of life) and lethal when plucked from another tree (of knowledge). The latter was the fruit that (חוה Chavah) Eve referred to.” - Zohar
When we read this explanation of Genesis 3: 2,3, lay people immediately think that The Zohar is addressing women, and thus, regarding the eating of the forbidden fruit, we men are innocent. However, here, we are discussing the esoteric knowledge of the Tree of Knowledge, that which is the science of Alchemy; this is the hidden knowledge related with the two creative sexual polarities that Genesis calls Adam and Eve, Good and Evil.
Sexual Polarities
“The tree of knowledge which we have been discoursing was nourished by the supernal light, by which it became great, fair and beautiful to the light. It is also written, 'And a river went forth out of Eden to water the garden.' The garden here mentioned denotes the female (Malkutha-Eve), whom the river made fruitful. Then (by means of the sexual act) man and woman became again one, in the sense as it is said, 'Jehovah is one and his name is one.' After disobeying the divine commandment, a deterioration in their heavenly state took place and they (these two polarities) became separated from the higher and diviner life as intimated by the words, ‘and from thence it (the river) was parted, and became into four heads” (meaning, two polarities in Adam and two polarities in Eve) - Genesis 2: 10. - Zohar
Adam is the brain, the head, and is represented by the letter י Iod of יהוה Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei. Eve represents the two sexual creative polarities rooted in the letter י Iod of יסוד Yesod (sex), the genitalia of both sexes, and is represented by the letters הוה Hei-Vav-Hei of the tetragrammaton.
This is why alternatively the word הוה Eve in Hebrew is also written with Chet as חוה Chavah; the first letter Hei is changed into the letter Chet because the shape of the letter Chet encloses the mystery of the two polarities of alchemy united by the shakti power of the letter י Iod that we are studying here. In Hebrew, the letter Chet is spelt חית, and it means “life” and also “beasts.”
The "ch" of the letter Chet is pronounced in a light, scraping sound as when you clear your throat, like the “ch” of Bach. It is the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
There are three י Iods, a trinity, in the shape of the letter Chet, namely, the י Iod of the middle that unites two י Iods or the heads of the letters Zayin and Vav, the seventh and sixth letters respectively of the Hebrew alphabet. In Alchemy, Zayin is the sexual feminine polarity and Vav the masculine sexual polarity that express themselves in the male and female bodies, which are represented in the letters Vav and Hei of the name חוה Chavah (Eve). In Brahmanism, these two sexual creative polarities are known as Ida and Pingala, and in Taoism as Yin and Yang.
Observe that the letters Zayin and Vav that make the shape of the letter Chet in the name חוה Chavah (Eve) have slightly similar shapes. The letter ו Vav which is on the right side of the letter has the vertical line on the right side of the י Iod, while the letter ז Zayin which is in the left side of the letter, has the vertical line in the center of the י Iod. So again, Zayin and Vav show the two sexual creative polarities of the male and female physicalities, which are represented in the letters Vav and Hei of the name חוה Chavah (Eve).
The numerical value of the letters of the name חוה Chavah are 8+6+5 = 19. 1+9 = 10 sephiroth. The value of the letter י Iod, 1+0 = 1; this is why it is written: “יהוה Iod-Chavah our Elohim is one יהוה Iod-Chavah.” In other words, the י Iod of יהוה Iod-Chavah our Elohim in the head is the same י Iod that unites Zayin and Vav as one letter Chet of חוה Chavah, our genitalia.
In the time of Eden, when Adam was still androgynous, these two sexual creative polarities were not yet split or separated; thus, they manifested themselves as a gynandromorph, or, unified creative sexual power, found within the hermaphroditic physicality of Adam. The hermaphroditic physicality of Adam contained the two active sexual creative polarities, thus the hermaphrodite Adam was capable of physically multiplying without the necessity of the sexual act. This hermaphroditic physical Adam is addressed in Genesis as follows:
The Two Witnesses Od and Ob
“And Elohim created Adam in his own image, in the image of Elohim created he Adam; (אב Ob) male and (אד Od) female created he them (the Edenic hermaphrodite humanity).”
So, from the testicles of the physical body of the hermaphrodite father-mother, a spermatozoon escaped, which eventually fecundated the ovum that was detached from the ovaries of the same physical body of the hermaphrodite father-mother; this is how, these hermaphrodites self impregnated themselves physically. When the new physically hermaphrodite baby was born, the baby was nourished from the milk of the breasts of the hermaphrodite. These hermaphroditic physicalities did not have the shape of the male or female contemporary physical bodies of this day and age; their physical structure was different.
Yet, in time, as the book of Genesis states, the gynandromorphism, the unified creative sexual power of Jehovah Elohim in the hermaphrodite body, was divided into four flows of energy by means of the splitting of this gynandromorphism into two halves. Thus, over time, physical bodies were born with the feminine sexual organs more developed or physical bodies with the masculine sexual organs more developed. This is how the gynandromorphism or unified creative power of יהוה Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei (the river that went out of Eden to water the garden or hermaphrodite physicality) turned asunder into four streams because of the division of sexes; these four streams are represented in the two polarities of the letter Chet plus the two polarities represented in letter Vav and Hei of the name חוה Chavah. In other words, the two polarities of the creative fire (אש Esh) of life represented in the letter Chet manifested themselves through Vav, as איש Aish, the man, or through Hei as אשה Ashah, the woman.
When we are referring to חוה Chavah alchemically, we are addressing the two masculine and feminine sexual polarities of life represented in the letter Chet, either in the male or female bodies. This is why “Adam called his wife's name Eve, better said, חוה Chavah; because she is the mother of all חי Chai (living).” - Genesis 3: 20. Observe that the Hebrew word חי Chai contains four י Iods, the tetragrammaton, above Zayin and Vav.
The living חי Chai develops the seven chakras within the spinal medulla. The five physical senses plus the seven chakras are the twelve senses that the living (חי Chai), the people of ישראל Israel (meaning, all of the multiple self-cognizant and independent parts, the ישרים Ishrim of our own individual Being or יהוה Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei) use in order to perceive the life that manifests throughout the sephiroth of the Tree of Life.
The division of sexes that the book of Genesis describes in the alchemical manner happened through evolution, and not from one day to the next as it is symbolically described. The creation of Adam and Eve by the intelligence of Jehovah-Elohim is accomplished through the involution of Spirit into Matter; thus, the masculine and feminine bodies that appeared through gradual course of time had the same hermaphroditic structure, meaning the two masculine-feminine polarities. In other words, the two masculine-feminine polarities in the male bodies were rooted in the testicles, and the two masculine-feminine polarities in the females bodies were rooted in the ovaries. It is stated:
“Scientists know very well that the ovaries produce not only ova, they also generate a marvelous endocrine substance [estrogen], a very rich elixir that vitalizes the woman and makes her feminine.
“As an external secretion, the testicles have the ens seminis (the Mercury of secret philosophy) that carries the spermatozoids collected by the prostate gland. The intimate hormonal incretion of the cortex of the testicles is the marvelous force that gives energy to the male and what makes him essentially masculine in the most complete sense of the word [testosterone].”
“There are primary sexual characteristics, and there are secondary sexual characteristics. The primary are related to the sexual functions of the creative organs, and the secondary to the distribution of fats, the formation of muscle, hair, speech, body shape, etc. Obviously, the body of a woman is a different shape from that of a man and vice versa.
“It is also very true that any damage to the sexual organs modifies the human organism. The secondary sexual characteristics of a eunuch are those of a degenerated one. The secondary sexual characteristics of an individual of intermediate sex, or sodomite, reveal someone who is inverted, an Infrasexual person. What could we deduce from an effeminate man or from a manly woman? What kind of primary characteristics would correspond to people with secondary sexual characteristics opposite to those of their own sex? There is no doubt that infrasexuality exists in such people.” - Samael Aun Weor
The masculine or feminine normal primary and secondary sexual characteristics in men and women, appeared naturally through the evolution of the races, throughout the eons. Nonetheless, when Genesis states that Jehovah-Elohim took Eve from Adam, lay people developed the wrong idea that the Adam of Genesis was a male individual with the normal primary and secondary sexual characteristics such as is found in the male of this day and age, and they think that Eve was taken from the masculinity of a male; that idea is wrong. Understand that Adam-Kadmon, the original man, had physically and psychologically normal hermaphrodite characteristics which are no longer manifest in the humanity of this day and age.
The two sexual halves that were taken from the Lemurian Edenic hermaphrodite is what the alchemical book of Genesis names חוה Chavah, which is not addressing a woman per se, but the masculine or feminine sexual organs, because this is what the alchemical word חוה Chavah means. Chet represents the animal sexual life that manifests through Vav (the phallus) and Hei (the uterus). So the rib that Jehovah-Elohim took from Adam, the Lemurian Edenic hermaphrodite, was the animal sexual life force of Geburah, that in Malkuth split into the two presently known halves, man and woman. Presently, alchemically, Adam represents the brain and Eve represents the sexual organs in either masculine or feminine genders. This is how we have to visualize Adam and Eve in order to understand why the Zohar says that the fruit of the tree denotes the woman, meaning the sexual organ.
Again, the two male-female polarities of Alchemy are call Yin Yang in Taoism; in Hinduism Ida and Pingala; and in Genesis Od and Ob or the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. These two sexual creative polarities are named the woman in both genders, because these polarities represent the two creative sexual forces of nature in Malkuth, our physicality, which is receptive, feminine.
The Three Pillars
In the Tree of Life, the ten sephiroth are related to different points of reference in the human organism. The ten spheres or sephiroth are divided in three columns or pillars, namely, the pillar of the right, the pillar of the left, and the pillar of the center, where we find the sephirah Daath, the Tree of Knowledge. Therefore, the pillar of the right is called the man, the positive force, which kabbalistically speaking is connected to the two hemispheres of the brain in both genders, and the pillar of the left is the woman, the passive force which is connected to the two gonads of the sexual organs in both genders. Thus when kabbalistically or alchemically we address the pillar of the right, we say, this is the man connected to the brain; and when we address the pillar of the left, we say, this is the woman connected to the genitalia. The force of the right pillar flows from Chokmah into Chesed, Netzach and then ends in Yesod (sex); it does not flow further. So, when the Zohar states that the fruit of the tree denotes the woman, it is not referring to the female body per se, but to the force of the left pillar of the Tree of Life that flows from Binah into Geburah, Hod, Yesod, Malkuth, and even down into Klipoth (our subconsciousness, infraconsciousness and unconsciousness). This is why about the center, right and left pillars it is written:
“My son (Tiphereth, central pillar), attend unto (Chokmah) my wisdom (right pillar), and bow thine ear to (Binah) my understanding (left pillar): That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep (Daath) knowledge (in the central pillar). For the lips of a strange woman (the physicality at the bottom of the left pillar) drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: But her end (the genitalia) is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on (Klipoth) hell.” - Proverbs 5: 1-5
The fire of אשה Ashah (the woman) relates to the left pillar of the tree of life, and is the אש Esh (fire) that goes down to Sheol שאול (hell). Thus, אשה Ashah (the woman) refers to the sexual organs and to the creative fire of the left pillar of the tree of life in both genders.
Let us comprehend this better; these two trees, namely, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, both are rooted in Yesod (sex).
There is fruit that is salutary to Tiphereth, the human soul; it is the fruit that is born when we gather the solar light from the roots of the tree of life by means of sexual alchemy. Yet, there is also fruit that is lethal, which is begotten when we pluck the solar light from the roots of the tree of knowledge by means of the orgasm of חית Chet, Chaioth, the beasts. The latter was the fruit that (חוה Chavah) Eve referred to, and this is because the central, right and left pillars of the Tree of Life are rooted in Yesod (sex).
Therefore, the fruit of the woman is the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, meaning, the fruit of the sexual organs. In the male the seed of that fruit is the spermatozoid and in the female it is the ovum.
If, during the sexual act, the man and woman reach the orgasm of חית Chet, Chaioth (the beasts), they lose their seed, thus they gather death; that is, the fruits of hell. This is what happens in the common and ordinary sexual act. When the seed of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge is plucked out from the body during the sexual act, the outcome is pregnancy in Malkuth, the physical world. This is what is normal in the animal kingdom, but it is indeed abnormal in the human kingdom.
So the whole book of Genesis teaches how to take advantage of the Tree of Knowledge by means of sexual alchemy so that the soul can leave animality and enter humanity. This is how intellectual animals become humans: when they learn how to transmute their sexual energy, that is, the energy of their חוה Chavah, their sexual organs. This is why it is written:
“And the serpent (Od אד) was more subtle than any of the (חית Chet, Chaioth) beasts of the field, which Jehovah-Elohim had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath Elohim said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” - Genesis 3: 1
The serpent is (Od אד) the creative sexual fire that descends from Geburah, the left pillar of the tree of life, into the sexual organs of Malkuth, and as a mist from the earth, it waters the whole face of the ground, our physicality. The serpent did not talk to Adam, the brain, but to חוה Chavah, Eve, the sexual organs. So, it is in Yesod (Eden, the sexual organs), where שדי Shaddai the devil tempts us. Thus, if we eat the forbidden fruit, meaning, if we reach the orgasm of חית Chet, Chaioth, the beasts in the field Yesod, the effect reaches Adam, the brain, as it is written:
“And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes (seven chakras), and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” (Genesis 3: 6)
How did Adam, the brain, eat the fruit? He did it by absorbing the effects of the orgasm of חוה Chavah, the sexual organ, through Pingala, the right ganglion, the right pillar that connects to the brain. This is how Adam and Eve knew evil; this is how this humanity entered the kingdom of Klipoth, the kingdom of the demons. Thus, in order to leave the kingdom of the demons we have to learn how to transmute the sexual energy of חוה Chavah, the sexual organs, by means of sexual alchemy.
“The tenebrous ones (the demons) state that sexual alchemy must not be taught to humanity, alleging that humanity is not yet prepared for it; thus, in this way, they close the doors of Eden to this wretched, suffering humanity. This is how the tenebrous ones (the demons) close the doors of Eden to the souls who long for the Light. Then, after having stated to the naive aspirants that sexual alchemy is “dangerous,” the tenebrous ones (the demons) enclose them within their complicated breathing systems. So, this is how they close the doors of Eden to the suffering ones, and thereafter they enslave them within their intellectual systems. The tenebrous ones (the demons) strive at any cost, no matter what, to avoid the sexual problem, because the tenebrous ones (the demons) hate (sexual alchemy) the doors of sex.” - The Major Mysteries by Samael Aun Weor
This is why Moses taught the mysteries of sexual alchemy in the seventh day of Genesis, because the woman is created, or better said, the splitting of the sexual force of Binah into two halves, occurs in the seventh day. The woman relates to the sexual organs as well as Zayin the seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet; the Woman-Eve (חוה Chavah), is also called Adamah, Malkuthah, and Mitzrayimah and relates to the left side of the Tree of Life. In synthesis, the feminine creative force, the woman, is inside the male and the female genders. This is how Genesis has to be comprehend in an alchemical manner, otherwise, its alchemical meaning is lost when mistakenly interpreted. This is why learned ignoramuses practice celibacy, they reject the woman, that is, they reject the activity of the sexual organs, they abhor sexual alchemy.
As souls, we have to conquer our own particular individual physicalities, and this is done by conquering our own particular individual woman or feminine creative sexual force that relates to procreation, whether we have a male or a female body.
To Be Born Again
After the sexual gynandromorph of Adam split into male and female genders, the feminine physical body, Eve (חוה Chavah), assumed the responsibility of procreation or development of the male-female seed within her sexuality. So, it is written:
“These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created ( בהבראם BeHeiAbraham, by the Hei - sexual energy - of Abraham), in the day that Jehovah Elohim made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for Jehovah Elohim had not caused it to rain upon the earth, since there was not אדם Adam (male genre) to till האדמה HaAdamah (to cultivate the female genre through the sexual act).” - Genesis 2: 4-5
This means that everything is in potentiality within our physicality before its development by means of sexual alchemy, since it is through the sexual act that the Yin-female and Yang-male polarities cause rain to fall upon their bodies; this is how they cultivate their ground, they make it fertile. Indeed, in order for Adam to be formed within us, we need to transmute the sexual energy. We cultivate our ground and make it fertile by means of sexual alchemy; everything sprouts from the sexual energy, whether we cultivate it in the animal way or in the spiritual way.
“And a mist [אד Od] went up from the (sexual glands of the gynandromorphic) earth, and watered the whole surface of האדמה HaAdamah (the hermaphrodite physicality). - Genesis 2: 6
Observe that the word האדמה Ha-Adamah contains the two Hei’s of Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei, and in the middle of it is the name Adam. What are these two Hei’s of Ha-Adamah showing us? They are showing us that the mystery of the creation of Adam is hidden within the two physical male-female polarities. In Kabbalah, Malkuth (the physical body), whether masculine or feminine, is symbolized by the letter Hei. The letter Hei is receptive. Physically we are receptive, feminine, because we receive physically the masculine forces from above, from Geburah; this is what is called Kabbalah. In order to deliver the knowledge from above, we have to be receptive. Obviously the female physicality is more receptive than the male one.
In the gospels, the female polarity is named Miriam or Mary. When we are fornicating it is Mary Magdalene, yet when we practice sexual alchemy, it is Mary the Mother of Jesus. So, if we behave righteously, the Child-God will be born within our physicality. Thus, this is how everything becomes fertile within our soul and spirit. This is what the gospels of Jesus Christ teach us when we read them from the alchemical point of view.
The word mist (אד Od) is very important, because a mist (אד Od) went up from the earth, which symbolizes our physicality. The mist (אד Od) goes up when we learn how to sublimate the solar dew from our Eve (חוה Chavah, our genitalia); this is how we feed our soul and spirit from our physicality. This is what it means to be called Born Again, this is how we attain the second birth, our spiritual birth. That mist (אד Od) rises when we practice Pranayama or sexual alchemy, thus, this is how we water the whole surface of our physicality.
“And (this is how) Jehovah-Elohim formed האדם HaAdam of the dust of האדמה HaAdamah, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and האדם HaAdam became a living soul.” - Genesis 2: 7
Adam is not a physical individual, but a living psychological entity that is born inside of us, not outside; this, if we know how to perform the alchemical work that we are teaching here.
Daath, Knowledge
“And (the creative sexual force of) Jehovah Elohim planted a garden (Malkuth, the woman) eastward in Eden; and there he put האדם HaAdam whom he had formed. And out of האדמה HaAdamah (the garden) made Jehovah Elohim to grow every tree (human organism) that is pleasant to the sight; and good for food the tree of life in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” - Genesis 2: 8-9
The Tree of Life is the spinal medulla, the Tree of Knowledge is the sexual force, and the two polarities of the sexual energy are Adam and Eve, man and woman, sun and moon, the greater light and the lesser light.
In the Tree of Life, the left pillar is the woman and the right pillar is the man, and the central pillar is the throne of Shaddai El Chai שדי אל חי who equilibrates the left with the right. Shaddai El Chai שדי אל חי is in Yesod, the root of the tree of life, and the root of the tree of knowledge. Chai חי is “life” and Chayim חיים is “lives.”
“And Adam (the brain) called his wife's name Eve חוה Chavah; because she is (the genitalia) the mother of all חי Chai (life).”
The canopy of the Tree of Knowledge is in the throat, where the Word is gestated. It is located under the head, under the first triangle of the tree of life. This canopy is represented by the mysterious sephirah Daath. The word Daath in Greek, is Gnosis. Solomon the king wrote:
“As the apple tree between the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I settled down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
“He brought me to the house of wine, and his banner over me was love.
“Sustain me with flagons (of wine), comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love.
“His left arm (Geburah) is (in Daath) under my head, and his right arm (Chesed) doth embrace me.” - Song of Solomon 2: 3-6
The former verses are beautifully describing the alchemical sexual act between the king and the queen of Alchemy. Remember that at the wedding of Cana Jesus Christ transmuted the creative waters of Yesod into the six flagons of wine of the spirit; this happens when the mist (אד Od) rises up from the sexual glands into the brain through the spinal column. The Zohar states:
“The alchemical esoteric meaning of these words is this: The apple tree that is distinguished by its color from all other trees in the woods refers to the (creative sexual energy of El Shaddai אל שדי, the) Holy One (the Holy Spirit), the most desired of all beings.
“Therefore it is said, 'I sat me down under his shadow,' that is, under (El Shaddai אל שדי) the divine and not of any other inferior celestial ruler.” (El (אל) means God and Shaddai (שׁדי) means Devil; Shaddai (שׁדי) derives from the verb שׁדד (shadad), meaning to destroy, hence: (אל שדי) El Shaddai means: God my Destroyer).
“'(El Shaddai אל שדי) His shadow,' since when? From the time that (theאל El of Chesed) Abraham appeared in the world (of Yesod), of whom it is written, 'Abraham my lover' (Isaiah 41: 8)
“The words, 'and his fruit was sweet to my taste,' refer to (the fire of Geburah) Isaac, who is holy fruit (of sexual transmutation; Isaac represents the first initiation of Major Mysteries).
“Another interpretation of 'I sat me down under his shadow with great delight' is that they refer to (Tiphereth) Jacob, as it is written, 'These are the (archetypes or) children of Jacob (Israel),' whilst 'his fruit was sweet to my taste' denote Joseph (in Yesod), whose children (Giborim or solar bodies) were the quintessence of the descendants of Jacob (Tiphereth), and because of this were called by the name of Ephraim, it is stated, 'Ephraim my dear son' (Jeremiah 31: 20).
“Also Abraham (Chesed, the Innermost) may be likened unto the apple tree among the trees of the wood, for his pure life was as a sweet perfume. By his faith and obedience to (El Shaddai אל שדי) the Holy One he far excelled others both in (Daath) the world on high as those in (Yesod) the world below, and thus (his generations) became distinguished as ( בהבראם behibaram, created by) Abraham (or Brahma the creator) the Unique, to whom no man that has ever rested in the world is to be compared." - Zohar
So the explanation of the Zohar about the apple tree is related to the different sephiroth of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge; namely, Chesed-Abraham is our innermost; Geburah-Isaac is our Divine Soul; Tiphereth-Jacob is our Human Soul.
Now, we, the souls who are down here in Egypt, Mitzrayimah, Malkuth, who are we? We are the twelve children of Jacob, we are Israel, and those who are practicing sexual alchemy represent Joseph in Egypt, our essence, the Buddha-Dhatu, which is that part of us who likes to sit under the shadow of the apple tree in order to practice sexual alchemy, the science of the Tree of Knowledge, that will allow us to grow spiritually. Joseph is Yesod and his children Ephraim are the Giborim or the solar bodies, namely, Hod, Netzach, and Moses, the quintessence of the descendants of Jacob-Israel.
The seven lower sephiroth are the fruit of the apple tree. They symbolize the blossom of the sexual creative forces through the Tree of Life, whose roots are in Yesod (sex). To be settled under the shadow of the apple tree means that חוה Chavah (our sexual organs) must be, during the sexual act, covered by the shades, the coolness of the chastity of the letter “Iod” of El Shaddai אל שדי. The letter י Iod is the סוד sod, secret living inferior part of בינה Binah in יסוד Yesod (sex). Remember that when husband and wife sublimate their libido, their י Iod during the sexual act, their חוה Chavah (genitalia) become the mother of all חי Chai (living).
Again, the living (חי Chai) develop the seven chakras within their spinal medulla; the five physical senses plus the seven chakras are the twelve senses that the living (חי Chai), the people of ישראל Israel (meaning, all of the multiple self-cognizant and independent parts, the ישרים Ishrim of our own individual Being) use in order to perceive the life that manifests throughout the sephiroth of the Tree of Life.
Now we understand why Eve (חוה Chavah) stated:
“But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.” (Genesis 3: 3)
Since when Eve (חוה Chavah) ate the apple from the apple tree, she, by means of the orgasm of the beasts, plucked out the life of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants from under the tree of life, and therefore, for their crime, Adam and Eve sentenced themselves to death.
“By the divine and human name of El Shaddai אל שדי, and by the sign of the Pentagram that I hold in my right hand, in the name of the angel Anael, by the power of Adam and Eve, who are Iod-Chavah, begone Lilith! Let us rest in peace, Nahemah!”
This is the meaning of “Listen, Israel; יהוה Iod-Chavah our Elohim is one יהוה Iod-Chavah,” because Binah-Intelligence, manifests his understanding in Daath, the canopy of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. As we already stated, the sephirah Daath is located at the level of the throat, because it is related to the chakra Vishuddha, which grants us the power of tongues or the comprehension of the word of God through inward hearing.
In order to comprehend the bible or any other sacred book we need to develop the chakra of the larynx, or as it is called in the bible, the Church of Sardis. "Remember therefore how thou hast received (קבלה kabbalah) and heard (שמע shema), and hold fast, and repent." - Revelation 3: 3
This is why when we examine the glyph of the Tree of Life, we find that the sephirah Daath corresponds to the chakra of the larynx in the central pillar. Daath-Vishuddha is located under the head, which is represented by the first triangle of the tree of life. This is why Solomon stated: “His left arm is under my head,” because the left arm is represented by Zayin, the seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
At the level of the larynx (Daath-Vishuddha), Zayin connects, through Geburah, to the Iod of Yesod (sex) from Malkuthah, the queen, to the letter Vav, the right arm, thus forming the letter Chet, life.
The sephirah Daath is knowledge but it also relates to Binah, understanding. This is why it is written:
“And on the seventh day (Zayin) Elohim (Binah) ended his work which he had made; and he rested on (Zayin) the seventh day of all his work which he had made.” - Genesis 2: 2
The Greatest Commandment
The mantra Aum Shiva Tum Eh develops mental clairvoyance, which is the ability to comprehend what we are reading in any sacred book.
"The narratives of the Law are the garment of the Law. Woe unto him who takes this garment for the Law itself! It is in this sense that David spoke, saying, 'Open thou mine eyes (seven chakras), that I may behold wondrous things out of thy Law' (Psalm, cxix. 18).” - Zohar
The mental clairvoyant devotee understands the symbols, the meaning of the garment, while the lay people only see the garment itself. The prophet שמעואל Shamuel was a living biblical example of this.
“And יהוה came, and stood, and called as at other times, שמעואל שמעואל Shamuel, Shamuel. Then שמעואל Shamuel answered, Speak; for thy servant שמע hears. And יהוה said to שמעואל Shamuel, Behold, I will do a thing in ישראל Israel, at which both the ears (good and evil) of every one that - שמעו shemu - hears (אל El, God) it (the larynx) shall tingle.” -1 שמעואל Shamuel 3: 10, 11
Sequentially, Jesus answered and said: The first of all the commandments is like this:
“Listen, Israel; יהוה Iod-Chavah our Elohim is one יהוה Iod-Chavah,”
And thou shalt love את At Iod-Chavah thy Elohim
with all thy לבב heart,
and with all thy נפש soul,
and with all thy דעת mind,
and with all thy מאד strength: this is the first commandment.” - Mark 12: 28-31
Which is:
“And thou shalt love את Ath Iod-Chavah thy Elohim with all thy לבב heart (Tiphereth) and with all thy נפש soul (Nephesh, the animal soul that manifests through Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malkuth) and with all thy דעת mind (means with all thy Dianoia, understanding, Daath) and with all thy מאד M’Od, strength (this is the אד Od the mist that rises from the genitalia, and waters the whole face of Adamah, our physicality).”
That אד Od (mist) rises up when we are practicing sexual alchemy, sublimating the sexual energy, the יוד Iod from Yesod. The אד Od is the יוד Iod related to the feminine sexual forces of Eve חוה Chavah, the sexual organs.
So “Listen, Israel ישראל” is not addressing those multitudes of people from the middle east but those multiple self-cognizant and independent genuine parts, the ישרים Ishrim, of our own individual El אל, God. The ישרים Ishrim gather in Tiphereth, the heart, the middle east of the tree of life. Kether is the East, and the middle east is Tiphereth. Geburah is the South and Chesed is the North; from the middle east Tiphereth, they descend into Malkuth, the West, our physicality.
Between the middle east and the east, that is, between Tiphereth and Kether in the Tree of Life, we find the mysterious sephirah Daath. Thus, Tiphereth (the human soul) has to learn how to listen to Kether through Daath, the Vishuddha chakra.
So, “Listen, Israel; יהוה Iod-Chavah our Elohim is one יהוה Iod-Chavah. And thou shalt love את יהוה Ath Jehovah thy Elohim.”
Ath Jehovah את יהוה is the word of Jehovah. Ath את contains the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet; Aleph and Tav enclose the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
The 10 sephiroth of the tree of life are related to our 10 fingers, 5 in each hand. These ten are related to Aleph, the Air, that expresses through the tongue in Daath when we talk; thus Aleph plus the ten sephiroth make the addition of 11.
The letter Tav, the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, relates to the cross, which points to the union of the Lingam-Yoni, the union of the sexual organs in Yesod. Thus the letter Tav is the other unity that expresses itself the ten sephiroth of Klipoth or shadow of the tree of life. These ten shadow sephiroth are related to our 10 toes, five in each foot. Thus the 10 shadowy sephiroth and the letter Tav, or sexual organ, make the addition of 11. Thus 11 plus 11 = 22.
So, as above so below; the word Ath את joints the 10 sephiroth above and the 10 sephiroth below; this is what Moses call Good and Evil. 22 is 2+2 = 4, יהוה the Tetragrammaton. This is the meaning of “And thou shalt love Ath Jehovah את יהוה thy Elohim.”
“The Tree of Life is the spinal medulla. This Tree of Wisdom is also the ten Sephiroth, the twenty-two creative Major Arcana, 22 letters, sounds, and numbers, with which the Logos (the word) created the universe.” - Samael Aun Weor
This is how the microcosmos is created within each one of us. When we start the sexual alchemical work we start as Moses stated:
“And the earth was formless and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Elohim moved upon the face of the waters.” - Genesis 1: 2
From this darkness that represents Klipoth, our infraconsciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness, our Innermost extracts the light. This is how we enlighten our sephiroth above, this is how we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, since right now we inhabit Klipoth, the kingdom of darkness.
Therefore, during the sexual act, through Tav (the cross or union of the vertical lingam with the horizontal yoni) we extract the light from the darkness and through Aleph (the breath) we pronounce the necessary mantras, prayers, etc., through our throat; this is how we sublimate the י Iod, the sexual energy from Yesod יסוד, raising it to the brain, in order to activate the seven chakras. Aleph and Tav unite above and below. This is how Aleph and Tav become the Logos, the word, the 22 letters, sounds and numbers made flesh in us.
“Berashyth Bera Elohim Ath Ha Schamayim Ve Ath HaAretz. In the beginning Elohim by means of את Ath created the heavens and the earth.”
Pronounce the mantras aloud through your throat or silently through your mind, either way they have the same effect.
The throat is also a sexual organ because the word is gestated in the throat. Remember:
“In the beginning was (את Ath) the Word, and the Word (את Ath) was with God, and the Word (את Ath) was God. The same (את Ath) was in the beginning with God. All things were made by (את Ath) the word; and without the word (את Ath) was not any thing made that was made.” - John 1-3
When Elohim was creating the universe, Elohim was pronouncing the word, and the strength that Elohim used in order to utter the word was taken from the sexual creative energy.
“Elohim said: Let there be light and there was light.”
From where did Elohim take the fuel in order to say let there be light? Elohim took that fuel from the nebula, the sexual creative energy.
“And Elohim said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And Elohim made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.”
From where did Elohim take the fuel in order to say. “Let there be a firmament and divide the waters from the waters?” Elohim took that fuel from the nebula, the sexual creative energy. The is the very same task that we have to perform; this is what is called sexual Alchemy. All of this is beautifully hidden in the book of Genesis; now we are explaining it in order for us to understand what Jesus said in Mark 12: 28-31.
“Listen, Israel; יהוה Iod-Chavah our Elohim is one יהוה Iod-Chavah” because יהוה Iod-Chavah is the Lord of heaven and of hell. If we state that יהוה Iod-Chavah Elohim is only the lord of heaven then another God has to exist as a lord of Hell.
We, the suffering parts of our God, are trapped within matter, within our ego, thus, we, as souls, are not in heaven but in hell, in Klipoth. If we do not comprehend our ego, we will never be as Elohim, knowing good and evil, we will never be lords of our own heaven and hell. Since, whether conquerors or failures, the ego will be disintegrated by the power of יהוה Iod-Chavah Elohim. Thus, when we comprehend that יהוה Iod-Chavah Elohim is one, we understand the through sexual Alchemy is how Elohim said:
“Let us make Adam in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” - Genesis 1: 26
Sequentially, to love God with all thy heart, means to be blessed, because: “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”
“For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil things. Since the evil things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.” Thus, “whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.” “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man.” “Thus, I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” “O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things (in Daath)? - Gospel of Matthew
To love God with all thy soul, means, with all thy souls, namely, Nephesh, Ruach, Neshamah, Chaiah and Yehidah, the five souls. We have to be cognizant of these souls in order to love our God with all of them. We begin with Nephesh our animal soul and thereafter as we rise up, we continue with the other four in a systematic, alchemical manner.
To love God with all thy mind means that we have to meditate in order to acquire understanding and comprehension in our minds about what God is within us, and this is acquired by comprehending our ego, which is mind. The mind is the den of lust, anger, greed, pride, envy, laziness, gluttony, etc. We have to clean the stables of Bethlehem from all the creeping creatures that we have within.
To love God with all thy strength should be with all מאד M’Od, thy mist, meaning, with all the hormonal secretions of your sexual organs, your sexual energy, because “there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.” The mist from our sexual glands rises during sexual alchemy in order to nourish the other glands of our endocrine system. This is what is call אד Od in alchemy.
Therefore, if we are not sublimating the אד Od (the mist) from our sexual organs, how are we going to love God with all of our strength? The fornicators cannot accomplish this commandment, because they, through the orgasm, ejaculate their creative waters, and without waters; there is no mist.
This why Abraham was called “lover of God,” because this is how we love our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind, and with all our strength. This is the first commandment.
The Second Greatest Commandment
“And the second is like, namely this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” - Mark 12
However, regarding the second commandment, Jesus was only synthesizing what Moses wrote in the book of Leviticus chapter 19, let us read the entire quotation:
“Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbor, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning.
“Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling block before the blind, but shalt fear thy Elohim: I am Iod-Chavah.
“Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor.
“Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer (gossiping) among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor: I am Iod-Chavah.
“Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor, and not suffer sin upon him.
“Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: I am Iod-Chavah.” - Leviticus 19: 13-18
“There is none other commandment greater than these. And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he: And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbor as his self, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.
“And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God.” - Mark 12: 31-34
The gospel of Luke states:
“What is written in the law? How readest thou? And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.
“And Jesus said unto the scribe, Thou hast answered right: do this, and thou shalt live. But the scribe, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbor?” - Luke 10: 26-29
Let us explain “who is my neighbor” under the light of Alchemy and Kabbalah, in order to better comprehend the answer that Jesus gave in the chapter 10 of the gospel of Luke.
“To love את יהוה Ath Jehovah thy Elohim” is to love our true Self, our divine nature, during the sexual act.
When a man and a woman are truly in love, their divine nature, God, becomes one flame of love sharing two hearts. From their hearts, Tiphereth, flows their blood downwards to Yesod, their genitalia, then their animal nature becomes excited and aroused by sexual desire in which they delight. The fire of Geburah in the left pillar arouses their genitalia to activity, because the sexual organs are the receptacle of the fires of Geburah. Then their love, which before was divine and pure, has changed into carnal desire. This is how, חוה Chavah, (their woman, their sexual organs) leads them to the sexual act, where she takes of the fruit thereof, and eats. But if they avoid the orgasm during the sexual alchemical act and sublimate their libido, then, the right pillar, אב Ob (Chesed) becomes the receptacle of אד Od, the sublimated sexual energy. This is how Tiphereth, their heart, loves את יהוה Ath Jehovah (their Elohim) by means of a pure love and is then able to overcome the carnal desires of חוה Chavah (their genitalia).
Our divine nature, Chesed, our Innermost, is at the top of the right pillar, and has its origin in Chokmah the second sephirah of the first triangle, the Logoic triangle, of the sephirotic Tree of Life; yet, our animal nature is at the bottom of the left pillar and has its origin in Binah, the third sephirah of the first triangle, the Logoic triangle, of the sephirotic Tree of Life. The alchemist is Tiphereth, the human soul, in the central pillar of the tree of life. It is written:
“The cerebrospinal fluid and the semen are the two poles of the sexual energy. The angel has the two poles upwards, towards his head. The common and ordinary human beings (better said, the intellectual animals) and the demons have one pole upward and the other downward. Fornicators form the brain with one pole, and they fornicate with the other pole.” - Samael Aun Weor
Thus, to love thy neighbor as thy Self means to love Geburah and Malkuth, our spouse, at the top and at the bottom of the left pillar, as we love God, in the right pillar. It is to make of the sexual act the most pure and sacred ceremony, a means for prayer. This is possible only by systematically disintegrating the totality of our lust, anger, self-esteem, etc., in the 49 levels of our protoplasmic mind.
So, the sephiroth Chesed-Mercy, Kether-Crown, Chokmah-Wisdom and Binah-Intelligence are the divine parts of our Inner God. They relate to Pingala, the right ganglionic cord that connects our heart to Adam, the brain.
Ida, the left ganglionic cord is the woman that descends from Geburah-strength; she is Zayin crowned by Kether-crown, Chokmah-wisdom and Binah-intelligence, in the left side. The woman contains the fire of Geburah-strength that connects our heart to the Iod of Yesod, Chavah, our genitalia.
“When the fires of Samael descended from Geburah on (Malkuthah) the earth plane, rode on a serpent (the letter Zayin, the woman). When he appeared under the serpentine form, he is called Satan שטן (or שדי Shaddai). Whatever his name, he is the being known as the spirit of evil (or Geburah, the left side of the tree of life). It is said that when (the fires of) Samael descended from on high (from Geburah) as just described, all the other beasts (חית Chaioth, the beasts or life forces of Chet) fled away frightened and terrified.” - Zohar
When the central nervous system, the throne of Chesed in the initiates, absorbs, through sexual alchemy, the fires of the Iod of Yesod through the letter Vav, or their right side of their tree of life, they sublimate the fires that Zayin, Chavah, the woman, or their left side of their tree of life, collects from Geburah, the heart. They then form the shape of the letter טית Teth that resembles a snake. Thus the snake symbolizes the sexual power of שדי Shaddai, Satan שטן, the letter טית Teth, that the fornicators, the חית Chaioth, the beasts or life forces of Chet, cannot control. Observe that the only difference between חית Chet and טית Teth is that the Zayin and Vav of Chet are joined at their top, yet the Zayin and Vav of Teth are joined at their bottom.
So to love our neighbor is to love the left pillar as we love the right pillar. Remember that at the bottom of the left pillar is the woman, Malkuthah, which represents the physical body of our spouse. It is written:
“Neither shalt thou desire (the physicality of) thy neighbor's spouse, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbor's house, their field, or their manservant, or their maidservant, their ox, or their ass, or any thing that is thy neighbor's. - Deuteronomy 5: 21
“For the lips of a strange woman (the physicality of the neighbor at the bottom of the left pillar) drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: But her end (the genitalia) is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on (Klipoth) hell.” - Proverbs 5: 3-5
Thus, to love thy neighbor as thy self, as you (Tiphereth) love thy God (Chesed), your true self, begins with loving your wife as you (human soul) love your God (Innermost) if you are a man, but if you are a woman, to love thy neighbor begins with loving your husband as you (human soul) love your God (Innermost). If God (Kether) at the top of the central pillar of the tree of life loves the just of the right and the unjust of the left, we have to imitate him, that we may be in Tiphereth the children of our Father Kether who is in heaven.
So if you are angry toward your spouse because she/he criticizes you, then you are not accomplishing with the second commandment. This is why Master Samael Aun Weor says, when your spouse criticizes you and hurts your self-esteem, you have to love your neighbor as thy Self by meditating and comprehending your anger and self-esteem. Once comprehended, ask for the annihilation of those defects related to your self-esteem, anger, etc, and in accomplishing this (the comprehension and then annihilation of your defects), you learn and develop the capacity to love thy spouse as you love thy God, that is, until you tolerate the mistakes of your spouse as God tolerates your own mistakes. To accept the mistakes of your spouse with love requires a lot of meditation and comprehension. Indeed, this is easy to say, but very difficult to accomplish.
For "The (right) one who dwells in (Yesod) the hiding place of - עליון Elion - the most High (the Ain Soph Aur), of his shadow - שדי Shaddai – the devil, he shall complain." - Psalm 91: 1
So if we do not love our neighbor as we love our God, we are just hypocrites, Master Jesus said:
“You have heard that it has been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love them which love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the publicans the same? And if you salute your brethren only, what do you more than others? Do not even the publicans so? Be you therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” - Matthew 5: 43-48
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.” - Matthew 23: 27, 28
So, how are we going to love our enemies if we do not meditate and comprehend our egos of self-esteem, mystical pride, mystical vanity, arrogance, self-importance, etc..? How are we going to accomplish “Love thy neighbor as thyself?” Can we accomplish it by faking love? That is hypocrisy! We must not be hypocrites.
When Jesus was mocked, spat on and insulted while on the cross, he said: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Jesus said it through his throat on the center pillar, because on that pillar is Daath, knowledge, Gnosis. Jesus as Chokmah addressed his Father Kether, on the central pillar, and asked for forgiveness to those of the left pillar, because they do not have a clue of what they are doing. This means that comprehension, understanding of good and evil of the throat, of Daath, is necessary in order to forgive. We have to be cognizant of this, we have to sense this, to experience this within, through meditation.
So, the left pillar, the left side of the Tree of Life correspond to חוה Chavah, Eve, the sexual organs, it is related to our neighbors, the multitudes that live in Malkuth, the fornicator people, the intellectual animals that do not have a clue of the value of the sexual energy. The only thing that they know is fornication, adultery, and all of that garbage that unfortunately is very popular in this day and age. The multitudes of the left worship sexual degeneration. They all hail the one who “comes out of the closet,” because they know not what they do, they ignore the value of their sexual energy.
To comprehend that our neighbors, the multitudes of the left, do not know what they do implies a lot of meditation. Remember that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute and Paul of Tarsus a murderer, Milarepa a murderer and black magician.
“In this epoch of racial devolution, the multitudes of the Left are devolving within the submerged spheres of Lilith and Nahemah. The great illuminated Beings—that is to say Tzabaoth—fight in order to make the multitudes of the Left comprehend the crude realities of the facts. Unfortunately, the multitudes of the Left think that they are doing very well...
“Tzabaoth-Christ always proclaims that which concerns the Regions of Truth. The people, the multitudes who always live in the Left, receive the teachings of Tzabaoth. It is obvious that those multitudes who live in the Left are ignorant. The crowds evolve and devolve incessantly in the valley of Samsara. The devolving multitudes of the Left enter the infernal worlds. The devolution within the womb of the Earth lasts until the Second Death. The Essence is free only with the Second Death, which is, the death of the ego within the womb of the Earth.... Unfortunately, the multitudes of the Left think that they are doing very well.” - Samael Aun Weor
Alas! All of that sexual degeneration that we find in the left side is also within us, because we all live in Malkuth, this physical world. Thus, if we do not fight against our own inner degeneration, sooner or later, it will destroy us psychologically and physically, since evil may not be active within us right now, but we all carry it in potentiality, because we all have egos which are connected to Klipoth.
To overcome our inner degeneration is possible only if we comprehend it, this will give us cognizance in order to say what we have to say to our neighbor in the right moment; this is very difficult, but necessary in order to love our neighbor with cognizant love, because tolerance with crime is also a crime.
Let us now read another quotation from the gospel of John regarding the equilibrium of Tiphereth, the Bodhisattva of the path of the midst, in the central pillar in relation to the left and right pillars of the tree of life.
“Then said Jesus to those Jews (alchemists of the left pillar) which believed on him (on the initiation of Tiphereth), If ye continue in (the straight path, the path of the central pillar) my word (the Logos Chokmah will incarnate in your souls), then are ye (will be) my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth (through the Son, Chokmah at the top of the right pillar), and the truth shall make you free (of kamaduro, the sin of the left, the sin of fornication).
They answered him, We (according to the flesh) are Abraham's seed, (and therefore from אב Ob, the father, on the right side of the tree of life), and (therefore) were never in bondage to any man (of the left): how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free (of kamaduro)?
Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever (committed fornication in past lives) committed sin (and therefore) is the servant of sin (of the left pillar).
And the servant (the lecherous ego of lust) abides not in (Daath) the house (of the Holy Spirit) for ever: but the Son (Chokmah, of the right pillar, through the Venustic initiation) abides ever. If the Son (Chokmah from the top of the right pillar) therefore shall make you free (of kamaduro, the karma, the outcome of the sin of the left, the sin of fornication), ye shall be free indeed (in the resurrection of the dead).
I know that ye (according to the flesh) are Abraham's seed; but (through the orgasm) ye seek to kill me (in Yesod), because (in Daath) my word (my Logos) has no place in you.
I (Tiphereth) speak (through the Son, Chokmah) that which I have seen with my Father (Kether of the central pillar): and ye do (in Yesod) that which ye have seen with your father (שדי Shaddai, the Devil of the left pillar).
They answered and said unto him, Abraham (Chesed of the right pillar) is our (אב Ob) father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children (that is Chesed’s children of the right pillar), ye would do the works of (אב Ob Chesed) Abraham.
But now (through the filthy orgasm of the beast) ye seek to kill me (in Yesod), a man (of the central pillar, a man of the path of the midst) that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God (Kether in Daath, the central pillar): This (orgasm of the left) Abraham did not do.
Ye (in Yesod (sex)) do the deeds of your father (שדי Shaddai). Then said they to him, We are not born of fornication (that is, we are not the outcome of the orgasm of the left); we have one Father (אב Ob from the right pillar), even God (Chesed).
Jesus said unto them, If God (Chesed) were your (אב Ob) Father (on the right pillar), ye would love me: for I (Tiphereth) proceeded forth and came from God (Chesed and the Son, Chokmah, who is aboveאב Ob, the father, Abraham of the right pillar); neither came I (Tiphereth) of myself, but he (Chesed and the Son, Chokmah, the second Logos) sent me.
Why do ye not understand my speech (in Daath)? even because ye cannot hear my word (my Logos Chokmah).
Ye are of your father the devil (שדי Shaddai or שטן Satan of the left pillar), and the (bestial) lusts of your father ye will do. He (through the orgasm) was a murderer from the beginning (Barashyth), and abode not in the truth (the right pillar), because there is no truth in him (the fornicator). When he speaks a lie (in Daath), he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and (any fornicator) the father of it.
And because I (Tiphereth through Daath, the central pillar) tell you the truth (that is from אב Ob Chesed and Chokmah, the Son, at the top of the right pillar), ye (on Yesod, at the bottom of the left pillar) believe me not.
Which of you (of the left) convinces me (Tiphereth) of sin? And if I (in Daath) say the truth (of the Son, Chokmah at the top of the right pillar), why do ye (of the left do) not believe me?
He (the alchemist) that is of God (Chesed, the right pillar) hears (in Daath through the Vishuddha chakra) God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are (spiritually deaf and mute, thus you are) not of God. - John 8: 31-47
"Behold the face and form of the one by which all things are made and whom all creatures obey."
Understand that El Shaddai אל שדי is not Shaddai שדי. Meaning, if אל El (Chesed) is not present, then only Shaddai שדי remains: the devil. The alchemists of the left side worship the devil Shaddai שדי. The alchemists of the right side worship El Shaddai אל שדי, which is the power of El אל Chesed in Yesod.
And "she" said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for - שדי Shaddai - the Devil has dealt very bitterly with me. I went out full, and יהוה has brought me home again empty: why [then] call ye me Naomi, seeing יהוה has testified against me, and - שדי Shaddai - the Devil did evil to me? - Ruth 1: 20, 21
In alchemy אל El (Chesed) “Mercy” is at times also called Gedulah “Love.”
Love is law, but love with cognizance, which is what we develop when we comprehend our ego and annihilate it; this is how we in Tiphereth truly start loving our neighbors of the left pillar as we love Chesed, our true Self on the right pillar.
How are we going to love our neighbor if do not love our true Self first? Love is a cognizant force that has to be developed through alchemy; thus, we advise you, do not be selfish, do not fake love to your neighbor, first develop love to your Inner God through alchemy, so that you may be able to truly love your neighbor as your Self.
Fulfilling the role that Jesus - who represents Tiphereth (the Human Soul) joined to Chokmah-Christ, the one born in Daath from the sexual Shakti power of the chaste Mary (our physicality) - embodies, we, the Initiates, have to be born again, and to respectfully explain what this true, chaste, love is to the multitudes of the left; they who prefer to express the will of the devil (שדי Shaddai). Remember, the will of the left is fulfilled through the orgasm of the beasts... thus, if the crowds of the left do not mind sexual degeneration, indeed, if the like to sexually degenerate themselves, well, we have to respect their will.
Yet those who want to change, those who want the doctrine, the knowledge of the few, let us help them to enter in at the strait gate that go up from hell to heaven,
“Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way (of El Shaddai אל שדי of the midst), which leads unto life, and few there be that find it.” - Matthew 7: 14
And let us be tolerant to those of the left but with cognizance, because tolerance with crime is also a crime. With the help of Chokmah, Tiphereth equilibrates his mind, his understanding in Daath; Tiphereth-Chokmah equilibrates good and evil, equilibrates the right and the left parts of the brain through the path of the midst, which is very difficult… but not impossible.
Let us not cooperate with the left by agreeing with sexual depravation. Let us not cooperate with those who are poisoning the minds of ignorant people by convincing them that sexual degeneration is okay and that there is nothing wrong with it.
“For wide is the gate, and broad is the way (of שדי Shaddai in the left), that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.” - Matthew 7: 13
So, to love thy neighbor as thy Self is fulfilled when Tiphereth, the human soul loves Malkuth, the animal soul as Chesed, the Spirit of God that hovers upon the face of the waters. Thy Self is not your egotistical self, thy Self is not lust, anger, greed, envy, pride, laziness, gluttony, etc. Thy Self is El, our Inner God, thy Self is Chesed within.
The man, manas, the mind, in Kabbalah is Netzach, in the third triangle of the Tree of Life, controlled by Binah-Understanding. The root of the tree of knowledge is in Yesod and its canopy is in Daath (the throat). Daath means Knowledge, which the mind expresses through the throat when good and evil, right and left are equilibrated through sexual Alchemy. This is why Moses, Tiphereth, and any Bodhisattva of the straight path, exalts his Self in Netzach (the mind) by means of Meditation and the science of sexual Alchemy or the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, represented by the caduceus of Hermes-Mercury.
Thus “And thou shalt love thy God with all your mind” means to sublimate, through sexual Alchemy, the sexual fires of Geburah from Malkuth to Chesed, whose throne is the central nervous system. This is how the fires of Geburah, Gabriel, Geburah-El, in Daath, announces to Mary-Malkuth, the birth of the Giborim, the children of Elohim-Gibor, the children of the fire, namely, the astral, mental and causal bodies, in the spinal medulla, the central pillar, the throne of Chesed, our Inner God.
In our physicality, the love of God (the sexual energy), rises from the Muladhara chakra (tattva Prittvi, the element of earth) to the Svadhisthana chakra (Apas tattva, the element of water); it continues to Manipura chakra (tattva Tejas, the element of fire); thereafter it rises to Anahata chakra (tattva Vayu, the element of air); when it reaches the throat, it develops the Vishuddha chakra (tattva Akash, the space), and God says, “Let there be light” and he rises to the pituitary gland to open the Ajna chakra (tattva Adhi, the light); and when the flame of love reaches the Sahasrara chakra (the pineal gland, Samadhi tattva) the flame of God illuminates the void, the antechamber of the great reality, the Tality or totality.
So listen, Israel (our Inner God, Chesed) is the Spirit of God that hovers upon the face of the feminine and masculine creative waters; thus by means of the science of sexual alchemy, that is, by means of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Chesed becomes one with Adam and Eve, who are Iod-Chavah, in the central nervous system. This is how Chesed loves his neighbor as himself.