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InitiationIt is important for us to understand why we have to enter into initiaton.

To enter into initiation is to start the development of the abilities or powers or senses of the spirit or the soul - related with the human being - that we need to develop, that we need to have, in order to have the right to enter the human kingdom.

We are NOT human beings. This is something that we have to comprehend in order to understand the meaning of initiation. People of this planet earth believe themselves to be human beings; and that is a great mistake. And of course, this great mistake comes from ancient times, especially from the intellectuals, from those that believe themselves to be wise.

The intellectuals are always trying to find the origin of this humanity. They say “the origin of man.” But really, if we investigate – in the complete sense of the word – this humanity, we arrive at the conclusion that MAN does not exist on this planet earth. Then why is everyone talking about man or human beings?

If we look in the dictionary or encyclopaedia, we find the word “man” or “human being,” we see that it is a title given to anyone who thinks, who rationalizes, and who walks on two feet, and has the appearance that we have. And according to the scientists, anyone who doesn’t have the same features or figure that we have, physically speaking, is not a human being. And that is precisely the great mistake – thinking that a human being is just the shape that we have. If we investigate the sense of the meaning of the word, we have to understand that human being is the Being united with the Mind.

“Hu” indicates the spirit.

“Man” comes from “manas,” which means mind.

So when the spirit, the Hu, dominates the mind, you find a hu-man. Of course, in us, the mind controls everything, and the spirit is ignored.

“Being” implies someone who knows how to “be,” and that someone is our own inner God, the Being. We are not what we should be. We have to learn how to be the Being.

So a human being is someone who is what they should be: a mind under the direction of the Being.

So here is another question, or another problem, that the scientists of this time believe: that the mind is only a product of the brain. Or that the mind is only an action of the grey matter that we have within our head, and that when we think any thought, it is because we are using the brain. Scientists say that even the consciousness is a product of evolution. But when they talk about evolution, they are talking about the evolution of physical matter. Therefore, they say the consciousness – mind – and even beliefs or anything related with the beyond, is just the result of the evolution of the cells, of matter, in this three dimensional world.

And if we sustain that the human being is not the physical body – but the physical body is just a vehicle – then we would contradict 100% all of the theories and knowledge that we find in modern science. So that is precisely what we have to do, and that we are doing: to give a completely different frame to that term HUMAN BEING.

A real human being is the microcosmos, because this creature contains within himself all of the universe; all of the universe is reflected in him. Nothing is hidden for him. When I am using the word “him,” it is necessary to understand that I am applying it as a title to this creature, but he is not male or masculine. He is a creature who has the two polarities. Since he is the microcosmos, he has within himself the two polarities: male-female. So this creature called Human Being, or “man,” is male-female at the same time. And being the microcosmos, he is a cosmos in the small; if we investigate inside of him, we will find everything that we find outside in the universe. So if we want to find, for instance, GOD within the human being, we will find God within him. If we want to find the infinite, the firmament, within this human being, the firmament will BE in the human being. We will also find the galaxies; the very milky way will be within him, in the microcosmos. All the creatures and beings which are within this firmament are within him. Of course, we ought to understand that we are talking here about archetypes. We have to understand it because it is not like for instance, if we want to find a tree within the human being, we will find a tree within him. But that which is related to the tree – all the mysteries, knowledge, wisdom, will be within him. This is how we have to understand when we say that the universe is reflected – as we say the word RE-FLECTED – within him. And because the Universe is reflected within him, everything is related to him. He understands everything.

To us, the concept of having the whole universe reflected within, is something really amazing. Something very grandiose. That’s why in Genesis it is written, that when God made man or the human being, he made him Male/Female, according to his own image, or reflection, in other words. In his own likeness.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. – Genesis 1:26-27

The human being, or this type of creature that we are talking about, existed on the earth, in the ancient times, before the beginning of this root race, and even before the beginning of the previous root race, which was Atlantis. Further back, we arrive at the continent of Mu, or Lemuria, and precisely in Lemuria is where we find the human being, the creature or microcosmos – three dimensional microcosmos – who had everything inside. If we investigate the other races that were before Lemuria, like the Hyperboreans and the Protoplasmic races, we find that they were not physical or three-dimensional races as Lemuria, Atlantis, and we are. The protoplasmatic race and the Hyperborean race were situated in the Supradimensions of nature, even though they were also human beings in the complete sense of the word. God was within them, the whole universe was within them. That is why it is written that they were living in Paradise.

Paradise is a synonym of that Beatitude, that state in which the human being is in harmony, in communion with all of the forces of the Universe. That is called Paradise. That is why it is written that when they were looking at any point in the space, to this particular star or planet, immediately everything that was in that planet was REFLECTED within themselves, and they knew by direct experience in that very moment, with that type of vision, the beings, and even the psychology of those beings, and the society and civilization of that particular planet, without the necessity of travelling, and going and talking to anyone. That type of vision is of course possible only in the Beings who are within the beings – that, instead of the EGO, they have God incarnated.

So the planet was evolving in the Supradimensions of nature, and descending into this physical world; then the physical matter began to appear, and also the physical figures of the human being. This body, which we call the physical body, was at that time starting to appear into the three-dimensional world, during the epoch of the Lemurian race. And this is when, according to the Bible, the terrestrial paradise appeared on the Earth. That terrestrial paradise, as the name is pointing out – TERRESTRIAL – was really three-dimensional, was of the earth, and was the Lemurian continent.

On the Lemurian continent, God, or more specifically the ELOHIM, an organization of beings related with creation – the cosmocreators – they put that creature, that man or human being, wherein the universe was reflected, they put him on the Lemurian continent. And they were many. And they are symbolized by the Adam of the Bible: Adam Kadmon. Adam Kadmon is a humanity: all of the human beings together, but in communion with the Universe. God incarnated in the flesh.

In many other lectures, we say the Heavenly Man is Kether (the first sephirah of the Tree of Life). But when Kether is incarnated in the human body, that is Adam Kadmon incarnated in the terrestrial paradise.

The terrestrial paradise which was Lemuria, was also reflected in their physical bodies, since the whole Universe is reflected in the human being. The terrestrial paradise was crystallizing and being created in that moment in order to receive the creature which we call human being. That paradise was also reflected in each of the physical bodies of the inhabitants of Lemuria. The physical body of each one of them was paradise as well. So all those microcosmic paradises, or physical bodies, were living within the great terrestrial paradise that we call Lemuria. That great terrestrial paradise was reflected in each of the bodies of those Lemurians. But within them also, in their consciousness – minds and spirits – was reflected the whole universe.

With time, male and female were separated, physically speaking. The physical body became ONE singular sex, whether this sex was masculine or feminine, and as you know, ever since the sexes were separated, that creature, which was called WOMAN, was responsible for the multiplication and creation of new physical bodies in this physical plane. Each one of them – when they were still perfect – whether they were female or male bodies, they were always reflected the paradise within them. So both as we find in the bible Adam and Eve, were living in paradise.

So then, it is obvious, that in order to multiply the physical bodies, they needed cooperation, the sexual COPULATION, in order to multiply themselves – physically speaking. But within them, whether they were male or female, they were perfect Human Beings.

This is what we have to understand, because it is a great mistake – which still exists – when we say “man,” to think of a male. We have to comprehend what the terms “male”and “female” are. The Bible speaks of “male-female.” But when we talk about a “man,” it is not simply about a male. The term “man” indicates this creature wherein the Universe is reflected. And that creature called Man is also called Human Being. Because, it is only within a human, a Man, – not an animal – in which the Being, the Spirit is united. Of course, the Human Being, the Real Man, is not an animal. And this is something also which we have to understand. An animal is an animal, and not a human being. In science we also find this great mistake. They say that the Human Being is the intellectual-rational animal. So they are, of course, mixing the Human Being with the intellectual-rational animal. We do not deny that in nature there exist two animals, in synthesis: those that do not rationalize, and those that rationalize. The irrational animals, and the rational animals. But science commits the error of saying that the rational animal is the human being. The real human being is not an animal. He, of course, has no ego.

So, what is the ego? The ego is mind. It is that material, or substance, which belongs to the mechanism of Nature. When we investigate this nature, we have to comprehend that it is not only three dimensional. Because, with our intellect we think – when we talk about Evolution – immediately we put our minds in that period of evolution, which is written about by many authors like Darwin or Hegel and many other great intellectual investigators of recent centuries who became bottled up in their theories of evolution.

We know that the law of evolution exists, but it is not limited to the physical plane. It acts in the internal planes. When we talk about mind, we know that the mind evolves. The mind is matter. And when we talk about matter, we have to understand that matter exists from the mind, below. Above the mind, we find, for instance, the Human Soul or Human Consciousness, the Divine Consciousness – or Spiritual Soul – the Spirit, and many other levels. But the mind itself is matter. And below the mind we find the emotional plane, called the Astral Plane, that is also matter, that evolves. And finally this physical world, that also evolves. So the Mind, Emotion, and this physical world, evolve. That is a mechanism that exists within the whole of nature.

So when we talk about the ego, we have to understand that we are talking about the mind. The mind is related to the law of evolution and devolution, which are twin laws that are always active in any type of nature – mechanical nature. So this ego, this mind, is the one that we are mistaking with the real Human Mind. The Human Mind, the real Human Mind, has nothing to do with this type of mind that we have, and that is merely intellectual.

So we have, for instance, in this very moment, the ego, which is related to the mechanical laws of nature. That matter, that Mind, obeys other forces – obeys the forces of Nature. But that matter does not obey the Spirit. Our particular Spirit. Because that matter is related to other laws, which are mechanical laws, which have nothing to do with our own particular Spirit. So the mind, or the ego, evolves, in different kingdoms, mechanically speaking. The mind, when it reaches the level of Intellectual Animal, gives us the capacity of choosing – as intellects – to enter into the path of the Human Being, into the level of the Human Being. And that is what we call Initiation. Initiation is the process to enter into the level where we are called a Human Being.

In the ancient times, the Human Being existed. But remember that Monads, or essences – innocent creatures – were evolving in the inferior kingdoms, which are always below the human kingdom. Those kingdoms that are below the human kingdom, are the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, and the mineral kingdom. So millions of souls are evolving there. At that time in Lemuria, when those souls were finishing their – they say “lessons” - in the animal kingdom, they were preparing themselves in order to enter into the human kingdom. And in order to enter into the human kingdom, the great human beings – the great men of Lemuria, were willingly dying, or separating themselves from their physical bodies, in order to deliver those human bodies to those souls of the animal kingdom that were entering in order to learn how to be human beings. Those creatures were learning, of course, through other great Masters, physically speaking, how to create, inside of them, the Human Being, the microcosmos. Those creatures, those souls, when they entered into the human body, only had the BODY of the human. But inside, they were still animals. Thus, they gained the capacity to rationalize with the intellect, but the mind itself was still an animal mind. So then they learned how to create the Human Emotion, how to create the Human Mind, how to create the Human Will. Those souls, from the animal kingdom, were creating emotion, mind, and will, as Humans – they were then converting themselves, or transforming themselves into real Human Beings. And after that they had to work hard to complete the whole process, in order for the Universe to be reflected in them.

In the time of Lemuria, when the souls were learning how to enter into the human kingdom, they were learning how to create the Human Emotion (astral body), the Human Mind (mental body), and Human Will (causal body). But how did they create them? They created them in the temples. So the great Angels, or messengers or Masters, taught them in the temples how to create those Inner Bodies. And of course, those souls were learning and being guided by the Angels, and obeying them. The process of creating the internal bodies is what we call Initiations. These creations initiate the soul into the Human Kingdom. That is initiation.

So at that time, there were also other beings that we call Demons, that were also fighting in order to initiate those souls in order to serve the purposes of nature, in the involutive or devolutive way. That is what we call a Demon. A demon is a creature which serves nature in the way of destruction. When nature reaches the level of human intellectual animal, the forces of evolution start to invert and enter into the abyss. The demons are those creatures which control those forces of evolution for the service of nature, and of course they also initiate souls in order to enter into the abyss, as slaves of nature.

Thus, there are bad initiations and good initiations. Those bad initiations are, of course, called by the Bible “idols” – we are told that we should not worship “idols” – meaning forces of nature or dark nature, that are pushing the soul in order to serve the involutive forces of nature. When we do that, then the purpose of the Spirit – or the purpose of those Beings which are cosmocreators – is failing, because the Soul is not reaching beyond the intellectual animal, but is reaching the intellectual animal and then initiating themselves into the abyss in order to serve Nature as involutive or devolving creatures.

There is always in nature that battle or that struggle between the forces of light – which are pulling the souls into the human kingdom and other higher kingdoms – and the forces of darkness, that want only to accomplish the mechanisms of nature and serve them. Creatures that do not want to have illumination. They want just to be, or to live like any plant, without any effort, just being in this universe mechanically. And this is it.

Of course, those devolving beings were very active when the sexes were separated in Lemuria, trying to find proselytes, neophytes. It is obvious that they found them in all of the great continents in the whole continent. So those disciples, instead of performing the sexual act in their temples under the direction of the angels, started to perform the sexual act in their homes. Because, I repeat: the sexual act was sacred, very sacred. They knew that it was only for the creation of the human being inside of themselves, or in order to bring new souls into the physical plane. So they knew how to multiply themselves. But as you know, as it is written in the Bible and many other books, humanity ate from the forbidden fruit.

To eat from the forbidden fruit is this: the tree of good and evil is the sexual energy. When we enter into the human kingdom, when we are learning how to be a real human, then the commandment of the Holy Spirit comes, from inside of our own Soul, the Holy Spirit which is the sexual energy says: “You shall not perform the sexual act as when you were animals.”

So the sexual act in the way of the animals is forbidden. “And the day that you perform the sexual act as an animal again, you will die as a human being, and you will be kicked out of the human kingdom and you will enter into the abyss.” That is, of course, in long words, what is written in short words.

And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. – Genesis 2:16, 17

He is talking to the Soul; he is not talking not the physical body. The Soul itself, that is learning. So the Holy Spirit from within is telling the Soul: “Here you have now a human body. Be careful, because to be a human is not to be an animal, so do not perform the sexual act as an animal. Learn. Here the masters and the angels will teach you how to use the sexual act as a human, in order to create what I need to create within you.”

Well, then the souls of Lemuria, incarnated in those bodies, committed the error of returning to the animal generation, performing the sexual act as when they were in the animal kingdom. The result, of course, was the fortification of the animal mind that they were going to disintegrate in order to create the human mind. And then the animal mind started to devolve because they were initiating themselves not in light but in darkness, not in the higher planes but in the devolutive planes, in involution. And by initiating themselves as Souls backwards, into the darkness, they were, of course, creating the ego. And the ego is nothing but the transformation of that mind in the devolutive way.

The mind that is developing in the evolutive way helps nature in the mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, and animal kingdom. If you see any mineral, plant, or animal, you will find a mind there, evolving, and helping the purposes of nature in the creative direction. But when that mind starts to involve or devolve, then that mind transforms into ego, and instead of helping the purpose of nature to create, it helps the forces of nature to destroy, because it is devolving, entering into the abyss.

The dark nature and the light nature is found in the Tarot, in the Arcanum Six, the Lover who is between two women. The woman on the right is an initiate and the woman on the left is a whore. They symbolize the two forces of nature. The one that we follow, which is the white, is in order to enter into being a human being, and on the left is the one to enter into darkness, and to become a demon.

What is a demon? A demon is a failure, somebody who could not reach the level of Human Being and now is fortifying the ego and becoming a demon. In other words, someone who serves the negative forces of nature, the devolving forces. So instead of the human being, or an angel, the soul becomes a demon.

And that was of course the great failure in the time of Lemuria. That is how the beautiful bodies that those souls inherited from the real Men returned into the animal kingdom. And those bodies, those physical bodies, learned how to fornicate. Fornication is an activity of the animal soul, in order to multiply in this physical plane. This humanity, since it is still animal, does not know – ignores – how to multiply without fornication. People think that in order to multiply, fornication is indispensable. Yes, it is indispensable for animals. But not for human beings. Any human being, a real human being in any planet of the infinite, multiplies themselves without fornication. That is why is written: “You shall not fornicate.” The commandments are not, of course, for animals, but for those Souls which want to enter into the Human Kingdom, who want to Initiate themselves into that.

Since that time, the White Lodge, the White Fraternity, which is the conjunction of all of those Beings we call Angels, Archangels, Seraphim, Buddhas, etc. etc. – that is all the Great Masters – sends messengers periodically to the Souls that were fallen. Messengers to the human beings? To the men? It would be a joke to say that. Sometimes we say that out of respect. Because if we say that the White Lodge, the great Fraternity, sent messengers to the animals in order for them to learn how to be humans, it is a very crude way of saying it. So we have to say that the White Lodge, the Great Initiates, sent many messengers to humanity, or to the Human Beings or Men – which we say out of respect.

Some of those who were working towards perfection are called fallen Bodhisattvas. At that time there were many great Real Human Beings, Real Creatures, Human Beings in the complete sense of the word. And they also chose fornication, and they fell, and because when they chose fornication and they fell, the ego was again born in them. The animal mind was born in them. So that is why that the fallen angels became demons, because the ego is what makes the Soul a demon.

Lust is the original sin of the human being. Lust is an activity of the animal soul that we have to control and that we have to avoid if we want enter into the initiation of the human being. Lust, of course, serves the purpose of mechanical nature. Every animal fornicates. Every animal is lustful. So if we want to stop being an animal, we have to make the effort. It is not easy. But also, it is not impossible.

When an animal soul wants to learn how to be a human, this animal soul has transmute that lust into willpower. It is not possible to ask an animal soul to perform the sexual act without lust, because the animal soul is lust itself. So this animal soul must learn little by little how to transform that lust or that desire in other words into willpower. Little by little.

It is obvious that in the beginning, the animal soul begins working while submerged 100% in their lust. And the battle is, of course – the struggle - is hard; to control that lust into willpower, to change the instincts in order to teach that physical body – that is animal – to be a human. That is the most difficult part. To teach the donkey how to be a human. The donkey is the animal, is the physical body.

Of course, since that time, the White Lodge has been struggling with the Black Lodge. Dark forces and the forces of light. The messengers come in order to teach the Souls, but then the dark forces of nature through its messengers (which are demons or black magicians, disguised as white) are always, of course, deviating the souls into other ways, to be hypnotized or identified with many things, but keeping the fornication. For the demons or the black magicians, the important thing is that every single soul should fornicate - no matter what. They can perform any exercise or any practise – “It’s all good,” they say. But they say everyone should fornicate. If someone fornicates, they serve the forces of nature. So this is how we have to understand the sly way of the Black Magicians, who are always looking for proselytes. They teach them how to awaken consciousness – how to do this or to do that – but still enjoy the passions of the animal beasts.

When someone is controlling the sex, he is developing higher forces, creating in the human kingdom. But in order to create the real human being, sexual cooperation is indispensable. In order to become a human, we need to also gain the attributes of the human being. The consciousness has to learn how to behave as a human, meaning that any animal, of course, can learn how to perform the sexual act like a human being – not with the spasm, as you say – and meanwhile still being an assassin, a thief, a liar. It is not as simple as “we have to change psychologically” in order to become a human being. It is another thing that we call here transmutation.

Do you know what a mutant is? Someone who is different. So transmutation is to perform a transformation within. And that transformation starts from the bottom, which is the seed. The very root of our selves – if we investigate the root, the foundation of our selves – we will find that that root or foundation is the seed, the sexual seed. Physically speaking, it is the seed. And also internally. Everything comes from the sexual energy, which is the creative energy. So from that we have to start the transformation. And we have to learn, of course; it is not as simple as to just unite sexually and not spill the sacred sperm of sexual force – it is not just that.

There are different steps and levels in order to learn how to SUBLIMATE the energy. First we have to sublimate the energy, and that energy is matter in the sexual glands. It is MATTER. That matter is called semen in the men. And in the female we can call it semen, as well. But both sexes have that matter. That matter has to be transformed into energy, and energy has to rise. And for that we have to learn that transmutation is not mechanical, it is not automatic. The transmutation is something that we perform WILLINGLY and CONSCIOUSLY. So if we are not using our Consciousness and our Willpower in order to do it, we are not doing it - because we have to use Imagination, Willpower, and as well certain forces that we have to put into activity in order for that matter to become energy and to rise upwards. So if somebody is doing that without knowing all of this, he is just, of course, performing something that is just for the purposes of the animal soul, which is lust. Animals exist in this society and this humanity, people who perform the sexual act and who know how to control in order to endure it; but that is not transmutation, that is just a way to enjoy the lust.

Have you heard about the tail of Satan, the famous organ KUNDABUFFER? The Kundabuffer organ is that organ that develops in the ego of those souls that fertilize the lust without annihilating or entering into initiation. We do not deny that when you perform that transmutation all of that energy goes into your selves. But if you are identifying with it, and thinking that you will always be beautiful or magnetic etc., you are, of course, feeding your vanity, your self-love. And this is, of course, something that we have to learn in order not to fall into that level.

We know, for instance, that when we transmute and we enter into the initiation we gain a lot of power and initiations, but that is not the goal – to be infatuated with those things. It is just a duty, as we say, it is something that we have to perform. But we should not be infatuated, or to look with spite at other people who don’t know about this doctrine, or other people who reject this doctrine. Because there are many people who reject this doctrine – they don’t want to be human beings, they like to be animals. So let them be. But if we confront them, even when we know that they don’t like the doctrine, we don’t have to look at them with spite. “Oh I am reaching the human kingdom; this man is still an animal. And he doesn’t want it or he doesn’t like it so I am better than him.” No. We have to respect. We should not feed the ego. The ego of vanity or pride or conceit, right? Feeling better than others, feeling holy and just before the sinner… Let God judge them, but you should not judge them; we have to perform our labour and that is all. Be conscious of that without your pride, without your vanity, without your conceit. Be conscious of that. In other words , fight without pride, fight without anger, fight without vanity. That is the Mahabarata, the great battle that we have to perform.

I know many people, friends and relatives, that don’t feel the longing within of working in this process. Their souls are content with being animal souls. So then I comprehend and understand that, and I respect that. But, of course, I feel pity because I know that their fate is to go into the abyss, and they will go to the abyss – whether they like it or not – they will fall into hell. That is the way, the lunar way, that they are choosing. But here we are in the Solar Way, and we want to be Human Beings; we want to enter into Initiation. Well, we have to reject the animal soul. And to reject the animal soul does not mean we reject the animals outside, but the animal that we have within. And for that, of course, we have a long battle.

Many souls achieve the level of human being in one life. Others take many lives. It depends on the work. The main work is, of course, with the sexual energy, because with the sexual energy – when we transmute it – we apply that energy to the ego in order to disintegrate it.

What is the ego? It is the animal. If people think that they are at the standard level, they are going towards devolution. You see, for instance, many of the creatures of this planet, they are of course “going ahead,” but not in the superior worlds, but DOWN in the infernal worlds.

Most of the Black Magicians, they know that they are black magicians and they like to be black magicians; they think that they are walking the White Path while they are not. They are just identified with doctrines. Most of those Black Magicians that are very smart, disguise the doctrine of the Black Lodge with wisdom, light, beautiful words, things that really are beautiful. When we enter into the temples of the darkness, in the mental plane, where we find the most dangerous black magicians – they want to talk to you, they try to convince you that you are wrong with WORDS, with WISDOM, and in a very gentle way - never attacking you, and even hugging you and kissing you and showing you a lot of love – and you enter into those temples of darkness, and there is no darkness, you ask, “Why are people calling these temples of darkness?” And you see everywhere illuminated temples with light, and flowers, statues, HOLY statues, symbols and everything, and you see there Masters teaching, speaking of wisdom and with love,… how are you going to doubt it? But if you start talking, “What about sexual energy? Should we transmute the sexual energy?”

They will say, “Hmmm…What are you talking about? God says, go and multiply! We have to multiply ourselves!”

“Yeah but not like animals” we will say. But they will defend their fornication, because they are in the service of the dark forces of Nature. So they, of course, control the ego, because that ego that you have and that anybody has, belongs to nature, belongs to THEM. They control it. In other words, when we are walking on this path, they are controlling us. They are not controlling our Souls, our Spirit, but the EGO, and through the ego they are trying to pull us. “Oh look! Another soul is initiating into the light!” they say, “Well let’s see… we are going walk him to our service.”

How many of their servants do we have inside? A LOT, and a very strong one is lust. “We’ll send him (if he’s a male) a female. Then we’ll see if he REALLY wants to leave us.” Then the guy, is of course, attracted to that female – and starts to leave the path - or that woman is starting to be attracted to that male, and is leaving the Path. So what’s happening? She or he started in the Path, and suddenly is leaving. Well, the forces of darkness were strong. Stronger than the light. ALWAYS. Not just in the beginning. In the whole Path. The whole path is a struggle. The one who can see is the one that defeated darkness – but not outside, within. And that is precisely the initiation.

The beginning of the initiation is a confrontation. The first ordeal is a confrontation with the Guardian of the Threshold. “The Guardian of the Threshold? Who is that Guardian?” It is not something that is foreign to our Consciousness. It is something that is inside. It is not alien to ourselves. It is inside and we have to confront that ego, and we call it the Guardian of the Threshold. So that ego represents our own evilness, our own sins; our own lust, our own pride, our own greed, our own gluttony, our own laziness. Everything that we already know.

EVERYBODY that has ego is a servant of the Black Lodge. You say, “Oh no, I am here on this path and I am serving the White Lodge.” Yeah? All of us who have ego are serving the Black Lodge; the purpose of nature. When we are angry against anyone, when we hate anyone, when we perform any sin against anyone or against ourselves, we are performing the will of the Black Lodge through our ego. In the level that we are now, we are serving only the negative forces of nature. The White Lodge is the Soul, the Spirit, the Being; that is the White Lodge. How much of the White Lodge do we have within ourselves? 3%. How much of the Black Lodge do we have? 97%. So it is like David against Goliath.

If we are smart, we can kill the Black Lodge within us with one shot. And the stone that we have to throw is precisely the sexual force that we have to utilize – that David utilizes. So that is the Soul. David against Goliath; the initiation. We have to become a King of Nature. If you defeat Goliath, everybody is going to praise you, and you will deserve to be a King or Queen of your own nature. David became King of Israel. But what do we find within ourselves now? We don’t find kings, we find only what the Bible calls BAALIM. What is a Baalim? It is a Lord of darkness. Somebody who worships idols. And what are those idols? They are the negative forces of nature within.

So in the beginning, of course, whether we are single or married, initiation starts with the ordeal of the Threshold, fighting, and passing the ordeals of water, fire, earth, and air, which are related, of course, with life.

The ordeal of Earth is related with the Gnomes and Pygmies, that are always active in the evolutive forces of Nature. But in ourselves, those forces are already devoluting - so we are lazy. So then we have to defeat laziness. How do we defeat laziness? By always being active as a consciousness, ALWAYS in activity, consciously speaking. Because the contrary to that egotistically speaking is to be active like a Gnome making a lot of gold, making a lot of money to feed our own greed. So to defeat, or to overcome the ordeal the Earth, is to control the gnomes and pygmies – the relation of those forces – with Earth, with our lives.

The ordeal of water is related with the Ondines, Mermaids of the sea. They create – the forces of the sea, the forces of the water create, fertilize, clean – but if we don’t know how to utilize them in ourselves, we will start, of course, feeding the lust our own ego.

We find also the sylphs of the air, the Mind, controlling the thoughts. By understanding and comprehending the four elements, how we overcome the ordeals in life.

Really the sexual matter is a liquid fire, an igneous water at the same time. It is igneous water, it is liquid fire. Fire of the salamanders. You see how, for instance, when the couple in the Magic Flute, they are together to enter into the initiation, and they ended up having TOGETHER the ordeal of water, and the ordeal of fire. It is in this way in order to show us the main work with the water and the fire is in the couple. Of course, also the fire is shows anger, hatred. The fire of hatred and anger is the fire that burns the ego inside of the abyss.

So that is the initiation. A fight, a great battle that we have to do against ourselves. With the ego, of course, is the soul battling. That is why we have to liberate it. This is something that we have to understand and to comprehend.

Sometimes we are in the astral world, and you say to your Inner Being, “My father, my God, take me to a temple of the White Lodge.” Meanwhile, the secret enemy, that isn’t anywhere but INSIDE of you, and that is formed by your ego, is listening to your petition to your Inner Being. And sometimes it will drag you to the dark places. “I will cheat him or her in order to show that this is his Inner Father taking him or her.” And you must always be careful because the enemy can take you to other places. The enemy is inside of you, it is you, it is yourself. That negative double is also in the forces of nature. Exactly the double of great angels of Light are always the beings of Darkness. And the double of your Being is that EGO that we have there, that negative double. And therefore you have to conjure. You arrive and you see that this is a beautiful place. Wonderful. Let us conjure this place in the name of Christ. And if this is from the light, then it will remain. If not, then it will be destroyed. Because when you are conjuring, to conjure is to invite the place, the person, or that which is in front of you, to be in communion, with the forces that you are invoking. And of course, in hell or in the abyss, they are not in communion with the higher forces. So when you say “In the name of CHRIST I conjure you” you are saying, “In the name of Christ I invite you to share the high forces that I am worshipping.” And then that entity of darkness will say, “No way. I am not going to share that power with that light, I am from the darkness.” Then, immediately, it will take its original form. But, if that being is from the light, then it will say, “Come to the light,” and it will repeat the conjuration with you. Memorize the Conjuration of the Four, and the Conjuration of the Seven. So, that is why we say, we should not trust OURSELVES.

Do not trust yourself. Anytime that you are performing something, you have to think, “Oh. I have ego. I will be careful.” Especially when you are going to perform the Great Arcanum, where the ego is alert. So, do not sleep. Be alert, because I repeat, the enemy is within you. Therefore we have to annihilate the enemy. We have to kill all of the unfaithful. We have to annihilate all of the unfaithful. Mohammed says, “We have to kill all the unbelievers.” Who are those unfaithful ones? Our sins, our defects, errors that we have within. The problem is that we have them within. So the only way to be sure that we are performing everything well 100%, is when we do not have EGO within. Do we have ego? Don’t trust in yourself. Always use the Conjurations.

When you are going to face the Guardian of the Threshold, the Masters of the Light call unto you, “My brother or my sister, it is the time now. You have to decide. Do you want to follow us? Then you have to defeat the Guardian who is your own ego. We will INVOKE that Guardian – who is your own ego – and you will have to confront him.”

That is a decisive moment, when you say, “OK. Bring that son of a gun in front of me.” Then you should not be afraid. It is YOU. Then the monster will appear in front of you, which will be, of course, your own defects, vices, and errors in ONE shape. And then with strength you should say, “In the name of Christ, my own Saviour, I CONJURE YOU. Beast! Get out of my way!” With a lot of strength and decision! Do not be afraid. The only way to fail is if you are afraid, because then the monster will take you. You will be a slave of your defects. The initiate who does not succeed in that ordeal because he was afraid of himself or herself, will LEAVE the knowledge, will abandon Gnosis. Why is he or she leaving the knowledge? Well, he didn’t succeed in the threshold, he was afraid of himself, to defeat his own sins. He wants to feed and to nourish his own ego.

I remember very well when I confronted my own Guardian – or ego – and I was awakened. The Masters who awakeed me, they told me. And I conjured the beast in the name of the Lord. And I was, of course, successful. I made the big decision to go ahead. This is my path and no ego will stop me.

That is the beginning, in order to enter into the initiations: the threshold. That is why it is called the Guardian of the Threshold. The very beginning. You want to enter into the light? Well, you will have to renounce your animal way. The animal way is personified by the Guardian of the Threshold. You have to defeat him. Then the person starts working against him or herself, against the different defects vices or errors.

The help comes from inside, from Christ. Of course, the person has to be in chastity. How are you going to defeat the Guardian, if you are feeding the Guardian? The Guardian is the personification of your ego, and the main food for the ego is fornication. So if you are in fornication, then the Masters will not even bother to test you, because your guardian is very strong and you are not in chastity. So you cannot even enter into the path. But if somebody is in chastity, transmuting the energy, then they say, “Oh this one is transmuting. Let us give him the ordeal in order to advance more.” Then you will defeat him and go further.

Well after that ordeal, you will have many tests, because you have to defeat that guardian little by little and with patience. First, the great ordeal; you defeat him. But then the guardian will try to feed himself through you, and then you have to be in observance, attentive to yourself, in order to annihilate little by little all of your aggregates, psychological defects, in order to KILL – because one thing is to defeat the Guardian in front of you, and another thing is to kill him – to kill him is to take the stone of David and shoot him in the head. And that takes, of course, a long period of time; meditation, comprehension, patience. It’s not just that you defeated the Guardian today and tomorrow you will be a great Initiate. No, you are just a neophyte. One thing is to defeat it in confrontation, another thing is to kill him. He says, “OK. He defeated me. Now we will see if he is capable of killing me.” And the ego has to be destroyed. When the ego is destroyed, the Consciousness is liberated. The Soul is free.

The ego is divided into many parts. The first part that you have to defeat is that. After the defeat of the Guardian of the Threshold, we enter into the Lesser Initiations, or Minor Initiations; and there are nine. They are the “probationary path” for the neophyte. And those nine initiations are received by single people or married people. If the person is single, they will receive the nine initiations, of course, little by little. If he is married, he will receive them faster, because he is working with the sexual force. So, the nine initiations are great festivities that the initiate receives internally, in the Soul, after defeating different weaknesses that he has inside, and gaining different virtues, powers, etc.

So remember that this is really the path to the initiation and to the human being. This is what the great prophets or messengers came for. Jesus came in order to teach us. Now He feels, of course, sorrow because His doctrine is completely adulterated. Nobody knows how to become a Real Human Being. And the hundreds of millions of Christians only believe in his personality.

To learn more about initiation, read The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor.