Meditation Essentials
A Free Online Course
Become a Self-reliant Meditator
Follow the practical steps of this course to develop your own experience of the state of meditation. By applying the exercises given in each lecture, any sincere student can become a self-reliant meditator, capable of using meditation as a powerful tool for investigation and analysis.
From the course:
The state of meditation is the natural state of the consciousness, unconditioned, unfiltered, serene, perceiving, and understanding. In the state of meditation, by reflecting on a problem or question, we can find answers, insight, wisdom, guidance. In the state of meditation, we can perceive what is hidden from the physical senses. In the state of meditation, there is no debate, dogma, belief, or theory: there is only the experience of what is real.
Real meditation is:
- a form of perception
- a way of getting information
- a precise science
Since the state of meditation is the natural, normal state of the consciousness, anyone can access it, but first one must know what is preventing it from being our normal state. So, when we study meditation, we should not be trying to “make meditation happen,” but instead be recognizing what is preventing it from happening.
Once the obstacles are removed, meditation happens on its own, immediately, spontaneously, in the same way that air escapes from a punctured ballon, or water escapes an overturned bottle.
The state of meditation is effortless. What takes effort is the work to remove the conditions that prevent meditation from occurring.
Meditation Essentials 01: The Basis of Meditation
Meditation Essentials 02: Consciousness
Meditation Essentials 03: Energy
Meditation Essentials 04: Action and Consequence
Meditation Essentials 05: The Path to Meditation
Meditation Essentials 06 Preparation for Serenity
Meditation Essentials 07: Recognizing Obstacles
Meditation Essentials 08: Deepening Serenity
Meditation Essentials 09: Imagination
Meditation Essentials 10: Bliss
Meditation Essentials 11: Illusion and Reality
Meditation Essentials 12: Change and Understanding
Meditation Essentials 13: How to Meditate on Something
Meditation Essentials 14: Understand A Problem
Meditation Essentials 15: Find Your Real Self