The Meaning of Life, the Two Lines of Life, and Our Level of Being
Brothers and sisters of the Gnostic movement, inverential peace!
Brothers and sisters, you are here to listen to me, and I am here, ready, to speak to you. Between you and me there must be a mutual exchange; between you and me there must be creative comprehension. Only then can we really understand the practicality of tonight's meeting.
What is the real object of our existence? What are we here for, why? This is something that we must elucidate with dazzling clarity. This is something that we must weigh, analyze, serenely judge...
We live in the world; for what purpose? We suffer the unspeakable; what for? We fight to get what is called bread, clothing and shelter, and after all, for what? Where are all our efforts? Live to live, work to live and then die, is it perhaps a wonderful thing? Truly brothers and sisters, it is necessary to comprehend the meaning of our existence, the meaning of living.
The Two Lines of Life
There are two lines in life: one we could call the “horizontal”, the other, the “vertical”, and they form a cross within ourselves, here and now (not a second ahead, not a second behind). We need to objectify these two lines a bit.
The horizontal begins with birth and ends with death; before each cradle there is the prospect of a grave; everything that is born must die... On the horizontal are the processes of birth, growth, reproduction, aging and then death; on the horizontal are the vain pleasures of life: liquor, fornication, adultery, etc.; on the horizontal is the fight for daily bread, the fight not to die, to exist under the light of the sun. On the horizontal are all those intimate sufferings of practical life, of the home, the street, the office, etc. The horizontal line can offer us nothing wonderful...
But there is another totally different line: I want to refer, emphatically, to the vertical (before, as I said, horizontal and vertical form a cross). But this vertical is interesting: in this vertical are the different levels of the Being; in this vertical are the transcendental and transcendent powers of the Innermost; in this vertical are the esoteric powers, the powers that divinize, the revolution of the consciousness, etc.
With the forces of the vertical we can decisively influence the horizontal aspects of practical life; we can totally change our own destiny; make our life something different, something distinct, become something totally distinct from what we have been, from what we are, from what we have known in this bitter existence.
It is, therefore, the vertical, wonderful, revolutionary by nature; but to make certain inquiries are indeed necessary.
First of all, I ask myself and I ask all those present here: are we perhaps happy with what we are? Which of you truly feels happy, in the fullest sense of the word? Which one of you feels happy?
We must be honest: none of us enjoys true happiness; none of us can say that we live in peace; none of us can say that lives in an oasis of bliss. We have terrible worries, disappointments, anxieties, bitterness, we suffer a lot and our heart beats with tremendous intensity...
We need to get out of this mud we find ourselves in. We really need to change radically, and this would only be possible if we appeal to the transcendental and transcendent powers of the vertical.
When one who marches along the horizontal remembers the Self, one's own Being; when one asks, "Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? What is the object of existence?" undoubtedly, one enters the vertical path, which is the path of revolution, the path that leads to the superhuman.
The Superhuman
The hour of the superhuman has come! The "intellectual animal," really, is nothing more than a bridge between the inferior animal and the superman. We need to become true kings and queens of creation, masters of ourselves, masters of all that is, of all that has been, of all that will be...
A change is urgent, a total transformation; it is urgent to get out of this bramble as soon as possible, from this chaos in which we find ourselves, in which we struggle miserably.
The laws of the earth could never bring us peace; the laws of the earth could never bring us the authentic happiness that radically transforms; the laws of the earth could never give us freedom.
Thus, it is urgent to get on the vertical path that we carry within ourselves, here and now; The time has come for the great revolution, for the psychological revolution, for the marching revolution, for the revolution that will lead us towards the superhuman...
Gnostic brothers and sisters gathered here: I invite you to reflect on the superhuman; I invite you to think about total change; I invite you to enter that vertical revolutionary path that will lead you, inevitably, towards the final liberation.
You are not happy, I know. And you will not be happy until you march firmly on the vertical path; you will not be happy until you reach the heights of the superhuman; you will not be happy as long as you do not free their consciousness from the painful mud of this world; you will not be happy as long as you do not experience that which is the reality, that which is not of time, that which is the truth...
So, brothers and sisters who are gathered tonight, I invite you to reflect...
Self-knowledge and Self-observation
On the vertical path is the revolution of consciousness; when one admits that one has one’s own psychology, one undoubtedly begins to work on oneself; then it is obvious that one enters the vertical path.
We are a true enigma to ourselves; an enigma that must be deciphered; an enigma to be solved; an enigma that must be broken. We do not know ourselves, unfortunately although we think we do know ourselves. We need to be honest with ourselves; we need to dissect the myself, the ego, the myself...
It is easily to admitt that we have a physical body provided with organs, an organism. But few really comprehend that we have a particular psychology. When one comprehends that one has a psychology, one begins to work on oneself, here and now; when one comprehends that one has a psychology, one begins with the process of psychological self-observation.
Whoever begins to observe oneself becomes in fact a different individual, different from everyone, completely different. But people have a tendency to admit only the physical matter, the three-dimensional, the dense body, because they can see, hear, touch and feel it; Few, in truth, are those who sincerely accept having a psychology of a very particular type.
When someone accepts it, one actually begins to observe oneself and this makes one something different from their fellows. Observing oneself, to get to know oneself, is the best of the best...
Someone told me the other day, or some time ago, to be clearer, that he did know himself. So I had no problem telling him, "If you know yourself, tell me: how many atoms does one hair of your mustache have?"
The man said, "Well, I don't know that..."
"Oh!" I told him, "if you don't know a hair of your mustache, if you don't know how many atoms a hair of your mustache has, much less will you know the totality of yourself..."
Unquestionably, that man had nothing more than to accept my affirmation.
When one knows himself profoundly, one knows the universe and the gods. On the vertical path, we intend above all to know ourselves, because only by knowing ourselves can we know others.
On the vertical path, my dear brothers and sisters, we have to make a psychological inventory of ourselves, to know how much we have and how much we lack.
There is much that we must eliminate, much that is ridiculous within us, and there is also much in us that we must conquer, that we lack. We have plenty left over; we are missing a lot. On the vertical path we make an inventory of ourselves, to know who we are, where we come from, where we are going, what is the purpose of our existence...
Here, gathered in this room, we must try to inquire a little, we must try to know ourselves. We must, in truth, raise the issue of ourselves, to put it on the table, if we are really willing to work to change totally.
Our Level of Being
On the vertical path are the different levels of the Being. When one begins to work on oneself to eliminate this or that psychological defect, undoubtedly, one enters in fact and by his own right, in a higher level of the Being...
We have been told, and with great truth, that each one's level of the Being attracts his own life. A man or a woman is what their life is.
Observe a cow in the middle of the barn: its own level of being attracts its own life. If we take a cow out of the stable and take it to our bedroom, if we put a valet there, we comb it very well, we cover it with talcum powder, we perfume it, it will not stop being a cow; she will continue with her cow manners; she will then make our beautiful bedroom a stable; it will not change, because the level of each one's Being attracts his own life...
If we take a ragged beggar out of the crowds and take him to Buckingham Palace, to live there next to Queen Elizabeth, in principle he will be attended by many servants, he will be considered a “great lord”. But his level of being will attract his own life; soon those servants will find in this beggar customs very different from those of the palace: they will see that he is miserly, they will see that he keeps money terribly, that he will never spend a penny, not even to help a friend; they will realize his irritability, they will realize his unscrupulousness, they will realize his gossip, he will take revenge on enemies, etc., of "they say that they say"; and finally the time will come when he will see himself alone, in the middle of Buckingham palace; he will have to beg the servants to even bring him a plate to eat, because they will no longer want to serve him, they will abandon him; and inside Buckingham palace itself, even if he dresses his best, he will continue to be what he is: a beggar!...
Each one's level of being attracts his own life; a man is what his life is...
Many worry themselves about having huge amounts of money; they say, “If I won the lottery, how different my existence would be! If I won the extraordinary Christmas lottery draw, I would change radically..." But that is false, completely false, because the level of being attracts its own life. A man, I repeat, is what his life is...
It is convenient for us to reflect on all these questions. It is not by getting huge amounts of money that we are going to change our very existence, no! What we need is to move to a higher level of the Being.
Let us place ourselves, for a moment, in one of those strange places in the city, in one of those lost cities, in one of those terrains where the "parachutists" [squatters; homeless people] associated, form, let's say, their infrahuman, collective existences, so that we can better see the question of the level of being...
I remember having seen a group of people "parachutists," living in one of those areas: they fought each other daily, they got drunk, they hurt each other, they killed each other; and that “neighborhood” that once lived quietly, had to go through unprecedented surprises: daily the police patrols made their sirens resound there; cries of pain, hate, anger, etc. were heard. And those unhappy people continued as always: suffering terribly (obviously, their level of being attracted their own life)...
If for a moment someone, one of those, had reflected even for an instant, if he had proposed to study himself, if he had discovered his psychological defects and, daringly, entered the revolutionary vertical path of psychology, obviously he could have eliminated some defects; perhaps anger; possibly hate, selfishness, gossip, etc. Conclusion: he would change the level of his being; and changing the level of his being, he would undoubtedly refine his customs; then he could no longer accept being with those people who surrounded him; Those people wouldn't get along with him either. He would be required to make new friends and by law, simply, of psychological affinities, he would make new friends. In sum: changing the level of the being would change his life; possibly those new friendships would give him new opportunities; through interrelation, he would change the economics of his very existence, he would get a different job, he would improve remarkably.
So the level of being of each one attracts his own life, thus, a man is what his life is.
On the vertical path we have the possibility of changing our own level of being; if we do so, if we eliminate psychological defects from ourselves, the result will be extraordinary, because by changing our level of being our whole life will also change, when one radically changes, everything around him also changes.
These annoying circumstances of existence, the unpleasant circumstances of life, are nothing but mere projections of what happens inside of us. If we change inside of us, the external circumstances will change too. But if we do not change internally, the external circumstances will not change either.
Emmanuel Kant, the philosopher of Königsberg, said the exterior is the reflection of the interior... In other words, we will clarify by saying what is external is nothing more than the reflection of what internally we are.
If we are angry people, if we hate, if we are jealous, envious, perverse, the circumstances that will surround us will be perverse, fatal, sinister; they can be written down even in the red press.
And if we are decent people, if we live in harmony with the infinite, if we breathe peace, if we radiate love, happiness, joy, the circumstances that will emanate from ourselves will be beautiful; we will have very lovely relationships, there will be harmony with everyone around us...
There are many who write to me telling me about their problems. What do the women say? “My husband left me for another woman.” What do the men say? “My wife no longer wants to live with me because she left me for another man.” So, “what to do, how are we going to solve the problem...” Others, "some owe me money and they don't want to pay me," and that "they filed a lawsuit and now how are we going to resolve it," they ask me "help so that he can resolve the lawsuit," etc...
Each case is usually complicated, difficult; everyone wants their problems solved; everyone longs to live in peace, to have an extraordinary harmony, within happiness, without problems.
But those who write to me in this way do not want to realize that the root of all problems is inside them; that those problems are nothing more than projections from within; those problems are coming out of them, because a man is what his life is and nothing more than that: what his life is.
If one doesn't change one's own level of being, if one doesn't change one’s inner life, nothing will change; the exterior is nothing more than the projection of the interior... The time has come to understand this.
They want happiness, but where are they going to get it? They do not want, therefore, to admit that the errors or the causes, better to say, of everything that is happening to them they carry within themselves. Yes, each one carries the causes of sufferings within oneself, and as long as the causes are not dissolved, the sufferings will not be dissolved either; every effect has its cause; Every cause causes its effect.
So, those of us who start to walk on the vertical path, first of all, we propose self-discovery: knowing our mistakes to remove them, to get them out of ourselves, because only then can we fundamentally change...
A man is what his life is; if a man does not work his own life, he is undoubtedly wasting his time miserably.
Life is like a movie that appears to end with death. Death is the return to the original starting point, with the possibility of projecting life itself on the carpet of world again...
In Buddhism we are told of "successive lives"; but I say, in truth, that there are no successive lives. What there is, what really exists, are successive existences because life is the same.
When the hour of death arrives, the film ends, we roll it up and take it with us into eternity; there we relive it retrospectively.
Do not forget that just as there is a three-dimensional space, visible and tangible, so there is also a psychological space, and this is undeniable, unquestionable, axiomatic.
In the psychological space our life continues; there we relive it, I say, retrospectively. Later we return, we return in time, we reincorporate ourselves in a new organism (that is the law of the eternal return of all things). And we return to reproject our very life, to project it again on the carpet of this world.
Thus, it is not successive lives that exist; really what there are successive existences (distinguish between successive lives and successive existences). There is but one life: the one we take, the one we bring, the one we take again and the one we bring back again, it is always the same life!...
Existences, yes! To each soul is assigned 108 existences...
I am making these statements because I am before a very special audience; I am before an audience made up of people from the international Gnostic movement; by revolutionary, rebellious people, willing, in truth, to continue along the vertical path, along the path of transformations, along the path that will lead us to the superhuman.
Devolution in the Inferior Worlds
The time has come for us to reflect on what our life is. If we don't change that "film" of life (the one we take with us, the one we bring back again), if we don't modify it, it will always continue to repeat itself and will repeat itself through 108 existences; and if despite everything we do not change it, we will have to go, as the saying goes, “with our music elsewhere;” we will have to take our life to the submerged mineral kingdom...
That such a kingdom is a reality, nobody can deny it, because we are living on the epidermis of this wretched earth that travels with us through the infinite space.
The fact that Dante Alighieri, in his "Divine Comedy," has placed his infernus within the submerged mineral kingdom, is nothing strange, and this is known by the divine and the humans...
Obviously, those who fail in the transformation of their lives, those who are not capable of eliminating their psychological defects, will have to devolve in time, within the nine Dantean circles, until the second death. And it is not pleasant at all to devolve in time. I, personally, am not afraid of the infernus...
In the infernal worlds, the ego disintegrates, the I, the myself, that I of experimental psychology, that I that all the psychologists of this planet study.
In the submerged mineral kingdom, we always pass through the second death; but in truth, it is not pleasant at all to unfold devolutionarily within the nine circles of Dante Alighieri; I would not recommend you to go through the Mictlán, with its terrible trials...
Precisely here, in our beloved Mexico, our ancestors of Anahuac spoke about the Mictlán; that Mictlán is nothing other than the infernal worlds of Dante, with its nine infernal circles; there are all the tremendous proofs that the ancient initiates spoke about; there is the wisdom that the Florentine alighieri (Dante) showed us; there is the wisdom painted by Virgil, the author of "The Aeneid."..
Unspeakable bitterness happens to those who enter the submerged devolution of the infernal worlds; therefore, it is not advisable to devolve in time.
Obviously, those who go through these tremendous tests, after the second death, enter the elemental paradises of nature; later they evolve in the four kingdoms, to reach again the human state that they once lost.
To dissolve the ego is fundamental and it is better to do it here and now... A passage from Mohammad comes to mind right now. Already very old and about to die, next to the crystalline source of an oasis, he addressed the crowds and said, "If I owe someone something, let him come and spit in my face..."
Sure enough, a man walked up to him and spat in his face. Thereafter, that wise man (Muhammad), washed his face in the crystalline fountain of that oasis and exclaimed, "It is better to pay everything at once, in life, and not after death!..."
And it is that the sufferings that we have to endure when crossing in the Mictlán of the Aztecs are certainly painful... For all these reasons, we have to reflect...
There are souls who prefer to free themselves once and for all, and who enter (as the wisdom of our Anahuac ancestors says), the tlalocan: they are ineffable regions, vividly represented by Tlaloc, the god of rain.
There are ineffable regions in the molecular world, governed by Huehueteotl, the god of fire, or by the bat god, etc., living representations of ancient esotericism, vivid representations of Christian and Aztec mysticism, transcendent and transcendental.
In any case, as long as one does not dissolve the ego, one does not have the right to enter those ineffable regions that the ancient religions told us about; As long as one has not dissolved the ego, as long as one has not been elevated in the vertical line, where the different levels of the Being are, one will not have the right for their superlative and transcendental consciousness to enter those molecular paradises.
Those who really try to achieve authentic happiness should start by entering the vertical path.
Our Inner Multiplicity
In the vertical we have been clearly taught that we are not yet sacred individuals, that each one of us is a person-machine and that within our person there are many people...
Within us there are many psychological people: we have the ego of anger, we have the ego of hatred, also, we have the ego of envy, we have the ego of jealousy, we have the ego of gossip, we have the ego of ambition, we have the ego of cunning, etc., etc., etc.
All these egos that we have are not mere fiction; they are a tremendous reality for those who have developed the sense of psychological self-observation.
All these I-persons enter and leave our physical body at will; all these I-persons also have three brains: each I-person has, then, an intellectual brain, an emotional brain and a motor-instinctual-sexual brain; each self-person is, by itself, a complete entity.
Thus, within our person live many people who enter and leave our body freely. Now you will understand why, in truth, we do not have a complete criterion, why we are full of terrible contradictions: one time we say one thing, another time we affirm the opposite.
If we could see ourselves in a mirror as we are, if we could see ourselves full body (psychologically speaking), I can tell you, in the name of the truth, that we would go crazy, that we would run away in terror, that we would try to escape from ourselves.
If we were a responsible person, if each of us were a sacred individual, if we were whole, everything would be different. But we are not complete, therefore, we do not possess that which is called “uniqueness.”
We are a disordered and chaotic multiplicity. We think we are alive but we are dead.
Many specters of death live within us: the “I hate”, the “I am jealous”, the “I am envious”, the “I am lustful”, the “I am angry”, etc., etc., etc.
All these I-persons, I repeat, enter and leave our body; inside each I-person we actually have bottled up a fraction of our consciousness. Thus, our consciousness is bottled up between all that multiplicity of egos that constitute the myself; our bottled consciousness works by virtue of its conditioning, that is, our consciousness is asleep...
Of all the physical phenomena that occur around us (and I clarify: physical, and I emphasize) we can only perceive a millionth of such phenomena, that is, there is an extraordinary multiplicity of physical phenomena that occur around us and that we are not. truly capable of perceiving.
Awakening Consciousness
We are asleep, but we think we are awake; we do not admit to being asleep, we even get offended when someone treats us as such; but in truth, we need to wake up.
The four gospels insist on the need to “wake up”; if we were awake we could see, hear, touch and feel the great realities of the superior worlds; if we were awake, life for us would be totally different: we would not be victims of circumstances, we could handle them at will. But we, in truth, are not awake, we are deeply asleep; we sleep profoundly, we ignore that we ignore...
The time has come to be worry about awakening; when we wake up, we will be able to perfectly perceive that which is the truth, that which is not of time, that which is beyond the body, the affections and the mind...
When one experiences the real, one also experiences an "element" that radically transforms. We need to experience that "element," in order to work intensely on ourselves.
It is necessary, first of all, to dissolve those vain personalities that we carry within us, with the objective, precisely, of awakening the consciousness. When a psychological ego, whether of anger, of hatred, etc., is disintegrated, the consciousness which is bottled up there is also emancipated, liberated; then comes the awakening...
Normally, people have 3% awake consciousness, but if we work on ourselves, if we eliminate all those I-persons that dwell within us, we will raise our percentage of consciousness little by little.
If people had even 10% awareness, we could truly say that wars on the face of the earth would disappear forever; if people were 50% awake, the earth would be a paradise. Now, getting to have a hundred percent of awaken consciousness is only a matter of initiates, of superhumans, like Moses, Gautama Buddha, the Christ, etc.
We need to work hard to dissolve those egos that we carry within in order to change our own lives, to be able to awaken the consciousness, to reach enlightenment, to truly experience that which is not of time, that which is the truth.
Kundalini and the Elimination of Defects
First of all, as I already said, when you enter the vertical path, when you admit that you have a psychology, you begin to observe yourself. When you discover that you have the ego of anger, you have to work on it: in the beginning you just have to observe it, and then comprehend it through analysis, through deep meditation, through direct studies. Once we comprehend that we have this or that ego-defect, then we move on to the third phase: disintegration, elimination...
The mind, by itself, could not eliminate any psychological defect; the mind can only label it with different names, pass it from one level to another; hide it from itself and from others, etc.; condemn or justify it, but never radically alter it. We need a power that is superior to the mind, a power that can really disintegrate any ego-defect.
Fortunately, we all possess that power within ourselves, here and now: I want to emphatically refer to the annular serpentine power, which develops in the body of the Gnostic ascetic; to that extraordinary power that in the east is call “Kundalini” and that the medieval alchemists called “Stella Maris”.
Stella Maris, in truth, which is a variant of our own Being, but derived. Stella Maris, the sacred cobra, "the serpentine power of Kundalini," as it is called in Hindustan and Tibet, can instantly disintegrate any psychological defect.
It is obvious that we all have full right to invoke the power of Devi Kundalini-shakti; That power multiplies, develops, unfolds when one works extraordinarily in the flaming forge of Vulcan, in the ninth sphere...
Singles can also invoke Devi Kundalini when they want to remove this or that psychological error. But in truth we have to affirm, emphatically, that the marvelous power of Devi Kundalini-shakti multiplies extraordinarily in the ninth sphere; with that miraculous power we can disintegrate any defect.
Devi-Kundalini, Isis, Adonia (that variant of our own Being, that aspect of god-mother in us), can eliminate from ourselves the defect that we have fully comprehended, at any of all levels of the mind...
The time has come to thoroughly understand this question, to die from moment to moment; only with “death comes the new”; "If the grain does not die, the plant does not grow.".. It is necessary that we all resolve to die, if we really want to be born spiritually.
Let's remember that paragraph about Jesus and Nicodemus. Jesus exclaimed saying:
“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” – John 3: 3
We need to die here and right now, if we want to be born again in the superior worlds of cosmic consciousness, fully awake, fully enlightened, radically transformed.
As we are, we are useless, we are a total failure, as we are we are nothing but egos. The psychological self cannot create a new age, the psychological “I” cannot initiate the age of Aquarius among the august thunder of thought, the psychological “I” cannot make the golden age.
Those false prophets who say that in the year 2001 or 2007 we will have the era of fraternity and love, the golden age sung by Virgil, the poet of Mantua, in his colossal work entitled "The Aeneid," they are wrong, they lie, because how could the ego invent a golden age? Do you perhaps believe that the “I” of experimental psychology, that dark “I”, that “I” of hatred, that “I” of war, of envy, etc., etc., etc., could truly create the golden age?
Obviously, we need to die within ourselves here and now, if we really want to create the future age, create a new civilization, create a new culture!...
The Perfect Human Being
The time has come to understand that we are not happy; the time has come to comprehend that we are unfortunates and we should not deceive ourselves believing ourselves to be very "self-important," "self-perfect," "sovereigns," "human-gods," and I don't know what else...
Let's place ourselves on the plane of harsh realities: each one of us has to fight to exist, one has to fight to live; one is not happy (change is the fundamental thing!).
In my books I have talked a lot about sex; I have said enough about the flaming forge of Vulcan, about sexual alchemy. Obviously, through the transmutation of the genetic libido (cited so many times by Saint Augustine), it is possible to create the superior existential bodies of the Being in order to become humans.
But what would be the use of becoming authentic humans, in the fullest sense of the word, in the most extraordinary sense, if we do not eliminate the animal ego? The one who possesses the superior existential bodies of the Being and has not eliminated the ego becomes, in fact and by his own right, a hasnamuss with a double center of gravity, a failure, an abortion of the cosmic mother.
Thus, working in the burning forge of the Cyclopes is necessary, but if we do not eliminate the ego we will fail completely...
Let none of us think that he or she is perfect, because only the father who is in heaven is perfect; We all, starting with myself, who am the one who is teaching this lecture, here, before you, I consider myself (and we must consider ourselves) imperfect!...
It is unfortunate that in the Gnostic movement there are still personalities, let's say, who believe they are "perfect"; it is unfortunate that in the Gnostic movement there are still mythomaniacs, people who feel "sublime" and "hierarchical."
I, as president-founder of this great movement, would never feel perfect, because I am perfectly convinced that only he, the lord, the father, is perfect.
But in the Gnostic movement there are sometimes surprising inconsistencies: people full of errors who believe they are “wise”, people who feel very “holy”, when their hands are full of coal; people who feel very "high in the hierarchy," transformed into "hierophants," when in reality they have not even begun to travel the vertical revolutionary path...
We have to situate ourselves in the plane of the crudest realities. In no way have I come here with the purpose of being pessimistic, nor do I intend to fill your hearts with pessimism: I have only wanted to put on the table of realities, the psychological state in which each and every one of us find ourselves.
As long as we have not eliminated from our interior all those selves-defects that we carry, our consciousness will be profoundly asleep; we will die without knowing what time; we will be born without knowing how or why; we will continue in the afterlife like somnambulists, like ghosts. This has been our life. So, our life has been and so it will be, as long as we do not eliminate the ego-defects from our interior.
However, I have to tell you that not everything, as is believed, is mere intellectualization.
I do not mean to say that enlightened intellection is useless; what I want is to clarify that if the water does not boil at one hundred degrees, what must be dissolved does not dissolve and what must be cooked does not cook...
Likewise, I similarly affirm and emphatically, that if we do not go through strong emotional, intentional, conscious crises, we do not eliminate what we need to eliminate and we do not crystallize, in ourselves, what we need to crystallize...
It is not all, then, mere intellect; In this work it is only possible to advance based on conscious work and voluntary suffering...
Not everything is intellect: we need to go through great emotional crises; not everything is intellect: the emotional brain must value the psychological work that leads us to deep transformation. The emotion must work more than the intellect; emotion must become active in us; thus, along the path of authentic emotions, we will arrive at the awakening of the consciousness.
In truth, I only use my intellect when I am talking to you, when I have to address humanity, the world; in my private life I don't use it, in my private life there is only feeling, love, consciousness, music, beauty; and that's it.
But I must use my intellect in these moments, for us to be able to understand each other; because as I said at the beginning: “you have come here to listen to me and I have come here to talk to you, and between you and me there must be mutual comprehension”; That's why I've been forced to use my intellect tonight...
In the name of truth, I have to tell you that it is urgent, first of all, that the disintegration of myself cannot be postponed. When the psychological self is totally disintegrated, when it is reduced to ashes, when the animal ego ceases to exist, the consciousness is totally illuminated; one can see the Elohim, one can talk with them face to face; one can see, touch and feel the great realities of the superior worlds: one can visit nirvana, paranirvana and mahaparanirvanic, etc., etc., etc.
But while the conscience is asleep, we will not go from being mere intellectuals condemned to the pain of living; and that's it.
The time has come for the great revolutions; the time when we have to decide whether to be or not to be of philosophy; the time when we have to take up arms against ourselves, against the world, against nature, against the cosmos, against everything and everyone.
The time has come for us to break the shackles and abandon this prison of misery where we live (such a "prison" is called "the ego"). As long as we don't destroy this miserable jail, this filthy dungeon, our consciousness will continue to be bottled up there, functioning by virtue of its own conditioning, asleep, inert...
Now you will comprehend why I care so much, why I said tonight that the main thing is to die. That's right, that's how it will be and that's how it should be!...
Unfortunately, the ego exerts an extraordinary fascination on our own consciousness.
Listening to me, many of you will say that I am too pessimistic, you will put your hand on your heart to say: "well, I have made some progress.".. Each of you will seek some justification for your behavior, for your way of being, etc. ., because nobody wants to admit the truth: admit that he or she is unhappy.
Many promises have been made to us, each one promises wonders; politicians promise to give the world joy, happiness, etc., so what? The world with its bitterness continues to walk and will continue to walk; and the pain will continue day after day, until we remove the causes of the pain. Those causes are not outside of ourselves; those causes are within ourselves, here and now.
We need to rebel, I already said, against ourselves, against nature and against the cosmos; we need to take up arms against everything that exists, if we want emancipation, final liberation.
Sincerity is what we need, not to miserably deceive ourselves. Unfortunately, there is a lot of lack of sincerity in the world: everyone thinks they are “perfect”, everyone thinks they are “just”, everyone thinks they are “saints”, everyone thinks they are “wise” ...
In the different schools of the pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist type, there is no one who believes he is ignorant; Everyone believes that they have already “grabbed God by the beard”. They ignore, and worst of all is that "not only do they ignore, but they also ignore that they ignore.".. that is the most serious thing!...
The time for big decisions has come; The time has come when we must embark on the path of the revolution in progress, along the straight, narrow and difficult path that leads to the light, along the vertical revolutionary path, along the path of the revolution of the consciousness, along the path that leads to the superhuman.
Unfortunately, now we are nothing more than intellectual animals condemned to live; in order to be humans, it is necessary to have dissolved the ego and to have created the superior existential bodies of the being. Even more: having sacrificed intensely for humanity.
What I am saying here tonight is harsh: I am affirming, emphatically, that we have not yet reached the human state, that we are just mere "intellectual animals."
It becomes necessary, first, to reach the human state and later, subsequently, we will arrive at the superhuman...
Studying one of our Anahuac manuscripts, I read something extraordinary. Our Aztec ancestors affirm the following: "the gods created humans of wood, they made them of wood, and after having made them of wood they fused them with the divinity.".. But then they concludes by saying: "not all humans manage to merge with the divine..."
It is clear that if we become humans by the fact of having created the superior existential bodies of the Being, through the fulfillment of the Parlock duty, it does not mean that we have triumphed; for total triumph, it is necessary to achieve integration with the divinity.
Whoever has reached the authentic and true human state, whoever has achieved it, must first of all submit to the dissolution of the ego, because if a true human does not dissolve the ego, he becomes a hasnamuss with a double center of gravity, a failure, an abortion of the cosmic mother...
Thus, only by eliminating all of our psychological defects, only by dying within ourselves, will we truly achieve integration with the Logos, with the divinity; then we will become Kumaras, in the fullest sense of the word.
A "Kumara" is a superhuman; a "Kumara" is an embodied logos; a "Kumara" has power over fire, over air, over water and over earth; we must become kumaras, authentic humans, divine, ineffable beings, sacred individuals. But as we are, in truth, we are nothing more than mere "intellectual animals" condemned to the pain of life...
I invite all those present here to get to know themselves, to study, to inquire, to investigate, to search, to dive into the depths in order to get to know what is left over and what is missing.
When one comprehends all this, one enters the path that leads to the superhuman.
The hour has come, the terrible hour in which great cataclysms are approaching: the earth trembles in Guatemala (1974), it trembles in Nicaragua, tremors will continue everywhere, right here, in our capital city (Mexico), there will be a very great earthquake; earthquakes will multiply in all the roundness of the earth; great cosmic events are coming!...
We urgently need to dissolve the ego. It would be unfortunate if we disincarnated without having dissolved the myself...