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tree of lives

Psychic Powers, Chakras, the Fourth Dimension, and the Serpent Power

Ladies and gentlemen, I am addressing to you tonight with the purpose of speaking about psychic powers, that is, about experimental psychology put into practice. We will begin by making a brief analysis of what is certainly the physical world in which we live...

Einstein said: “Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared; mass is transformed into energy, energy is transformed into mass” ...

Unquestionably, the three-dimensional world of Euclid is contained within this basic formula of Einstein; however, beyond this formula there is something; I want to emphatically refer to the fourth coordinate, to the fourth vertical...

The Fourth Dimension

We see this table, which is long, wide, and high (these are its three dimensions), but how long ago was this table built, how long? Behold the fourth vertical; thus, the fourth vertical is time. Beyond this fourth vertical there is the fifth coordinate and this, in and of itself, is eternity; and far beyond the fifth vertical we have the sixth (the sixth in itself, transcends time and eternity); finally, there is the zero dimension, unknown, the seventh dimension.

We live, then, in a multidimensional world. Unfortunately, people only perceive the world in three dimensions; it is necessary to develop other faculties that allow us to know the fourth vertical.

Fortunately, in the hidden anatomy of the human being, there are, in a latent state, the senses that, conveniently developed in a scientific manner, can give us access not only to the fourth vertical, but also to the fifth, sixth and seventh dimensions.

1. Chakra Muladhara, the Church of Ephesus

Obviously, in the spine of human beings, divine powers are latent: we will begin by examining the coccygeal center. In the coccyx there is a special magnetic power, a "chakra", speaking in the oriental style; within that center lies a formidable electrical power; I want to refer emphatically to Devi-Kundalini Shakti, the igneous serpent of our magical powers.

The Hindustani say that this serpent is enclosed within the coccygeal chakra; it is coiled, they say, three and a half turns...

We have latent powers, and one of them is, precisely, that of the kundalini. Some schools fear the awakening of the kundalini. It is an explosive, wonderful power.

Whoever manages to awaken the igneous serpent of our magical powers can get out of a hermetically sealed box. Whoever manages to awaken that igneous, flaming power, can walk on water without sinking, fly through the air as many mystical ascetics did, both in the East and in the West of the world...


Church of Ephesus

It is necessary to awaken that serpentine igneous, flaming power, which underlies, as I already said, within a magnetic center in the coccyx; in the "Apocalypse" of Saint John, that coccygeal magnetic center is named "church of Ephesus."

Awakening, putting into activity such a flaming center, is something grandiose. Whoever awakens it will acquire power over the earth element; he will be able, with his will, to make a rock fall, he will be able, with his will, to dominate earthquakes, etc...

2. Chakra Svadhisthana, Church of Smyrna

Swadhisthana Chakra

Church of Smyrna

The second flaming power, latent in the human's dorsal spine, has been located at the height of the prostate (uterus); in the "Apocalypse" of Saint John, this center is called "church of Smyrna;" the mystical ascetics know well that with the awakening of that wonderful faculty, power over the waters is acquired; then we can control the storms of the ocean, or unleash them at will...

3. Chakra Manipura, Church of Pergamos


Church of Pergamos

The third power, existing in the dorsal spine of the human being, is located exactly at the height of the solar plexus, that is, at the height of the navel; in the "Apocalypse" of Saint John, such a center is called, esoterically, "church of Pergamos"; putting such flaming power into activity is equivalent to acquiring the power to dominate fire.

The Hindustani yogis who have awakened such wonderful power can order the erupting volcanoes to cease their activity and they will obey. The ascetic who has achieved the awakening of that umbilical center can handle the powers of universal life; he can bury himself alive for months on end, and when someone pulls him out, he will find that he has not been harmed in any way.

In the solar plexus, in the umbilical region, there is also the telepathic center, that telepathic center certainly belongs to the functions of the church of Pergamos.

4. Chakra Anahata, Church of Thyatira

Chakra Anahata

Church of Thyatira

The fourth power, existing in the dorsal spine, is exactly situated at the height of the heart; In the “apocalypse” of Saint John, this center is called the “church of Thyatira”.

Whoever manages to awaken that marvelous flaming power of the heart will perform prodigies; awakening that center is essential, because with that center we acquire faculties such as astral projection, jinn states, etc...

Don Mario Roso de Luna talks a lot, in his different works, about the jinn states and it is necessary that we review, albeit briefly, this "jinn" issue...

I want you to know, in the name of truth, that not only here in this three-dimensional world does humanity exist. Certainly, there exists in the fourth vertical a certain human race: people who did not leave the earthly paradise, people who still live in Eden, people of flesh and blood like us, but who have not degenerated like us; natural persons with extraordinary powers (they will not speak English, or Spanish, or French, or German, but they do speak in the primitive language, which "like a river of gold runs in the thick, sunny forest"... We will be able to visit Eden , that is to say the fourth vertical. It is possible by developing the powers of the cardias.

Many are the skeptics who say: "no one has gone to the other world to come back and tell us what is there, on the other side"... I tell you, in the name of truth, that it is possible, certainly, to go there to the other world in flesh and blood; if we develop the powers of the cardias, this is never impossible.

To penetrate the fourth vertical is indispensable. Current science in physical matter is stagnant; contemporary physics is regressive, backward, reactionary, it is useless. When scientists abandon Euclid's three-dimensional dogma, then there will be a revolutionary physics, with ships capable of traveling to the fourth vertical.

It is essential to get out of Euclid's three-dimensional dogma; this becomes unpostponable, undelayable, to investigate the atom more deeply; in the atom we will find the line of the fourth vertical.

When the fourth vertical can be traced, then a new revolutionary geometry will be elaborated. A four-dimensional geometry: with such a geometry it will be possible to construct a four-dimensional physics.

Obviously, such a physics will serve as a base to build ships capable of traversing, instantly, the light speed barrier. We well know that behind the barrier of the speed of light is the fourth dimension.

If a ship manages to instantly cross the light speed barrier, it can travel between the fourth vertical through infinity, and then the conquest of space will have become definitive.

With those rockets that launch "Tyrians" and "Trojans," powered by liquid fuel, you will not really be able to go very far; that cheap rocketry that amazes the unwary so much, turns out to be more like a circus issue (fifty thousand acrobatic flips to be able to land on the moon).

The conquest of space is possible with four-dimensional physics. When such physics exists, and when we have also appropriated solar energy, when we know how to handle it, use it, the possibility of traveling through infinity will already be a concrete, clear and definitive fact...

Ships traveling through the fourth vertical, and driven by solar energy: these are the ships of the super humans, these are the ships that can truly travel through starry space, from galaxy to galaxy.

Unfortunately, contemporary physics remains stagnant; it is necessary to break, once and for all, the three-dimensional dogma of Euclid.

Jinn Science

We have intimate, particular procedures to place the physical body within the fourth coordinate. If we carefully study the Eastern sages, we will see that they know how to insert the vehicle of flesh and blood into the fourth dimension.

An Eastern sage used to say that "practicing a samyama on the physical body, it becomes like cotton and can walk on water, fly through the air, cross a mountain from side to side, or walk on burning coals without receiving any damage" ...

A samyama has three parts: first, concentration; second, meditation; third, Ecstasy...

If we first concentrate on the physical body and then meditate on it, on its cells, on its molecules, on the construction of its atoms, etc., and finally arrive at adoration, at ecstasy, then the physical body will penetrate inside. of the fourth dimension and will be able to travel through that world of the fourth vertical; You will also be able to find, in that region, another humanity that lives next to ours, and that eats, and that sleeps, and that lives, but that do not suffer, as all of us are suffering...

There are different procedures to put the physical body inside the fourth vertical; among ancient wisdom, Harpocrates is mentioned...

What I am saying has no value for the skeptics, for those who are bottled up within the materialist dialectic; for the reactionaries, for the conservatives, for the retards; what I am saying is too revolutionary, and it is not liked by those that are bottled in the three-dimensional dogma of Euclid...


Harpocrates! Extraordinary, marvelous Greek name. The mystics of the mysteries of Eleusis, pronounced that name in the following way: "har-po-crat-is"...

They carried out certain very ingenious practices, which are well worth commenting on (they belong to the Greek mysteries, to the mysteries that were known in Athens, in Eleusis, etc.)...

Lying on his back, or preferably on his side, the Greek ascetic placed his head on the palm of his left hand. The Greek ascetic imagined himself to be a chick inside a shell; he concentrated intensively on Harpocrates, calling it: "har-po-crat-is"...

When already between dreams the Greek ascetic began to feel a lot of "itching" in his body, armed with great will he did not take his hands to it, so as not to lose the special psychological state in which he was placed; then, gently, he got up from his bed and pronounced this ritual phrase: "har-pocrat-is, help me, because I'm going with my body!"... And confidently he left his bedroom, he later gave a little jump, with the purpose of forcefully entering the fourth vertical.

And old traditions that are lost in the terrifying night of all ages say that then the ascetic, with a physical body, really traveled through the unknown dimension; then, it was when the mystic of Eleusis talked with the holy gods, with the ineffable beings...

I am commenting on something that belongs to ancient Greece, obviously, whoever wants to practice it in this 20th century will be able to prove it for themselves... However, the Greeks trained a lot with this system, until they really achieved entrance into the fourth vertical.

In ancient Mexico we have the tiger-knights. Unfortunately, we feel so "modern" that we have forgotten the ancient tradition, even though we love our Mexican homeland... The time has come to understand a little more what the orders of the tiger knights and the eagle knights were... The tiger knights, according to ancient Anahuac codices, lying on the skins of that feline, invoked (it is said) their protective angels; imagined for a moment to be real tigers...

In experimental psychology and in high magic we have been told that the imagination is feminine and that the willpower is masculine; the key to power is to unite the imagination and willpower in vibrant harmony...

The tiger knights, I repeat, imagined themselves to be tigers. They felt completely identified with that feline (because we well know that in ancient Mexico the tiger was sacred), and full of faith they later started to walk on all fours, saying: "we belong to each other!"...

And so the ancient codices tell (it's not my thing, capricious; you will be able to prove it if you read the codices), that "transformed into tigers, traveling through the fourth vertical, they arrived at the temple of Chapultepec" (there are mural paintings where what I am saying, it is duly demonstrated), and then, affirm the Anahuac codices, "those knights assumed their human figure again and entered the temple"...

Actually, in Chapultepec (Mexico) we have a temple, a jinn temple, a temple located in the fourth dimension.

I know that temple, I am an active member of that temple; I am not stating what I have not experienced myself. It is a formidable, marvelous temple; its columns, its walls, are of pure gold of the best quality; there the doctrine of the Nahuas is cultivated in secret.

I am not the only active member of such a temple; there are other gentlemen, like myself, who belong to it; likewise some ladies of the Mexican society belong to such a temple...

Thus, the temple of Chapultepec exists. That they laugh at us, that the skeptics make fun of us, that they don't believe... what matters to science and what to us? It is written that "the one who laughs at what he does not know is an ignoramus who walks the path of idiocy"...

Thus, traveling with a physical body within the fourth dimension is possible, but we must abandon the disgusting skepticism that has been corroding the mind of this degenerate and perverse humanity since the eighteenth century.

In other times, traditions say, you could see from the coast of Spain, the island called la Non Trubada, an extraordinary, formidable island... On a certain occasion, a captain with his ship got lost in the stormy ocean and ended up on that island; he there he saw and heard formidable, extraordinary things... A certain Catholic priest had heard a lot about the Non Trubada, and historians say that on a certain occasion, when he officiated with the holy mass, he and his faithful saw the Non Trubada. That good priest exorcised the island and it seemed that such island disappeared behind a cloud... No one talks about the Non Trubada anymore; will it have ceased to exist, what has been done? Nobody knows; obviously, it was definitely submerged between the fourth vertical; but this has been the case since the horrifying era of materialistic skepticism began.

Skepticism has as its causa causorum the lie, the farce. When the mind is a liar, when it is always telling lies, when it is a faker, obviously it is falsified by itself, then it cannot believe in anything...

Jinn states are extraordinary; there are jinn lakes, lakes in the fourth vertical... I have been told an extraordinary, wonderful case: there is a town in Honduras (I have been told, I do not know it) where on a certain exact date, it rains fish from the sky and the people they run to collect them on plates, in trays, in trays of all kinds, in baskets, the fish that fall; that place is far from the sea, why do they fall there, where do they come from? Obviously from the fourth vertical...

Thus, the fourth vertical is a tremendous reality; Unfortunately, there are many who deny these realities; there are many moles of the intellect who make fun of these things.

For the chrysalis, the leaf on which it is living is everything; but the chrysalis does not suspect that this leaf is nothing more than one of the many leaves of the tree of life...

Likewise is the intellectual animal: he believes that this three-dimensional world of Euclid is everything; but he does not realize that this three-dimensional world is one of the many worlds of the tree of life.

I have also experimented with the Jinn science. Following the indicated procedures, I worked with Harpocrates. It is not superfluous to say emphatically, and although people make fun of me, that I struggled a lot to learn to put the physical body inside the fourth dimension, but that I managed to do so.

Many times, I have experimented at night, I had to leave the bed up to 15 and 16 counted times, without any result; but after some time and tenacious patience, any night of those many, my physical body really entered the fourth dimension; then it floated deliciously. That I left that house..., it's obvious; that I went out into the street..., it's true; and I met many people who also knew how to manage, like me, the jinn state; people of flesh and blood, alive and very much alive, living in the fourth dimension...

That I traveled across the stormy ocean... I do not deny it; and I did not feel any fear, although I well knew that if for an instant I left that world of four dimensions, from that fourth coordinate I would fall, in fact, among the waves of the enraged sea and perish, but I had no fear and I traveled through the lands of Europe with the body inside the fourth vertical, and I got to where I had to go: to a certain place in which I was interested; and I was able to return to the original starting point after all, without taking any damage.

I have the courage to declare it; I don't mind teasing because I'm not afraid... what could happen to me if we were at the time of the inquisition? At most they would burn me alive, for being a witch. At this time, fortunately, we are not in the Inquisition; the most I can receive would be sarcasm, irony, etc., but nothing more, and those don't even tickle my feet...

Thus, the jinn reality exists; if you want to test it, test it on yourself (on your own skin, I say). Do the test on yourselves, because I am not a “guinea pig”, I am not a “lab rabbit.” You would like me to do it here, in front of you, and I would answer: "I am not a laboratory rabbit, experiment on your own skin"...  

Besides, it would be useless for me to put my body inside the fourth vertical, here in front of you; you would not believe it either, because the skeptic is not convinced by anyone; the most they would say is that I would have hypnotized you, and that's it. Would they believe? no! “I would be off my coconut,” they would tell me. So, this is something you must experience in your own skin...

Obviously, the saints of ancient times levitated. Who could deny that Saint Francis of Assisi, that Christian mystic, levitated? Many times, his most beloved disciple would bring him food, and the saint was at such a height from the ground that, obviously, the disciple could not feed him... And the stories tell that Saint Francis of Assisi then walked away through a forest, full of beeches and that floating disappeared into the unknown dimension"..

Philip, it is written floated in the atmosphere. Philip, the disciple of Christ, also walked on the waters, appeared and disappeared at will... The Gospel of Philip is that. Philip knows how to help those who invoke him...

When Gautama, Sakyamuni Buddha, abandoned his physical body to immerse himself in Nirvana, the traditions say that his disciples were subjected to trials by the multitudes, and that each one of them had to, in accordance with a certain examining council, cross sideways next to a rock... All did so, except one: Ananda, his most beloved disciple. The poor thing couldn't; when he tried to get through the rock, he hit his forehead miserably and bled; but at last, filled with a frightful faith, he practiced a samyama on his physical body; he concentrated on it, meditated on it, went into ecstasy, despaired, and at last passed through the rock from side to side... So this has documentation.

Don't they say that Peter was taken out of prison by an angel? Obviously, that angel helped Peter to enter the fourth vertical, and thus he was able to leave prison on the eve of his execution, since he was sentenced to death...

Developing the powers of the cardia, the powers of the heart, all this is possible...

5. Chakra Vishuddha, Church of Sardis

Chakra Vishuddha

Church of Sardis

Continuing then, with this analysis of the magnetic centers of the dorsal spine, we arrive at the level of the thyroid gland; We know very well that it secretes the biological iodine, so necessary for the human organism. There is a magnetic center in the thyroid gland; I want to refer, emphatically, to the “church of Sardis,” as mentioned in the “apocalypse” of Saint John.

By developing this magical center, clairaudience is acquired, that is, the power to hear at a distance, the power to hear the music of the spheres, the power to hear the creatures that live in the higher dimensions of nature and the cosmos.

That extraordinary power can be developed if we propose it: if at dawn we all concentrate on the music of the spheres, with the purpose of listening to it, the day will come when we will be able to really hear those soundless melodies that resonate in the wonderful coral of infinity.

Obviously, all the sounds that are produced on planet Earth give a synthesis note. All the sounds that are produced on the planet Venus also give their synthesis note. all the sounds that are produced on Mars, give their synthesis note... Now, the set of sounds of all the worlds that populate the starry space, form the "music of the spheres," cited by Plotinus, the great Greek philosopher... ...saints... Ineffable melodies vibrate in the starry sky, melodies impossible to describe with words; exquisite symphonies, within the rhythms of the Mahaván and the Chotaván, that sustain the universe firmly in its march. With just reason the “Gospel” of Saint John says:

“In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God; Through him all things were made, and without him nothing that is made would have been made."

The music of the spheres is the tremendous reality; everything that is, everything that has been, everything that will be, vibrates deliciously in starry infinity: the flower of the beautiful garden, perfumed, reflects in the moonlight, and between the flower and the moon there is a colloquy of melodies exquisite that no human being could understand. The symphony that escapes from the singing fountain completely vibrates the atoms that swarm around it, and then reverberates through the bowels of the forests and precipitates like a cataract of symphonies in the starry sky...

So, that music is the basis of all creation. When one awakens the thyroid center, the church of Sardis, one can hear those exquisite symphonies of the great cosmic choir; when one awakens that marvelous center, one also acquires conceptual synthesis; when one awakens that formidable magical center, one becomes more intelligent, more understanding, wiser...

6. Chakra Ajna, Church of Philadelphia

Ajna Chakra

Church of Philadelphia

Continuing then, upwards, we reach the height of the frontal center. At the level between the eyebrows, in the dorsal spine, at the level of the frontal center, there is another formidable magnetic center; I want to refer, clearly, to the “church of Philadelphia”.

Whoever awakens that formidable center will be clairvoyant; he will be able to see, by himself and directly, the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh dimensions and then he will have different concepts.

Currently humanity, with its physical eyes, only manages to perceive things of the three-dimensional world, but not everything. Whoever awakens the powers of the Philadelphia church will be able to see what really exists within the physical body; then he will understand that everything there is not meat, bone, and “butter;” You will see there that there is something more: you will see a vital body penetrating the physical body, and serving as a base for all the biomechanical, physiological, caloric, perceptive processes, etc...

If the vital body were definitively removed from someone, it is clear that he would die... On a certain occasion, a spiritualist medium who was in a trance projected the vital body outside of himself; but that body became visible to the attendees: it looked like a ghost. A journalist present pulled out his pistol and shot at said “ghost”; The curious thing about the case was that the bullet appeared later, exactly, in the heart of that victim...

He died; it is clear; But how did this phenomenon occur? Why being a physical body here, and projecting its vital there? And why, shooting against that vital, which is so opposed, does the bullet appear here in the heart?

Obviously, it is a phenomenon of the fourth vertical, a jinn phenomenon, that are not known here, in the world of three dimensions...

If in the fourth vertical we take a glass, a glass that is in the world of three dimensions (if we take it, I clarify, to pass it to the fourth vertical), and then we transport it to another place, it is clear that later that glass returns here, to the original starting point.

If one, traveling with the physical body through the fourth dimension, opens a door, it closes again by itself; however, there are exceptions: on some occasion I opened such a door and it stayed open; when I returned from that great trip, I discovered that it was open, and since it was the one on the street, there was no choice but to close it again.

Thus, the jinn phenomena are extraordinary, marvelous, formidable... With clairvoyance, that is, with the powers of the church of Philadelphia, we will be able to see the vital body, see the jinn lands, see all this kind of phenomena; see what is hidden inside the human organism, see for themselves the reality of the vital body, which serves as the foundation for the physical body (this vital body is the four-dimensional part of the body of flesh and blood).

So, the body of flesh and blood, that body that scientists study in laboratories, cannot exist if the vital body is removed. Currently there are already devices to see the vital body, powerful lenses. A day will come when those lenses will be perfected, to see through them, totally, the fourth dimension.

Thus, closing oneself to these truths at this time is something reactionary and conservative; because the same official science will destroy the intellective concepts of the conservatives, regressive and retarded...

7. Chakra Sahasrara, Church of Laodicea

Beyond the center of clairvoyance (so essential to know for oneself and directly what happens when one dies, what happens when one is born, what are the mysteries of life and death, etc. .), there is also another extraordinary center; I am now referring to the center of the pineal gland, to the center that the “Apocalypse” calls the “church of Laodicea.”


Church of Laodicean

Whoever manages to awaken such a wonderful center will become intuitive to a high degree. We must distinguish between reasoning processes and intuitive processes. The reason is based on the process of comparison; the intuitive does not need to reason he knows everything "just because", because he knows it, without the depressing process of choice. They are superior faculties that are beyond the "roguery" of the intellect. Clairvoyance and intuition can totally transform us.

There are exercises for the development of clairvoyance. Here I have, in my presence, a glass of water; if we place this glass at a certain distance (at the distance that you see between my eyes and it), we can do a formidable exercise: one must concentrate one's gaze, exactly in the center of the aquatic circle; the sight must pass through the glass; concentration must be deep. This exercise, practiced 10 minutes a day, will give us clairvoyance; After 15 or 20 days, we will see the colored water, and if a car passes through the street, we will see a strip of light in the water (that is the street), and we will see the car sliding on that strip.

Whoever has the patience to practice the glass of water exercise for three years will become clairvoyant; but it is necessary to have continuity of purposes; only in this way can the center of clairvoyance develop...

With the microscope we can see the microbes, the atoms, but clairvoyance goes beyond the microscope; with it we can see the fourth vertical, and the fifth, and the sixth and the seventh; with it we will be able to know, directly, what people call the "beyond"; with it we can see the ineffable beings, call these “angels” or “devas”, or however you want to call them; such beings exist, and we can see them clairvoyantly...

I'm talking about psychic powers, about experimental, revolutionary and transcendent psychology. That is why I have come tonight; I have come to talk with you, because I want you to rise to the status of a superhuman!

The time has come to really fight for a radical transformation; Within us there are, in a latent state, formidable powers; but it is necessary to wake them up, to get out of this state of weakness in which we find ourselves!...

Today we are victims of circumstances, we do not know how to direct circumstances; we are victims and nothing more than that: victims!...

We need to totally transform ourselves, appeal to our psychic powers. We have them, it would be a pity if we continued as we are, this would be as absurd as someone who, knowing that there is a treasure underground, being sure of himself, would never take it out! Within us there are inexhaustible treasures!...

The Serpent Power

WilliamBlakeMosesandtheBrazenSerpentMuseumofFineArtsBoston1800 03

"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up." - John 3: 14

Continuing then with this analysis of powers, I have to tell you that the main one of all, is precisely in the church of Ephesus; there is the igneous serpent of our magical powers!...

The civilization of the great Tenochtitlan, the civilization of the Mayans, is based on the serpent; The ancient cultures of our beloved Pre-Hispanic Mexico are serpentines!...

The igneous serpent of our magical powers can awaken, put these centers of the spinal column into full activity to truly lead them to a radical change; The important thing to achieve the awakening of this flaming fire, of this igneous serpent of our magical powers, consists in knowing how to transmute and sublimate the creative energy!...

For the fornicator, for the adulterer, there are no valid powers, the fornicators lose their creative energy, the adulterers profane the most sacred thing we have on the face of the earth, which is the sanctuary of the soul.

Whoever learns to live in honor of chastity, who knows how to walk the path of true holiness, can truly become a superhuman, a power with powers over fire, air, water and earth! I have said it!...