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Retreats, spiritual events, astrological influences, and holy days.


October 24th - 2023 - November 22nd - 2023


Those who enter into the difficult path of liberation from the causes of suffering need help from divinity. The compassion of the divine sends unto the deserving the fierce intelligence that wages war against the selfish, impure, lustful elements that are within us. Among the many religions, that great warrior god has many names: Ares, Mars, Kartikeya, etc., but we prefer to use his Hebrew name: Samael סמאל.

The Angel Samael is the one of the seven angels who rule our planetary system:

  1. Gabriel (Moon)
  2. Raphael (Mercury)
  3. Uriel (Venus)
  4. Michael (Sun)
  5. Samael (Mars)
  6. Zachariel (Jupiter)
  7. Orifiel (Saturn)

In the previous century he sent his bodhisattva to provide the knowledge we need to wage war against impurity: that is what is written in the books of Samael Aun Weor.

Venus and Mars

Samael / Ares / Mars with Venus / Aphrodite

Get Help to Handle Scorpio

From October 24th to November 22, the warrior-force of Ares / Samael is especially active, since Angel Samael controls the influence brought by Scorpio.

Scorpio rules the sexual organs, the source of our greatest power, but is also the power that can most easily destroy us.

The Hebrew name Samael סמאל means both "medicine of God" and "poison of God." This duality is clear in sex: it can create or destroy. It depends upon how we use it. If use our willpower intelligently, we can convert our sexual power into spiritual power. Sexual purity is the basis of spiritual power. Thus, Scorpio is a peak time to transmute the sexual energy, and Samael is the angel who helps us accomplish it.

During October 24 to November 22, improve your sexual transmutation. Appeal to Samael to help you purify your mind, and become a hero on the path of love.

Learn More

  • Love and Sex: How to Transmute Your Sexual Energy
  • Scorpio from Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology 
  • Scorpio from Zodiacal Course 
  • Scorpio from Astrology Course

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