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  Saturday, 25 May 2013
  1 Replies
  1.7K Visits
Karma is the only answer I can think of to answer these questions, but I want details and explanations, somehow.

I know Samael Aun Weor has initiated the new age and wants Solar Human Beings.

Why, since we are so evil, and all hope is lost for the entire fallen humanity, are we given the keys to Gnosis?

Why does a dark age have to happen?

If anything is possible with God, why can't we stop the next catastrophe? Why can't we stop ww3?

Why would enlightened beings keep this knowledge from anyone? If they are so compassionate? Since they are enlightened they ought to know exactly how to teach Gnosis to any person and they ought to know that all suffering ones need it.

If there are so many enlightened ones, and awakened ones on other planets capable of traveling here, why are they not doing everything to help us?

What are they doing? Where is everyone?

I'm bored with this world and its people and the only time I have met students of Gnosis was at a Gnostic Retreat. Other than that many people think I'm crazy when I discuss Gnosis and very few are interested, but, deep down, everyone is.

Why aren't enlightened beings and those who have destroyed a lot of ego teaching more openly?

Why isn't Gnosis being taught more widely? Where are all the students?

Why is the Dalai Lama still teaching obvious beginner Buddhism? Does he teach any "secret" Gnosis? He travels around and says, "My religion is kindness."

Kindness doesn't awaken Kundalini and make us masters of meditation and lead us to liberation !

Why aren't Angels and the like coming here(physically) to earth to teach us? Show us miracles? To convince us of the urgency of awakening?

Why would all these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas just let us all live for so many lifetimes without the keys to Gnosis?

I've committed every crime in my mind and heart and almost all physically, why do I deserve to be a student of Gnosis?

If we are at our worst and are degenerating more and more every day, why give us Gnosis now?

What I am trying to say is, that, direct experience of the Divine is very powerful ! Why would any compassionate person who has the keys to Gnosis keep it from anyone? For centuries and centuries of wars and disease and famine and abortions and so many atrocities?

How can I believe that there are all of these Christs and Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and immortal Lemurians and Atlanteans and Ancient Mexicans and Egyptians when I don't see any of them anywhere here physically?

Why is this humanity being ignored?

I have met very drunk intoxicated people who, I know, from their heart, want to live good, as a good person, the real life, but they have no keys to deal with suffering and all the terrible things of their past and present torture them! They cry out for help!

Why aren't we receiving more help?

Where the heck is everyone Samael writes about? Sitting around in Nirvana? ?? ??? ?
Screwing around in the Astral world?

We need help now ! Here! Right Now !
10 years ago
Accepted Answer
The rational mind cannot resolve mental conflicts. At their base, each is a conflict between what appear to be opposing concepts. Due to this, the rational mind, with its limited view and tendency of comparison, can never escape its dualistic perspective. Therefore, the only solution is to access the abstract mind of intuition, which is not trapped between opposing views, but sees the synthesis, the third force, the Tao.

When the rational animal mind is allowed to pursue comparisons of opposing views, the end result is madness, fanaticism, doubt, fear, anger, and in general the hardening of egotistical views. In other words, the mental conflict is created by the mind, sustained by the mind, and exists only because of how the mind interprets and handles information.

The abstract mind does not create conflicts. It sees that appearances are illusions. The abstract mind, which can only be accessed by awakened consciousness, accesses the truth. Every being with free consciousness can utilize their abstract mind—but they have to know how, and remember to use it. The abstract mind is not mechanical, automatic, or the common state of humanity. It takes special training to use, understand, and develop. This begins with self-remembering and meditation.

My advice to you is to relax your mind. While in state of tension and conflict, the mind only creates more suffering. Relax your mind. Do not dwell on the conflicts of the rational mind. Instead, be present, here and now, doing what you need to do, and let the existential problems of the universe resolve themselves.

I also recommend you slowly and carefully study The Revolution of the Dialectic, and the chapter linked below.

In general, the answer to all of your questions will be found through comprehension of your own mind. To understand nature, humanity, and the world, first understand yourself.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

10 years ago
Accepted Answer
The rational mind cannot resolve mental conflicts. At their base, each is a conflict between what appear to be opposing concepts. Due to this, the rational mind, with its limited view and tendency of comparison, can never escape its dualistic perspective. Therefore, the only solution is to access the abstract mind of intuition, which is not trapped between opposing views, but sees the synthesis, the third force, the Tao.

When the rational animal mind is allowed to pursue comparisons of opposing views, the end result is madness, fanaticism, doubt, fear, anger, and in general the hardening of egotistical views. In other words, the mental conflict is created by the mind, sustained by the mind, and exists only because of how the mind interprets and handles information.

The abstract mind does not create conflicts. It sees that appearances are illusions. The abstract mind, which can only be accessed by awakened consciousness, accesses the truth. Every being with free consciousness can utilize their abstract mind—but they have to know how, and remember to use it. The abstract mind is not mechanical, automatic, or the common state of humanity. It takes special training to use, understand, and develop. This begins with self-remembering and meditation.

My advice to you is to relax your mind. While in state of tension and conflict, the mind only creates more suffering. Relax your mind. Do not dwell on the conflicts of the rational mind. Instead, be present, here and now, doing what you need to do, and let the existential problems of the universe resolve themselves.

I also recommend you slowly and carefully study The Revolution of the Dialectic, and the chapter linked below.

In general, the answer to all of your questions will be found through comprehension of your own mind. To understand nature, humanity, and the world, first understand yourself.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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