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  Saturday, 24 August 2024
  1 Replies
  196 Visits

I have come across a few verses in the Bible that I want to understand.

“Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?”

(1 Corinthians 14:34-36)

1) As I understand, in Genesis, woman refers to the sexual centre and husband refers to the intellectual centre. Is it the same in the above verses? Is this passage meaning to be in control of the sexual centre? And for it to submit to the superior intellectual centre in meditation (home)? Does church refer to an individual?

2) Does the Bible ever refer to husband and woman the way we do presently? Husband meaning married, male intellectual animal and woman meaning female intellectual animal? If so, is it then saying it is wrong for female intellectual animals to preach/ share truth? How do we interpret the intended meaning of scripture?

This question also comes up when reading passages regarding brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, mother and father, widows, wives. What is the meaning of these titles? Do they apply to both the spiritual and physical?

Many thanks as always.
2 weeks ago
Accepted Answer
Churches relate to our chkras, see:

The paragraph advises us to not let our lower aspects interfere within our chakras, when we i.e. pray, meditate, perform Pranayama, etc. Your women shall keep silence in the church, meaning: Do not let your animalistic psychological elements, your lust, you fantasies speak. The word is creative, so we shouldn't let our defects speak/create through our chakras. Practically, this means that if we practice spiritually, we need to avoid thinking of mundane things, otherwise we could create more defects, strengthen our fantasies, put energy into our egos.

Generally, it is said that authentic spiritual scriptures carry meanings on seven levels. So we cannot define a universal translation for symbols or keywords. Don't let the seven levels bother you, just study and interpret what you can understand and from there you should be able to build up more and more understanding.
2 weeks ago
Accepted Answer
Churches relate to our chkras, see:

The paragraph advises us to not let our lower aspects interfere within our chakras, when we i.e. pray, meditate, perform Pranayama, etc. Your women shall keep silence in the church, meaning: Do not let your animalistic psychological elements, your lust, you fantasies speak. The word is creative, so we shouldn't let our defects speak/create through our chakras. Practically, this means that if we practice spiritually, we need to avoid thinking of mundane things, otherwise we could create more defects, strengthen our fantasies, put energy into our egos.

Generally, it is said that authentic spiritual scriptures carry meanings on seven levels. So we cannot define a universal translation for symbols or keywords. Don't let the seven levels bother you, just study and interpret what you can understand and from there you should be able to build up more and more understanding.
Almustafa selected the reply #31724 as the answer for this post — 5 days ago
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