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  Sunday, 18 August 2024
  2 Replies
  244 Visits
Inverential peace to the Glorian instructors I have some questions on the matter of diet if you do not mind shedding some light on this matter I much appreciate this in advance. 1. Do eggs have as much fire as red meat? (I ask this because once I went vegan and it devistated my vitality but I am wondering if eggs can truly replace red meat as the master says but don't want to risk trying again until I know,) 2. If you eat foods with different elements do the elements cancel each other out for instence if you eat earth element with air element does the earth cancel out the air? 3. What foods are air element? Are grapes an example? Are raisins still air element even though they have been dried? 4. Do dried/dehydrated foods such as dried fruits and beef jerky etc still have the element energies? Thank you so much for the answers and for everything.
1 week ago
Accepted Answer
. Do eggs have as much fire as red meat?

If you eat foods with different elements do the elements cancel each other out for instence if you eat earth element with air element does the earth cancel out the air

No. our bodies are nourished by these element. Our four lower bodies actually reflect these elements. The emotional body for instance reflects the fire element our our mental body, the mind, reflects the Air element.

What foods are air element? Are grapes an example ?


Do dried/dehydrated foods such as dried fruits and beef jerky etc; still have the element energies?

Yes. Just like like cooked or dried beef. when grains and nuts are dried we merely reduce the water in then to prevent spoilage

Related to the tattva of the air, we can ingest grape juice to get atoms of the vayu tattva to nourish our consciousness. In the physical juices of the grape are hidden spiritual atoms. These atoms are not only in grape juice, it is just a primary example that we utilize. There are other elements in nature that have those atoms.

Related to the fire, we can consciously ingest red meat; that is because in the physical matter of the red meat are spiritual atoms, and if you take them in consciously, you will nourish your spiritual growth and life with spiritual fire.

Furthermore, with apas or water, we can consciously ingest fish.

For atoms of Prithvi or earth, we can consciously ingest grains.

1 week ago
Accepted Answer
. Do eggs have as much fire as red meat?

If you eat foods with different elements do the elements cancel each other out for instence if you eat earth element with air element does the earth cancel out the air

No. our bodies are nourished by these element. Our four lower bodies actually reflect these elements. The emotional body for instance reflects the fire element our our mental body, the mind, reflects the Air element.

What foods are air element? Are grapes an example ?


Do dried/dehydrated foods such as dried fruits and beef jerky etc; still have the element energies?

Yes. Just like like cooked or dried beef. when grains and nuts are dried we merely reduce the water in then to prevent spoilage

Related to the tattva of the air, we can ingest grape juice to get atoms of the vayu tattva to nourish our consciousness. In the physical juices of the grape are hidden spiritual atoms. These atoms are not only in grape juice, it is just a primary example that we utilize. There are other elements in nature that have those atoms.

Related to the fire, we can consciously ingest red meat; that is because in the physical matter of the red meat are spiritual atoms, and if you take them in consciously, you will nourish your spiritual growth and life with spiritual fire.

Furthermore, with apas or water, we can consciously ingest fish.

For atoms of Prithvi or earth, we can consciously ingest grains.

1 week ago
Thank you instructor this insight and clarfication is very helpful.
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