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  Tuesday, 20 February 2024
  2 Replies
  407 Visits
Unknown Friends, in the lecture "Cosmic Transmigration of Souls" Samael Aun Weor states that after falling and being forgiven, he continues in his work "With the purpose of getting the Philosophical Stone again in my power, the red carbuncle, the precious gem. In 1978 I will have it in my power, the red carbuncle." In Tibetan Buddhism a wish-fulfilling jewel is often spoken of, perhaps the very same? But how would he know of a precise date--is there a set amount of time required for the internal energies to recover? Wouldn't that vary from person to person and depend on other factors? And if he died in 1977, did he not accomplish his goal? I ask because I have met this Gnostic path later in life than I would have wished, after making many mistakes, and hope enough time remains to heal and learn. Though even just to have heard of this knowledge and the resources on the Glorian website and weave them into my Buddhist practice of many years is already a boon. Thank you.
5 months ago
Accepted Answer
In Tibetan Buddhism a wish-fulfilling jewel is often spoken of, perhaps the very same?

It is difficult to draw a precise connection between two different traditions. But generally they do both imply a lot of sophisticated work, where one transforms one self with the help of sexual energy. The notion of the Buddhist wish-fullfilling jewel is also related to the Manipura chakra, which is the telepathic center in out solar plexus. There is a strong esoteric relation between our sexual force and the solar plexus, but to know how that works and how to use it, we need to be Masters :)

But how would he know of a precise date--is there a set amount of time required for the internal energies to recover? Wouldn't that vary from person to person and depend on other factors?

It does depend on the person but these things are decided in the internal worlds, which are BEYOND TIME. So there is no sense to look for factors within the three or four dimensions. Let's just say that the Masters in the internal world have a better overview of what is happening and how through all the cogs and wheels of the universe things will appear in different dimensions.

And if he died in 1977, did he not accomplish his goal?

Dying physically is part of the goal, just as Jesus Christ had to die physically before resurrecting and ascending.
5 months ago
Accepted Answer
In Tibetan Buddhism a wish-fulfilling jewel is often spoken of, perhaps the very same?

It is difficult to draw a precise connection between two different traditions. But generally they do both imply a lot of sophisticated work, where one transforms one self with the help of sexual energy. The notion of the Buddhist wish-fullfilling jewel is also related to the Manipura chakra, which is the telepathic center in out solar plexus. There is a strong esoteric relation between our sexual force and the solar plexus, but to know how that works and how to use it, we need to be Masters :)

But how would he know of a precise date--is there a set amount of time required for the internal energies to recover? Wouldn't that vary from person to person and depend on other factors?

It does depend on the person but these things are decided in the internal worlds, which are BEYOND TIME. So there is no sense to look for factors within the three or four dimensions. Let's just say that the Masters in the internal world have a better overview of what is happening and how through all the cogs and wheels of the universe things will appear in different dimensions.

And if he died in 1977, did he not accomplish his goal?

Dying physically is part of the goal, just as Jesus Christ had to die physically before resurrecting and ascending.
5 months ago
I realize my enthusiasm got the better of me and I asked a lot of questions all at once there--thank you for your patience. Your responses motivate me to understand more deeply. I am very excited to discover this Gnostic path available to all, right in the midst of regular life...
Almustafa selected the reply #30557 as the answer for this post — 4 months ago
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