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  Monday, 08 January 2024
  2 Replies
  890 Visits
Hello friends from glorian. I wanted to ask you because i have a younger sister she is about 13 years old and she has down syndrome. How can she transmute her sexual energy? Can she spiritually progress and reach the initiation of Tiphereth and become a human being. And another question. Why are people born with down syndrome? Is it that because in their past life they were not good people. And for the parents is that because of their karma in previous lifes. My father considers it as a blessing from God but i don't think a person born with a disability is a blessing. How should i behave with my sister. And how can i help her and my parents. I am 19 years old.
Inverential peace.
Accepted Answer
Hello Hristijan,

Please try to view disabilities from another perspective. In your sister's case, and with all beings, try to look past perceived defects and into the heart. Look with the eyes of your heart. What do you see? Do you know what your sister experiences when she dreams? Do you know what she thinks about when she experiences her environment? Try to see your sister with the love that you have for her. See the innocence of that love, try to see the world through her eyes. You may come to a different understanding of her purpose in her life and yours.
Accepted Answer
Hello Hristijan,

Please try to view disabilities from another perspective. In your sister's case, and with all beings, try to look past perceived defects and into the heart. Look with the eyes of your heart. What do you see? Do you know what your sister experiences when she dreams? Do you know what she thinks about when she experiences her environment? Try to see your sister with the love that you have for her. See the innocence of that love, try to see the world through her eyes. You may come to a different understanding of her purpose in her life and yours.
Almustafa selected the reply #30278 as the answer for this post — 6 months ago
5 months ago
Thank you. Only through true Love can we understand. We are all one.
Inverential peace.
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