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  Tuesday, 31 October 2023
  4 Replies
  730 Visits
In one of the lectures on karma, I learnt that if we want something we have to produce the causes.

I have GERD and right now I'm experiencing shortness of breath and general discomfort and it's scary.

I think I'm to blame because I've been eating food made with tomatoes which I'm not supposed to eat.

Aside from changing my diet, what else do I need to do to produce the result I want, which is to get better and get rid of this condition?

Could this disease be a past life karma? If yes, what could I have possibly done in my past life to deserve this terrible disease?

Can anyone help me investigate this in the internal worlds? I haven't made enough progress on the path to do it myself.

I see some services on offering to help people check their past lives and get rid of past life karma. Is it wrong to use these services? Do they really have the ability to get rid of past life karma,?
8 months ago
Accepted Answer
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease otherwise known as GERD is a disease whose causative factors are not limited to what we eat and drink in our physical bodies but like all diseases has its roots in our psychological state and well being.
Observe the mind and the emotional state.
important that we work on our psychological state-our emotional and mental state.

Anger strengthens increased acid flow thus more of acid reflux. So does bitterness and jealousy. This is not to say that you have bitterness or anger but to underscore the need for daily self observation . With this we can help ourselves

Again, more than anything else, we need always to depend on our innermost for help and for guidance. Not on any outside source like fiver.con or ANY other platform. Please understand that the fastest way to positive spiritual growth is to look inward and to sincerely ask our innermost being for any help and He will certainly answer whether it be : through dreams, visions, intuition or a knowingness. This is Gnosis. Revealed and knowledge experienced

Ask and you will be giving; Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened for you. Matthew 7 vs.7

Depending on our innermost will help us resolve the issues of karma and or going to the astral world to find the cause of any problem. He is faithful to answer whenever we are sincere in our quest. We must make the effort ourselves.
Help the sick and do good to those in need. Therefore your sickness will be healed wether or not it is due to karma.
Lastly, as an advise you may want to eat little amount of food at a time , several times a day rather large amount two or three times a day. Drink warm water with cinnamon and bayleaf in it. A bit of tumeric could be helpful.
We pray for your speedy recovery
8 months ago
Accepted Answer
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease otherwise known as GERD is a disease whose causative factors are not limited to what we eat and drink in our physical bodies but like all diseases has its roots in our psychological state and well being.
Observe the mind and the emotional state.
important that we work on our psychological state-our emotional and mental state.

Anger strengthens increased acid flow thus more of acid reflux. So does bitterness and jealousy. This is not to say that you have bitterness or anger but to underscore the need for daily self observation . With this we can help ourselves

Again, more than anything else, we need always to depend on our innermost for help and for guidance. Not on any outside source like fiver.con or ANY other platform. Please understand that the fastest way to positive spiritual growth is to look inward and to sincerely ask our innermost being for any help and He will certainly answer whether it be : through dreams, visions, intuition or a knowingness. This is Gnosis. Revealed and knowledge experienced

Ask and you will be giving; Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened for you. Matthew 7 vs.7

Depending on our innermost will help us resolve the issues of karma and or going to the astral world to find the cause of any problem. He is faithful to answer whenever we are sincere in our quest. We must make the effort ourselves.
Help the sick and do good to those in need. Therefore your sickness will be healed wether or not it is due to karma.
Lastly, as an advise you may want to eat little amount of food at a time , several times a day rather large amount two or three times a day. Drink warm water with cinnamon and bayleaf in it. A bit of tumeric could be helpful.
We pray for your speedy recovery
8 months ago
Thanks a ton @Baruch. I doubled my PPI dose and it's better now.

You're right about anger. I'm naturally a fiery person. I get angry easily, but I don't get angry on most days because I stay at home and stay alone most of the time.

When you say pray to your innermost, who are you referring to?

Who's my innermost? Is it God or another being and how should I imagine them? Is my innermost the same as my divine mother?
8 months ago
The innermost is Divine and is God. The innermost is our true self, our true being, "our Father in heaven". The sephirah Chesed. In the final analysis, our innermost is our Divine Mother and our Divine Father, for the two are one. The Elohim .
8 months ago
Thank you so much.
Almustafa selected the reply #29918 as the answer for this post — 8 months ago
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