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  Thursday, 09 March 2023
  1 Replies
  1.1K Visits
Hello, instructors. I have a question regarding astrology. To me, astrology is not based on anything that can be verified empirically. It just seems unscientific to me. But when I read things that pertain to my astrological symbol, it feels like they could be true. Still, I reserve a sense of skepticism becasue I know the advice they give is probably good advice for just about anyone. How do you guys, or do you guys, reconcile this with your organization's emphasis on the virtue of verifiable and factual knowledge, not reliant on belief systems?

Also, I feel like the act of prayer can also fall into the same category. Because doesn't it rely on the belief that there is some entity out there who will listen? At the same time, I do notice that prayer oftentimes has a positive effect.
1 year ago
Accepted Answer
Real astrology is knowing how to communicate with the stellar divinities of the internal worlds, not mathematical horoscopes and charts.

Conscious prayer connects us with our Being, not just to any material, external, or extrinsic entity.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

1 year ago
Accepted Answer
Real astrology is knowing how to communicate with the stellar divinities of the internal worlds, not mathematical horoscopes and charts.

Conscious prayer connects us with our Being, not just to any material, external, or extrinsic entity.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

Almustafa selected the reply #28822 as the answer for this post — 1 year ago
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