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  Wednesday, 15 May 2019
  3 Replies
  1K Visits
Hello. I recently became aware of the fact that in Gnostic tradition here, there's a distinction between Nirvanis and those who choose the Direct Path. I don't really know much about other Scriptures but I know a little about Quran, in the main prayers there's an expression like "Sirat-al-Mustaqim" which can be translated as Narrow Path. So, I assumed Paradise/Jannah/Nirvana was a result of the Direct Path. According to Buddha's teaching, Nirvana is the cessation of suffering and it's the result of the Noble Eightfold Path. If so; why there's a distinction like the Spiral Path and Direct Path? Don't they both lead to salvation?
5 years ago
Accepted Answer
Why is there a distinction like the Spiral Path and Direct Path? Don't they both lead to salvation?
Yes, but the results and the length of time required in each are different.

The spiral path leads towards the Absolute throughout many eternities, many cosmic days or Mahakalpas. Nirvanis incarnate and work on the mind little by little. They receive wisdom through conquering small ordeals. Since their trials are fewer, their victories are smaller. This is like developing the light of a candle.

However, the amount of light generated by annihilating the ego in one life is like liberating energy within the atom. It is truly revolutionary, because through the amount of work involved, it takes little time and produces more lasting results.

Nirvanis often fall because their incarnate in this world again and are tempted. Bodhisattvas, while risking everything, including their life, achieve resurrection and are in a better position to not fall again, although this is no guarantee.

The Qur'an speaks about the djinns or jinns and human beings. These are the adherents of the spiral path who do not follow or believe in the signs of Allah. 'So which of these signs do you two deny?' states Surah al-Rahman, the Compassionate.

Only those who are guided on the straight path are those who are bestowed the most divine favors, since it is the path of those who do not incur wrath, nor of those who go astray. See the first Surah, al-Fatihah, the Opening.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

5 years ago
Accepted Answer
Why is there a distinction like the Spiral Path and Direct Path? Don't they both lead to salvation?
Yes, but the results and the length of time required in each are different.

The spiral path leads towards the Absolute throughout many eternities, many cosmic days or Mahakalpas. Nirvanis incarnate and work on the mind little by little. They receive wisdom through conquering small ordeals. Since their trials are fewer, their victories are smaller. This is like developing the light of a candle.

However, the amount of light generated by annihilating the ego in one life is like liberating energy within the atom. It is truly revolutionary, because through the amount of work involved, it takes little time and produces more lasting results.

Nirvanis often fall because their incarnate in this world again and are tempted. Bodhisattvas, while risking everything, including their life, achieve resurrection and are in a better position to not fall again, although this is no guarantee.

The Qur'an speaks about the djinns or jinns and human beings. These are the adherents of the spiral path who do not follow or believe in the signs of Allah. 'So which of these signs do you two deny?' states Surah al-Rahman, the Compassionate.

Only those who are guided on the straight path are those who are bestowed the most divine favors, since it is the path of those who do not incur wrath, nor of those who go astray. See the first Surah, al-Fatihah, the Opening.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

5 years ago
Why is there a distinction like the Spiral Path and Direct Path? Don't they both lead to salvation?
Yes, but the results and the length of time required in each are different.

The spiral path leads towards the Absolute throughout many eternities, many cosmic days or Mahakalpas. Nirvanis incarnate and work on the mind little by little. They receive wisdom through conquering small ordeals. Since their trials are fewer, their victories are smaller. This is like developing the light of a candle.

However, the amount of light generated by annihilating the ego in one life is like liberating energy within the atom. It is truly revolutionary, because through the amount of work involved, it takes little time and produces more lasting results.

Nirvanis often fall because their incarnate in this world again and are tempted. Bodhisattvas, while risking everything, including their life, achieve resurrection and are in a better position to not fall again, although this is no guarantee.

The Qur'an speaks about the djinns or jinns and human beings. These are the adherents of the spiral path who do not follow or believe in the signs of Allah. 'So which of these signs do you two deny?' states Surah al-Rahman, the Compassionate.

Only those who are guided on the straight path are those who are bestowed the most divine favors, since it is the path of those who do not incur wrath, nor of those who go astray. See the first Surah, al-Fatihah, the Opening.

Thank you for the answer Instructor. It explained a lot although I still need to meditate more on it. Another question if I may, are there any clues for reincarnation (as in recurrence) in Quran and Islam? Most scholars deny it, some look at it as a possibility and a few are affirming it. What are the facts about this?
1 year ago

The Qur'an speaks about the djinns or jinns and human beings. These are the adherents of the spiral path who do not follow or believe in the signs of Allah. 'So which of these signs do you two deny?' states Surah al-Rahman, the Compassionate.

Only those who are guided on the straight path are those who are bestowed the most divine favors, since it is the path of those who do not incur wrath, nor of those who go astray. See the first Surah, al-Fatihah, the Opening.

How can there be adherents of the spiral path who don't follow the signs of Allah? Wouldn't abandoning the signs and guidance of god essentially mean that the souls are on the path of failure, not spiral?
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