The Heaven of Venus
Now comes the extraordinary third achievement of Heracles, the solar hero. I am emphatically referring to the capture of two animals, the first one gentle, the other as fast, yet, turbid and threatening: the Ceryneian Hind and the wild Boar of Mount Erymanthus.
We can and even must identify these famous quadrupeds with the two resplendent, austral constellations nearest to the stars of Gemini, which are very close to the two centaurs with whom Heracles sustained a bloody fight.
We can see a clear allusion to the Human Soul (the spouse of the Valkyrie), the Superior Manas of Theosophy, in the symbol of the Ceryneian Hind with hoofs of bronze and golden horns, which was sacred to Diana and disputed by Apollo, the God of Fire.
The living symbol of all the lower animal passions is found in this perverse one as no other: the terrible wild Boar of Erymanthos.
It is good to asseverate in these instants that I was very sincerely longing with all the forces of my soul to enter into the Heaven of Venus, the causal world, the abode of the Principalities.
However, it is clear that at first I needed to achieve merits, to reduce to cosmic dust the frightful, wild Boar...
Before ascending, it is necessary to descend. Every exaltation is always preceded by a terrible humiliation.
Before the ascension, the descent into the infernos of Venus was indispensable, urgent, and undeferable...
I needed preparatory information, and this in itself certainly became urgent and peremptory...
Extraordinary and precise indications came to me during meditation. It is clear that the initiate is always assisted...
Upon a great board very similar to the attractive board of chess, instead of the known pieces of this cited game, I saw many animal figures with disgusting appearances...
Unquestionably, I had eliminated defects of a psychological type in the astral world, also in the mental world, with the help of my Divine Mother Kundalini. However, the causal germs of these continued to exist within me, here and now...
We can assert within the field of the purest experimental psychology the following enunciation:
The radical elimination of any psychological defect absolutely fails when its secret cause is not eliminated.
To extirpate such intrinsic causes from my psyche was certainly my labor in the Venusian infernos...
It is clear that I then had to pass victoriously through many carnal temptations, as those that the Patriarch Saint Augustine suffered when at the foot of the cross...
The Gnostic mystery is present
in the dove’s soft flight,
and the sin of the world in the serpent
that bites the foot of the angel who tames it.Upon the eternal night of yesterday
the eternal night of tomorrow is opened,
in each hour, one larva of sin may
be the symbol of the serpent and the apple.
The multitude of crimes whose causal germs I had to eliminate were so immense that even if I had one hundred mouths, one hundred tongues, and a voice of iron, I could not enumerate all of them...
Within this Tartarus where the evil ones are punished, I also found two old friends of my youth: one was still alive, the other was already deceased...
It is good to remember those Titans of ancient times who wanted to climb into heaven. Now they suffer in the abyss, chained by the anger of Jupiter.
The insolent Lapitas and the daring Ixion—the one who made an attempt against the life of Juno—also abide there, and also Piritoo who wanted to abduct Proserpine...
In that subterranean world also lives the proud Salmoneo, King of Elida, the one who claimed divine honors for himself when he was just a simple mortal, a vile slug from the mud of the earth...
I saw something frightful, terrible, before those moments when I was definitively abandoning the abode of Pluto: what I saw was like unto an enormous monster threatening to devour the whole of humanity. Woe! Woe! Woe!
Posteriorly, I felt myself transformed within those atomic infernos: the Cosmic Christ entered in me and I became lost within him...
Then, a multitude of mothers brought their children to me and, filled with ecstasy, I exclaimed, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” [Matthew 19:14]
How happy I felt with the transformed causal body! After having blessed all of those tender infants, I abandoned the submerged mineral kingdom and victoriously penetrated into the heaven of Venus (the causal world).
Thus, this is how I re-entered into the state of the Principalities, which in foregone times I had lost when I committed the same error of the Count Zanoni in the central plateau of Asia...
To submissively fall at the paradisiacal feet of exquisite feminine beauty, to drink the liquor of Mandrake, to eat of the golden apples from the “Garden of Hesperides,” was certainly the mentioned error. However, posteriorly I had to return into the path which in foregone times I had abandoned, by working with the transcendent sexual electricity...
This marvellous causal world, or world of conscious will, cited many times by Mr. Leadbeater, Annie Besant, Arthur Power, Rudolf Steiner, H. P. Blavatsky., etc., is clearly a terror of love and law. Undoubtably, the heaven of Venus is not of time and is beyond the mind.
It is evident that the Akashic substance, as a natural element and vibration or tattva, constitutes in itself the living and philosophical depth of the world of cosmic causality...
A profound electric blue marvellously shines in that region, sparkling here, there, and everywhere, saturating us with an exquisite, undescribable, spiritual voluptuousness...
The incessant tides of action and consequence flux and reflux here, from instant to instant...
It is evident that cause without effect does not exist, neither effect without cause. Every action is proceeded by a reaction, a consequence, or better still, many consequences are always derived from any act...
I received an abundance of demonstrated and demonstrable objective information during that epoch of my present existence.
For example: before the speaker in a certain auditorium, I presented myself in complete assembly. I did not know how to keep my composure. I put my nose where I should not have put it. I refuted concepts...
Results: The orator, a man of the causal world, withdrew with indignation...
Posteriorly, this lecturer commented to others about my attitude, and this was converted as a fact into a whole cascading series of consequences...
In the causal world, I saw with mystical astonishment the fate that is awaiting this planet Earth and the human creatures who dwell upon this physical world...
I suddenly saw myself dressed with the causal body inside of a great railway yard...
Certainly, the Gnostic movement is a train in motion. Some passengers boarded the train at one station and they got off at the other. Very rare are those who arrive at the final station...
Posteriorly, I had to submerge myself within the infinite starry space. I needed to investigate something within the amphitheatre of cosmic science...
Surprised and astonished—since I did not lose the capacity of astonishment—I perceived with the “Eye of Dangma” or “Eye of Shiva” something unusual and unexpected...
Before my spiritual sight the Earth appeared, besieged to death by twelve enormous, black, sinister, threatening giants (the twelve zodiacal constellations carrying out the definitive crystallization of worldly karma)...
The great catastrophe that will come is not ignored by people of other worlds, and they will approach with their ships to register or photograph this cataclysm.
Lo and behold the Apocalypse of Saint John in complete motion. The collision of worlds! Woe! Woe! Woe! ...
To cite in this part some extraordinary verses of the Koran becomes opportune.
Among the signs that must precede the arrival of the final hour, is that of the moon which will split in two. Despite this, the unbelievers will not give credit to their eyes. — Surah Al-Qamar, “The Moon,” 54:1-2
(It is obvious that this can in no way be related to a geological or physical division of our neighboring satellite. This must be interpreted as a political and military division. The great powers will dispute over the “Moon.”)
On the day when the first trumpet resoundeth...
When the earth and the mountains will be taken in the air and crushed with only one strike...
When heaven will be split asunder and will fall down in pieces...
That day will be the inevitable day. — Surah Al-Haqqah, “The Reality” 69:13-16
(Collision is the precise term. The planet Earth will crash with another planet, which is dangerously approaching).
The strike which is! That will be the day of the Final Judgment.
Those who will have deeds that are weighed on the scale will have a pleasant life. Those who will have deeds that are weightless will have the burning fossil as an abode [the infernal worlds]. — Surah Al-Qari`ah, “The Calamity” 101:1-2, 6-9
When Earth is shaken with her [final] earthquake
And Earth yielded up her burdens,
That day mankind will be prepared for judgement. — Surat Az-Zalzalah (The Earthquake) 99:1-2, 4
When the sun is overthrown
And the stars fall
And when the mountains are moved and end crashing against the earth. — Surat At-Takwir (The Overthrowing) 81:1-3
The heaven will explode into a thousand pieces and the seas and rivers will confound their waters.
The tombs will open and the dead will resurrect.
Those who have practiced good will have happiness without limits; but the evil will also be punished without measure. — Surat Al-’Infitar (The Cleaving) 82:1, 3-4, 13-14
Unquestionably, before the inevitable collision, the rapid approach of that planetary bulk will originate frightful electro-magnetic tempests.
It is clear that the presence of that sidereal world will exert an attraction upon the liquid fire of the interior of our terrestrial globe. Then, the igneous element will search for an exit, therefore giving origin to innumerous volcanoes.
In those coming days, the Earth will shake with frightful earthquakes and horrifying seaquakes...
People and cities will fatally collapse as miserable card castles fallen in ruins.
Monstrous waves that were never seen before will devastate the sandy beaches with fury, and a very strange sound will emerge from within the depths of the seas.
Undoubtably, the extraordinary radiation of such a planet will kill millions of creatures and everything will be consumed in an apocalyptic holocaust.
Peter, or Patar, the great Hierophant, said:
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. - II Peter 3:10
In the causal world, with mystical astonishment, I contemplated the great catastrophe that is approaching. Since this is a region of the ineffable music, such a vision was illustrated within the “current of sound.”
A certain delectable, tragic symphony resounded within the profound depths of the heaven of Venus.
This score was generally astonishing because of its grandiosity and majesty, and also for the inspiration and beauty of its design, as well for the purity of its lines and for the colored nuance of its wise and artistic instrumentation, which was simultaneously sweet and severe, grandiose and horrific, dramatic and lugubrious.
The melodic fragmentary passages (leitmotifs) listened to in the causal world, in different prophetic situations, are of a great expressive potency and are in intimate relation with the great catastrophe and with the historical events that will inevitably precede it in time...
In the score of this great cosmic opera exist symphonic fragments related with the Third World War, delectable and fatal sounds, horrifying events, atomic bombs, frightful radioactivity in all of the Earth, hunger, total destruction of the great metropolises, unknown sicknesses, incessant fights, here, there, and everywhere, etc., etc., etc...
The themes related with the destruction of New York, Paris, London, Moscow, etc., etc., etc., intermingled with art without precedence, were heard.