Invocations of the Four Directions
Invocation of the King of the East
The King of the East will be invoked within a magic circle, which will be traced on the ground. This circle will be two or three meters in diameter in any place in the mountains where two roads intersect and form a cross. The invocation must be performed at twelve midnight. The invoker will place himself in the center of the circle and will have his face and body directed towards the East. Then, the following invocation must be recited:
Acknowledging that I am a monster of evil, a vile slug from the mud of the earth who has no value, knowing that I am a poor sinner, I invoke the powerful Lord Magoa, King of the East of the world. I call Him in the name of the sacred Tetragrammaton. I conjure by the Tetragrammaton. I call by the holy and mysterious Tetragrammaton. I weep humbly asking Thee, so that Thou can concur with this call.
In the name of thy Father, who is in secret, and of thy Divine Mother Kundalini, come to me, powerful King. Enter Thee into the physical world, make thyself visible and tangible before me. In the case that Thou cannot assist to this humble call due to thy cosmic works, then I beg Thee, powerful Lord, to send me Madel and if this is not possible either, then, the Genii Massayel, Asiel, Satiel, Arduel, Acorb, who obey Thee, can come to me.
I know that Thou, powerful Lord of the East, can help me in accordance with justice and mercy. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Once the invocation is finished, then the invoker will then sit in the middle of the circle, meditating on the King of the East, weeping, acknowledging that he is a poor sinner and repeating the prayer with his mind and heart, until the physical body becomes sleepy.
If the invoker performs this work correctly, then he will be assisted by the King of the East or by the Genii who are sent by him. One must not be afraid in the presence of these divine Beings.
When the Lord of the East or his Genii become visible, then ask whatever you wish. It is written: “Knock and it shall be opened unto you, Ask and it shall be given you.”
We must not forget, by any means, that everything will be done in accordance with the Law. Everything will be arranged for us not in the way that we want, but as the Law wants. Thus, we must humbly bow before the verdict of the Law.
Invocation of the King of the South
O, Egym! Powerful Lord of the regions of the South, most worthy Master: with complete humbleness, acknowledging the interior misery in which I find myself, and with great love, I call Thee and invoke Thee. I am not worthy to call upon Thee, yet I love Thee. I beg to Thee by the holy and mysterious Tetragrammaton. Come unto me, great King, I beseech Thee. However, I know, oh Lord, that thy labors are very great. Therefore, in case that Thou art very occupied, then I very humbly prostrate myself before Thee and I beg Thee to send unto me the Genie Fadal or the other divine Genie named Nastrache.
Grant me this, oh powerful Lord. I beseech this unto Thee in the name of thy Father who is in secret, and of thy Divine Mother Kundalini. Amen, Amen, Amen.
This invocation will be performed in the center of the magic circle and with the face towards the south. Once this invocation is recited, the invoker will seat himself in the center of the circle.
Once seated, the invoker will meditate on the content of each word and will acknowledge his own nothingness and interior misery. He will greatly weep while calling the King of the South.
When the King or his Genii will present themselves, then with humbleness one must ask for whatever is wished. “Knock and it shall be opened unto you, Ask and it shall be given you.” Everything will be granted to us, yet not as we want, but as the Law wants.
Invocation of the King of the West
Powerful King Bayemon, who wisely governs the western regions of the planet Earth, listen to me, oh great Lord.
Humbly, prostrated at thy feet, I invoke Thee in the name of the holy and mysterious Tetragrammaton. Divine Lord, have pity on me because I am a sinner.
I know that I have no value, because I am a miserable slug from the mud of the earth. Yet, I call upon Thee, oh Lord, in the name of thy Father who is in secret, and of thy Divine Mother Kundalini. Come, oh Lord. Attend to my call by the Christ and by the Tetragrammaton.
In case that Thou art very occupied in thy cosmic works, then send unto me the Genie Passiel Rosus. As I, myself, am nothing, as I have no value, I beg Thee to forgive my boldness when I invoke Thee. Bless me, oh Lord and become visible and tangible before me. Amen, Amen, Amen.
The invoker will seat himself in the center of the circle, traced on the ground, and in the place, which we have already mentioned, which is in the mountains and at the crossing of two roads.
The invoker will meditate on the King of the West and when He appears, then he must ask what is wished for. It is necessary to have humbleness and to incline before the verdict of the Law. Everything will be done not as the invoker wants it, but as the Law wants. The invocations must always be performed at midnight in the mountains and with a lot of humbleness.
Invocation of the King of the North
Oh Thou divine and ineffable Amaimon! Solar King of the North, humbly and with acknowledgment that I am an infamous sinner, I invoke Thee in the name of thy Father who is in secret, and by thy Innermost Christ and by thy Holy Spirit and by thy Divine Mother Kundalini.
Listen to my plea, oh powerful Lord. Come unto me in the name of the Tetragrammaton. If thy cosmic labors do not allow Thee to assist me in these moments, then send me by the holy and mysterious Tetragrammaton the Divine Genii Madael, Laaval, Bamulahe, Belem, Ramat, or any of the Genii who are under Thy direction and government, all of them revested in a beautiful human form.
In the name of the holy and mysterious Tetragrammaton, humbly I beseech thy assistance. In the name of my interior God and of my Divine Mother Kundalini and by Sechiel, Barachiel, Balandier, as Beings, come unto me. Do not abandon me, oh powerful Lord. Tetragrammaton, Tetragrammaton, Tetragrammaton. Amen, Amen, Amen.
As we already have stated, the invocations must be performed in the mountains where two roads cross, at twelve midnight.
The magic circle must be traced on the ground with the tip of the sword. The invoker, standing in the center of the circle, with his face towards the North, will invoke the King of the North.
Once the invocation is performed, the invoker must sit on the ground, in the center of the circle, meditating on the King of the North, until this King appears. Then the petition will be humbly done.
We must bow before the verdict of the Law. Fearful people must abstain themselves from making these invocations, because they can die of terror. Cardiacs must not perform these invocations either, because they can fall dead instantaneously.