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Genesis: Beginning of Sex

Careful analysis of Genesis / Bereshit, the first book in the Bible or Tanakh written by Moshe (Moses), causes one to realize that we require a dramatic revision of many of our inherited beliefs, ideas, and assumptions. These few passages alone, if considered carefully and without bias, can single-handedly unravel the entire basis of most modern religious beliefs, and set one on the path towards genuine comprehension. However, Moses wrote his books for initiates of his tradition who were deeply versed in mysticism and esoteric understanding. Moses had mastery of Kabbalah and Egyptian religious principles, thus to understand his writings it is necessary for us to become educated in those traditions.

Entire libraries have been written about the deep meanings hidden just in the first chapter of Genesis / Bereshit. It is stated that every religious symbol contains seven levels of application; this partly explains why some become confused when attempting to unravel the mysteries hidden in esoteric texts. For our purpose here, we will try to keep it as simple as possible. We reproduce here only short passages as relevant to our investigation into sexuality. Be assured that the rest of the text deserves to be studied as well.

Genesis / Bereshit 1

The Sixth Day

1:24 God [Elohim] said, 'The earth shall bring forth particular species of living creatures, particular species of livestock, land animals, and beasts of the earth.' It happened.

Most scriptures use the word "God" in place of a wide variety of very specific Kabbalistic terminology and sacred names. The word Elohim (אלהים) is plural, and contains within itself these forms:

  • El (אל): masculine, god
  • Eloah (אלוה): feminine, goddess

In Kabbalah, Elohim refers to the Multiple Perfect Unity, or divine androgyne, who is not an individual or a great man in the sky, but a supernal intelligence. Elohim is neither male nor female, but both. Elohim is not one, but many. That is why the passage below speaks with a pluralized perspective.

1:25 God [thus] made particular species of beasts of the earth, particular species of livestock, and particular species of animals that walk the land. God saw that it was good.

1:26 God said, 'Let usmake man with ourimage and likeness. Let him dominate the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock animals, and all the earth - and every land animal that walks the earth.'

1:27 God [Elohim thus] created man with His image. In the image of God [Elohim], He created him, male and femaleHe created them.

It should be clearly noted that the scripture states that man (ADM) was created in the image of the Elohim, as male-female: androgynous.

A quote from The Zohar:

"Note that Adam and Eve were at first created androgynous.Wherefore were they not created face to face, or separated individuals? Because, as Scripture states, 'The Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth.' The union of man and wife is a type of a great spiritual fact, viz., the union of heaven and earth which could not be accomplished until the rain which united them descended. Then Adam and Eve ceased to be androgynous and gazed into each other's faces, as is the case with heaven and earth, the one reflecting the image of the other."

Thus is the entire basis of most modern religious dogma revealed as built upon sand.

"Consider in thoughtful silence the startling use of pronouns in the above extract from "the most perfect example of English literature." When the plural and androgynous Hebrew word Elohimwas translated into the singular and sexless word God, the opening chapters of Genesis were rendered comparatively meaningless. It may have been feared that had the word been correctly translated as "the male and female creative agencies," the Christians would have been justly accused of worshiping a plurality of gods in the face of their repeated claims to monotheism! The plural form of the pronouns us and our reveals unmistakably, however, the pantheistic nature of Divinity. Further, the androgynous constitution of the Elohim (God) is disclosed in the next verse, where he (referring to God) is said to have created man in his own image, male and female; or, more properly, as the division of the sexes had not yet taken place, male-female. This is a deathblow to the time-honored concept that God is a masculine potency as portrayed by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The Elohim then order these androgynous beings to be fruitful. Note that neither the masculine nor the feminine principle as yet existed in a separate state! And, lastly, note the word " replenish." The prefix re denotes "back to an original or former state or position," or "repetition or restoration." (See Webster's International Dictionary, 1926.) This definite reference to a humanity existing prior to the "creation of man" described in Genesis must be evident to the most casual reader of Scripture." - Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages(1928)


Water appears in every religion as a symbol of sexuality. Here, the rain symbolizes the flowing of sexual forces.

2:4 These are the chronicles of heaven and earth when they were created, on the day God completed earth and heaven.

2:5 All the wild shrubs did not yet exist on the earth, and all the wild plants had not yet sprouted. This was because God had not brought rain on the earth, and there was no man to work the ground.

Many become confused by this passage, as if the writer of the scripture has somehow lost their memory of man having been created a few verses before. In fact, the meaning is hidden. The Zohar says:

"...the scripture states, 'And there was no man,' that is, until the creation of Eve, man was an imperfect being; which fact is indicated occultly by the absence of the letter Samech (denoting aid, help) in every passage relating to the creation of woman. Although members of the celestial college--those that have been initiated and enlightened in the secret doctrine--affirm that the word ' Ezer' (help) denotes that woman was created to be a help to man, she became so only when from androgynes they because separated and thus able to behold each other face to face. This is occultly referred to in the words; 'They are brought together forever and are made in truth and uprightness' (Ps. cxi. 8). By the term 'brought together' is meant that the union of male and female whose coming together is for mutual help, will continue even in the supernal worlds forever."

2:6 A mist rose up from the earth, and it watered the entire surface of the ground.

From The Zohar:

"'For the Lord God had not yet caused it to rain upon the earth' signifies that complete and perfect union between man and woman did not then exist because it had not as yet become a fact in the natural world, for it is added; 'And a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground' (Gen. ii. 6), which refers to the sexual desires experienced by the female towards the male. Mists rise at first from the earth, heavenwards and, after forming clouds, heaven causes them to descend and water the earth."


2:7 God formed man out of dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils a breath of life. Man [thus] became a living creature.

2:8 God planted a garden in Eden to the east. There He placed the man that He had formed.

Eden literally means "delight, voluptousness." Eden is the sexual act itself.

2:9 God made grow out of the ground every tree that is pleasant to look at and good to eat, [including] the Tree of Life in the middle of the garden, and the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.

In the midst of the sexual act we find two trees:

  • The Tree of Life (Kabbalah): the spinal column and the soul
  • Tree of Knowledge (Daath in Hebrew): Gnosis or knowledge; thus later do we find that Adam "knew" his wife, which indicates the sexual act

At this stage of development, mankind existed in the fourth dimension (Yesod / Eden) and had not yet descended into the third dimension (Malkuth). As The Zoharsays, "They did not become perfect [completed] until they were transplanted onto the earth plane." Thus the Garden of Eden is not a physical place. It still exists but in the fourth dimension, a more subtle level of nature.

2:10 A river [of sexual, living water] flowed out of Eden [sex] to water the garden. [Zohar: "This Edenic river symbolized the tree of life in the spiritual world."] From there it divided and became four major rivers.

2:11 The name of the first is Pishon. It surrounds the entire land of Havilah where gold is found.

2:12 The gold of that land is [especially] good. Also found there are pearls and precious stones.

2:13 The name of the second river is Gihon. It surrounds the land of Cush.

2:14 The name of the third river is the Tigris which flows to the east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates.

These four rivers are the four sheaths or ethers of the vital body (Yesod). The vital body is the energetic body that gives life to the physical body; the four rivers are channels that distribute energy throughout our psychophysiology. This becomes more interesting when we again refer to The Zohar:

"The words, "and became parted into four heads" refer also to four individuals who gained entrance into the mysterious garden of Eden, or Paradise.

"The first entered it by the channel Pishon, that is, "Pishoneh halakhoth" (the mouth that teaches the good law).

"The second, by Gihon (the place where is buried he who creepeth on his belly--Levit. xl. 42). It is under the presidency of Gabriel whose name is composed of the words Gebra, al (divine man), and who is alluded to in the words,26b "the man who walks on a hidden path and whom God has covered as with a veil" (Job. iii. 23), and also in the following passage: "No man knoweth unto this day the place of his sepulchre" (Deuter. xxxiv. 6); the esoteric signification of which is understood only by those initiated in the secret doctrine.

"The third individual entered by the channel called Hiddekel or Had qal (the adapting word), the third part of the secret doctrine imparted to initiates and known as Darash (exposition).

"The fourth entered by Phrath, the channels through which flows the principle of fecundity. Ben Zoma and Ben Azai, who penetrated into and attained to the knowledge of the secret doctrine [of sex] concealed within its esoteric covering, by their wrong use of it found it a curse instead of a blessing, whilst to Rabbi Akiba it became a blessing and a source of joy, tranquillity and power."

The Two Trees

2:15 God took the man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to work it and watch it.

2:16 God gave the man a commandment, saying, 'You may definitely eat from every tree of the garden.

2:17 But from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil [daath], do not eat, for on the day you eat from it, you will definitely die.'

In Hebrew, knowledge is "daath" while in Greek is "gnosis." This is the most significant symbol in the text. The Tree of Knowledge has levels of meaning. Of primary importance in our investigation related to sex is that level of meaning made clear when we look at the use of the word knowledge throughout the writings of Moses and even in the New Testament:

And Adam knewEve his wife; and she conceived... - Genesis 4:1

And Cain knewhis wife; and she conceived... - Genesis 4:17

And Adam knewhis wife again; and she bare a son... - Genesis 4:25

I have two daughters who have never knowna man. - Genesis 19:8

And it came to pass at the end of two months, that she returned unto her father, who did with her according to his vow which he had vowed: and she knewno man. - Judges 11:39

But the men would not hearken to him: so the man took his concubine, and brought her forth unto them; and they knewher, and abused her all the night until the morning... - Judges 19:25

And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the LORD, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knewHannah his wife... - 1 Samuel 1:19

And the damsel was very fair, and cherished the king, and ministered to him: but the king knewher not. - 1 Kings 1:4

Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And knewher not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS. - Matthew 1:24-25

Thus we know that this knowledge - Daath, Gnosis, the secret doctrine of the Tree of Knowledge - is sexual. That is why, having given the warning, God then says:

2:18 God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a compatible helper for him.'


2:21 God then made the man fall into a deep state of unconsciousness, and he slept. He took one of his ribs and closed the flesh in its place.

From The Zohar:

"And the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.' Wherefore was it not planted in the midst of the garden and what is the mystical meaning of this tree? Its nature or essence was two-fold, being bitter or sweet, according to the character of those who take and appropriate its fruits. Those who are selfish [ruled by their desire] find that what they thought good, becomes evil to them. Thus many are seduced and go astray from the path of rectitude, and therefore is it called 'the tree of knowledge of good and evil.'

"When man [adm] ceased to be androgynous and became separated as at present male and female, it is said, 'And He closed up the flesh in its stead' (Gen. ii. 21) in which words occurs the letter S or Samech (help). The Holy One, like the judicious gardener transplanting trees and flowers, after sundering the two forms, placed them where they could behold each other face to face and thus begin on their course of physical and spiritual development and perfection."

2:22 God built the rib that he took from the man into a woman, and He brought her to the man.

2:23 The man said, 'Now this is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh. She shall be called Woman (Ishah) because she was taken from man (ish).'

2:24 A man shall therefore leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

2:25 The man and his wife were both naked, but they were not embarrassed by one another.